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Request for French Visa for Cannes Film Festival Attendance

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Mojgan Safari, and I am a professional actress. I am
writing to request a visa to travel to France to attend the prestigious Cannes Film Festival. As an
actress who has been involved in several short films and TV series, attending Cannes has been a
lifelong dream of mine, not only to represent my work but also to engage with the international film

The highlight of my acting career so far has been my significant role in the movie "Aye-Aye," directed
by Siamak Kashefazar. This project has been a transformative experience for me, and I believe it will
play a pivotal role in my career development. The Cannes Film Festival offers a unique opportunity
for me to showcase this film to a global audience, meet esteemed colleagues, and form valuable
connections that could lead to future collaborations.

Attending Cannes is more than just an opportunity to promote our film; it's a chance for personal
and professional growth. Meeting artists from different cultures and backgrounds will broaden my
perspective and enhance my skills, contributing positively to my career as an actress.

I am committed to complying with all the regulations set by the French government during my stay
and will ensure my return to my home country upon the completion of the festival. I am ready to
provide any additional information needed to support my visa application.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I am looking forward to the possibility of
experiencing the vibrant culture of France and contributing to the artistic exchange at the Cannes
Film Festival.

Warm regards,

Mojgan Safari

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