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Joshua Park - YR09 2023 Yearly Examination Revision and

Year 9 Science (Carlingford High School)

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Year 9 Science: Yearly Examination

Practice Paper 2023
Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Most metals are

a) not conductors of electricity

b) poor conductors of heat and electricity

c) poor conductors of heat

d) good conductors of heat and electricity

2. The Law of conservation of energy states:

a) Energy can be created, destroyed and transformed

b) Energy can be created but not destroyed, or transformed from one form into
c) Energy can be created and destroyed, but not transformed from one form into
d) Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but is transformed from one form into

3. The energy efficiency of a light bulb refers to:

a) The amount of electrical energy transformed into light energy

b) The amount of electrical energy transformed into sound energy

c) The amount of electrical energy transformed into kinetic energy

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d) The amount of electrical energy transformed into thermal energy

4. The flow of electric charges through a circuit is called

a) Voltage

b) Resistance

c) Electrostatics

d) Current

Use the graph to answer Questions 5 to 6.

The graph shows the relationship between current and voltage in a circuit.

5. What would the current be when the voltage is 0.8 V?

a) 0.15 A

b) 0.40 A

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c) 0.45 A

d) 0.60 A

6. In the circuit, the relationship between voltage, current and resistance can be written as:
𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 = 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡
The units used to measure resistance is the ohm
What is the resistance of the circuit?

a) 0.5 ohms

b) 0.6 ohms

c) 1.0 ohms

d) 2.0 ohms

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7. What conclusion can be made from the graph?

a) Increasing the voltage increases the current

b) Decreasing the voltage increases the current

c) The resistance increases as the current increases

d) The resistance decreases as the current increases

8. The part of a circuit which changes electrical energy into other forms of energy is called

a) Leads

b) Load

c) Power supply

d) Switch

9. What is the correct reading on the voltmeter?

a) 0.54 V

b) 0.70 V

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c) 5.40 V

d) 7.00 V

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10. The diagram shows an electric circuit containing three identical light globes.

When the switch is closed and the current is flowing, what would happen if one of the
globes burnt out or became loose?

a) The other two light globes would go out

b) The other two light globes would glow the same as before

c) The other two light globes would glow more dimly than before

d) The other two light globes would glow more brightly than before

Short Response Questions

1. The voltage used by an electrical device is calculated using the formula below,
where V is the voltage, I is the electrical current in amps, and R is the
resistance measured in ohms.
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡×𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑉 = 𝐼𝑅
The heating element of a small electric kettle is 40 ohms. The current passing
through the kettle was measured to be 6 amps.
Use the formula to calculate the voltage of the kettle when in operation. Show
your working.

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2. A student performed an experiment to determine the energy efficiency of four

1200 kJ water kettles by timing how long it takes for each kettle to boil 500 mL
of water.
a) Calculate the energy efficiency of each kettle using the following formula:

𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡
𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 (%) = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡
Write your final answers in the table below

Kettle Energy Supplied by Energy Gained by Water Energy Efficiency

Power Source (kJ) (kJ) (%)
Brand A 2100 1545
Brand B 2100 1700
Brand C 2100 1950
Brand D 2100 1480

b) From your calculations, which kettle is least efficient? (1)

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Atomic theory and Radioactivity

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Which of the following
statements about atoms is true?

a) All atoms have protons but not all atoms have electrons.

b) Protons and electrons are found within the nucleus.

c) Protons and neutrons are found within the nucleus.

d) Protons are much heavier than neutrons.

2. The diagram shown is a model of an atom. Which of the following is the best description
of this atom. (Remember that the Periodic Table is provided)

a) X = nucleus, Y = electrons and this is most probably an atom of nitrogen.

b) X = electrons, Y = nucleus and this most probably an atom of nitrogen.

c) There are four protons in the nucleus and this is an atom of beryllium.

d) This is an atom of lithium and there are three electrons.

3. What distinguishes an isotope from a radioisotope?

a) Isotopes are stable forms of an element, while radioisotopes are unstable.

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b) Radioisotopes emit radiation, while isotopes do not.

c) All radioisotopes are isotopes of elements, whereas not all isotopes are
d) All of the above

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Use the following information to respond to Questions 4 - 6:

Carbon-14 is a radioisotope of the carbon that emits beta-radiation to form nitrogen-14, which is a
stable isotope. Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5 700 years.

4. What form of radiation does nitrogen-14 emit?

a) Alpha radiation

b) Gamma radiation

c) Nitrogen-14 does not emit radiation

d) Beta radiation

5. Half-life refers to the rate that a radioisotopes decays over time, and is a measurement
of the amount of time required for the mass of a radioisotope to breakdown into
half its original mass.

How many years would it take for a 48 g mass of carbon-14 to decay to 6 g?

a) 5 700 years

b) 11 400 years

c) 17 100 years

d) 22 800 years

6. What is not an appropriate application of radiation?

a) Medical therapy

b) X-ray imaging

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c) Industrial sterilization

d) Radiometric dating

8. What is not an advantage of nuclear energy?

a) It does not produce greenhouse gases

b) It is completely harmless

c) It generates a vast amount of energy per the amount of radioactive material

d) There is an abundant supply of the radioisotope used to generate energy

9. What is not a disadvantage of nuclear energy?

a) Radioactive waste is difficult to dispose of

b) Accidents are easy to manage and contain

c) Radioactive material can remain in the environment for an extremely long time

d) When mishandled, radioactive material can damage living tissues

10. What distinguishes gamma radiation from alpha and beta radiation?

a) Gamma radiation is made of particles and not electromagnetic energy, like

alpha and beta particles
b) Nothing, all radiation is the same.

c) Gamma radiation is electromagnetic energy and not particles, like alpha and
beta radiation
d) Gamma radiation uses anti-matter particles, like the positron

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Reactive Chemistry
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the common name for the compound with the chemical formula HCl?

a) Hydrogen peroxide

b) Hydrochloric acid

c) Sodium Hydroxide

d) Water

2. Which choice correctly describes the combustion of magnesium?

a) Heat is released and oxygen is a product of the reaction.

b) Magnesium metal combines with nitrogen from the air to form magnesium
c) Magnesium and methane combine to form a new substance.

d) Heat and light are released and magnesium oxide is produced.

3. Copper carbonate is heated to form copper oxide and carbon dioxide. How is this
reaction classified?

a) Combustion.

b) Decomposition.

c) Synthesis.

d) Neutralisation.

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4. Which of the following is NOT a chemical change?

a) Photosynthesis.

b) Neutralisation.

c) Evaporation.

d) Combustion.

5. How would the following reaction be classified?

𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 → ℎ𝑦𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑔𝑒𝑛 + 𝑜𝑥𝑦𝑔𝑒𝑛

a) Decomposition

b) Neutralisation

c) Acid reacting with a carbonate

d) Precipitation

6. What are the reactants in a neutralisation reaction?

a) A salt and water.

b) An acid and a metal.

c) Universal indicator.

d) An acid and a base.

Short Answer Questions

3. Identify the products of the following reactions. Write either the name or the (
chemical formula.

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Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which statement about waves is correct?

a) Waves transfer people.

b) Waves transfer matter, not energy.

c) Waves transfer information only.

d) Waves transfer energy, not matter.

2. Which of the following responses best represents the wave pattern shown?

a) The amplitude is greater than the wavelength initially and the wavelength
increases towards the end of the wave.
b) The amplitude is less than the wavelength and the amplitude increases towards
the end of the wave.
c) The amplitude is less than the wavelength and the wavelength increases towards
the end of the wave.
d) The wavelength and the amplitude are the same initially but the amplitude
decreases towards the end of the wave.

3. A sound wave travels the fastest in

a) glass

b) water

c) air

d) vacuum

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4. Why do red apples look red?

a) Red apples look red because they absorb red light.

b) White light hits the apple. All colours of light except red are absorbed and red
light is reflected into our eyes. Our brain perceives the apple as red.
c) Red apples look red because they are emitting red light. The red light emitted by
the apples enters our eyes. Our brain perceives the apple as red.
d) Red apples look red because humans have evolved to find red fruit attractive.

5. What is the name given to object X shown below?

a) Convex lens

b) Concave mirror

c) Convex mirror

d) Concave lens

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Refer to the below diagram to respond to Questions 19 – 20:

7. Identify the type of wave shown in the diagrams

a) Longitudinal wave

b) Sound wave

c) Compression wave

d) Transverse wave

8. The part of the wave labelled P is known as:

a) Compression

b) Peak

c) Rarefaction

d) Trough

Short Answer Questions

4. Label the compression and rarefaction in the following diagram of a longitudinal (1)
(compression) wave.

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5. Complete the below table comparing some properties of sound and (2)
electromagnetic waves.

Sound wave Electromagnetic waves

Requires a
(yes / no)

Type of wave
or transverse)

6. Some properties of waves are absorption, emission, transmission, reflection, (3)

refraction, and dispersion.

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Match the best THREE of these properties with the following pictures.

7. Compare (identify the similarities and differences) the properties of a sound wave (3)
and a light wave.
(HINT: consider the following properties of each wave: wave type; its medium;

8. Heat transfer refers to process of moving thermal energy from one place and/or
object to another. The three (3) method of heat transfer are: conduction,
convection and radiation.

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a) Label the below diagram to indicate where heat transfer is occurring by (3)
conduction, convection and radiation

b) Identify the ONE method of heat transfer that occurs when the Sun warms the 4

Earth, and explain why no other methods are possible.

9. The relationship between the velocity, wavelength and frequency of a wave is

summarised by the wave equation:

𝑣 Velocity of the wave, measured in m/s

𝑣 = 𝑓×λ 𝑓 The frequency of the wave, measured in Hz
λ The wavelength of the wave, measured in m

a) Determine the frequency of a sound wave travelling through air with the velocity (2)
of 340 m/s, and whose wavelength is 0.05 m

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b) Determine the frequency of the sound wave mentioned above when it enters (2)
waters, where the speed of sound through water is 1480 m/s.

c) Identify how the sound wave would sound in the air compared to in the water (1)

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Multiple Choice Questions
Use the following information to respond to Questions 1 – 3:

Jacinta performed the following procedure to investigate the impact of volume on the time it takes
for water to reach boiling point:

1. Measure 50 mL of water and place it into a 250 mL conical flask.

2. Place several ceramic boiling chips into the water.
3. Place the conical flask atop a hot plate, which has reached temperature on the highest setting.
4. Start the stopwatch and stop when the volume of water is boiling vigorously; record this time.
5. Repeat STEPS 1 – 4 with the following volumes of water: 60 mL; 70 mL; 80 mL; 90 mL; 100 mL.

11. What is the independent variable?

a) Volume of water

b) Time taken to boil

c) The setting of the hot plate

d) The size of the conical flask

12. What is the dependent variable?

a) Volume of water

b) Time taken to boil

c) The setting of the hot plate

d) The size of the conical flask

13. How could Jacinta assess the reliability of her experiment?

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a) Use a measuring cylinder to measure the volumes

b) Use a Bunsen burner instead of a hot plate

c) Repeat the test for each volume of water 3 – 5 times

d) Reduce the size of the conical flask

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Short Answer Questions

1. Students set up an experiment to see how temperature affects the time to dissolve
sugar. Sugar was placed into four test tubes of water at different temperatures as
shown below.

Students timed in seconds how long it took for the sugar to dissolve. The experiment
was repeated for three times. The results are shown in the table.

a) Identify TWO controlled variables for this experiment (


b) What type of graphs should be used to represent these data? 1

c) Assess the reliability of this experiment. (2

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2. Ethylene is a plant hormone that causes fruit to mature and ripen. It is an

important chemical used in agriculture to speed up the maturing process so
that ripened fruits can be sold to consumers at lower prices. The data in the
table below shows the amount of time it takes for fruit to ripen from the time
it is first sprayed.
ETHYLENE Pink Lady Golden
(mL/m2) Delicious
10 14 14
15 12 12
20 11 9
25 10 7
30 8 7
35 8 7

a) Identify the dependent and independent variables in this experiment (2)

b) Use the information in the table to construct a suitable graph. (5)

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