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S.Y. 2022 - 2023

1. The hot molten lava rock found in the interior of Earth is called _____

A. Pumice B. Cinder C. Lava D. Magma

2. The type of volcano that has records of eruptions within the last 600 years.

A. Inactive volcano C. Active volcano

B. Potentially active volcano D. Dormant volcano

3. Mount Mayon is an example of which type of volcano?

A. lava dome B. Cinder cone C. composite volcanoes D.shield volcano

4. Some volcanoes are built of fluid lava that pours out in all directions from a vent. They build up
a broad, gently sloping cone with a flat-domed shape. These volcanoes are called _____.

A. Composite volcanoes B.Cinder cones C.Shield volcanoes D. Stratovolcanoes

5. Cinder cones, are the simplest type of volcano and it is also known as _____.

A. Scoria cones B. Stratovolcano C. Shield Volcano D. None of the above

6. Which is TRUE about Strombolian style of volcanic eruption?

A. It is an excessively explosive type of eruption

B. It is a steam driven eruption caused by the contact of hot rocks with water.

C. It is a violent eruption characterized by a fountain lava

D. It is a type of eruption that emits gas

7. The type of volcanic eruption that is characterized by voluminous explosive ejections of

pumice and ash flows.

A. Pelean B. Vulcanian C. Phreatomagmatic D. Strombolian

8. The hot molten lava rock found in the interior of Earth is called _____

A. Pumice B. Cinder C. Lava D. Magma

9. The temperature of magma, greatly affects its viscosity. Which of the following statement is
TRUE about the relationship between temperature and viscosity?

A. The higher the temperature, the higher is its viscosity.

B. The lower the temperature, the lower is its viscosity.

C. The higher the temperature, the lower is its viscosity.

D. The temperature and viscosity of magma are not related to each other.

10. Which is TRUE about the phreatic/hydrothermal type of eruption?

A. It is a stream-driven eruption caused by the contraction of hot rocks with water.

B. It is a violent eruption due to contraction between water and magma

C. It is a type of eruption characterized by fountain lava

D. It is an excessively explosive type of eruption of gas and pyroclastic.

11. Which of the following increases the viscosity of magma?

A. Low silica content C. High Temperature

B. High silica content D. Great amount of dissolved gases

12. Viscosity or resistance of lava to flow depends on three factors EXCEPT

A. Temperature of the lava relative to the cooler temperature which it solidifies

B. Gas dissolved in magma

C. Silica content of lava

D. Vapor pressure of magma

13. Why is the Philippines so rich in geothermal energy?

I. It has many volcanoes III. it is surrounded by coastal areas

II. it is located along the pacific ring of fire IV. It has wet and dry season

A. I and II B. I and III C. I, II and III D. IV only

14. The volcanic materials formed from sticky magma with trapped gasses that build up

great amount of pressure and blast the magma into fragments.

A. Lava B. rock fragments C. volcanic ash D. volcanic bombs

15. Which of the following is NOT a primary factor affecting volcanic eruption?

A. Viscosity of Magma C. Amount of dissolved gases

B. Chemical Composition D. Magma’s temperature

16. The process of producing energy by utilizing heat trapped inside the earth surface.

A. Hydrothermal energy C. solar energy

B. Geothermal energy D. wave energy

17. The method of using geothermal energy that involves the use of heat coming from close to

the Earth’s surface to heat water.

A. Dry steam power plants C. Geothermal heat pumps

B. Geothermal power plants D. Direct use

18. Why is the Philippines is so rich in geothermal energy?

A. It has many volcanoes C. Its location along the Ring of Fire

B. It is surrounded by coastal areas D. All of the above

19. What is the main disadvantage of building geothermal energy plants?

A. Pollution B. Global warming C. Cost D. Can only be built in United States

20. Which of the following is a negative effect of volcanic eruption?

A. It serves as a tourist spot. C. It helps us to know what’s inside the Earth.

B. It produces very rich soils for farming. D. It can cause loss of lives and properties.

21. Why are people advised to avoid rivers during a volcanic eruption?

A. Lava from the volcano might cause river water to boil.

B. Lahar flow might wash away the bridge.

C. During prolonged rains, mudflows from the volcano tend to follow the rivers valleys.

D. People are supposed to stay indoors unless there is danger that the roof of their house will
22. How does a volcano affect the atmosphere?

A. The wind carries particles from the volcano around the world.

B. The smoke from lava rises into the atmosphere.

C. Both A and B.

D. None of the above.

23. Which activity does not contribute to global warming?

A. Reforestation B. illegal fishing C. mining activities D. incineration garbage

24. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?

A. Ocean currents that flow away from the equator carry warm water.

B. Regions with high altitudes have higher temperature

C. Places near the ocean have a moderate climate

D. Soils absorb heat faster than water

25. All of the following are major effects of climate change EXCEPT _________

A. Shrinking ice sheets C. Decreasing Temperature

B. Sea level rises D. Ocean acidification

26. How does the body of water regulate the temperature of a certain region or country?

A. Body of water warms the air of a certain region or country

B. Body of water cools the air of a certain region or country

C. Body of water circulates the warm air or cold air of a certain region or country

D. Body of water moderates the temperature of a certain region or country

27. Climate is best described as ________.

A. The weather that occurs in the atmosphere within a day

B. The pattern of weather that occurs in a region over a long period of time

C. The pattern of weather that occurs in a region over a short period of time

D. The disturbance in the atmosphere that happens over a long period of time

28. What is the relationship between the altitude and temperature of a place?

A. As the altitude increases, temperature decreases

B. As the altitude decreases, temperature decreases

C. As the altitude increases, temperature increases

D. As the altitude increases, the temperature remains the same

29. El Nino has been blamed for droughts and floods in the country. El Nino is _____________.

A. It is the irregular and lengthy warming in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean

B. It is the cooling up of the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean

C. Trade winds that move from east to west are strengthen

D. it is sometimes called “cold Pacific”

30. Why do mountain climbers bring thick jackets when they go up the mountain?

A. The temperature decreases as the altitude decreases.

B. The temperature decreases as the altitude increases.

C. The temperature remains the same as the altitude increases.

D. The temperature increases as the altitude increases.

31. What will happen if there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

A. Climate changes C. Temperature increases

B. Water vapor condenses D. Greenhouse effect occurs

32. Why do places at the same latitude but different altitudes have different climates?

A. The higher altitudes have lower temperatures.

B. The higher altitudes have a higher temperature.

C. The amount of precipitation differs.

D. The amount of heat received varies.

33. All of the following climatic events happens in the Philippines except;

A. Melting of glaciers B. El Niño C. Heavy precipitation D. Drought

34. Listed are rising indicators of climate change except;

A. Glaciers C. Sea surfaced temperature

B. Sea level D. Ocean heat

35. Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may cause

A. Climate change C. Condensation of water vapor

B. Greenhouse effect D. Increase in temperature

36. Which of the following is an indication of global warming?

A. Coastal erosion C. Rising of sea level

B. Strong waves D. Decrease of global temperature

37. The atmospheric condition of a place over a long period of time.

A. Climate B. Monsoon C. Weather D. Topography

38. What happens to the temperature of the air when altitude increases

A. Remains the same B. Increases C. Decreases D. Varies

39. Why are the coldest places on Earth are found at the poles?

A. Less amount of gaseous particles trap heat from the surface.

B. Less amount of thermal radiation is received by these areas.

C. Great amount of thermal radiation is received by these areas.

D. Great amount of gaseous particles trap heat from the surface.

40. Which constellation aids the Matigsalog Manobo tribe in beginning forest clearing?
A. Aquila B. Taurus C. Gemini D. Pleiades

41. In the night sky, how do stars tend to move?

A. From East to West C. From West to East
B. From North to South D. From South to North

42. Because of this, stars appear to move in the sky

A. The Earth is rotating on its axis C. The night sky is rotating
B. The universe is expanding D. New galaxies are formed
43. Most of the astronomers believe that stars are born within massive clouds of dust and gases
known as
A. Sun B. pulsars C. auroras D. nebula

44. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the magnitude of the star?
A. The higher the magnitude number, the brighter the star
B. The lower the magnitude number, the dimmer the star
C. The lower the magnitude number, the brighter the star
D. All statements are true
45. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE about stars?

A. The color of the stars indicate its surface temperature.

B. Star’s brightness as seen from the Earth depends on distance and absolute brightness

C. Stars are millions of light years away from the earth

D. Stars are of the same sizes and have a different level of brightness

46. An observer from the Earth will be able to see the stars that are on the night side. Why do stars
cannot be seen on the same side of the sun?

A. Sunlight is destructive C. Stars are to many to see

B. Sunlight overpowers all the star lights D. Stars give off too much light

47. Which constellation is best known because it contains the Big Dipper which looks like a ladle?
A. Ursa Major B. Orion C. Ursa Minor D. Polaris

48. Why do stars have colors?

A. It is because of the presence of oxygen.
B. It is because of the presence of carbon dioxide.
C. It is because of varied temperatures.
D. It is because of the different locations.

49. Balatik is seen as both the sword and belt of Orion. Start of planting and setting of traps to
protect the crops from animals. Which of the following constellation is Orion?

A. B. C. D.

50. Which of the following best describes the constellation Pandarawa?

A. is seen as both the sword and belt of Orion.

B. it is known as the two hunting dog of Orion.

C. it is known as Pleiades a star cluster made up of seven stars of constellation Taurus.

D. All of the above.

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