Intl Space Org

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Article II: Membership

2.1 Eligibility: Any nation or space-faring entity committed to the peaceful use of outer space, in
compliance with international law, and willing to adhere to the principles of this Charter, may
apply for membership.

2.2 Members of the United Nations may become Members of the Organization by becoming parties
to the Convention.

2.3 States not Members of the United Nations which have been invited to send representatives to
the United Nations Conference on Space Law and Policy: The Outer Space Treaty for the 21st
Century on 28-30 November 2023, may become Members by becoming parties to the

2.4 Any State not entitled to become a Member under Article 2.2 or 2.3 may apply through the
Secretary-General of the Organization to become a Member and shall be admitted as a Member
upon its becoming a party to the Convention provided that, upon the recommendation of the
Council, its application has been approved by two-thirds of the Members other than Associate

2.5 Application Process: Prospective members shall submit a formal application to the ISO
Secretariat, providing details of their space program, capabilities, and commitment to peaceful
space activities.

2.6 Admission Criteria: Membership shall be granted by a two-thirds majority vote of the ISO
General Assembly. The applicant's commitment to peaceful space activities, adherence to
international space law, and its potential contributions to the organization's objectives shall be

2.7 Categories of Membership: Members shall be categorized into full, associate, and observer
members. Full members have equal rights and responsibilities, associate members have limited
rights and responsibilities, while observer members have the right to attend meetings but no
voting rights.

2.8 An Associate Member shall have the rights and obligations of a Member under the Convention
except that it shall not have the right to vote or be eligible for membership on the Council and
subject to this the word "Member" in the Convention shall be deemed to include Associate
Member unless the context otherwise requires.

2.9 No State or Territory may become or remain a Member of the Organization contrary to a
resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

2.10 Withdrawal: Any Member may withdraw from the Organization by written notification given
to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who will immediately inform the other Members
and the Secretary-General of the Organization of such notification. Notification of withdrawal
may be given at any time after the expiration of twelve months from the date on which the
Convention has come into force. The withdrawal shall take effect upon the expiration of twelve
months from the date on which such written notification is received by the Secretary-General of
the United Nations.

Article III: Governance Structure

3.1 The Organization shall consist of a General Assembly, an Executive Council, a Space Safety
Committee, a Legal Committee, a Space Protection Committee and a Secretariat.

3.2 General Assembly: The highest decision-making body of the ISO shall be the General Assembly,
consisting of all full members. The General Assembly shall meet biennially to review the
organization's activities, set strategic objectives, and make decisions on matters of significance.

3.3 Executive Council: An Executive Council, composed of representatives from full members, shall
be elected by the General Assembly. The Executive Council shall oversee the day-to-day
operations, implement decisions of the General Assembly, and make recommendations for the
organization's overall direction.

3.4 Space safety committee: the Space Safety Committee shall ensure the secure and sustainable
exploration and utilization of outer space. This committee is dedicated to developing and
promoting international standards and best practices that prioritize the safety of space activities,
minimize the risk of collisions and space debris, and safeguard the long-term sustainability of the
space environment.

3.5 Legal Committee: The Legal Committee within the International Space Organization (ISO) is
established to serve as the primary advisory body on matters pertaining to space law, ensuring
that the organization's activities adhere to international legal principles governing outer space.
The committee is entrusted with the responsibility of interpreting and applying relevant space
treaties, conventions, and agreements, and providing legal guidance to the General Assembly
and the Executive Council.

3.6 Space Protection Committee: The Space Protection Committee shall consist of experts and
representatives from member nations with expertise in space situational awareness, space
debris mitigation, collision avoidance, and related fields. The committee shall operate
transparently, drawing on the collective knowledge and experiences of its members.

3.7 Secretariat: A Secretariat shall be established to support the Executive Council and facilitate
communication among members. The Secretariat shall be responsible for administrative
functions and coordination of collaborative projects.

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