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Gomez St., Butuan City


Name: Marie Kris A. Agan Date: November 14, 2022

Course: MAED 102 Foundations of Education Score:

General Directions: Answer the questions extensively by giving insights,
citations/proponents of theories and examples in the work area. Every correct and complete answer
is given 20 points.

1. Explain the relationship between Sociology and Education and Education with Society.
An individual can learn very little by himself. Others play a very important role and
contribute a lot to his learning process, to those he met and encounter in his day to day life.
The presence of other persons is important because a person learns from the knowledge
gained by others. Therefore the process of getting education is always a social process. The
word Sociology is from the Latin word ‘socius’ – which means ‘companion’ and the Greek
word ‘logos’ which means ‘ the study of’. So the word literally means the study of
companionship or social relations. The word Education comes from the Latin ‘educere’
which means ‘to lead out’. Webster defines education as the process of educating or
teaching. Thus, from these definitions, one can assume that the purpose of education is to
develop the knowledge, skill, or character of students. Sociology and Education are
mutually interrelated and they are interdependent on each other. While Education with
Society is also interrelated. The type of education everything depends upon the society we
live in. According to Ottoway (1957), "one of the main purposes of education is to transmit
to the young the cultural values of a society. Through education, society makes sure that
its traditional ways of life are preserved. The aim of education is not only to educate,
enhance and teach each learners but also to develop those social qualities and feelings of a
child which will enable him to grasp his responsibilities in the society.

2. Discuss the Agents of Child Socialization.

The four primary agents of socialization examples are family, schools, peers, and mass
Family- A family is typically regarded as the most significant socializational force. We are
entirely reliant on other people to survive as infants. Our parents, or those who play the
parent role, are responsible for teaching us to function and care for ourselves. They instruct
us about close bonds, group dynamics, and resource sharing, along with the rest of our
family. They also give us our first set of values, beliefs, and standards, which typically
mirror their own social status, religion, ethnicity, and other factors.

Schools- The school is the next crucial component of early socialization. Of course, the
stated objectives of education are to impart topic knowledge and to impart practical abilities
such as adhering to rules and deadlines. But pupils learn from more than simply the
academic material that has been developed by instructors and school officials. Through our
interactions with instructors, staff, and other students, we also pick up social skills at
school. For instance, we learn the value of following rules and that in order to succeed, we
must learn to wait, be quiet, and occasionally seem to be interested even when we are not.

Peers- Peers are another important socialization tool for both kids and adults, but their
impact is most noticeable while kids are young. Children observe their peers and pick up
social skills from them. Peer groups frequently have an impact on children's interests,
speaking patterns, worldviews, and attitudes to a range of situations. Children who
consistently engage in favorable peer interactions tend to acquire strong social skills and
may feel more at home in their own community. That’s why it also important as early age
that a child should engage with other people, their peers to build their selves.

Mass Media- TV, the Internet, radio, magazines, books, and more are examples of mass
media. It is becoming a more significant socializing tool in the lives of many people
especially today that we are living in a modern and lot of technology world that is why
children may be especially affected. Media, like all agents of socialization, can offer a
variety of advantages, including: (1) Extending one's horizons culturally, (2) Enabling
communication between people and their relatives and family, (3) Providing information
that people might not otherwise have access to.

3. Describe the notable contributions of the respectable personalities in Moral Education.

There were many respectable personalities that gives notable contributions in Moral
Education, and this were the following;

1. Jesus- Jesus is the ultimate Moral Norm. There were teachings that focuses on the word
of Jesus, and many follows the word of Jesus. We, Christian follows the word of God,
the Ten Commandments. We may have different religion, but we were following the
same path, which is the right path. We live in this world following the morals that we
think that are right. Of course, we have the right to choose but as a person we strive to
be better for ourself and the number reason is that because we have faith, we have faith
in God, we believe in Jesus, we believe and trust that by following the path and word
of Jesus, we’ll know the truth and the right.
2. Pythagoras- Pythagoras is most well-known for his heroic discovery of the
Pythagorean Theorem. Though his mathematical influence was his most notable one,
Pythagoras also heavily influenced moral, ethics & religion. Pythagoras’ moral code
made him a hero. His ethics were a more personal and more identifiable aspect of his
personality, rather than just his actions. The Pythagorean beliefs were “secrecy,
vegetarianism, periods of food abstinence and silence, refusal to wear animal skins.”
These beliefs made Pythagoras not only a good person, but a hero.
3. Confucius- Confucius promoted education for the poor and underprivileged. For him,
education was very essential that everyone must have whatever status you may have.
His famous line which is the golden rule is that “Do to others as you would want done
to you." This line marks the most to everyone especially to moral education, this shows
respect, understanding and the principle of treating others. It involves character of a
person, on how he should react after the situation.
4. Plato- Plato gives importance to nursery education, he thinks nursery education plays
a vital role in the education of man. It help to build his moral, character and state of
5. St. Thomas Aquinas- St. Thomas Aquinas is a saint that developed the idea of what
or who God is. He define and explain God in a positive ideas. He also emphasize the
great power of a teacher, the molder and giver of knowledge which helps character.

4. Explain the Rights of Students in Schools based on Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 (Education
Act of 1082).
 The right to receive, primarily through competent instruction, relevant quality
education in line with national goals and conducive to their full development
as persons with human dignity.
- All students whatever status he has, has the right to be given a quality education
with no bias. Every child should be given equal treatment in school especially
in teaching.
 The right to freely choose their field of study subject to existing curricula and to
continue their course therein up to graduation, except in cases of academic
deficiency, or violation of disciplinary regulations.
- Each student has the right to choose according to his decision as long as it is
based on the standard and no one is being violated, he is free to choose on his
 The right to school guidance and counseling services for making decisions
and selecting the alternatives in fields of work suited to his potentialities.
- Each student is unique, it is his right to choose of what suited work according
to his abilities or what may be his strength and he think that would be
appropriate for him.
 The right of access to his own school records, the confidentiality of which the
school shall maintain and preserve.
- It is his right to access his own school records and should still have remain
confidential for the both of the student and the teacher. It is his right to know
what is his lacking for him to cope up.
 The right to the issuance of official certificates, diplomas, transcript of records,
grades, transfer credentials and other similar documents within thirty days
from request.
- Of course, it should not be hold, not anything can hold a request from a student
especially if the request is his credentials.
 The right to publish a student newspaper and similar publications, as well as the
right to invite resource persons during assemblies, symposia and other
activities of similar nature.
- Each school has budget for school paper publication, when there were writers,
and existing publication, it is the responsibility of the school to publish students’
write-ups, and also he has the right to invite a speaker for an event related to
 The right to free expression of opinions and suggestions, and to effective channels
of communication with appropriate academic and administrative bodies of the
school or institution.
- It is the biggest right of a student. Every student should be heard with fair
judgement. He is free to express his side, opinions and his self.
 The right to form, establish, join and participate in organizations and societies
recognized by the school to foster their intellectual, cultural, spiritual and
physical growth and development, or to form, establish, join and maintain
organizations and societies for purposes not contrary to law.
- Inside school, there were lot of organizations. With the help of a help as an
adviser, it is a right of a student to create and form an organizations that will
help a school, an activity that will be relevant to school so that their time &
efforts will not be wasted.
 The right to be free from involuntary contributions, except those approved by their
own organizations or societies.
- It is a right of a student to ask especially if a certain teacher is always making a
so called “amutan”, ask the teacher if this contributions has been approved or if
your parent knows this contribution. Don’t be afraid to ask since school is no to
collection policy.

5. Determine the Rights and Privileges of Teachers and Administrators.

Rights and Privileges of Teachers
 The right to be free from compulsory assignments not related to their duties
as defined in their appointments or employment contracts, unless compensated
therefor, conformably to existing law.
 The right to intellectual property consistent with applicable laws.
 Teachers shall be deemed persons in authority when in the discharge of lawful
duties and responsibilities, and shall, therefore, be accorded due respect and
 Teachers shall be accorded the opportunity to choose alternative career lines either
in school administration, in classroom teaching, or others, for purposes of
career advancement.
Rights and Privileges of Administrators
 School administrators shall, in accordance with existing laws, regulations and
policies of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, be accorded
sufficient administrative discretion necessary for the efficient and effective
performance of their functions.
 School administrators shall be deemed persons in authority while in the
discharge of lawful duties and responsibilities, and shall therefore be accorded
due respect and protection.

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