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History of Ananda Bekasi Hospytal

Organized to meet PTS values

Subject : English

Teacher :
Achmad Fauzi, M.Pd., Gr.

Class XI FKK D

Organized By :
Nasya Naura Sakina (22)


History of Ananda Bekasi Hospytal

Ananda Bekasi Hospytal is a type B hospytal that prioritizes excellent service.

Ananda Bekasi Hospytal is located in the shade of PT. Rajut Ananda Live Independent,
founded in 2001. H. Muhammad Marilli Tarmiji Ananda Group Hospital Owner : it is
wonderful to share in the holy month of Ramadhan. Ananda Bekasi Hospytal is the
development of a specialist clinic that has been in existence since 1994. Ananda Bekasi
Hospital is located at sultan agung No.173, District of Medan Satria, Bekasi. With the
support of modern innovative technology and hospytal management by professional
staff as well as qualified nurses, today Ananda Bekasi Hospital continues to grow and
always strives to provide primary health services in accordance with is motto of service.
Starting with a specialized clinic that has been in place since 1994, which is filled
with sx beds as well as medical examinations and midwives. With the development in
2001 Ananda clinic changed its name to Ananda Hospital and began to operate under
the shadow of Rajut Ananda Live Independent. To meet the needs of the surrounding
community and the majority of the population in the area of Bekasi City, the with this
Ananda Hospital add health care facilities that are based on the trend of visiting road
care patients, nursing nurses and medical supporters.
In accordance with the dacesion of the Minister of Health of the Republic of
Indonesia on the establishment of the class of type B Hospital in 2002, the Ananda
hospital, which began from the type C public hospital, is now transformed into the type
B hospital according to the conditions and regulations of the government in force. Its
services include poliklinics ( general, specialist, dental and oral ) emergency facilities,
medical support, sub-specialist medical services, nursing and maternity services.
Due to the high needs of the public for health care, on march 30 2007, Ananda
Hospital officially inaugurated a new building of 5 floors with facilities for care rooms,
specialist poliklinics and other facilities. Ananda Hospital has been awarded a full rating
by the Hospital Accerditation Commission ( KARS). The rating for this accreditation is
based on patient-focused service standars, hospital management standarts, patient safety,
and the millennium Development Goals. Other awards that belong to Ananda Bekasi
hospital are, accreditation awards of a perfect level, awards for the best trauma center
team, PESBEVI awards, Indonesian doctors bonding awards, KARS awards, Kemenkes
awards, IKKC awards.
Now the Ananda Hopspital has a capacity pf 173 beds consisting of classes VVIP,
VIP, class (I, II, III) supported by 67 medical forces comprising general doctors and
specialists, and 391 paramedics staff ready to serve you. It is important to know that the
Ananda hospital has a vision and mission.
To be a hospital capable of providing the best and integrated health care according
to the standards of the profession for the entire layer of society without distinction of
tribe, social status and religion.
Mission of Ananda hospital , provide quality and rational health care to be a good
partner for the community, other health services, health insurance, government agencies,
private agencies & corporations provide health care that can create satisfaction for all to
be a hospital that cares for the social aspects of humanity to be an environmentally

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