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100 one Liner Question and Answer

All Nursing Competitive Exams -(2021)


Matress bed should have [ Cotton cover ]

Normal urine is in nature

[ Acid ]

Prone position is ideal for

[ Treatment of fracture of bones of back ]

To relieve abdominal distension by expulsion

of gas the tube is used

[ Flatùs tube ]

Position that gives good relaxation

[ Sims position ]

Example of remittent fever is

[ Septicemia ]
Knee chest position is useful for

[ Rectal , vaginal examination ]

Surgery in pelvic organs is done in

[ Trendelenburgh position ]

Pressure , Friction , Moisture , cause

[ Bed Sores ]

Absence of respiration is called

[ Apnoea ]

→ Methods of limiting or guarding of

movement is called

[ Restraint ]

Respiratory rate at birth is

[ 40 per minute ]
Inability to dorsiflex the foot is called

[ Foot drop ]

The most common type of retention enema is


[ Rectal drip ]

→ Malaria is an example for

[ Intermittent fever ]

For heart and chest diseases the suitable

position is

[ Fowler's position ]

To carryout operation in geneital organs and


[ Lithotomy position is good ] Croup is seen

in [ Diptheria ]
→ A stream of fluid directed against some
part of the bone

[ douche ]

→ Infant heart beats

[ 120-140 beats / mt ] yrs .

Pressure area are prone for

[ Bed Sores ]

To give enema or similar treatment the ideal

position in

[ Left lateral position ]

→ The act of passing motion is called

[ defaecation ]
Rice water stool is seen in

[ Cholera ]

To apply heat we use

[ Electric cradle ]

Bathing a patient unfit to go to bathroom is


[ Bed bath ]

The act of passing urine is called

[ micturition ]

Injecting fluid into rectum though anus is


[ Enema ]

Dorsal recumbent position is good for

[ Acutely ill patient ]

Position used as a change is

[ Lateral position ]

Semi recumbent position is ideal to nurse

[ Old , convalesent people ]

Grunt is a sing of

[ Pneumonia ]

→ Rectal temperature cannot be taken in

[ Rectal disease and rectal surgery ]

→ The freezing point in centrigrade scale


→ Vaccination for Ante Natal Mother needs

[ TT ]
→ Water makes up

[ 2/3 body weight ]

→ Trachoma is caused by

[ Virus ]

→ Reservoir for food is

[ Stomach ]

→ Which is a waterborne disease

[ Paliomyclits ]

→ Bluish discolouration known as

[ Cyanosis ]

→ The normal infant pulse rate is

[ 120 beats / minute ]

→ Spirilla is

[ Bacteria ]

→ Ileum , Duodenum are parts of

[ Small intestine ]

→ In heart failure diet is recommended

[ Salt free diet ]

→ The student nurses Association was

inagurated in India

[ In 1929 ]

→ Iron is necessary for

[ Haeoglobin formation ]

→ Which patient needs full diet

( Tubeculosis patient ]
→ Suppositories mean

[ Drugs applied through rectum ]

V.D.R.L ( or ) kahn test for

[ Syphilis ]

→ Family planning method for 2 baby mothers

[ Tubectomy ]

→ Cloth is comfortable for wearing

[ Cotton ]

→ Inability to sleep at night

[ Insonnia ]

→ What is fractional test meal

[ To test function of the stomach ]

→ Which is used to remove the taste of
chlorine while pure of water

[ Ammonia ]

→ Cocci is

[ Round shaped ]

→ Who discovered micro organism

[ Lenwenhoek ]

C.tetani bacilli causes

[ Tetanus ]

→ 1 gm of carbohydrates provides

[ 4.1 calories ]

→ Nurses Day

[ 12th May ]
→ Urea cleanance test is for

[ the function of kidney's ]

→ Large intestine is about

[ 150 cm long ]

→ Ricket's is due to deficiency of

[ Vitamin D ]

→ Leads to blindness in children

[ Opthalmia neonatum ]

Father of modern medicine

[ Hippocrates ]

→ Modified dorsal position is used to examine

and treat diseases of

[ Vagina and Bladder ]

→ The procedure and feeding the delerious

patient is called
[ Tube feeding )

→ Fasting blood sugar is

[ 80-120 mgs % ]

→ Wheeze is seen in

[ Bronchial asthma ]

→ Presence of albumin in urine is called

[ Proteinuria ]

→ Sodium, potassium , Bicarbonate , chloride


[ Serum Electrolytes )

→ Normal haemoglobin

[ 13.5-14.5 gms % ]

→ Fomentation applied ov unbroken skin is

[ Simple formentation ]

→ Bile pigment in urine is detected by

[ Fouchest test ]

→ Mixture of clay , glycerine , oil of winter

green is called

[ Anti phlogistine ]

- Sputum for AFB is done by

[ Zeihl - Neelson technique ]

S.T.S refers to

[ Standard tests for Syphilis ]

→ To dilate the pupil we use

[ Atropine and hormatropine ]

→ Differential count includes mainly

[ Polymorphs , lymphocytes , eosinophil ]

→ Fasting blood sugar is

[ 80-120 mgs % ]

→ Sitz bath is advised for

[ Haemorrhoids )

→ To remove the Swallowed poison one does

[ Gastric lavage ]

→ The purpose of recording the temperature


[ To diagnose and observe patients progress ]

→ P.S.A test is useful to detect

[ B.P.H ]
→ Acetone in urine is assessed by

[ Rothera test ]

→ Haemoglobin is lower in female because

[ Lack of Erythropoietin and presence of


→ R.B.C count normally in male is

[ 5 to 5.5 million cells / cubic mm )

→ Hay test detects

[ Bile salt )

→ Normal Serum creatinine is


→ A temperature of 105 ° F and above is


[ Hyperpyrexia ]
→ Counter irritant applied to skin is called

[ Liniment ]

→ Occult blood in mation is tested by

[ Benedicts test ]

→ Normal Serum Calcium is

[ 9-1 mgs % ]

→ Bleeding time is

[ < 5 seconds ]

→ Normal platelet count is

[ 1 to 1.5 lakhs cubic mm ]

→ Mandle paint has

[ Glycerine , iodine and pepermint ]

→ E.S.R. refers to

[ Erythrocyte Sedimentatin Rate ]

→ Normal sperm count is

[ 60-80 millions ]

Boiling point in Farenheit scale is

( 212 ° F ]

→ The state of heat or coldness of substance

or body with standard is

[ Temperature ]

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