Final Exam Semester B

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Name: __________ Grade: 10 ( )

English Final Exam

Section I:

Count that Day Lost

Section II:

A Summer’s Reading

Estimated time: an hour and a half

Read all the questions then answer them carefully.

Good Luck, I trust you   

Count That Day Lost

By George Eliot
If you sit down at set of sun
And count the acts that you have done,
And, counting, find
One self-denying deed, one word
That eased the heart of him who heard,
One glance most kind
That fell like sunshine where it went --
Then you may count that day well spent.

But if, through all the livelong day,

You've cheered no heart, by yea or nay --
If, through it all
You've nothing done that you can trace
That brought the sunshine to one face--
No act most small
That helped some soul and nothing cost --
Then count that day as worse than lost.

1. According to the first stanza, why should a person count the acts that he\she
has done at the end of the day?
i. To count how much money a person makes.
ii. To count if the person has done good deeds.
iii. To count the worthwhile acts people has made.
iv. To count the worthless acts a person has made.
(3 points)

2. Copy TWO phrases from the first stanza that cause other people to feel good.



(2 points)

Copy TWO phrases from the second stanza that make the day worthless.




(2 points)

3. In line 4 the poet says “One self-denying deed,”

Give ONE example of such a deed and explain your answer.







(6 points)

4. How are the first and the second stanzas different? How are they similar?
Provide examples from the poem. NOTE: use ONE thinking skills that we

The thinking skill I chose: _______________________________________________

(5 points)











(10 points)

5.Read the quote below.

“ What do we live for, if not to make life less difficult for each other? ”
George Eliot

How does this quote relate to the poem “Count That Day Lost”?











Section II: A Summer’s Reading

1. “ he sat on a bench here, watching the leafy trees and the flowers blooming on
the inside of the railing thinking of a better life for himself”

How is George’s life different from the life he would like to have? Name ONE way

Answer :_____________________________________________________________





(7 points)

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Support your answer
with reference to the text.

“It looks as though George will succeed in achieving his goals in life”







(7 points)

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