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Some people think the government funding should not be used for supporting art and

culture, while others think supporting cultural activities may be beneficial for the population
and the culture. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Task 2
When the issue of whether the government should provide aid for culture and art comes into
view, there exist conflicting opinions. Some people are convinced that politics needs to need
to consider other factors to support. However, others claim that those cultural activities bring
brings potential rewards, with which I completely agree. This essay will elaborate on both
sides of the issue and provide a personal perspective.
On the one hand, critics argue against government funding for art and culture for the
following reason. Nowadays, numerous private organizations have already established
profitable cultural activities, making it unnecessary for the government to spend on these
events. In other words, these activities primarily benefit individuals and businesses involved.
Therefore, using government budgets for leisure purposes seems unfair, especially when
critical issues such as poverty still remain unaddressed. This directly suggests that people
who want leisure will have to finance on their own, and the authority should take other
sponsorship purposes into account.
On the other hand, I completely agree with the view that cultural activities can be both
population and cultural assistance. Firstly, art and culture significantly contribute to social
welfare. For instance, aside from their historical preservation value and their role in
representing a nation's symbol, international museums also serve an educational purpose by
providing in-depth information about various civilizations. Moreover, events that are which
are related to culture and art contribute to beautifying and strengthening the community spirit
of our society. In Vietnam, people celebrate the anniversary of Hung Vuong's death by
attending the festivals to show their respect and appreciation towards the king. These events
have brought people together, which would in turn promote social cohesion.
In conclusion, while it is believed that the government should minimize the assistance to art
and culture to some extent, I would argue that with the financial support from the authority,
culture and art can achieve its their greatest significance for people and society.

- Bố cụ c đủ 3 phầ n
- Dù ng đượ c từ nố i ý, chuyển đoạ n, tuy nhiên cầ n sử dụ ng nhiều hơn
- Thâ n bà i: Nhìn chung, con cố gắ ng trong việc phá t triển và diễn đạ t cá c ý, cá c ý
lớ n đượ c giả i thích vớ i cá c supporting ideas. Tuy nhiên, con phâ n tích cò n chung
chung, có thể giả i thích sâ u hơn vớ i cá c ví dụ và minh chứ ng cụ thể là m rõ
- Từ vự ng: con cầ n sử dụ ng nhiều từ vự ng liên quan đến topic hơn
- Cấ u trú c câ u: con cầ n dù ng cá c cấ u trú c câ u đa dạ ng hơn
- Bà i viết khô ng mắ c quá nhiều lỗ i về ngữ phá p và từ vự ng
- 7-

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