Factors Affecting The Performance of Ms Es in Ethiopia

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Review on Factors Affecting the Performance of Micro and Small Enterprise

(MSE) in Ethiopia

Article · February 2021

DOI: 10.14662/IJPSD2018.070

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1 author:

Tariku Ayele
Bule Hora University


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Vol. 6(8), pp. 275-279, December 2018
DOI: 10.14662/IJPSD2018.070 International Journal of
Copy©right 2018
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article Political Science and
ISSN: 2360-784X
http://www.academicresearchjournals.org/IJPSD/Index.html Development


Review on Factors Affecting the Performance of Micro

and Small Enterprise (MSE) in Ethiopia
Tariku Ayele1
Lecturer, Bule Hora University, Department of Agricultural Economics, Ethiopia.
Post code: + 251, Box: 144, Email: tarikuayele90@gmail.com, Phone: +251-919-736-603.

Accepted 3 December 2018

There is a great role of micro and small enterprises on improving the living standards of the
entrepreneurial households enabling them increase basic needs such as food, education and health
facilities, as well as production, investment and income. However, despite their contribution, MSEs in
Ethiopia encounter many problems and as a result, many MSEs perform dismally and fail to contribute
as per requirement. This paper is intended to review major constraints/factors affecting the
performance of micro and small enterprises in Ethiopia. According to the reviewed literatures, the major
factors hindering the performance of micro and small enterprises in Ethiopia are financial problems,
working space problems, marketing problems, bureaucracy, skill gap, infrastructure and input supply
problem. Therefore, the government should give emphasis on mechanisms of resolving these problems
in order to increase MSEs performance and make them contribute more to national economic growth.

Keywords: Micro and Small Enterprises, Constraints, Factors, Performance

Cite this article as: Tariku A (2018). Review on Factors Affecting the Performance of Micro and Small
Enterprise (MSE) in Ethiopia. Int. J. Polit. Sci. Develop. 6(8) 275-279


Being cognizant of the role of the micro and small MSEs perform dismally and fail to contribute as per
enterprises in stimulating capital formation, employment requirement (Abera, 2012).
creation and economic development, many developing According to Demeke et al., (2006), although micro and
countries have given a due attention to the development small enterprises account for a sizable proportion of the
of micro and small enterprises (Kamunge et al., 2014). industrial GDP and employment for the growing labor
There is a great role of micro and small enterprises on force, labor productivity has been low and stagnant. A
improving the living standards of the entrepreneurial significant proportion of the poor works in the urban
households enabling them increase basic needs such as informal sector, which is characterized by low productivity
food, education and health facilities, as well as and very low return. Within the urban informal sector,
production, investment and income suggesting urban agriculture and allied activities, manufacturing and
microenterprises to use local products for more trade, hotels and restaurants absorb many of the urban
profitability and more support including awareness raising poor.
and training to be given to sustain the existing ones so In Ethiopia, the current government issued National
that poverty can be reduced through microenterprise Micro and Small Enterprises Strategy in 1997 and
development. However, Micro and Small Enterprises established Micro and Small Enterprises Development
(MSEs) encounter many problems and as a result, many Agency in 1998 at federal level recognizing the
276 Int. J. Polit. Sci. Develop.

significance of the sector. The primary objective of the on the size of employment and the nature of equipment.
national MSE development strategy is to create an According to CSA (1999), establishments employing
enabling legal, institutional and other supportive less than ten persons and using motor operated
environment for the growth and development of MSEs. equipment are considered as small scale manufacturing
This objective could be achieved through emphasizing enterprises. Enterprises in the micro enterprise category
the advancement of the most vulnerable group of the are subdivided into informal sector operations and
society (the women), the provision of support services on cottage industries: Cottage and handicraft industries are
fee basis, and training support needs. The country’s trade those establishments performing their activities by hand
policy and poverty reduction strategy focused MSEs as and using non-power driven machines whereas the
major instrument to productive and competitive private informal sector is defined as household type
sector and as a path to reduce poverty among urban establishments or activities, which are non-registered
dwellers (FeMSEDA, 2007). companies and cooperatives operating with less than 10
According to EEA (2015), the share of manufacturing persons.
MSEs (i.e. Prioritized sector by Ethiopian government) in Currently revised definition, define Micro Enterprises as
GDP has declined from about 1.6% in 2004/05 to 1.3% in those enterprises having 5 workers including family
2012/13. MSEs in Ethiopia, despite their contribution to members and its total asset not exceeding Birr 100,000
economic development and job opportunity, they are for manufacturing enterprises and Birr 50,000 for service
facing various problems that inhibits their growth and providing enterprises and small enterprises as those
development. Different factors have contributed to low enterprises having 6-30 workers and its total capital not
growth and performance of micro and small enterprises. exceeding Birr 1.5 million for manufacturing enterprise
Understanding the situation in this regard, this paper was and Birr 500,000 for service providing enterprises
intended to review major constraints/factors affecting the (FeMSEDA, 2011).
performance of micro and small enterprises in Ethiopia so
as generate information for policy makers and concerned
bodies using available empirical evidences. Development Strategy of Ethiopia toward Micro and
Small Enterprise

Conceptualization of Micro and Small Enterprise in The Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia Ethiopia has recognized and paid due attention to the
promotion and development of MSEs for they are
There is no clear cut definition of micro and small important vehicles to address the challenges of
enterprise as there is no universally accepted definition of unemployment, economic growth and equity in the
it. Different countries of the world have defined micro and country. To this effect, the government has formulated a
small enterprise in different ways based on different National MSE Development and Promotion Strategy,
criteria. All over the world, numbers of employees or which enlightens a systematic approach to alleviate the
capital investment or both have been used as the basis problems and promote the growth of MSEs.
for defining MSEs. Similarly in Ethiopia, there is lack of Micro and small enterprise development strategy in
uniform definition to which MSEs are defined at the Ethiopia was launched for the first time in 1997 E.C. The
national level to have a common understanding of the primary objective of the national strategy framework is to
MSE sector. create an enabling environment for micro and small
The definition by Ministry of Trade and Industry (MoTI) enterprises. In addition to this basic objective of the
uses capital investment on one side, while the Central national MSE strategy framework, the strategy is
Statistical Agency (CSA) uses employment and favors launched under the specific objectives of facilitating
capital intensive technologies as a benchmark. The economic growth and bringing about equitable
definition used by MoTI, which uses capital investment as development, Create long-term jobs, Strengthen
a benchmark, has been developed for formulating micro Cooperation between MSEs, Provide the basis for
and small enterprise development strategy in 1997. Medium and Large Scale Enterprises, Promote export,
According to the MoTI (1997), Micro enterprises are and Balance preferential treatment between MSEs and
those businesses enterprises, in the formal and informal bigger enterprises. The strategy framework is designed
sector, with a paid up capital not exceeding Birr 20,000 based on a logical and integrated vision of country’s
and excluding high tech consultancy firms and other high economic development process. This vision sees the
tech establishments. Small enterprises are those MSEs to play an important part in the national economy.
business enterprises with a paid up capital of above Birr Most important, the vision is based on the country’s
20,000 and not exceeding Birr 500,000 and excluding overall development strategy of ADLI and the adoption of
high tech consultancy firms. On the other hand, CSA the market economic system, where the private sector
categorizes enterprises into different scales of operation will take the lead (MoTI, 1997).
Tariku 277

The new MSE Strategy by FeMSEDA (2011) targets performance.

the graduates, poor and less skilled people to form Mulugeta (2008) identified internal factors such as poor
cooperatives and create their own jobs. On top of record keeping, wrong pricing, negative cash flow,
providing jobs to the people, the establishments are also management problems, trouble among partners; external
hoped to bring about the technological transfer and new factors such as lack of capital, land and premises,
corporate management skills to the nation. In this taxation, poor market and market information, business
strategy also new set of areas are identified as requiring support services as major causes of small and micro
attention and priority from the government. These are the business failure in his analysis of underlying causes of
manufacturing sector that encompasses the majority of micro and small business failures in Addis Ketema sub-
the previously identified areas, the service sector which is city. Mezgebe (2012) employed binary logistic model to
a relatively new one, though not completely new, identify factors affecting the performance of MSEs.
construction sector (partly exists in the previous one), the Accordingly, he found factors such as favorability of
urban agriculture sector (partly exists in the previous business environment completion, level, institutional
one), and the retail sector. The stage of growth of the quality, access to raw material and marketing significantly
MSEs is another concept included under the strategy. affecting MSEs performance.
Accordingly, growth stage of MSEs includes; the start-up Chane (2010) identified factors affecting performance
stage, the growth stage and the maturity stage. of small and micro enterprises using Likert scale as
economic, socio cultural and legal and administrative
factors. He found that economic factors as the most
Major Constraints Inhibiting the Performance of binding factors affecting performance of MSEs. Ababiya
MSEs (2013) employed linear regression to identify factors
affecting the performance of microenterprises. According
MSEs in spite of their importance national economy, to his finding, age of the enterprise, age of the operator,
their growth and performance have been influenced by educational level of the operator, number of employees,
different factors. So far, a number of studies have been amount of initial capital, entrepreneurial skill, and
conducted to identify factors attributed for poor business experience of the manager, access to training,
performance of small and microenterprises. These and access to market were significant variables affecting
factors can be categorized as internal and external. business performance (Benefit-cost ratio).
Internal factors include entrepreneurial (personal traits) Mulatu et al., (2006) identified working capital as major
and management factors (Abera, 2012). A study determinant of performance. Skills in business training
conducted by Worku (2009) on the efficiency of and technical knowledge are lacking for the most part.
management as a determinant of long-term survival in Owners of small businesses lack the necessary capacity
micro, small and medium enterprises in Ethiopia revealed to benefit from innovative management and expand their
that high level of managerial skills significantly promotes businesses. As the small market is shared among too
long-term survival and profitability in small businesses many operators, income earned is barely enough to meet
and enterprises. According to his finding, managers of subsistence requirement. The majority of operators have
bankrupt enterprises do not have the experience, joined the enterprises for lack of better opportunity. The
knowledge, or vision to run their businesses. Through his weak purchasing power of the rural community for the
diagnoses, he found that the root cause of small firm products has been identified as one of the major
failure was management inefficiency of owner-managers. bottlenecks for the growth of the enterprises. In addition,
External factors are factors external to enterprise that the business environment is hardly conducive for their
include marketing factors, working place factors, sustainable development.
technology, financial factors, infrastructure, and enabling Also, as stated in WB (2012); land, finance, input
business environment. industries, entrepreneurship skills, worker skills,
Mensah et al., (2016) ranked high cost of production, bureaucracy in registration and licensing and taxation
access to credit, input price variability, inadequate were key factors inhibiting the performance of MSEs. The
knowledge in business management and lack of access survey conducted by MUDC (2013) on Micro and Small
to reliable electricity respectively as the most critical Enterprises in selected major cities of Ethiopia identified
constraints hindering the growth of micro and small scale numerous challenges encountered by the MSEs,
enterprises. Kamunge (2014) in his analysis of factors although their extent varied across cities. Consequently,
affecting the performance of small and microenterprises shortage of finance (42%) was principal challenge
in Limuru market found that; access to business followed by lack of working premise (28.3%) and lack of
information services, access to finance, availability of access to market (18.1%) for MSEs in the regional cites.
managerial experience, access to infrastructure, and Conversely, lack of access to land was the most crucial
government policy and regulations were major bottleneck (26.4%) followed by problems of finance
contributing factors for improvement in business (25.6%) and access to market (25.1%) for constraining
278 Int. J. Polit. Sci. Develop.

performances of MSEs in Addis Ababa. According to List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

EEA (2015), problems related to finance, access to CSA Central Statistical Agency
market and low competiveness, business information, EEA Ethiopian Economic Association
working premises, poor acquisition of technical skills and FeMSEDA Federal Micro and Small Enterprise
managerial expertise, appropriate technology, and Development Agency
access to quality infrastructure are causes for a fall in GDP Gross Domestic Product
MSEs performance short of expectations. MoTI Ministry of Trade and Industry
Generally, most of the reviewed literatures on MSE Micro and Small Enterprise
constraining factors affecting the growth and performance MUDC Ministry of Urban Development and
of micro and small enterprises report financial problem, Construction
working space problem, marketing problem, skill gap in WB World Bank
entrepreneurship, infrastructure, and input supply
problem as the most binding constraint inhibiting the
performance of MSEs. REFERENCES

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