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● Create your own newspaper. Make a newspaper consisting of four
pages. It should have national and international news, sports news,
weather news and a few advertisements. It can be done on any
paper of your choice.


हिंदी ग्रीष्मावकाश गह
ृ कार्य :-

प्र.१ हिंदी के प्रसिद्ध लेखकों के चित्र एकत्र करके स्क्रैप बक

ु में कोलाज
बनाएं व उनकी प्रमख ु रचनाओं का नाम लिखें।

प्र.२ निम्नलिखित में से किसी एक पर स्वरचित कविता लिखें।

ृ , पथ्
ृ वी, मित्र, परिवार , पर्यावरण।

Draw the picture of lord Ganesha in your notebook
and write a short paragraph in Sanskrit.

Write 10 line information about your school in

your Marathi notebook on the basis of poem Prathna

‘प्रार्थना’ या कवितेच्या आधारे तम

ु च्या शाळे ची माहिती वहीत लिहा।

Make a chart on the properties of Integers and complete the activity
sheet and color it accordingly.
Case study

Photosynthesis is an autotrophic mode of nutrition by plants and some

bacteria. Photosynthesis is the physio-chemical process by which plants
can convert light energy into chemical energy, in the form of
carbohydrate from simple inorganic substances like atmospheric carbon
dioxide and water. Photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide, sunlight,
water and chlorophyll as its basic raw materials. Leave are considered
to be the sites of photosynthesis. Hence, they are called as food
factories of the plant. Leaves possess small pores called stomata on
both their surfaces. Stomata are the structures which help in the
exchange of gases. Opening and closing of the stomata are brought
about by the guard cells present in them. Leaves are rich in plastids.
Green colored plastids are chloroplasts rich in chlorophyll pigment.
Chlorophyll is responsible for trapping the energy from sunlight.

Answer the following.

1.Explain the process of synthesis of food in plants.

2.What is stomata? Write its function?

3.Who is responsible for trapping sunlight?

Q2.HOTS Questions

1. Rahul picked up a dry leaf from the school garden and tried doing
the iodine test . He observed that the colour of iodine did not change
bluish –black .Can you explain why ?

2. What would happen if Rita coated the leaves of her money plant
with oil ?

( Hint – How does oil affect the stomata )

Q3 Prepare/ Make Best nutrition Poster


Topic :- "My Vote, My Voice: Exploring Elections in India"

Electoral Process:Explain the electoral process in India, including voter


campaigning, polling, and counting.Illustrate the journey of a voter

from registration to casting

their vote on election day through a visual timeline or storyboard.


Dear Students,

Prepare a power point / impress presentation on the topic “Types of


Apply effective transitions and animations

Use impressive colours and themes

Use proper images and appropriate places.

Share softcopies on Loop Learning personal messages.

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