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10974547, 2024, 4, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [30/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
2 of 16 AIDIL-­C ARVALHO et al.

cognitive training, depotentiation, disinhibition, hippocampus, interneurons, LTP,
memory, mismatch novelty, RRID:AB_2113602, RRID:AB_2113725, RRID:AB_2210206,
RRID:AB_2289225, RRID:AB_2341081, RRID:AB_2810215, RRID:AB_2878233,
RRID:AB_561221, RRID:AB_887905, VIP, VPAC1 receptors

Adaptations in synaptic plasticity events like long-­term potentia-
tion (LTP), long-­term depression (LTD), or depotentiation of synaptic This work sheds light into the contribution of hippocampal
communication are triggered by recent behavioral experience and neuropeptide VIP and VIP containing GABAergic neurons
contribute to learning and memory and memory stability through on the reformulation of hippocampal circuit communica-
metaplasticity (Abraham & Bear, 1996; Izquierdo et al., 2001). While tion leading to altered synaptic plasticity responses upon
LTP underlies hippocampal-­dependent memory acquisition, LTD training in repeated exposure to object mismatch novelty
complements LTP, inducing memory reformulation and reconsolida- as compared with routine training paradigms with and
tion, required for lasting memory storage during spatial memory for- without objects. Although still far from the clinic, the re-
mation (Alberini & Ledoux, 2013; Dong et al., 2013; Ge et al., 2010; sults suggest that VIP receptor ligands may be useful to
Manahan-­Vaughan & Braunewell, 1999). In fact, LTD and LTP en- co-­adjuvate cognitive stimuli therapies based on these as-
code distinct aspects of novelty acquisition, LTD being favored by pects of novelty, aiming at the cognitive rescue of aged in-
exposure to novel objects or novel object location, and LTP being fa- dividuals or epilepsy patients, that show impaired capacity
cilitated by exposure to new environments that in turn occlude LTD in novelty-­induced adaptations of cognitive function.
(Kemp & Manahan-­Vaughan, 2004). Furthermore, depotentiation
mediates reversal of LTP preceding memory reformulation/erasure
and may undergo metaplastic control by prolonged or repeated nov- and controls hippocampal GABA release, GABAergic transmission
elty exposure (Qi et al., 2013). and pyramidal cell activity (Cunha-­Reis et al., 2017; Cunha-­Reis &
Mismatch novelty, defined by a conflict between expected Caulino-­Rocha, 2020). Hippocampal actions of VIP are mediated
and perceived temporal sequence or spatial location of items or by activation of two selective receptors, VPAC1 and VPAC 2 , but
events, activates the hippocampal CA1 area in human studies only VPAC1 receptors are involved in the inhibition of hippocam-
and may be a relevant stimulus for cognitive stimulation (Thakral pal LTP, LTD, and depotentiation by endogenous VIP (Caulino-­
et al., 2015; Trempler et al., 2017). Studies in rodents revealed that, Rocha et al., 2022; Cunha-­Reis et al., 2014) that occurs through
when a mismatch occurs between observed and expected scenar- mechanisms that are fully dependent on GABAergic transmission.
ios, one of two processes is triggered, either memory reconsoli- Three distinct subtypes of VIP interneurons are present in the hip-
dation or memory extinction (Pedreira et al., 2004). Furthermore, pocampus, hippocampal basket cells directly targeting pyramidal
mismatched location of known objects was found to enhance in- neurons, and two interneuron-­s elective interneuron populations
hibitory avoidance learning and memory stability, while favoring (Acsády et al., 1996), that when activated, may promote hippo-
hippocampal LTD (Dong et al., 2012). However, how recurrent campal disinhibition, that is, inhibition of inhibitory interneurons
mismatch novelty detection/exposure affects the hippocampal targeting pyramidal cells. This suggests that different behavioral
memory systems in the long term has scarcely been investigated. states may lead to the recruitment of distinct VIP-­expressing
Recently, we developed a cognitive stimulus program based on interneurons with relevant influence on hippocampal synap-
mismatch novelty exploration and observed that it induced a long-­ tic plasticity. In fact, VIP-­m ediated hippocampal disinhibition
lasting enhancement of both hippocampal LTP and depotentiation was shown to be crucial for goal-­directed spatial learning tasks
(Aidil-­C arvalho et al., 2017), while mildly enhancing hippocampal-­ (Turi et al., 2019), and a subpopulation of VIP expressing inter-
dependent learning in young rats (Cunha-­Reis, 2020). This sug- neurons recruited during theta oscillations (Luo et al., 2020) may
gests that human therapies based on such an approach could be have a role in information gating during spatial navigation mem-
useful for human memory rescue in aging and diseases where LTP/ ory encoding, while inhibition of VIP interneurons may enhance
LTD is imbalanced, such as temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) (Aidil-­ feedforward inhibition to facilitate hippocampal object repre-
Carvalho et al., 2017; Cunha-­Reis et al., 2021). sentation during spatial exploration (Malik et al., 2022). This is
Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), an important neuromod- corroborated by the fact that VIP expressing interneurons are
ulator in the central and peripheral nervous system, has also targeted by medium raphe serotonergic projections as well as sep-
important neurotrophic and neuroprotective actions (Cunha-­ tal cholinergic and GABAergic fibers, controlling pacing, engage-
Reis et al., 2021; Ribeiro et al., 2001). In the hippocampus, VIP ment, and suppression of hippocampal theta rhythm (Borhegyi
is only present in GABAergic interneurons (Acsády et al., 1996) et al., 2004; Vandecasteele et al., 2014; Vinogradova et al., 1999).

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AIDIL-­C ARVALHO et al. 3 of 16

VIP interneurons are also targeted by prefrontal cortex long-­r ange 2.1 | Open-­field (OF) and elevated plus maze (EPM)
GABAergic projections (Malik et al., 2022), involved in the top-­ pre-­evaluation tests
down control of hippocampal function. Their inhibition by these
was shown to promote rodent exploration. The OF test consisted of the exploration of a large square chamber
In this work, we investigated if the effects of mismatch novelty (66 cm × 66 cm wide, 60 cm-­high wall, Figure S1a), for 5 min (Crusio
training on LTP and depotentiation involved an alteration in endog- et al., 1989). Three virtual zones (central square 20 × 20 cm, inter-
enous VIP VPAC1 receptor-­mediated modulation of hippocampal mediate zone and peripheral 15 cm-­strip adjacent to the walls) were
synaptic plasticity. We found that while both LTP and depotenti- considered for behavior analysis. Animals were introduced directly
ation were enhanced by mismatch novelty training, modulation of into the center of the apparatus and locomotion in the arena was
LTP and depotentiation by endogenous VPAC1 receptor activation recorded. Animal performance was evaluated by quantifying the
was reduced, suggesting that endogenous VIP and mismatch novelty escape latency (s), total distance traveled (cm), the number of rear-
training may share common pathways to enhance synaptic plasticity ings (rat standing on its hind legs, playing or not with his front paws
mechanisms. on the wall), and the number of entries and the time spent in each
virtual zone.
The EPM (Figure S1b) was comprised of two open arms
2 | M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS (50 cm × 10 cm) and two enclosed arms (50 cm × 10 cm × 40 cm), ex-
tending from a central platform (10 cm × 10 cm) and raised 50 cm
Juvenile male Wistar rats (3–4 weeks old, 120–150 g at the begin- above floor level. The animal was positioned on the central platform,
ning of training) were kept at the local Animal House (22°C), Faculty facing the open arm, and allowed to explore the maze for 5 min. The
of Medicine, University of Lisbon, under a 12:12-­h light/dark cycle maze was cleaned with a 70% ethanol solution between trials. Each
with food and water ad libitum. A total of 35 animals were used in test was video recorded and later analyzed with video-­tracking soft-
this study, 8 control, and 9 for each trained group. Female rats were ware (Anymaze, Stoelting Europe). The number of entries in open/
not used given that: (1) hormonal influences on LTP during the es- closed arms, time spent in open/closed arms or the central platform,
trus cycle (Good et al., 1999; Warren et al., 1995) could substan- distance (cm) traveled in the maze, and number of rearings were
tially increase the variability of the training outcomes and (2) neither evaluated (Schneider et al., 2011).
the effects of training on LTP nor the effects of VPAC1 antagonists
on LTP, and associated signaling pathways, have previously been
characterized in females, as is the case with males (Aidil-­C arvalho 2.2 | Mismatch novelty training
et al., 2017; Caulino-­Rocha et al., 2022), which we consider a neces-
sary premise to include females in this study. Prior to the training Animals were randomly assigned to one of three experimen-
procedure, rats were handled for 3 days. All animal training/test- tal groups. Animals undergoing mismatch novelty training (NT,
ing was performed between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. in a sound attenu- Figure 1a,b) were daily exposed for 2 weeks to three objects (plastic
ated room. Rats were introduced in the behavior room 30 m before ball, strawberry-­shaped rubber, and animal-­shaped painted wood fig-
the training started. Possible deficits in their motor capacity or al- ure) always presented in a new location (Aidil-­C arvalho et al., 2017)
tered anxiety levels were evaluated using the open-­field (OF) and of a holeboard (66 × 66 cm, 60 cm high walled arena containing one
elevated plus maze (EPM) tests, respectively, to detect deviations hole—5.5 cm diameter, 4.5 cm deep—at each corner). As control for
that could potentially bias our study. None of the tested animals was novelty training, two animals were exposed to either a fixed object's
excluded from the study since no statistical outliers in the behav- distribution (FT, Figure 1b), or to the holeboard without any object
ioral parameters probed were detected. Animals then underwent (HT, Figure 1b). Naïve animals were left without training. Training
a 2-­week training program in mismatch novelty exploration and was performed in 5-­min sessions once a day. Animals explored the
its impact on hippocampal synaptic plasticity and its modulation empty holeboard on the first day and objects were introduced in
by VPAC1 receptors were tested in vitro using electrophysiologi- three of the four holes for the NT and FT animals on the second day.
cal recordings as previously described (Aidil-­C arvalho et al., 2017). FT animals found the objects in this same location in the following
VIP, VPAC1 receptor, and synaptic protein levels were evaluated by days, unlike NT animals. Training was performed in two sets of 5-­day
western blot in hippocampal synaptosomes obtained from the con- consecutive training separated by one resting day (Figure 1a). Video
tralateral hippocampus. Animals were euthanized by decapitation monitored trials were recorded as a track file using automated video-­
under fluothane anesthesia 3–5 days after training was completed. tracking software (Smart 2.5, PanLab, Barcelona) for later analysis.
All practices were in accordance with the Guide for Care and Use For each trial, traveled distance, number of entries, and time spent
of Laboratory Animals, the Portuguese and European law on animal in each virtual zone of the apparatus (central, intermediate, and pe-
welfare (EU Directive 2010/63/EU for animal experiments) and were ripheral zones; Figure 1b) were evaluated. The number of nose pokes
approved by the Ethical Committee of the Faculty of Medicine. A (head dips into the holes) was used to assess object exploration; the
preliminary account of some of the results was published as a pre- number of rearings and distance traveled taken as a measure of gen-
print (Aidil-­C arvalho et al., 2022). eral exploratory activity.

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4 of 16 AIDIL-­C ARVALHO et al.

F I G U R E 1 Mismatch novelty training paradigm and behavioral analysis. (a) Time course of the 2-­week mismatch novelty training
and illustration of the holeboard arena used to conduct it. (b) Mismatch novelty training (NT) paradigm in object exploration in a known
environment and respective functional controls: exploration of a fixed configuration of objects (FT) or the empty holeboard (HT, holes not
shown). Naïve animals remained every day in their cages. Total distance traveled (c) and number of nose pokes (d) during the training by
animals undergoing different training modalities (HT, FT, and NT). Individual observations and mean ± SEM values are depicted. Differences
in the number of nose pokes were significant for FT and NT versus HT (p < .01, F (2,24) = 12.90, Two-­way repeated measures ANOVA with
Tukey's multiple comparison test).

2.3 | Electrophysiological recordings and across both pathways. PPF was elicited by two stimuli, with 50 ms
synaptic plasticity pulse interval, delivered sequentially to the two Schaffer collateral
pathways (S1 and S2). The P2/P1 ratio between the fEPSP slopes
Electrophysiological recordings were performed in hippocampal elicited by the second P2 and the first P1 stimuli was computed
slices of trained rats 3–5 days after training completion as de- and compared with the P2/P1 ratio under basal stimulation con-
scribed (Aidil-­C arvalho et al., 2017). Hippocampal slices (400 μm) ditions (10 s pulse interval between S1 and S2). Pathway indepen-
were cut perpendicularly to the long axis of the dorsal to mid por- dence was ruled out when the % facilitation of the P2/P1 ratio
tion of the hippocampus and were allowed energetic and functional exceeded 5%.
recovery for 1 h at RT in aCSF (mM: NaCl 124, KCl 3, NaH2PO 4 To elicit LTP, mild theta-­b urst stimulation (TBS5x4, five bursts
1.25, NaHCO3 26, MgSO 4 1, CaCl2 2, glucose 10) bubbled with at 100 Hz, 4 stimuli, separated by 200 ms) was applied. This al-
95% O2/5% CO2 . Each slice was placed in a recording chamber lowed us to work very far from LTP saturation, that could limit
and superfused (3 mL/min) with gassed aCSF at 30.5°C. Alternate LTP enhancement with concomitant training and addition of the
stimulation of two independent sets (S1 and S2, Figure S2) of the VPAC1 receptor antagonist. To obtain depotentiation, LTP was
Schaffer collateral/commissural fibers was performed every 10 s first induced by a slightly more robust theta-­b urst stimulation
(rectangular pulses of 0.1 ms) using two bipolar concentric wire (10 bursts at 100 Hz, 4 stimuli, separated by 200 ms) and depo-
electrodes. Field excitatory post-­s ynaptic potentials (fEPSPs) tentiation was induced 1 h later with low-­f requency stimulation
were recorded extracellularly from CA1 stratum radiatum using (LFS, 1 Hz, 16 min). Stimulation protocols used to induce synap-
micropipettes (4 M NaCl, 2–4 MΩ). Stimulation elicited a fEPSP of tic plasticity were applied after having a stable baseline for at
500–850 μV amplitude (about 50% of maximum, similar magnitude least 20 min. Stimulus intensity was not changed therein. LTP or
for both pathways). The average of six consecutive responses was depotentiation were quantified as the % change in fEPSP slope
measured, graphically plotted and recorded for further analysis 50–60 min after the induction protocol, in relation the fEPSP
using the LTP software (Anderson & Collingridge, 2001). fEPSP slope measured during the 12 min that preceded it. Changes in the
magnitude was quantified as the slope of the initial phase of the early post-­induction phase of LTP (post-­tetanic potentiation) or
potential. depotentiation, reflecting transient changes in neurotransmitter
Independence of the two pathways was confirmed at the end release post stimulation, were quantified in the 4–6 min follow-
of the experiments by investigating paired-­p ulse facilitation (PPF) ing the induction protocol as previously described (Aidil-­C arvalho

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AIDIL-­C ARVALHO et al. 5 of 16

et al., 2017; Volianskis & Jensen, 2003). Control and test condi- rabbit polyclonal anti-­G luA1 (1:4000, Millipore Cat# AB1504;
tions were tested in independent pathways in the same slice. S1 RRID:AB_2113602), rabbit polyclonal anti-­G luA2 (1:1000,
denotes the pathway (left or right) to which TBS5x4 (or TBS10x4 Proteintech Cat# 11994-­1-­A P; RRID:AB_2113725), and either
followed by LFS) was first applied. The VPAC1 receptor antago- mouse monoclonal anti-­β -­a ctin (1:5000, Proteintech Cat# 60008-­
nist, PG 97-­269, was added to the perfusion solution 20 min before 1-­Ig, RRID:AB_2289225) or rabbit polyclonal anti-­α-­t ubulin
TBS5x4 or LFS of the test pathway (S2) and kept until the end of (1:4000, Proteintech Cat# 11224-­1-­A P, RRID:AB_2210206) pri-
the experiment. Each n represents a single LTP (or depotentiation) mary antibodies. After washing, membranes were incubated for
experiment (S1 vs. S2 conditions) performed in one slice from an 1 h with anti-­r abbit or anti-­m ouse IgG secondary antibody conju-
independent animal. gated with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) (Proteintech) at RT. HRP
activity was detected by enhanced chemiluminescence using the
ImageQuant™ LAS 500 detector (GE Healthcare). Band intensity
2.4 | Western blot analysis of VIP and VPAC1 was evaluated with the Image J software using β-­a ctin or α-­t ubulin
receptor levels, AMPA receptor subunit ratio, and band density as loading control. Band intensities of targeted pro-
GABAergic and glutamatergic synaptic markers teins were normalized to the β-­a ctin or α-­t ubulin loading controls,
For studying changes in VPAC1 receptor expression that could
be relevant for synaptic plasticity, we used hippocampal synap-
tosomes, thus avoiding probing VPAC1 receptors in other cell 2.5 | Materials
types, like microglia (Cunha-­Reis et al., 2021), that could mask
small variations occurring in synaptic contacts. Hippocampal syn- PG 97-­269 (Phoenix peptides, Europe) was made up in .1 mM stock
aptosomes were isolated from the hippocampal tissue of trained solution in CH3COOH 1% (v/v). The maximal concentration of
animals within 3–5 days after training completion as previously CH3COOH delivered to the slices, .001% (v/v), induced no change
described (Carvalho-­Rosa et al., 2023). Briefly, the hippocampi on fEPSP slope (n = 26). Stock solutions were kept frozen at −20°C in
of CTR, HT, FT, and NT 6-­ to 7-­week-­old rats were collected in aliquots until use. Aliquots were thawed and diluted in aCSF for use
sucrose solution (320 mM Sucrose, 1 mg/mL BSA, 10 mM HEPES in each experiment.
e 1 mM EDTA, pH 7,4) containing protease (complete, mini, EDTA-­
free Protease Inhibitor Cocktail, Sigma) and phosphatase (1 mM
PMSF, 2 mM Na3VO 4, and 10 mM NaF) inhibitors, homogenized 2.6 | Statistics
with a Potter-­Elvejham apparatus and the hippocampal homogen-
ates were centrifuged at 3000 g for 10 min at 4°C; the supernatant Values are presented as the mean ± SEM and n denotes the num-
was then centrifuged at 14,000g for 12 min at 4°C and the pellet ber of animals in all figures. We used one slice per animal and
resuspended in 3 mL of a Percoll 45% (v/v) in modified aCSF. The condition in all electrophysiological experiments. A total of 35
top layer (synaptosomal fraction) obtained after centrifugation at animals were used in this study, 8 controls, and 9 for each trained
14,000g for 2 min at 4°C was washed twice with aCSF and resus- group. Number of animals was the necessary to obtain statisti-
pended in 200 μL modified aCSF per hippocampus. The protein cal significance in synaptic plasticity experiments (from 5 to 7,
content of each sample was determined using the Bradford method as inferred from previous electrophysiology experience) and to
and protein concentrations were adjusted to 1 mg/mL in all sam- obtain required tissue for WB experiments. Differences in be-
ples. Aliquots of these suspensions of hippocampal synaptosomes havioral parameters for the EPM and OF tests were analyzed by
were snap-­frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −80°C until use. one-­way ANOVA (using Sidaks's correction for multiple compari-
For western blot studies, samples were incubated at 95°C sons). Significance of the differences in behavioral parameters
for 5 min with Laemmli buffer (125 mM Tris-­BASE, 4% SDS, 50% between the trained groups (Figure 1c,d) along training days was
glycerol, .02% Bromophenol Blue, 5% 1,4-­dithiothreitol), and calculated by two-­way repeated measures ANOVA (using Tukey's
6 μg of each sample run on standard 10% SDS-­PAGE and trans- correction for multiple comparisons). Significance of potentia-
ferred to PVDF membranes (.45 μm pore, Immobilon) (Rodrigues tion or depotentiation against the null hypothesis was evaluated
et al., 2021). These were blocked with either 3% BSA or 5% milk and using Student's t-­test. Significance of differences in LTP between
incubated overnight at 4°C with rabbit polyclonal anti-­V PAC1 re- control and PG 97-­269 obtained in the same slices was calculated
ceptor (1:600, Alomone Labs Cat# AVR-­0 01; RRID:AB_2341081), using paired Student's t-­test. Significance of differences caused
rabbit polyclonal anti-­V IP (1:300, Proteintech, Cat# 16233-­1-­A P, by different modes of training on LTP, depotentiation, and protein
RRID:AB_2878233), mouse monoclonal anti-­gephyrin (1:3000, levels as determined by western blot was calculated by one-­way
Synaptic Systems Cat# 147011, RRID:AB_2810215), rabbit ANOVA (using Tukey's correction for multiple comparisons). No
polyclonal anti-­P SD-­95 (1:750, Cell Signaling Technology Cat# outliers were identified in our data (ROUT method). All statistical
2507, RRID:AB_561221), rabbit polyclonal anti-­s ynaptophysin analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism 6.01. p < .05 or less
(1:7500, Synaptic Systems Cat# 101002, RRID:AB_887905), denotes significant differences.

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6 of 16 AIDIL-­C ARVALHO et al.

3 | R E S U LT S of nose pokes (12.6 ± .8, n = 27). The next day, when objects were
placed in the holes for NT and FT animals, the number of nose
3.1 | Open-­field (OF) and elevated plus maze (EPM) pokes increased to 17.0 ± 1.0 (n = 9) and 16.3 ± 1.2 (n = 9), respec-
tests tively (F(2,24) = 6.91; p < .01). This was not observed for the HT group
(11.3 ± 1.3, n = 9). No significant differences were encountered in the
Analysis of behavior in the OF relied on the definition of three vir- distance traveled in the holeboard periphery zone as compared with
tual zones (peripheral, intermediate, and central zones). Animals the first exposure to the empty holeboard between for any of the
spent much less time in the center (3.7 ± .9 s, n = 26) and interme- trained groups. The number of rearings decreased mildly for all ani-
diate (6.0 ± 1.2 s, n = 26) zones of the apparatus when compared to mal groups, likely due to a diversion of their focus to exploration of
the periphery zone (286.7 ± 2.0 s, n = 26), a behavior known as thig- the holes instead of the whole holeboard.
motaxis (F (2,75) = 12,838, p < .0001, Figure S1a). Accordingly, the dis- A marked enhancement in the total distance traveled was ob-
tance traveled in the center and intermediate zones (72.6 ± 13.2 cm served with training day for all animals (Figure 1c, F(4,96) = 59.0,
and 123.1 ± 23.5 cm, n = 26, respectively) of the apparatus was much p < .0001, two-­way repeated measures ANOVA). Total distance
smaller (F(2,75) = 144.9, p < .0001) when compared to the periphery traveled significantly higher for NT versus HT animals (p < .05, F
zone (3174.0 ± 254.2 cm, n = 26). Animals had very few entries (1–4) (2,24) = 4.20, two-­way repeated measures ANOVA). No interaction
in any of the different zones. Global locomotion (accessed by total between the two variables (training mode and training day) was de-
distance traveled; 3460.2 ± 219.0 cm, n = 26) was high as usually tected (p > .05, F (8,72) = .779, two-­way repeated measures ANOVA).
observed in our lab for juvenile rats. The total number of rearings The time spent in the periphery of the holeboard varied mildly
(9.2 ± 1.6, n = 26) reflects mostly rearings performed in the periphery with training day (F(4,96) = 2.50, p < .05, two-­way repeated mea-
zone. sures ANOVA) but not with animal experimental groups (p > .05, F
In the EPM (Figure S1b), the %time animals spent in the open arms (2,24) = .196, two-­way repeated measures ANOVA). No interaction
(19.2 ± 2.3% of a 5-­min trial, n = 26) was much lower (F(2,75) = 124.4, between the two variables (training mode and training day) was de-
p < .0001) than the %time spent in the closed arms (63.3 ± 3.0%, tected (p > .05, F (8,96) = .412, two-­way repeated measures ANOVA).
n = 26). In the remaining time (17.6 ± 1.3%, n = 26), the animals re- The number of nose pokes varied significantly with daily train-
mained in the center of apparatus (the crossing of closed and open ing (Figure 1d, F (4,96) = 7.80, two-­way repeated measures ANOVA,
arms). Accordingly, all animals entered the open arms less (5.3 ± .5, p < .01) and with animal training configuration (p < .01, F (2,24) = 12.90,
n = 26) than the closed arms (8.6 ± .4, n = 26) from this central posi- two-­way repeated measures ANOVA). Nose pokes increased from
tion. Rearings (7.3 ± .8, n = 26) were almost entirely performed within 15.0 ± 1.0 (n = 9) on the first day to 21.4 ± 1.3 (n = 9) on the 10th day
the closed arms. of training for the NT group. Variation in the number of nose pokes
for the FT group (14.1 ± .9 on day 1 vs. 14.3 ± 1.0 on day 10, n = 9)
and for HT group (11.4 ± 1.3 on day 1 vs. 12.3 ± 1.2 on day 10, n = 9)
3.2 | Animal training in novel location of were not so pronounced. Interaction between the two variables
known objects (training mode and training day) was significant (p < .05, F (8,96) = 7.80,
two-­way repeated measures ANOVA). The number of rearings in-
The 2-­week NT program (Aidil-­C arvalho et al., 2017) consisted 5 min creased significantly with daily training in HT but not NT or FT an-
per day training in the novel location of known objects delivered in imals (F (4,96) = 2.76, two-­way repeated measures ANOVA, p > .05)
two series of 5-­day training. As a control, animals were exposed ei- and increased mildly but significantly for HT versus FT and (p < .01,
ther to the holeboard in the absence of objects (HT) or to the known F (2,24) = 8.64, two-­way repeated measures ANOVA). No interaction
objects every day in a fixed location (FT) of the holeboard. Behavior between the two variables (training mode and training day) was de-
was observed throughout the training sessions. tected (p > .05, F (8,96) = 1.33, two-­way repeated measures ANOVA).
Upon initial exposure to the holeboard (no objects for all ani-
mal groups), the general exploratory behavior was reduced when
compared to the one observed in the OF maze. The number of 3.3 | Impact of mismatch novelty training on
rearings in holeboard exploration (5.3 ± .3, n = 27) was less than the hippocampal synaptic plasticity
one observed in the open-­field test (9.2 ± 1.6, n = 26) and the total
distance traveled on the holeboard (2273.8 ± 201.6 cm, n = 27) was Basal stimulation conditions elicited an fEPSP that was 40%–60%
slightly higher than the total distance traveled in the open-­field of the maximal response in each slice and had an average slope
(2252.9 ± 96.0 cm, n = 26). The animals spent more time in the pe- of .589 ± .032 mV/ms (n = 40). For synaptic plasticity experiments,
riphery zone of the holeboard (276.9 ± 5.2 s, n = 27), where the holes when inducing LTP, mild theta-­burst stimulation (TBS5x4) was ap-
were located, than in the periphery of the OF (233.1 ± 8.0 s, n = 26). plied to one of the pathways (S1 or S2) that was therein considered
Thus, animals although likely more familiar with the arena, did not the control pathway. In naïve animals, an initial post-­tetanic potenti-
spend more time in the intermediate or center zones, remaining ation (PTP, 53.5 ± 2.8% increase in fEPSP slope, n = 7, Figure 2a) was
in the periphery exploring the holes, as evidenced by the number observed that decayed over time. An LTP was observed 50–60 min

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AIDIL-­C ARVALHO et al. 7 of 16

F I G U R E 2 Impact of mismatch novelty training on VPAC1 modulation of TBS-­induced CA1 LTP by endogenous VIP. Averaged time
course of changes in fEPSP slope caused by theta-­burst stimulation (5× 100 Hz bursts, 200 ms interval, TBS, 5 × 4) in hippocampal slices from
Naïve (a), holeboard trained (HT, b), fixed object trained (FT, c), and mismatch novelty trained (NT, d) animals in the absence (-­o-­) and in the
presence (-­•-­) of the VPAC1 receptor antagonist PG 97-­269 (100 nM). Values are the mean ± SEM of 6–7 experiments performed in different
individuals. Initial (post-­tetanic) potentiation (PTP, e) and magnitude of the LTP (f) estimated from the averaged increase in fEPSP slope
observed 4–6 and 50–60 min after TBS in control conditions for naïve animals (open bar) and left to right HT (light gray), FT (median gray),
and NT (dark gray) animals, and respective PTP (e) and LTP magnitude (f) obtained in the presence of PG 97-­269 (100 nM) in Naïve animals
(light pink) and, left to right, HT (lavender), FT (lilac), and NT (violet) animals. Individual observations and mean ± SEM values are depicted.
*p < .05 and **p < .01 (paired Student's t test) as compared to PTP (e) or LTP (f) obtained in the absence of PG 97-­269 for each training
modality (next column in the left). †p < .01 (one-­way ANOVA followed by Tukey's multiple comparison test) as compared to naïve animals in
the absence of PG 97-­269.

after stimulation, as a 24.6 ± 2.3% increase in fEPSP slope (n = 7, post-­stimulation, with TBS5x4 causing a 35.8 ± 1.5% increase in
p < .05, t-­test, Figure 2a). This LTP was fully dependent on NMDA fEPSP slope (n = 7, Figure 2d) in NT animals. Yet, such an enhance-
receptor activity, as previously described by our Lab (Caulino-­Rocha ment was absent in slices from HT or FT animals, since we encoun-
et al., 2022), since it was abolished (% change 2.3 ± 2.1%, p > .05, tered a similar LTP magnitude to the one observed in naïve rats
t-­test, n = 4) when the NMDA receptor antagonist AP-­5 (100 μM) (24.2 ± 1.8% n = 6, Figure 2b and of 27.8 ± 2.1% n = 6, Figure 2c en-
was present in the medium from 20 min before TBS5x4 stimulation. hancement in fEPSP slope for HT and FT, respectively, p > .05). This
When the VPAC1 receptor antagonist was added to the slices 20 min difference in the response to TBS5x4 was evident early after LTP
before TBS5x4 delivery to the test pathway, PTP was higher than induction since 4-­ to 6-­min post-­stimulation with TBS5x4 the PTP
in the control pathway (81.5 ± 9.5% increase in fEPSP slope) and in NT animals was significantly higher (68.2 ± 4.5% increase in fEPSP
the observed LTP 50–60 min post-­stimulation was also enhanced slope) than the one observed in naïve and HT animals (51.7 ± 3.3%
(p < .05, paired t-­test) as it induced a 45.5 ± 4.5% increase (n = 7, and 44.6 ± 4.5% increase in fEPSP slope, respectively).
Figure 2a) in fEPSP slope, as previously described (Caulino-­Rocha When PG 97-­269 (100 nM) was added to the slices 20 min be-
et al., 2022), nearly doubling the potentiation obtained. PG 97-­269 fore stimulation with TBS5x4 in the test pathway, the enhancement
(100 nM), when added to the slices, did not change the basal fEPSP induced by PG 97-­269 on LTP in HT and FT animals was similar (F
slope (% change 4.5 ± 3.6%, n = 7, p > .05) as estimated in the control (3,22) = .89, p > .05) to the one observed in naïve animals (45.5 ± 6.5%
pathway (not stimulated with TBS) 30 min after application. n = 7, Figure 2a, 43.3 ± 2.6% n = 6, Figure 2b and of 46.5 ± 6.1% n = 6,
As previously described (Rodrigues et al., 2021), when TBS5x4 Figure 2c, enhancement in fEPSP slope for naïve, HT and FT, respec-
was applied to hippocampal slices obtained from NT rats, an en- tively). As in naïve animals (84.6 ± 6.1% increase in LTP by PG 97-­
hanced LTP (F (3,22) = 6.22, p = .004) was observed 50–60 min 269,100 nM, n = 7), this LTP nearly doubled the effects obtained in

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8 of 16 AIDIL-­C ARVALHO et al.

the absence of the VPAC1 antagonist for HT animals (% increase in fEPSP slope, n = 7, Figure 3d) than the one observed in the absence
LTP by PG 97-­269 83.6 ± 9.3% n = 6) while for FT animals, the effect of the VPAC1 antagonist for NT animals. In summary, endogenous
of PG 97-­269 (100 nM) on LTP was slightly smaller (65.7 ± 4.1% n = 6) VIP modulation of depotentiation was abolished for HT and FT ani-
but not significantly different from the one obtained in naïve ani- mal training and impaired in NT animals, even though depotentiation
mals. Conversely, endogenous VIP modulation of hippocampal LTP, itself is enhanced in NT animals.
although still present, was impaired by mismatch novelty training
since LTP elicited by TBS5x4 in the presence of 100 nM PG 97-­269
(54.6 ± 4.8% n = 7, Figure 2a) was only 51.3 ± 8.1% (n = 7) larger than 3.4 | Impact of mismatch novelty training
the one observed in the absence of the VPAC1 antagonist in NT ani- on hippocampal levels of VIP and synaptic VIP
mals (p < .05, one-­way ANOVA with Dunnet's correction). This effect VPAC1 receptors
was even more pronounced in the early moments post-­induction,
since no significant effect (p > .05, paired t-­test) was observed in NT To determine the differences in VPAC1 modulation of hippocampal
animals between the PTP obtained in the control pathway (absence synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus could be due to training-­
of drugs, % increase in fEPSP slope 68.2 ± 4.5, n = 7) and the one induced adaptations in VPAC1 receptor levels, we performed west-
obtained in the test pathway (presence of PG 97-­269 100 nM, % in- ern blot experiments in hippocampal synaptosomes obtained from
crease in fEPSP slope 89.2 ± 6.5, n = 7). the hippocampus of NT trained rats and respective naïve and func-
Low-­frequency stimulation (LFS) delivered to hippocampal slices tional training controls (HT and FT animals). VPAC1 receptor levels
of adult rats in vitro does not produce an LTD of CA1 synaptic trans- nearly doubled in HT rats since we observed a 72.9 ± 13.6% increase
mission in the absence of added drugs (Cunha-­Reis et al., 2014; in VPAC1 receptor immunoreactivity (n = 6, Figure 4, F (3,20) = 16.34,
Wagner & Alger, 1995). As such, to induce long-­lasting depres- p < .0001, Tukey's post hoc test). We also observed a very mild in-
sion of synaptic transmission, LFS was applied 1 h after delivering crease (27.9 ± 7.6%, n = 6, Figure 4) in VPAC1 receptor levels in FT
a TBS10x4 stimulus. In naïve animals, a depotentiation of synaptic animals, but VPAC1 receptor levels were not significantly altered in
transmission was immediately observed after LFS stimulation (% NT rats (n = 6, Figure 4, p > .05, Tukey's post hoc test), thus suggest-
decrease in fEPSP slope 20.4 ± 1.8%), that was partially maintained ing that modified control of synaptic plasticity in NT animals is not
50–60 min after (12.2 ± 1.4% decrease in fEPSP slope, n = 5, p < .05, due to altered VPAC1 receptor levels. To determine if altered en-
Figure 3a). As previously described (Cunha-­Reis et al., 2014), when dogenous VIP levels in hippocampal nerve terminals could account
LFS was delivered in the same slices in the presence of the VIP for this effect, we also performed WB experiments to quantify VIP
VPAC1 receptor antagonist PG 97-­269 (100 nM), the depotentiation synaptic levels. VIP was mildly enhanced in synaptosomes obtained
was about twice as large (26.2 ± 1.0% decrease in fEPSP slope, n = 5, from HT animals (23.1 ± 6.7%, n = 5, Figure 4, F (3,16) = 7.45, p < .01)
Figure 3a, p < .01, paired t-­test). but not in FT or NT animals, for which a mild but not significant de-
When the same stimulation pattern was delivered to hippocam- crease in VIP levels was observed. None of these were significantly
pal slices obtained from NT animals (Figure 3d), a larger depotentia- different when compared to naïve animals (n = 5, p > .05, Figure 4d),
tion was observed (F (3,24) = 8.90; p = .0003), since LFS delivered 1 h but a significant difference was observed between HT and FT or NT
after TBS10x4 now caused a decrease of 23.1 ± 1.7% (n = 7) in fEPSP animals (n = 5, Figure 4d, p < .01, Tukey's post hoc test).
slope. This enhancement was not observed for HT and FT animals,
since depotentiation magnitude was comparable to the one obtained
in naïve animals 50–60 min after LFS (% decrease in fEPSP slope of 3.5 | Impact of mismatch novelty training on
15.3 ± 1.5% n = 7, Figure 3b and of 15.8 ± 1.5% n = 7, Figure 3c, F hippocampal levels of GABAergic and glutamatergic
(3,24) = 8.90; p = .4248 and .3202, respectively). This difference in the synaptic markers and AMPA receptor subunit ratio
response to LFS was not evident early after LTD induction since 5-­
min post-­stimulation the depression in fEPSP slope in NT animals To investigate the impact of NT on hippocampal circuits relevant
was not significantly higher than the one observed in naïve, HT, and for modulation of synaptic plasticity, we probed the hippocampal
FT animals (F (3,24) = 1.61, p > .05, Figure 3e). levels of synaptic proteins involved in both GABAergic and gluta-
When PG 97-­269 (100 nM) was added to the slices 20 min be- matergic synaptic transmission, gephyrin and PSD-­95, respectively,
fore LFS of the test pathway, the depotentiation in HT and FT was and a general synaptic marker, synaptophysin. In hippocampal syn-
not significantly altered, being only slightly higher than the one ob- aptosomes obtained from NT and respective naïve and functional
served in the absence of PG 97-­269 (18.8 ± 2.2%, n = 7, Figure 3b and training controls (HT and FT animals), we observed that the synaptic
of 20.6 ± 2.9%, n = 7, Figure 3c, decrease in fEPSP slope for HT and gephyrin levels nearly doubled in HT and FT rats (89.2 ± 14.0% and
FT, respectively, F (3,24) = 1.27, p > .05). Endogenous VIP modulation 84.9 ± 10.2% increase in gephyrin immunoreactivity, n = 5, Figure 5a,
of hippocampal CA1 depotentiation was impaired, but still present, F(3,16) = 9.820, p < .005, Tukey's post hoc test). This increase in ge-
in animals undergoing mismatch novelty training (F(7,44) = 7.661, phyrin levels was tendentially milder (66.6 ± 15.2%, n = 5, Figure 5a,
p < .0001) since depotentiation elicited by LFS in the presence of PG p < .05, Tukey's post hoc test) in NT animals. Altogether, this sug-
97-­269 (100 nM) was only about 40% larger (32.6 ± 3.1% increase in gests that modified control of synaptic plasticity in NT animals is

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AIDIL-­C ARVALHO et al. 9 of 16

F I G U R E 3 Impact of mismatch novelty training on VPAC1 modulation of CA1 depotentiation by endogenous VIP. Averaged time course
of changes in fEPSP slope caused TBS10x4 followed 1 h later by LFS (1 Hz, 15 min) in hippocampal slices from naïve (a), holeboard trained
(HT, b), fixed object trained (FT, c), and novelty trained (NT, d) animals in the absence (-­o-­) and in the presence (-­•-­) of the VPAC1 receptor
antagonist PG 97-­269 (100 nM) from 20 min before LFS. Dots in the test pathway before addition of PG 97-­269 (potentiation curve) are
shown in gray. Values are mean ± SEM. Initial depression (e) and depotentiation magnitude (f) of the fEPSP slope observed 4–6 and 50–
60 min after LFS for naïve animals (open bar) and left to right HT (light gray), FT (median gray) and NT (dark gray) animals, and respective
initial depression (e) and depotentiation magnitude (f) obtained in the presence of PG 97-­269 (100 nM) in naïve animals (light pink) and left
to right HT (lavender), FT (lilac), and NT (violet) animals. Individual observations and mean ± SEM values are depicted. *p < .05 and **p < .01
(paired Student's t test) as compared to initial depotentiation (e) or depotentiation (f) obtained in the absence of PG 97-­269 for each training
modality (next column in the left). †p < .01 (one-­way ANOVA followed by Tukey's multiple comparison test) as compared to naïve animals
in the absence of PG 97-­269. ‡p < .01 (one-­way ANOVA followed by Tukey's multiple comparison test) as compared to naïve animals in the
presence of PG 97-­269.

influenced by altered GABAergic synaptic function, but it is not clear showed a more prominent enhancement upon HT and FT train-
if this sustains the differences observed in VIP regulation of synaptic ing (69.3 ± 10.7% and 51.4 ± 12.8%, respectively, n = 5, Figure 6b, F
plasticity when compared to HT and FT controls. The synaptic levels (3,16) = 8.801, p < .001) yet this enhancement was not present in NT
of PSD-­95, a marker of the glutamatergic postsynaptic component, animals (n = 5, Figure 6b, p > .05, Tukey's post hoc test). As a con-
and of synaptophysin, a protein present in synaptic vesicles used sequence, the GluA1/GluA2 ratio was mildly higher in NT animals
general as marker of synapses, were not significantly changed by NT (30.5 ± 7.8%, n = 5, p < .05, F (3,16) = 4.850, Figure 6c), but not signifi-
or any of the functional training paradigms used as controls (p > .05, cantly changed (p > .05, Tukey's post hoc test) in HT or FT animals
F (3,16) = 2.488 and 1.291, respectively). when compared with naïve controls.
Given that AMPA receptor subunit composition, a variable ar-
rangement of GluA1-­4 subunits, can influence channel function
and LTP outcomes (Chater & Goda, 2022) and that AMPA receptors 4 | DISCUSSION
lacking GluA2 are Ca2+ permeable, being able to contribute to the
postsynaptic Ca2+ rise and potentiation levels upon LTP induction, The main findings of the present work are that training of young
we investigated possible changes in synaptic AMPA receptor sub- adult Wistar rats in exploration of the novel location of known
unit composition, specifically synaptic GluA1 and GluA2 levels and objects in a holeboard for 2 weeks induces an impairment in the
the GluA1/GluA2 ratio, that may contribute to altered LTP follow- ability of endogenous VIP to inhibit LTP and depotentiation in hip-
ing NT. In all trained groups (HT, FT, and NT animals), the synaptic pocampal CA1 area, through activation of VPAC1 receptors. This
levels of AMPA GluA1 subunits were mildly enhanced (27%–38%, shift does not appear to involve substantially altered synaptic VIP
n = 5, p < .05, F (3,16) = 3.275, Figure 6a). GluA2 subunit levels or VPAC1 receptor levels in novelty-­t rained rats and is not likely

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10 of 16 AIDIL-­C ARVALHO et al.

F I G U R E 4 Impact of mismatch novelty training on VIP and VIP VPAC1 receptor levels in hippocampal synaptosomes. Individual
experiment showing western blot immunodetection of VIP VPAC1 receptors (a) and respective α-­tubulin loading control or VIP and
respective β-­actin loading control (c). (b) Increased levels of VPAC1 receptors (b) and mildly increased VIP levels (d) observed in HT rats
as shown by western blot immunodetection in hippocampal synaptosomes. Individual observations and mean ± SEM values of five to six
independent experiments performed in duplicate are depicted. 100%—averaged target immunoreactivity obtained for Naïve rats. *p < .05,
and ****p < .0001 (one-­way ANOVA followed by Tukey's multiple comparison test).

due to a ceiling effect on LTP expression, given the mild TBS train few sex differences in the effects of VIP have previously been de-
used to induce LTP in this work (Rodrigues et al., 2021). As such, scribed. In fact, it has been reported that VIP-­expressing interneu-
these observations suggest that altered control of hippocampal rons in the infralimbic prefrontal cortex undergo sex-­differentiated
synaptic plasticity by VIP VPAC1 receptors following mismatch development-­dependent plasticity during adolescence (Collins
novelty training is instead related to alterations in either the tar- & Ninan, 2021), and that the male offspring of VIP-­deficient fe-
gets of VIP immunoreactive interneurons, or global hippocampal male mice shows more severe social and cognitive deficits (Stack
network activity. Nevertheless, the HT paradigm used as con- et al., 2008), but specific reports were never advanced on gender
trol caused a mild enhancement of VIP in the hippocampus and differentiated VIP function in the hippocampus. Nevertheless, this
a considerable increase in VPAC1 receptor levels. Although this should be further investigated in the future.
could suggest a potential role in enhanced inhibition of synaptic Different aspects of novelty presentation during exploration
plasticity events in the hippocampus, such an effect was not ob- of the environment have been described to influence cognition
served in hippocampal CA1 synaptic plasticity, albeit such altered in different ways (Dong et al., 2012; Izquierdo et al., 2001; Quent
VPAC1 levels may influence synaptic plasticity outcomes in other et al., 2021). Mismatch novelty detection is vital for adaptation
hippocampal areas not probed in this study. Our findings provide to novel situations in an otherwise familiar environment or to de-
a first insight on a possible mechanism for the selective enhance- tect inconsistencies with previously acquired memories. As such,
ment of hippocampal synaptic plasticity by mismatch novelty it is not surprising that it primes the brain for cognitive flexibility
training, the regulation of hippocampal circuits also targeted by and learning-­associated plasticity (Moncada & Viola, 2007; Park
interneurons expressing VIP. This could be useful to develop com- et al., 2021; Quent et al., 2021). This makes it the ideal cognitive
bination therapies (cognitive together with pharmacological) for training paradigm to elicit changes in synaptic plasticity and cogni-
cognitive decline in aging or epilepsy. tion, but its underlying mechanisms need to be further elucidated.
The observations in this study were obtained from male Wistar In this work, when initiating the training, the rats were first ex-
rats. Although the relevance of exploring both genders in research posed to the empty holeboard. This triggers a behavioral response
studies is being increasingly recognized, no previous study on the in- to the novel environment that was previously shown to reflect a
fluence of endogenous VIP on LTP in female rats was previously per- combination of interest in exploration and fear or anxiety (Kanari
formed, nor have the effects of MN training on LTP or depotentiation et al., 2005). We observed that not only general exploratory activity,
been studied in females. These have only been described in male as assessed by the number of rearings, was decreased when com-
rats (Aidil-­C arvalho et al., 2017; Caulino-­Rocha et al., 2022). As such, pared to exposure to the OF but also that locomotion in the periph-
we did not consider the use of females at this point, even though a ery was slightly enhanced. This likely reflects also an interest in the

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AIDIL-­C ARVALHO et al. 11 of 16

F I G U R E 5 Impact of mismatch novelty training on GABAergic and glutamatergic markers in hippocampal synaptosomes. Individual
experiment showing western blot immunodetection of gephyrin (a) and respective α-­tubulin loading control, PSD-­95 (c) and respective
α-­tubulin loading control, or synaptophysin and respective α-­tubulin loading control (e). (b) Increased levels of gephyrin (b) and undisturbed
levels of PSD-­95 (d) and synaptophysin (f) observed in HT, FT, and NT rats as shown by western blot immunodetection in hippocampal
synaptosomes. Individual observations and mean ± SEM values of five independent experiments performed in duplicate are depicted.
100%—averaged target immunoreactivity obtained for Naïve rats. *p < .05 and **p < .01 (one-­way ANOVA followed by Tukey's multiple
comparison test).

holes, as was previously evidenced by the increase in the number Mismatch novelty training induced an enhanced LTP response
of nose pokes (Aidil-­C arvalho et al., 2017; Brown & Nemes, 2008). to TBS5x4 stimulation and enhanced depotentiation response to
The presence of objects in the holes on the second day of train- LFS in NT animals but not HT or FT animals as previously shown
ing for NT and FT animals constituted an added novelty and, as ex- (Aidil-­C arvalho et al., 2017). Preliminary work from our Lab also
pected, induced an enhancement in the number of nose pokes for suggests this NT paradigm can improve spatial cognition, especially
both the NT and FT groups but not the HT group, re-­exposed to in experimental conditions associated with altered LTP/LTD ratios
the holeboard, suggesting that the presence of the objects is driving like aging and epilepsy (Amaro-­Leal et al., 2016; Cunha-­Reis, 2020).
this increase in head-­dipping (Aidil-­C arvalho et al., 2017). The dis- This suggests that this mismatch novelty training program may in-
tance traveled in the periphery (but not the intermediate and cen- duce persistent changes at either synaptic domains or hippocampal
tral zones) of the holeboard increased along training for NT animals circuits, favoring those altered responses to LTP or LTD/depotenti-
(Figure 1), indicating an enhanced interest in object/hole exploration ation induced by TBS or LFS. Possible mechanisms may involve al-
over holeboard space exploration. Conversely, HT and FT animals tered physiology of hippocampal VIP expressing interneurons that
demonstrated an increase in general exploration, estimated from are targeted by many extrahippocampal projections regulating cog-
the time spent in the intermediate and central zones and number of nition during exploration and novelty/mismatch novelty responses.
rearings, confirming that novel object configurations drive enhanced In fact, a subpopulation of VIP expressing interneurons recruited
interest in object exploration (Aidil-­C arvalho et al., 2017; Goh & during theta oscillations (Luo et al., 2020) may play a role in informa-
Manahan-­Vaughan, 2013b). tion gating during spatial navigation and memory encoding. These

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12 of 16 AIDIL-­C ARVALHO et al.

F I G U R E 6 Impact of mismatch novelty training on AMPA GluA1 and GluA2 levels and GluA1/GluA2 ratio in hippocampal synaptosomes.
Individual experiment showing western blot immunodetection of GluA1 (a), GluA2 (c) and respective α-­tubulin loading controls. (b) Mildly
increased levels of GluA1 (b) and substantially increased levels of GluA2 (d) observed in HT, FT, and NT rats as shown by western blot
immunodetection in hippocampal synaptosomes. (e) Increased GluA1/GluA2 ratio observed in NT but not HT and FT animals as compared
with naïve controls. Individual observations and mean ± SEM values of five independent experiments performed in duplicate are depicted.
*p < .05, **p < .01 and ***p < .001 (one-­way ANOVA followed by Tukey's multiple comparison test).

are targets of medium raphe serotonergic and septal cholinergic and distinct types of novelty, known to trigger different levels of arousal
GABAergic projection fibers that regulate the pacing, initiation, and and to selectively enhance activation of the hippocampus by seroto-
suppressing of hippocampal theta rhythm (Borhegyi et al., 2004; nergic, noradrenergic, cholinergic and dopaminergic inputs (Hagena
Vandecasteele et al., 2014; Vinogradova et al., 1999). Furthermore, & Manahan-­Vaughan, 2017; Moreno-­C astilla et al., 2017; Schiffer
they are also targeted by prefrontal cortex long-­range GABAergic et al., 2012; Schomaker & Meeter, 2015; Walling et al., 2011). These
projections (Malik et al., 2022), implicated in triggering hippocampal pathways are also involved in learning from prediction errors in hu-
theta oscillations in response to mismatch computations (Garrido mans (Schiffer et al., 2012) and differentially enhance/inhibit hippo-
et al., 2015). As such, VIP-­expressing interneurons are in a key posi- campal synaptic plasticity in response to multiple behavioral stimuli
tion to regulate many aspects of hippocampal-­dependent cognition (Hagena & Manahan-­Vaughan, 2017). VIP immunoreactive inter-
related to mismatch novelty detection and processing. neurons control both feedforward and feedback inhibition being in
VIP-­mediated hippocampal disinhibition, being crucial for goal-­ a position to effectively modulate bidirectional hippocampal syn-
directed spatial learning tasks (Turi et al., 2019) while suppressed aptic plasticity (Cunha-­Reis & Caulino-­Rocha, 2020). This together
to allow the hippocampal representation of objects during spatial with our recent findings that VIP VPAC1 receptor blockade could
exploration (Malik et al., 2022) may be differentially regulated by simultaneously enhance both hippocampal LTP and depotentiation

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AIDIL-­C ARVALHO et al. 13 of 16

(Caulino-­Rocha et al., 2022; Cunha-­Reis et al., 2014), led us to hy- results. Nevertheless, one may argue that mismatch novelty stimuli
pothesize that mechanisms controlled by VIP-­expressing inter- are important in maintaining behavioral flexibility during learning, as
neurons could mediate, at least in part, the enhancing effects of opposed to repeated stimuli that not only keep depotentiation at its
mismatch novelty training on hippocampal LTP and depotentiation minimum but also appear to abolish the possibility of its modulation
(Aidil-­C arvalho et al., 2017). The observations in this work that mis- by VIPergic interneurons.
match novelty training do not change VIP or VPAC1 receptor levels The changes observed in VIP and VPAC1 receptor levels in HT
in hippocampal synaptosomes, and that VPAC1 receptor-­mediated and FT rats do not fully align with the observed effects on VPAC1
modulation of both LTP and depotentiation is impaired by mismatch modulation of LTP and depotentiation. Being obtained from the full
novelty training appear to support this view. In particular, repeated hippocampus and not only from the CA1 area, where changes in syn-
inhibition or activation of distinct VIP-­immunoreactive interneurons aptic plasticity were studied, the sinaptossomal preparation used to
by mismatch novelty could favor an adaptation of synaptic commu- quantify VIP and VPAC1 receptor levels may have masked the ef-
nication and a decrease in the threshold for LTP and depotentiation fects of mismatch novelty training on VIP or VPAC1 receptors in the
induction. The influence on LTP is not likely mediated by a partic- CA1 area and the elucidation of this mechanism may require a dif-
ular VIP-­expressing interneuron subtype described to date only in ferent experimental approach. Regardless, the CA1 area of the hip-
mice, VIP long-­range projection interneurons, that was reported to pocampus is known to be specifically activated by both spatial and
be active only when the hippocampal theta rhythm is suppressed temporal mismatch novelty in humans (Chen et al., 2015; Duncan
(Francavilla et al., 2018), as happening during attention shifts et al., 2012; Thakral et al., 2015), and has for long been implicated
caused by novelty detection (Kitchigina et al., 1999). If present in in mismatch novelty detection and processing (Vinogradova, 2001).
the rat, this may be responsible for endogenous VIP modulation of Finally, even though changes in VPAC1 receptor-­mediated mod-
depotentiation. ulation of CA1 hippocampal plasticity by endogenous VIP may rely
It could be argued that VPAC1 receptors, also activated by PACAP on subtle changes in disinhibition occurring only during LTP/depo-
and present in glutamatergic fibers in the hippocampus, could be the tentiation induction, we also showed that the training paradigms
endogenous mediator of this effect. Yet, all the endogenous effects used in our work induced changes in the GABAergic synaptic con-
of PACAP reported so far in the hippocampus are mediated by ei- tent, as inferred from gephyrin synaptic immunoreactivity, and in
ther PAC1 or VPAC2 receptors (Cunha-­Reis & Caulino-­Rocha, 2020; the synaptic content of AMPA receptor GluA1 and GluA2 subunits
Schmidt et al., 2021; Solés-­Tarrés et al., 2020) and no dependency and GluA1/GluA2 ratio, both very relevant for synaptic plasticity
on GABAergic transmission has ever been attributed to those ef- outcomes. Enhanced synaptic gephyrin immunoreactivity may ei-
fects, making it very unlikely that PACAP the endogenous mediator ther reflect an enhancement in hippocampal GABAergic synapses,
of the effects here described. Altogether, the observations in this that depending on the target could influence positively or negatively
paper are consistent with our previous findings that basal synaptic disinhibitory circuits, or may instead reflect enhanced gephyrin syn-
transmission is decreased in NT animals (Aidil-­C arvalho et al., 2017), aptic content overall in existing GABAergic synapses, which would
that both LTP and depotentiation are enhanced in NT animals, and lead to enhanced GABA A receptor recruitment to postsynaptic sites
previous findings that mismatch novelty favor LTD and depotentia- (Pizzarelli et al., 2020). Interestingly, this enhancement was more
tion over LTP induction in vivo (Kemp & Manahan-­Vaughan, 2004; pronounced in HT and FT animals than in NT animals, suggesting
Sachser et al., 2017). This may be of particular relevance since depo- the enhancement is more related to the occurrence of daily training,
tentiation in vivo may be crucial for memory reformulation following than to mismatch novelty detection itself. Although altered levels of
mismatch detection (Goh & Manahan-­Vaughan, 2013a). both GluA1, and most prominently GluA2 AMPA receptor subunits,
Although it could be argued that the impaired effects of the were observed, the GluA1/GluA2 ratio was only significantly altered
VPAC1 antagonist on LTP/depotentiation in NT animals could be due in NT animals. An enhanced GluA1/GluA2 ration may contribute
to reaching a training-­induced ceiling effect on LTP/depotentiation to the enhanced LTP and depotentiation by NT by allowing a larger
expression, given the mild TBS stimulation used to induce a moder- Ca2+ permeability (Chater & Goda, 2022), leaving synaptic plasticity
ate LTP, and the mild depression of synaptic transmission induced at CA1 hippocampal synapses less susceptible to regulation by disin-
by the LFS protocol, it is not likely that the reduced effects of the hibition control by endogenous VIP.
VPAC1 antagonist on LTP were in fact limited by such a ceiling effect. In conclusion, endogenous VIP, present on VIP immunoreac-
Furthermore, as discussed above, the possibility that mismatch nov- tive interneurons, and acting on VPAC1 receptors, appears to be
elty training might have induced an adaptation in the activity of VIP an important component of hippocampal-­dependent mismatch
immunoreactive interneurons or their interneuron targets is also not novelty processing. The actions of VIPergic system can be altered
to be excluded and should be further investigated. Furthermore, a by mismatch novelty training in a way that is consistent with the
few observations in this study relate to the endogenous VIP modula- use of concurrent mechanisms to modulate CA1 hippocampal LTP
tion of depotentiation that was abolished for HT and FT animal train- and depotentiation. Although repetitive training, especially in the
ing and impaired in NT animals, even though depotentiation itself is absence of objects, induced an enhancement of VPAC1 receptor
enhanced in NT animals. Given the small effects (3%–8%) involved in expression, this may not relate to functional changes in hippocam-
these differences, one should avoid the overinterpretation of these pal CA1 area.

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How to cite this article: Aidil-­C arvalho, F., Caulino-­Rocha, A.,
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Schubotz, R. I. (2017). Frontostriatal contribution to the interplay Ribeiro, J. A., & Cunha-­Reis, D. (2024). Mismatch novelty
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