Movement Science Function and Human Interrelationship

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Mohammed Alhajali Movement Science Function and Human Interrelationship 04/04/2024

Unit 1: Grasping the Concept of Human Movement

According to Wikström-Grotell and Eriksson (2012), movement is a pivotal concept in

physiotherapy, extending far beyond mere physical actions. This unit underscored the
importance of understanding movement from a multidimensional perspective,
encompassing emotions, social dynamics, and even existential dimensions. I realized
that to truly appreciate the significance of movement in physiotherapy, one must
consider the holistic experiences of patients. This broader understanding challenged my
previous notions and encouraged me to view movement as a means of expression and
connection rather than just a series of exercises.

Unit 2: Exploring Movement Quality

Skjaerven's (2008) exploration of movement quality further expanded my understanding.

Movement quality, I learned, is not solely determined by biomechanical factors but also
encompasses physiological, psychological, and social aspects. The three maps provided
valuable frameworks for assessing and improving movement quality, emphasizing the
importance of patient-centered care. This unit emphasized the need to cultivate a deeper
connection with patients, considering their individual experiences and well-being
beyond physical function. I realized that effective therapy involves not only correcting
movement patterns but also fostering a sense of empowerment and self-awareness in

Unit 3: Understanding Interpersonal Synchrony

Lumsden et al. (2014) highlighted the significance of interpersonal synchrony in

physiotherapy. This unit emphasized the profound impact of synchronized movement on
social dynamics and individual well-being. Through personal experiences as a
physiotherapist, I witnessed how synchronized movements fostered unity, trust, and
shared experiences among patients. Reflecting on these experiences, I recognized the
importance of attunement and shared rhythm in creating a supportive therapeutic
environment. This unit reaffirmed my belief in the transformative power of interpersonal
connection in physiotherapy practice.

In conclusion, my journey through Movement Science, Function, and Human

Interrelationship has been enlightening and transformative. Through reflection and
introspection, I gained insights that transcended theoretical knowledge, shaping my
identity as a physiotherapist working in mental health committed to holistic patient care.
By understanding the complexities of human movement and its profound impact on
individuals, I am better equipped to provide compassionate and effective care that
addresses both physical and mental needs.

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