Sales Management

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NMIMS Global Access School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: Sales Management Internal Assignment Applicable for December

2023 Examination
Q.1 Assume you are a sales manager. You will be opening a new branch for
which you intend to promote one of the existing salespersons as a branch
sales manager. What criteria or qualities would you look for in selecting a
person for the position of branch sales manager? (10 Marks)


The success of a new branch depends heavily on the work of a branch sales
manager in the fast-paced, cutthroat world of sales. When choosing the best
candidate for this important function, as a sales manager you must take into
account a wide range of factors and attributes that correspond with the
requirements of the position. This essay examines the important factors to
consider while choosing a new branch, emphasizing the special possibilities and
problems that come with it.
Concepts and Application:

1. Proven Sales Performance:

The capacity to generate sales and meet goals is the foundation of a successful
branch sales manager. A history of reliable and outstanding sales success is a
good indicator of someone's ability to understand the nuances of the industry
and produce outcomes. Carefully examining metrics like revenue growth,
customer acquisition, and meeting or surpassing sales objectives is
2. Leadership and Team Management Skills:

A branch project boss isn't only responsible for individual arrangements

achievements yet moreover for driving and managing a gathering of
salespersons. Effective organization incorporates moving, motivating, and
coordinating associates toward shared goals. As such, the picked individual
should show strong power capacities, the ability to support a positive gathering
society, and expertise in settling conflicts inside the gathering.

3. Adaptability and Innovation:

The location of arrangements is consistently creating, and a productive branch

project boss ought to have the ability to conform to changes rapidly. Whether
it's movements in market designs, client tendencies, or inside cycles, the
manager should show a proactive method for managing improvement. This
consolidates doing new arrangements frameworks, coordinating development to
redesign adequacy, and staying before industry designs.

4. Client Relationship Management:

In the space of arrangements, building and it is fundamental to save up solid

areas for with associations. A branch group captain should have a significant
cognizance of client needs, be gifted in strong correspondence, and spotlight on
buyer steadfastness. The ability to cultivate long stretch associations contributes
not solely to bargains accomplishment yet notwithstanding the general standing
and acceptability of the branch.

5. Key Thinking and Planning:

Progress in bargains the chiefs loosens up past ordinary exercises. A branch

leader ought to show key thinking and orchestrating skills. This incorporates
putting forth clear objectives, making extensive arrangements designs, and
expecting future market designs. Key researchers can arrange the branch for
long stretch achievement by anticipating challenges and profiting from
emerging significant entryways.

6. Correspondence Skills:
Clear and feasible correspondence is an underpinning of productive
arrangements the chiefs. The branch project boss fills in as a contact between
the higher organization and the effort bunch. Thusly, the ability to pass on
information clearly, listen really, and articulate contemplations is crucial.
Feasible correspondence supports a helpful and strong working environment.
Broadening the Thoughts and Application:

7. Rousing Skills:

Rousing an effort bunch is a delicate yet fundamental piece of a branch project

boss' work. The ability to energize and invigorate an alternate social occasion of
individuals with moving scopes of capacities and motivations is basic. A
productive boss should get a handle on the extraordinary characteristics and
deficiencies of every partner, offering modified help and support to grow
individual and total execution.

8. Route and Issue Solving:

The arrangements scene is stacked with weaknesses and troubles. A branch

group captain should solid areas for have making and decisive abilities to reason
to investigate through unanticipated blocks. This integrates the ability to inspect
conditions quickly, seek after informed decisions under strain, and devise strong
game plans that line up with both present second and long stretch objectives.

9. Objective Organized and Results-Driven:

Characterizing and achieving goals is critical to bargains accomplishment. The

branch project lead should be inherently objective arranged, with a results
driven standpoint. This incorporates meeting bargains centers as well as
spreading out key execution markers (KPIs) for the gathering and ensuring that
everyone is agreed with the widely inclusive objectives of the branch and the
10. Planning and Development:

A branch project boss expects a pivotal part in the constant improvement of the
gathering. This integrates recognizing planning needs, giving consistent mastery
improvement, and supporting a culture of learning. The ability to direct and set
up the partners for calling development contributes not only to the result of the
branch yet notwithstanding the overall capacity improvement inside the

11. Moral Conduct:

Staying aware of moral rules in bargains is non-far from being obviously true.
The branch project boss lays out the energy for moral lead inside the gathering.
This incorporates developing a culture of validity, trustworthiness, and
straightforwardness in all correspondences, both inward and outside. Moral
direct builds endow with clients as well as invigorates the remaining of the
branch watching out.

12. Money related Acumen:

A powerful branch project manager should have major areas of strength for an
of money related estimations and business errands. This integrates spending
plan the board, cost examination, and the ability to make fiscally trustworthy
decisions. Financial sharpness is basic for smoothing out resources, ensuring
benefit, and adding to the as a rule strength of the branch.


When everything is considered, choosing a branch leader is a confusing process

that necessitates a thorough assessment of several models and attributes.
Beyond the essential components of demonstrated deal execution, drive, and
flexibility, the supervisor should possess inspiring qualities, persuading
reasoning skills, a results-driven mindset, a commitment to planning and
improvement, moral leadership, and financial acumen.
The outcome of a different branch depends on the leader's capacity to look into
problems, lead the group, and influence sensible developments. By taking into
account these other attributes, the assurance cycle becomes more
comprehensive, guaranteeing that the selected person is not only suitable for
fulfilling short-term objectives but also for leading a versatile and essential
work team. In a competitive market, the branch project manager essentially
plays a critical role in ensuring the success and longevity of the new branch.
Q.2 Take any product/service of your own choice & explain the Personal
Selling process. (10 Marks)


In the consistently developing scene of business, the craft of individual offering

stays a strong technique for organizations to interface with clients on a singular
level and drive deals. This exposition dives into the individual selling process
utilizing the case of a state of the art wearable wellness tracker. As we explore
through the phases of individual selling, we'll investigate how this interaction
isn't just about selling an item yet laying out connections and giving customized
answers for meet the special necessities of clients.

**Ideas and Application:**

*1. Prospecting:*

The individual selling process starts with prospecting, the recognizable proof of
potential clients who are probably going to be keen on the item. For our
wellness tracker, this includes focusing on people who focus on a solid and
dynamic way of life. Using information examination, virtual entertainment, and
statistical surveying, the outreach group recognizes and qualifies expected
leads, guaranteeing that their endeavors are centered around those probably
going to profit from the item.
*2. Pre-approach:*

Prior to moving toward possible clients, a careful comprehension of their

requirements, inclinations, and trouble spots is fundamental. On account of the
wellness tracker, the pre-approach includes gathering data about the singular's
wellness objectives, way of life, and current difficulties. Equipped with this
information, the sales rep can tailor their methodology, situating the item as a
customized arrangement as opposed to a conventional contribution.

*3. Approach:*

The methodology stage denotes the primary direct association between the
salesman and the forthcoming client. This underlying contact is urgent, as it
establishes the vibe until the end of the selling system. A talented salesman for
the wellness tracker could start the discussion by featuring key highlights, for
example, constant wellbeing checking, customized exercise proposals, and
consistent incorporation with cell phones. The methodology is intended to catch
the client's consideration and make a positive initial feeling.

*4. Presentation:*

In the show stage, the sales rep gives definite data about the wellness tracker,
accentuating how its elements line up with the client's particular necessities and
inclinations. Visual guides, showings, and tributes from fulfilled clients might
be integrated to improve the show. The objective isn't simply to exhibit the item
yet to represent how it can address the client's special prerequisites, cultivating a
more profound association between the client and the item.

*5. Taking care of Objections:*

No deals cycle is without protests, and the individual selling process is no

exemption. With regards to our wellness tracker, protests might emerge in
regards to cost, similarity, or distrust about the item's viability. A talented sales
rep expects likely protests and addresses them proactively, utilizing influential
correspondence and giving extra data or confirmations to defeat client delays.

*6. Closing:*

The end stage is the climax of the individual selling process, where the
salesman directs the client toward settling on a buy choice. This includes
building up the incentive of the wellness tracker, tending to any waiting worries,
and carefully requesting the deal. Shutting procedures might fluctuate, going
from preliminary closes to assumptive closes, contingent upon the affinity laid
out during before phases of the cycle.

*7. Follow-up:*

The individual selling process stretches out past the place to checkout. A urgent
however frequently disregarded stage is follow-up. After the client has obtained
the wellness tracker, the sales rep proceeds with the relationship by giving post-
buy support, resolving any issues, and looking for input. This improves
consumer loyalty as well as establishes the groundwork for expected future
deals and references.
**Developing Individual Selling Strategies:**

*8. Relationship Building:*

In the domain of individual selling, it is fundamental to assemble and

supporting connections. Past the quick deal, the sales rep plans to lay out a
compatibility with the client that reaches out past a solitary exchange. For the
wellness tracker, this could include making a dependability program, sending
customized updates, or offering selective admittance to wellness assets.
Building an enduring relationship changes a one-time purchaser into a recurrent
client and a potential brand advocate.
*9. Versatility and Customization:*

In the period of personalization, effective individual selling includes adjusting

to the novel requirements and inclinations of every client. The wellness tracker
salesman ought to be capable at modifying their methodology in view of the
singular's wellness objectives, mechanical inclinations, and way of life. This
degree of versatility exhibits a guarantee to meeting the client precisely where
they are in their wellness process, improving the probability of an effective deal.

*10. Innovation Integration:*

Given the mechanical idea of the wellness tracker, a salesman should be

knowledgeable in making sense of the specialized parts of the item. This
incorporates exhibiting how the gadget matches up with cell phones,
investigating wellbeing measurements, and giving continuous information.
Integrating innovation into the individual selling process upgrades the show as
well as lines up with the assumptions for educated buyers who look for
consistent joining into their computerized ways of life.

*11. Profound Intelligence:*

Understanding and relating to the client's feelings is a sign of viable individual

selling. The sales rep for the wellness tracker ought to be receptive to the
client's inspirations, dissatisfactions, and desires connected with wellness. By
recognizing and tending to these profound drivers, the sales rep can fashion a
more profound association, pursuing the buy choice judicious as well as
sincerely fulfilling.

12. Consistent Learning and Item Knowledge:

The universe of wellness innovation is dynamic, with consistent progressions

and updates. A capable salesman should keep up to date with these changes,
persistently refreshing their item information. This imparts trust in the client as
well as positions the sales rep as a confided in expert in the field. Persistent
learning guarantees that the deals approach stays applicable and successful
despite developing business sector patterns.


In a quickly developing business scene, the individual selling process for a state
of the art wearable wellness tracker includes a combination of flexibility,
mechanical discernment, the capacity to understand people on a profound level,
and a guarantee to continuous learning. The capacity to assemble enduring
connections, modify approaches, coordinate innovation consistently, and
comprehend the close to home setting of the client venture adds to the adequacy
of individual selling in advancing and selling creative items.
The wellness tracker, in this unique circumstance, fills in as a representation for
the more extensive difficulties and potential open doors inside the individual
selling space. As organizations explore a time where client assumptions are
progressively refined, the individual selling process stays a foundation for
selling items as well as making significant, customized, and getting through
associations with clients. In dominating these methodologies, the sales rep
becomes a merchant as well as a confided in counsellor and accomplice in the
client's excursion towards wellbeing and wellness.

Q.3 Read the case & answer the questions based on the case: Krishna
Kumar, the marketing manager of MM Marketing Company was thinking
how to go about designing sales territories, assigning salespeople to the
territories and setting sales quotas, particularly as the product was new.
The new product, called Swishflow fan was a unique kind of a table fan
with attractive air-conditioner like looks. Considering the initial production
capacity of 1,00,000 numbers in the first year, Krishna Kumar decided to
market the product in and around Mumbai, where the marketing and sales
office was located. The target consumers were household as well as
commercial organizations, who could use this product as table-fan and
wall-mounted fan. Krishna Kumar thought that the territory design should
include geographical areas with high market potential for achieving the
sales budget of 1,00,000 numbers in the first year and a growth of 25 % per
year for subsequent four years. He calculated a sales force size of seven
numbers, and decided to launch the product initially in major metros and
cities in Maharashtra and Gujarat. Krishna Kumar was of the view that
sales quotas should consider sales volume, selling expense, and also number
of sales calls per day, in order to have a proper control on salespeople. He
wondered how to design sales territories, what criteria should he consider
while assigning salespersons to territories, and how to design the sales
quotas considering the factors mentioned above.
Questions: a) If you were Krishna Kumar, how would you design the sales
territory? (5 Marks)


Deals an area configuration is a basic part of the general deals procedure,

especially while acquainting another item with the market. On account of
Krishna Kumar, the promoting supervisor of MM Showcasing Organization, the
test lies in actually planning deals regions, allocating sales reps, and setting
deals amounts for the as of late sent off swish flow fan. This paper investigates
the manner of thinking and contemplations engaged with planning deals
domains, featuring the essential methodology expected to accomplish deals
targets and guarantee supported development.

**Ideas and Application:**

*1. Market Analysis:*

The groundwork of deals an area configuration lies in an exhaustive

examination of the market. Krishna Kumar appropriately centers around
focusing on families and business associations in and around Mumbai, utilizing
the underlying creation limit of 1,00,000 units in the main year. The
investigation ought to dive into segment information, buying conduct, and the
cutthroat scene to distinguish geological regions with high market potential.
With regards to Swishflow fan, significant metros and urban communities in
Maharashtra and Gujarat are recognized as the underlying send off areas.
*2. Topographical Segmentation:*

Topographical division is a critical rule in deals an area plan. Krishna Kumar's

choice to send off the item at first in significant metros and urban areas in
Maharashtra and Gujarat lines up with this procedure. These regions give a
concentrated and open market as well as proposition the segment variety vital
for focusing on the two families and business associations. The nearness to the
advertising and deals office in Mumbai guarantees proficient strategic tasks and
speedier reaction times.

*3. Deals Power Size Calculation:*

Deciding the suitable size of the deals force is urgent. Krishna Kumar computes
a deals force size of seven individuals in light of the business financial plan of
1,00,000 units in the main year and a development focus of 25% each year for
the ensuing four years. This computation includes adjusting the requirement for
sufficient inclusion with the longing for cost-adequacy. The quantity of sales
reps ought to be adequate to deal with the recognized domains really,
guaranteeing that every sales rep can contribute genuinely to accomplishing the
deals targets.

*4. Models for Doling out Salespersons:*

Relegating salespersons to domains requires an essential methodology. Krishna

Kumar ought to think about elements like the experience and skill of the sales
reps, their insight into the nearby market, and their capacity to associate with
the two families and business clients. Moreover, taking into account the item's
one of a kind highlights, salesmen ought to have specialized information to
successfully convey the advantages of swish flow fan. Adjusting responsibility
and guaranteeing impartial conveyance of high-likely domains among the
outreach group is vital for ideal execution.

*5. Deals Quotas:*

Deals portions assume a urgent part in exhibition the board and objective
setting. Krishna Kumar's thought of deals volume, selling cost, and the quantity
of deals calls each day mirrors a thorough methodology. Deals volume amounts
line up with the general deals focuses, while calculating in selling costs
guarantees that benefit is kept up with. Setting a sensible number of deals calls
each day lays out a quantifiable and controllable measurement, advancing
proficiency and viability in the deals cycle.


All in all, Krishna Kumar's way to deal with planning deals domains for the
swish flow fan shows a vital and thoroughly examined process. By zeroing in
on market examination, geological division, deals force size estimation,
standards for relegating salespersons, and deals portions, he guarantees a far
reaching system that lines up with the item's extraordinary qualities and the
organization's development goals.

The outcome of the swish flow fan in the distinguished domains relies on the
successful execution of these systems. A very much planned deals an area
guarantees that the outreach group can expand their endeavour’s, focusing on
the right clients in areas with high market potential. By joining this with
painstakingly doled out salespersons and sensible deals portions, Krishna
Kumar makes way for meeting the underlying deals spending plan as well as
accomplishing supported development over the ensuing years. This approach
mirrors an essential mentality that perceives the significance of both momentary
objectives and long haul maintainability in the powerful scene of deals and

b) Suggest a suitable selling strategy for the new launch (5 Marks)


Sending off another item requires a thoroughly examined offering procedure to
boost market infiltration and accomplish deals targets. On account of Krishna
Kumar and MM Promoting Organization's new item, the swish flow fan, a
remarkable table fan with forced air system like looks, an essential selling
methodology is fundamental. This exposition investigates the critical parts of a
reasonable selling procedure, considering the item's elements, target shoppers,
and market potential.

**Ideas and Application:**

*1. Item Situating and Differentiation:*

The most important phase in making a selling system for the Swish flow fan is
to characterize its situating and separation. Given its novel elements and
alluring plan, Krishna Kumar ought to situate the Swish flow fan as a premium
and inventive cooling arrangement. Underscoring its double usefulness as both
a table fan and a wall-mounted fan adds flexibility, interesting to both family
purchasers and business associations. The showcasing message ought to feature
the unmistakable forced air system like looks, separating it from customary

*2. Target Market Segmentation:*

Recognizing and portioning the objective market is significant for an effective

selling technique. Krishna Kumar has properly perceived the two families and
business associations as possible customers. Inside these portions, further
division should be possible in view of variables, for example, segment qualities,
utilization examples, and inclinations. Understanding the different requirements
of these fragments considers a more custom-made approach in promoting and
deals endeavour’s.

*3. Geographic Focus:*

Given the underlying creation limit and Krishna Kumar's choice to showcase
the item in and around Mumbai, the geographic center becomes critical. The
procedure ought to include focusing endeavors on significant metros and urban
areas in Maharashtra and Gujarat at first. This designated approach considers
proficient asset distribution, laying out areas of strength for an in key business
sectors before likely extension. The closeness to the promoting and deals office
in Mumbai improves calculated productivity and client care.

*4. Deals Channel Selection:*

Picking the right deals directs is instrumental in arriving at the ideal interest
group actually. For the Swish flow fan, a mix of direct deals through a
committed outreach group and key organizations with retail outlets can be
thought of. Direct deals take into account customized commitment with possible
clients, exhibiting the item's elements and advantages. Retail organizations
expand the item's scope, making it open to a more extensive crowd.

*5. Deals Preparing and Item Knowledge:*

Furnishing the outreach group with top to bottom item information and
powerful preparation is basic. Salespersons ought to be knowledgeable in
conveying the remarkable selling points of the Swish flow fan, tending to
potential client questions, and showing its functionalities. This information
enables the outreach group to really convey the offer, imparting trust in likely

*6. Limited time Missions and Promoting Collateral:*

A thorough selling procedure includes very much created special missions and
showcasing guarantee. Using different channels, including advanced promoting,
virtual entertainment, and conventional publicizing, can create mindfulness and
interest. Drawing in advertising security, for example, outwardly engaging
handouts and recordings, upgrades the item's allure and helps the outreach
group in their introductions.
*7. Setting Practical Deals Quotas:*

Expanding on Krishna Kumar's knowledge, deals portions ought to be

reasonable, taking into account deals volume, selling costs, and the quantity of
deals calls each day. A fair methodology guarantees that deals targets are testing
yet feasible. Customary observing and input components consider changes in
view of market elements and execution assessments. This thorough way to deal
with deals quantities adds to successful control and execution the executives.


All in all, a reasonable selling procedure for the Swish flow fan send off
includes a mix of vital situating, target market division, geographic
concentration, fitting deals channels, hearty deals preparing, drawing in limited
time crusades, and sensible deals standards. The outcome of the technique lies
in its capacity to line up with the exceptional highlights of the item, meet the
different necessities of the ideal interest group, and adjust to the powerful
economic situations.
By carrying out this exhaustive selling procedure, Krishna Kumar can improve
the market deceivability of the Swish flow fan, lay out areas of strength for an
in key districts, and make ready for supported development. The methodology
centres around the underlying send off as well as lays the foundation for long
haul accomplishment by building brand mindfulness, encouraging client
dedication, and guaranteeing the outreach group is prepared for persistent
variation to advertise patterns.

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