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I would like to take this opportunity to express my interest in attending the Master of Science in

Project Management programme offered by the Queensland University of Technology.

The primary motivation behind my decision to enrol in this master's programme is to advance my
professional standing and pursue postgraduate education in project management under the tutelage
of a distinguished scholar who is familiar with and able to adhere to international standards of
project management. I believe that this is necessary for the development of a country, particularly in
the event that the country lacks the human resources necessary for this industry, which is something
that I believe is preventing the completion of important development projects.

The national government of my nation gives its stamp of approval to a wide variety of projects aimed
at improving the economic and social conditions of the local community. Under the auspices of the
approved programme, hundreds of different projects are currently being carried out. Beneficiaries
are confident that the spectacular outcome that is described will occur, but if the projects that are
currently being implemented across the country are not approached in a manner that is
internationally accepted, then those projects will be fruitless. According to the Project Management
Institute, the population required to support a single qualified project manager in China is 4.5
thousand, while in Japan it is 3.3 thousand, in South Korea it is 4.5 thousand, and in Mongolia it is
67.8 thousand. You can get a good idea from this big picture how far behind the times Mongolia
currently is. I contend that instructing our own human resources in the international standards of
project management is the solution that is both the most effective and the most appropriate, and it
is my ultimate goal to devote my career to the process of developing project management standards
in the nation that I call home.

The second factor that led to my decision to enrol in this programme is the realisation that in this
day and age, in order to maintain our level of competitiveness, we need to become experts in a field
that cannot be replicated by artificial intelligence. It is anticipated that project management will
emerge as an important component of the technological revolution itself. In point of fact, the Project
Management Institute forecasts that within the next five years, close to 90 million people all over
the world will be working in positions that are associated with project management.

The reputation that the Queensland University of Technology has in the field of industrial and
technological project management, as well as its international recognition as a result of its program's
cooperation with the Australian Institute of Project Management, led me to make my decision to
attend that institution. My current employer, who is an alumni member of the university, also
suggested that I enrol in this specific course and attend the university.
I am very excited and eager to take on this challenge because, on the one hand, my interests,
prospects, and qualifications are what they are, and on the other hand, your postgraduate study
programme offers what it has to offer, and because of this, I am very enthusiastic and eager to do so.

I am extremely grateful that you are giving consideration to my request, and I look forward to
hearing from you.

With sincere regards,

Initials and Surname

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