5 Main Aspects of Training For MMA

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6 Main Aspects of Training for MMA

- Power
 Efficiently accelerating an object by applying Strength with Speed
 Trained in 2 parts: Basic Strength & Explosiveness (Weight Training)
 Example of usage: Any striking, Takedowns, etc.
- Endurance
 Consistent ability to perform with high outputs over long periods of time
- Coordination
 Simultaneous maneuvering of multiple limbs to create a greater effect
 Trained by: Muscle Memory &
 Example of Usage: Throwing a combination, Sweeping an opponent, etc.
- Athleticism & Bodyweight Strength
 Ability to consistently control your body to get out of rough positions or gain
control through leveraging different parts of your body.
- Flexibility & Balance
 Ability to exert strength from odd positions and take submissions or escape locks.
- Technique & Skill
 Grappling (Judo, Greco-Roman, Freestyle, etc.)
 Striking (Boxing, Muay Thai, Tael Won Do, etc.)
 Ground Grappling (BJJ, etc.)
Strength (Try Varying rep ranges & Isometrics)
- Chest, Triceps, Shoulder
 Bench Press & Explosive Variation
 Overhead Press
- Quadriceps, Hamstrings and Calves
 Squats & Explosive Variation
 Trap-Bar Deadlift & Explosive Variation
 Romanian Deadlift
 Zercher Deadlift + Walk
- Upper and Lower Back
 T-Bar Rows + Explosive Variation
 Barbell Rows + Explosive Variation
 Pullups
- Full Compound Movements
 Snatch
 Power Clean and Press
 Clean & Jerk
 Muscle-Ups
- Specific Development
 Barbell Curl
 Tricep Pushdown
 Calf Raise Jumps
 Dead Hangs
 Rear Delt flies + Lateral Raises / Upright Rows
 Wrist curls / Zottman curls
 Rotator Cuff training
 Goodmornings
 Rice-Bucket Training
 Tibialis raises
 Lateral leg raises
 Hip thrust
- Core Training
 Pallof Press + Dynamic
 Kick-throughs
 Suitcase Carries
 Hollow Body Holds
 Plank / Planche
 L-sit
 Side-Plank
- Sled Work
 Sled Walk
 Reverse Sled Walk
Athletic Training
- Handstand progressions
- High jump training
 Split Squat Jumps
 Front Elevated Jumps
 Depth Jumps
 Alt. Pogo Box Jumps
 Single-Leg Lateral Drop Jumps
 Low-Low-High Jumps
 Squat Jumps (max height)
 Box Squats
- Jump Roping
- Rope Climb
- Kettlebell Swings (timed, 1-2mins)
- Timed Olympic lifts (Lift once every 10seconds, for 2mins)
- Belted Resistance Shoot with medball slam

Endurance Training
- Long Runs (10-20mins)
- Sprints (15second max output sprints, followed by 3mins jog)
- Battle rope (1-3mins)
- Weighted Shadow Boxing

Flexibility (Dynamic motion stretches)

- Wrist circling
- Hamstring stretch
- Sissy quad stretch
- Splits (variations)
- Alternating Cossack squats
- Wall calf stretch
- Butterfly stretch
- Elephant Walks
- Split squat
- Pancake stretch
- Pidgeon stretch

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