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A01) International Marketing

LTU ID: 2132802
UEF ID: 199041017
I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................... 2
About Tyson Foods Company ................................................ 2
- HOME COUNTRY (THE USA) ......................................... 2
1) Macro environment ....................................................... 2
2) Messo analysis ............................................................... 4
3) Micro analysis ............................................................... 5
SUMMARY ....................................................................... 5
COUNTRY- VIETNAM ........................................................ 6
Stage 1: Preliminary screening .......................................... 6
Stage 2: Fine - grained screening ...................................... 7
IV. MARKET ENTRY STRATEGIES .................................. 9
V. MARKETING PLAN ........................................................ 9
1) Segmented target market ............................................... 9
2) The 4P - Marketing Mix .............................................. 10
VI. CONCLUSION .............................................................. 12
VII. REFERENCES .............................................................. 12


About Tyson Foods Company

One of the largest food firms in the world, Tyson Foods Company, commonly known as Tyson
Corporation, provides products to consumers in the United States and 130 other countries.The
business was founded in 1935 and is based in Springdale, Arkansas. And the company's goods are
mostly run in four main segments: Beef, Pork, Chicken, Pre-cooked and Processed Foods, which are
ordered according to the revenues made from each section. In this report, it will define clearly the
reason that the firm want to internationalize and structure an global marketing plan based on 4P
model to approach the host country - Vietnam.


1) Macro environment
The Theory of National Competitive Advantage of Industries, another name for Michael Porter's
Diamond Model, is a strategic tool used by businesses to identify and build the foundation of
competitive advantage required for global development and expansion. The framework's
components—Firm Strategy, Structure and Rivalry; Factor Conditions; Demand Conditions; and
Related and Supporting Industries—are interconnected and shaped as a diamond.
Figure 1: The Porter’s Diamond model

Table 1: Porter’s diamond analysis

Factor conditions
The factor conditions represent the firm’s Natural resources These are the natural resources that Tyson Foods Inc. has
capability to provide the components of access to in both its home country where it has established
research production that enable the unit to production and operations plants. There were almost 2.3
complete( Barragan, 2005). Porter's billion acres of land in the United States, of which roughly
classification of factors may be broken down 1.2 billion acres were used for agriculture in 2012.
into five major categories included Natural Capital resources These include financial resources and dept financial
resources, Capital resources, Human resources. The majority of equity-based capital is created
resources, Scientific knowledge and within the business consisted of internal resources. Dept-
Infrastructure based capital includes taking dept from external sources
such as The dept capital markets in the USA and businesses
to help company overcome severe economic downturn.
Human resources The company has enormous human resources following
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) as their strength
competition. It has more than 124,000 employees in the
United State with different backgrounds, experiences and
beliefs ( Tyson report, 2022).

Scientific knowledge It is crucial for a firm to create competitive advantage that
makes it stand- out from its rivals.
Infrastructure The physical and technical networks that Tyson Foods Inc.
has used to effectively finish and conduct operations in
various nations and marketplaces are included in the
Demand conditions
Porter(1991) analyzes demand differences Size of domestic market The size of domestic market is significant for Tyson Foods
rather than similarities to explain why certain Inc to understand the dynamics when entering the largest
nations are more competitive abroad. He markets and explore the possibility of expand into new
contends that the sophistication of home markets. Despite Tyson Foods' concentration on growing
country buyer is just as important as the size its international presence, the majority of its overall
of the home demand. income still originates from the United States with 90% of
overall revenue came from domestic revenue in 2020
Figure 2: The total revenue of Tyson Foods Inc. From
domestic and global

Sophisticated and Domestic consumers for Tyson Foods Inc. are sophisticated
demanding domestic and demanding, which has driven the company to use
customers innovation as a means of resource allocation to forecast
and anticipating consumer behavior and desires in other
The related and supporting industries
Porter( 1990) defined that the presence of internationally competitive Tyson Foods Inc. has benefited from growth and
supplier industries in home country can provide “competitive advantages development in terms of expansion and
in downstream industries since they provide more effective and direct internationalization due to the existence of related and
access to more cost-effective inputs”. supporting industries in local and foreign markets. This is
due to the fact that associated industries have supported
business operation by providing the necessary resources
for operational excellence.
Firm’s strategy, structure and rivalry
Porter (1990) expresses the concept Company strategy The goal of Tyson Foods Inc. A's marketing strategy is to
that the domestic pattern of rivalry give consumers high-quality goods that are consistently
plays a significant part in the consistent in flavor and quality.
process of innovation and, Structure of the company Tysson Foods company is a flatter organization that
consequently, worldwide success. encourage open communication and quickly access to
Competition with rivals Porter (1990a) claims that rivalry is the primary factor in a
nation's enterprises' ability to gain a competitive
advantage. Tyson Foods Inc. has been able to implement
novel processes and technologies to create distinctive
competitive and cost advantages due to the fierce rivalry it
faces from domestic and local businesses.
This relates to the ways in which Government policies Government initiatives have aided Tyson Foods Inc.'s

governments may affect business ambitions for expansion and growth. Tyson Foods Inc. A
performance and growth plans has benefited from the government trade policies between
through a variety of regulations, as various nations.
well as through their interactions Industry regulations Tyson Foods Inc. has been helped by industry regulation to
with other nations on a global scale retain and grow its competitive advantage in the direction
through their borders. of sustainability.
According to Porter (1990), chance, The success of Tyson Foods company depends significantly
which includes external events that on the capacity to produce, transport, and sell goods.
happen in a country, may either Natural catastrophes like bioterrorism attacks or extreme
present opportunities or dangers to weather like droughts, floods,etc might impact on the
businesses depending on the risks. health and growth of livestock or obstruct with our

2) Messo analysis
Porter’s five force model of F&B industry
Figure 3: Porter’s five force model

❖ The threat of new entrants( low):

The new entrant threat is low due to several batteries for new entrant in foods and battery industry.
Startups requires lots of capital to invest in supply chain system and innovative products as lab-grown
meat (Simon, M. 2018). Moreover, Tyson Foods company is successful with its reputable brand and
long history which is familiar with consumers at home country. competing with a market leaders like
Tyson Foods or JBS USA is quite challenging.

❖ Bargaining power of suppliers( low)

When a small number of suppliers control an industry, more items are available on the market and
the sector is more likely to be integrated in the future (Porte, 1979). The industry's main raw resource
is livestock. However, there are more than 10,000 independent livestock and poultry producers are
Tyson Foods' main source of supply and long- term contracts, thus the risk to Tyson Foods' ability to
negotiate with suppliers is minimal.( Tyson Foods, Inc. 2021).

❖ Bargaining Power of Customers( high)

Customers of Tyson Foods include meat wholesalers, stores like Walmart, restaurants, foreign export
businesses, etc. Because of the increased demand for items, these consumers anticipate more power.
They have alternative options since the market is saturated. Each of these businesses uses retailers to
sell their goods. In the food market, Wal-Mart currently holds a market share of around 29%.
Between 11 and 16% of their net sales income is attributed to Wal-Mart, according to Sara Lee,
Hormel Foods, Tyson Foods, ConAgra, and Kraft (Brian LB and Ginn, 2011). These businesses are
essential to their massive customer and they can easily change to another brands.

❖ Threat of Substitutes( Moderate)
There are frequently several alternatives available to the clientele. Similar goods are available from
several brands. They must thus maintain the quality of their products while keeping the pricing under
control. Besides, plant-based foods affect the demand of meat because of the customer intention
toward health conscious and environmentally friendly. However, due to the size of the economy,
substitution is not significantly low.

❖ Competitive Rivalry( high)

The processed meat foods market is very competitive with several big brands in the US such as Cargill,
JBS USA or Smithfield, and the trend is largely stable. Businesses aim to stand out from the
competition by offering unique prices or products, and major participants in the market compete to
acquire targets to boost output and expand their market share. The Tyson Foods company has
exhibited success through its constant growing profit and revenue amid the raging Covid-19, whereby
it was ranked position 81 in the Fortune 500 list in 2022.
3) Micro analysis
One of the top businesses in the United States is Tyson Foods. According to Fortune's ranking of the
500 largest companies, it comes in at position 79. Tyson Foods benefits from a number of factors that
keep it among the top food manufacturers in the country. The company has two main competitive
advantages. Firstly, Tyson Foods has a significant amount of established strong brand equity due to its
quality goods and over 85 years in the business. Tyson has continued to embrace automation as
technology has advanced in an effort to increase productivity and lower operating expenses. Secondly,
Tyson Foods' extensive distribution network and use of technology to guarantee prompt and
dependable product delivery to clients both locally and internationally is another competitive edge.
Its highly qualified personnel contributes to its success in integrating technology and building good
relationships with clients (Tyson Foods Company, 2021). Due to strong revenue growth of 28.26 % in
Overall company Tyson Foods Inc improved its market share, to approximately 11.73 % in 2022.
Figure 4: Market share of Tyson Foods company

Tyson Foods company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of meat and beef, the corporation
is well-represented throughout the USA. The business operates more than 300 establishments both
domestically and overseas with a powerful workforce including over 115,000 workers. The
distribution channel is link with several giant brands as KFC, McDonald, Taco Bell, etc. The
opportunities for Tyson Foods Inc is the as a big company in America, the firm always strengthen their
brand position by acquiring smaller businesses and increasing promotion. On the other hand, The
brand has a limited international presence, and its small market share is due to intense competition.
Besides, animal rights and environmental challenges have damaged the brand's reputation. The
threat company has to face with is the customer preferences gradually shift to healthy or plant-based
products. Also the price declines and economic volatility are affected the operation of business. Based
on the Model of Nine strategic windows, which highlight the company's primary worldwide business
strategy, Tyson Foods Inc involves in the 9th box “Strengthen your global position” because the meat
industry is mature and the industry globality that firm want to aim is Global in order to enhance brand
awareness and avoid domestic competitors.
Figure 5: the Nine strategic windows

Stage 1: Preliminary screening
Preliminary screening is the way to choose the suitable countries based on the major relevant criteria.
he preliminary screening criteria are quite wide and include things like per capita income, GNP growth,
and demographic figures(Bradley, 2002; Hollensen 2011). The group of developing countries that
Tyson Foods company targets on is the Southeast Asia. Because the majority of products that firm
manufacture are chicken and processed foods, company needs a market that has a large demand of
meat and several productive plants. The Southeast Asia has a expanding population, growing
urbanization and rising incomes. Ten nations that constitute Southeast Asia are Brunei, Cambodia,
Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. These countries have shown
substantial development in urbanization, which expanded by 49 percent of the total population in
2017, report by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Rural population has
remained constant over the last ten years, whereas urban population has grown by 32%. According to
recent assessments from expert consultants, the Southeast Asian cold chain is predicted to rise by 12%
between 2022 and 2027. This expansion is anticipated to be fueled during the next five years by a rise
in regional and global demand for meat consumption. Besides, in the Southeast Asia countries,
livestock production is a significant economic activity. Products made from livestock are highly
valuable(M. Herrero, 2012). The World Bank estimates that in 2020, agriculture will contribute almost
11% of the GDP of ASEAN.
Figure 6: Southeast Asia( ASIAN)

However, the six primary countries in South East Asia with the significant growth of economy are
Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Indonesia which are selected by
screening. With the GNP per capita data from World Bank for each country rapidly increase from 2000
to 2021, Singapore is the most highest rank with more than 100 thousand dollars although the
gradual fluctuation. Following is Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam with the GNP
under 30 thousand dollars.
Figure 7: GNI per capita, PPP( current international $)

Source: World Bank 2021
Although the GNP of Singapore is remarkable, it is a small island republic without many natural
resources and more than 90% of its food is imported from foreign nations. Therefore, Singapore is not
suitable for Tyson Foods company to expand in. Another countries that company already appears are
Thailand and Malaysia, the business introduced the Tyson brand via e-commerce in important regions
including Thailand retail. Also Tyson Foods expanded its online platforms in Malaysia in an effort to
satisfy customer demand amid the coronavirus epidemic( Zack Equity Research, 2020). With
Philippines, Tyson Foods received notice that it may be held responsible for up to $70 million in
damages stemming from the closure of a Sara Lee-owned facility in 1995. The case came before
Hillshire Brands and eventually Tyson Foods bought Sara Lee. This accident is create a conflict
between the foreign company and that country, thus the percentage of investment again is small.
After preliminary screening, the three countries choose for fine - grained screening are Indonesia and
Stage 2: Fine - grained screening
The next stage of screening process is fine-grained screening concentrates on the microeconomics
factors that represent market attractiveness and prospective competitive strength. In the empirical
section, the list of possible target nations will once more be whittled down to the most alluring ones
by analyzing their micro-economical factors(Hollensen, 2011).
❖ Economic factor
With a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 1.19 trillion USD in 2021, Indonesia, a nation of 277 million
people, is Southeast Asia's largest economy. Otherwise, Vietnam, over 98 million consumers, is on the
medium-term of GDP growth with their GDP was valued more than 366 (366.14) billion US dollars in
2021, according to official statistics from the World Bank. Although the GDP in Vietnam is lower than
Indonesia, the GDP percentage in Vietnam reaches nearly 8 percent comparing to Indonesia with
under 6 percent in GDP.

Figure 8:

❖ Cultural factor
Both Indonesia and Vietnam has the region's fastest-growing middle and wealthy class, which creates
the ideal conditions for expansion and receptivity to goods and services from the United States.
Political factor. Besides, the culture different is quite similar, two countries have low individualism
and high power distance between high and low level in company( Hofstede). A a result, this maybe a
challenge for foreign company in the US to control and monitor staff. Futhermore, marketing strategy
is significantly affected by culture factors.
Figure 9: Hofstede - country comparison


❖ Political factors
In 2001, Vietnam was engaged in securing bilateral trade agreements (BTA) with other nations.
Vietnam thereafter became a member of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) in 2020. International
businesses so profit from it. Nevertheless, political stability in a place known for its turbulence.
Otherwise, the Indonesian government presented an omnibus bill on job creation to the Indonesian
parliament in 2020 with the goal of revising more than 70 current laws, streamlining bureaucracy,
luring more investment, and promoting job creation and economic growth. But Protectionist attitude,

chronic and ongoing corruption, weak infrastructure, uneven interpretation and application of the law,
and labor rigidity all contribute to the persistence of trade and investment barriers.

In summary,Vietnam is the most suitable country that Tyson Foods company choose to internalize
because Vietnam is the largest livestock consumption which their import products reach US$980
million in 2022. Moreover, Vietnam’s economy is rapidly increase and low- inflation which is the
strong competitive advantage with other neighbors. Also political factor is benefit for foreign
companies especially in international trade and investment.


An entry mode is described by Sharma and Erramilli (2004) as “a structural arrangement that enables
a company to carry out both production and marketing operations there independently or in
partnership with others (contractual modes, joint ventures, wholly owned operations), or to carry out
only the marketing operations there (i.e., via export modes)”. Pan & Tse(2000) clarify that Joint
venture and whole own venture is a equity mode need higher degrees of governance from firm
headquarters due to their large financial commitment. Tyson foods already experienced on launching
joint venture with Jacob Stern & Sons of Houston, Texas in 2020. CEO of Tyson Foods Noel White
recently stated that the meat juggernaut will keep looking for investments that would aid in achieving
its long-term sustainable food production objective. So far, joint venture may be the best choice for
company to expand its distribution network to new countries and reduce risk instantly. Through the
joint venture, Tyson is able to keep improving the quality of its beef and pork production while also
exploring untapped markets and maintaining direct contact with its current animal fat clients.
The firm that Tyson will work with is Massan MeatLife joint stock company (MNL company), one of
the major players in the value chain for branded meat, with a focus on increasing productivity in the
animal protein sector of Vietnam via efficient management. With a client base of up to millions,
Massan MeatLife are offered in roughly 4,000 stores in Hanoi, HCM City, and the nearby areas.Food
brokers, Meat Deli businesses, and supermarkets all distribute products. The company is one of the
Top 4 most valuable brands in the food and beverage sector in Vietnam, according to a Forbes
estimate for 2022.

1) Segmented target market
According to Kotler (2012), a target market is a group of customers with similar requirements or
traits who the business chooses to serve. The segmentation method is known as STP marketing
including Segmentation, Targeting and positioning in the marketing literature (Kotler, 1998).

Figure 10: STP marketing

Source: Dave Cheffey,2016 , Fiona Ellis Digital Marketing 6th

Tyson Foods Inc. can segment the market into small and homogeneous groups by comprehending the
distinctive purchasing patterns of its clients consisting of the geographical, demographic, behavioral,
and psychographic traits and obtaining the necessary data through surveys. As Tyson Foods company
is defined them as an exclusive and quality product, the target customers of Tyson Foods company is
People with high and above average income levels most ly from city. They are an affluent customers
who are focused on their status, desire sophistication, the best available products in terms of quality,
safety, and prestige, as well as families with young children. Their behavior is describe as “Gourmet”,
“Epicuruses”, “ Careful parent”. After target in Vietnam market and right customer segmentation,

Tyson Foods Inc. must now establish a clear positioning statement that might foster a favorable
perception of the given goods in the minds of the customers by analyse the 4Ps marketing strategy.

2) The 4P - Marketing Mix

McCarthy(1964) proposed the "marketing mix," sometimes known as the "4Ps," as a technique of
putting marketing planning into action. The marketing mix is only a conceptual framework that
defines the three main choices managers must make in order to tailor their services to customers'
demands. It is not a scientific theory(Bennett, 1997). Moreover, exploring a balance between a
standardized approach to the marketing mix and a adaptation strategy which is responsive to
differences of country, is the core of global marketing (Keegan & Green, 1999).
In market plan, Market adaptation will be choose to suitable for Vietnam market.

❖ Product: Dual adaptation

Products must be promoted to appeal to the target markets because culture is the communal
programming of the mind that that separates people into distinct categories based on Hofstede
(1984). Zaaiem & Zghidi (2011) concerned that The main tactic that influenced the notion of
conducting business internationally was product adaptation. In 2021, each individual consumed 17.8
kilogram of chicken; last year, that number increased to 18.3 kg. The consumption of chicken is
anticipated to rise quickly in Vietnam. However, as the competition is intensive both external and
internal market, Dual adaption will be choose to enhance brand recolonization and competitive
advantage by offering premium and different products such as various type of chicken meat and
processed foods. Tyson Foods company has invented several new type of chicken meat including
Boneless skinless chicken breasts or fresh ground chicken. Futhermore, the processed foods of Tyson
Foods company are variety with chicken breast sandwich, boneless chicken bites and popcorn chicken.
With the Vietnamese flavour, these products would be attractive to customers.
Figure 11: Tyson Foods Inc.’s products

❖ Price: Market price

Pricing is the factors that mostly adapted in the company marketing mix in order to overcome
challenges in an uncertain business environment (Doole & Lowe, 2004). Without attempting to
synchronize prices across nations, adaptation pricing enables each local partner to adjust a price that
is appropriate for the local market. Woods (1995) defined that pricing adaptation enables the
adoption of a variety of prices in both domestic and international markets. With the fierce
competition in meat industry, Tyson Foods company would choose the market price to face with the
local competitors in Vietnam.

❖ Place: Selective coverage

An action that makes items available to customers is included in distribution or place as one of the
marketing mix strategies. It is hard to standardize because of the vary of the distribution channels
from one region to another. Otherwise, changing the firm's distribution channels can help it save
costs and boost profitability (Doole & Lowe, 2001). By using the market coverage which is refer to the
selective geographic regions or the quantity of retail establishments, the firm will measure how they
establish a distribution network to achieve the coverage goal. In channel coverage (width), base on
some influenced factors in figure 12 below, both of them are remain in the middle of line scale. As the

result, Selective coverage would be chose to identify some intermediaries to enter local in Vietnam.
Wholesalers are as the main storage and products delivering by purchasing goods from
manufacturers. Next to that, the products send to retailers and Masan MeatDeli’s agents to sell for
Figure 12: Factors affect channel width

❖ Promotion: Promotion adaptation

The promotional mix, sometimes known as the marketing communications mix, of a company
included sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, and advertising. From one country to the
other, the promotion mix is adjusted differently. While standardization depends on the aims and
goals of organizations, adaptation of the promotion mix is appropriate. According to Chung (2007), a
country's culture has the greatest impact on the promotional mix, hence it is crucial for businesses to
modify their promotional strategies while doing business in varied cultural environments. In the table
below, Tyson Foods company select Dual adaption for product, thus the Promotion adaption will be
choose as an strategy to advertise products.
Figure 13: Product/ Communication mode

The pull strategy aims to draw or seduce the target client to your business's location or website will
be selected to communicate with clients. The benefit to apply this strategy is help Tyson Foods Inc to
Promote consumer engagement, brand awareness, and recognition. The promotion tools use in
Vietnam is traditional marketing including television and billboard. Other tools can be apply is digital
marketing such as social media channels and websites. To success on appealing customer attention by
quality content, the firm have to apply inbound marketing strategies and market research. For
example, Tyson APAC selected the T-Rex as their presenter in order to better explain to customers
how closely its products resemble the flavor and texture of chicken. It became to represent the right
of meat lovers. Although it is a plant- based product, the firm directly communicate with consumers

through ads which translated as "So good that you forget it’s made from plants!". This strategy can be
utilize in Vietnam with the appealing content and famous KOLs, this will attract majority of customers.
Figure 14: Tyson APAC advertisement in Thailand

Tyson Foods organization has developed steadily throughout the years to rank among the top publicly
traded businesses in the food sector (Tyson Foods Company, 2021). The business operates both
domestically and abroad and manage various brands. The international marketing is the primary tool
to aid firm successfully attract global customers. Throughout analysis of home country and host
country ability, Tyson Foods inc can develop joint venture in Vietnam with Masan Meatlife company
and create the marketing plan with targeting customers and analyzing 4P of marketing mix to adapt
the local market.

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