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thank you

thank you

very much

did you hear what the cow said to the

farmer on a cold winter morning

thanks for the warm hand

anyway it's gonna get better so don't

panic on me

start small

nice to see all of you how many of you

have never seen me before this is your

first time

oh wow most of you okay

I keep thinking for sure I'm more famous

than that but uh

you know that is the truth I'm delighted

to be here and looking forward to it for

a long time

and it's nice to be back you know I was

here not too long ago it's nice to be

invited back it says something when

you're invited back

it doesn't say everything it says

maybe it says let's give him one more

chance right to see if he can get it

right this time but I'm delighted to

have all of you here we're going to

spend the day together I feel two major

responsibilities and I'm sure you can

guess what those are

number one is to make sure you get your

money's worth

right when you shell out your cash

especially these days

you want to make sure you get full value

for the money you spent

and I know the tab for the seminar was

not that much

pretty modest fee to get in most of you

your tips for the week right so it

wasn't that much but I want you to be

able to say when you walk out of here


it was worth my money

but my biggest responsibility is to make

sure you get your times worth

and the reason I say that is because

time is more valuable than money

in fact you might start your notes with

that time is more valuable than money

you can get more money but unfortunately

you can't get more time

if somebody asks you to spend your money

that's pretty easy right we live in


we're wealthy so the money's not the


but what if somebody asked you to spend

a day

right you got to think that over


and I know you did I wouldn't waste one

of my days not for anybody not for

anything once I understood how valuable

they were

I don't waste any

but to make an investment like today of

your money and your time I appreciate

that today is going to be costly for me

it's going to cost me one of my days to

be here

right and some money of course but you

know I don't need the money I take the

money but I I don't I don't need the


but guess what I do need the time

so I'm here not to just joke with you

I'm here not to just tell some funny

stories and give a performance and walk

away I'm here to give you some value and

I want to make it worth your time

I'm going to invest today you're going

to invest today let's get the most out

of it and see what we can walk away with

today anyway

for you that have not seen me before

just very briefly let me just tell you

my story I grew up in Idaho

Farm country southwest corner of Idaho

in fact my father still lives on the Old

Homestead where I grew up

he'll be 89 his next birthday still

hasn't retired

I'm proud of my dad he's never been ill

he's really something I'm trying to get

him to retire this year 88 I'm telling

my father what a good year to retire

when you're 88. and he says hey talk to

me in 10 years right I might be ready

but anyway I went to high school I


I went to college one year halfway

through my second year of college I

decided I was smart enough so I quit

one of my major mistakes I should have

stayed in school

uh but I thought heck you know I'm smart

enough to get a job that's what life's

all about right get a job

pay your bills work hard stay out of

trouble keep your fingers crossed hope

for the best

and I figured I was at least prepared to

do that so I quit college and went to


a little while later got married got my

little family going

and I'm out there doing what I thought

was the best I could

but about age 25 I'm starting to

struggle I've purchased a little more

than I can conveniently pay for on time

and the creditors are starting to call

saying hey you told us the check was in

the mail what's the deal

and I'm getting embarrassed by that

I'm also embarrassed Big Mouth me with

all the fancy promises I made to get


I'm way behind on those promises

and I'm getting discouraged wondering

what to do

and I thought well maybe I should go

back to school right one year of college

pretty short on an application

but uh you know tough to go back to

school right especially when you got

your family going time to stay is when

you're there

uh so I discounted that I thought well

if I you know had my own business that

would be the way to go

but you know I'm short on money too much

month at the end of the money if you've

ever been there that's where I was age


so I had to Discount that and I'm

discouraged wondering where do I go from


and then the miracle happened for me

good fortune

came my way and who can explain Good


I don't know remarkable things that

happened to you at a particular time

sometimes it's just unexplainable

how those things happen one of my

friends says well hey things don't just


things happen just

another good note for your notes things

don't just happen things happen


and maybe that's it I don't know I'm an

amateur on life I guess like most of us

are trying to figure it out how to make

it valuable

but I was ready

and my good fortune was at age 25 I met

a very wealthy man

his name was Mr shelf Mr Earl show a

friend of mine had gone to work for him

and he started telling me about this man

he said you got to meet this man I've

gone to work for he's wealthy but he's

easy to talk to

uh and he's got a unique philosophy of


and the more he kept

talking about this man I thought well

I've got to meet this man so sure enough

shortly after that I had a chance to

meet this remarkable wealthy man and I

was impressed he was wealthy sure enough

he was easy to talk to

I was so intrigued within a few minutes

I said to myself if I could be like him

Farm Boy from Idaho if I could be like

him I'd give anything

and then I thought if I could just get

around somebody like him

and if he would teach me what to do

I would be willing to learn I'm


and that was my good fortune a few

months later this wealthy man that I met

Mr shoaf took a liking to me hired me

gave me a job I went to work for him and

I spent the next five years in his


and then unfortunately he died at the

end of that period at age 49.

his last five years that the first five

years of my new life I got to spend with

this remarkable man and my dream came

true he coached me he taught me

he taught me the books to read he taught

me the disciplines he taught me the

changes to make in my language and


and the things he shared with me during

that five years literally changed my

life turned my life around changed my

income changed my bank account changed

my future changed everything I've never

been the same since that unique


and I wish he was still alive today Mr

show if I'm sure if he was alive today

especially after this seminar Idaho Farm

Boy makes it to Dallas Fort Worth Full

House standing room only

pretty awesome I'm sure if he was alive

I'd be calling him today saying you

won't believe what's happening to me

I've had a chance now to share with

other people what you shared with me but


how I got here

30 plus years ago I was living in

Beverly Hills California

and one day A friend of mine businessman


said Jim would you I'd like to have you

come and share your story with my

service club that I belong to the Rotary


he said I know your story Idaho Farm Boy

makes it to Beverly Hills

but he said I think my club members

would love to hear your story he said if

I arranged one of our breakfast meetings

would you come tell your story just

share a few thoughts I said okay

uh so I agreed to go give this breakfast


and guess what they liked it

and my telephone rang I got another call

got another call saying we heard

uh you've given your story and shared

some ideas would you come talk to our

club talk to our club first thing I know

I'm starting to devote a piece of my

business time to giving these talks

and then one day a businessman who'd

heard my talk I think two or three times

approached me and said would you come

and share that story and some thoughts

with my management and sales people said

I got this little company going

and he said if you'd come tell your

story to my

organization he said I'd be happy to pay


and I thought wow wouldn't that be


so I agreed to go do it and I got paid

little did I know another Fortune was

waiting for me

to translate my ideas into talks and

speeches and seminars

now I've written some books it's on

cassette tape now I get to travel around

the world last year I was in Japan and

Israel Spain


Australia New Zealand France

Germany Canada

and now Dallas forward so

Idaho farm boy gets to travel around the

world and share his story and here I am

today anyway it's almost too much for me

to comprehend from where I started

raised in obscurity


in a little small farm community and now

to be here today is pretty awesome for

me so anyway that's just a little bit

about my story

my story is probably more intriguing for

me than it is for you but I wanted to

hear it again so I thought I would just

you know bore you with it anyway I don't

ask you to be impressed today I'm the

one that's impressed from where I came

from to have a chance but that's the

American dream right come true chance to

start from scratch

start from obscurity start with pennies

start with nothing

and have a chance to transform your life

change your life set your goals and see

what you can accomplish

so anyway that's how I got here and I'm

just delighted that this day has arrived

and I truly want to make it valuable for

you let's go to work

here's what I hope you'll find out of

this seminar today for your notes

here's what I hope you'll find

number one sincerity

above all else today I hope you'll find

me sincere

best place for people to start to

communicate is sincerity on both sides

I'm sure you're sincere or you wouldn't

be here today right to spend this kind

of money to spend this kind of time roll

up your sleeves today go to work like I


and get this message you've got to be

sincere so I assume you're sincere now I

want you to see me sincere but I've got

a good note for you to make sincerity is

not a test of Truth

important note to make sincerity is not

a test of Truth

we must not make the mistake of saying

he must be right he's so sincere

that would be a mistake

and here's why it's possible to be

sincerely wrong

so we don't mistake sincerity for truth

right sincerity is only a test of

sincerity truth has to yet be tested by

truth okay but hopefully you will find

me sincere and truthful

next a combination of things I hope

you'll find here today ideas plus


ideas plus inspiration

ideas business ideas and social ideas

and personal ideas we all need ideas

right how to have a good day ideas how

to have a good year ideas how to have

your best year ever ideas good health


personal relationship ideas how to deal

with your family ideas Sales Management


Financial Freedom for the future ideas

we all need good ideas so today I hope

you gather up by notes and by what you

can remember a lot of ideas I want to

share as many with you as I possibly can

and the time constraints we have today

is going to go very rapidly I used to

think a day like this was a long day

found out it's pretty short day but I'm

going to go as fast as I can share with

you as many ideas as I possibly can and

here's why ideas can be life-changing

ideas can be life-changing and sometimes

all you need is just one more

in a series of good ideas

it's like dialing the numbers into the


right you got five or six numbers dialed

into the lock the lock still won't come

open but you don't need five or six more

numbers maybe you just need one more and

maybe a seminar like this could do it a

sermon could do it the lyrics from a

song could do it the dialogue from a

movie could do it

conversation with a friend might do it

that one last piece you need number dial

it into the lock that's it the lock

comes open there's the door for you to

walk through and maybe this seminar

today could furnish that for you one

more idea I know you've come with a lot


sometimes we get the impression I used

to have that but I only had this much

going for me and I needed this much

usually not true and I'm sure not true

of this audience where I find you today

as well dressed as you look today

you know as fine as you are sitting here

today it isn't that you know you've got

this much going for you and you need

this much I would assume you've got this

much going for you and maybe all you

need is just a few more thoughts ideas

uh to furnish you some ways and means to

turn your life into the dream you want

it to be
so ideas the seminar is going to be

loaded with ideas I want you to take

good notes but here's what else I hope

you'll find here today and that is


and who knows the mystery of inspiration

why some people are inspired and some

are not

you were inspired to get here some were

not who knows the mystery of that I

don't know

how come you made it

the rest of them didn't make it we don't

know what that mystery is some people

turned it down some people said cost too

much some people say it's going to take

too much time

some people are too busy right a lot of

different excuses why some are inspired

to take advantage of something that

comes to town others pass it up we don't

know the mystery to that here's what I

call it Mysteries of the mind and I just

leave it at that some things I don't try

to figure out I take the simple approach



some people do and some people don't I

mean that's about as profound as My

Philosophy is

some by and

some don't buy some go forward and

some don't some change and

some don't and if you've been around for

a while you can usually work out the

numbers right out of ten you know three

do seven though whatever business you're

involved in pretty soon you got this

ratio going the ones that do the ones

that don't you say well why don't the

ones that don't how come they don't we

don't know I just leave it as a mystery

I used to try to understand all that

I just take the simple approach now the

guy says this happens to me this happens

to me this goes wrong for me and all

this stuff goes wrong for me how come

all this stuff happens to me I say I

don't know be to me

the best I've been able to figure out is

those kind of things always happen to

people like you I mean right that's the

best I got I don't know

I'm an amateur on this stuff what do I


so just take the simple approach right

that's how it is

who knows

interesting story says the day the

Christian church was started

now I'm an amateur on the Bible but best

account I can remember the day the

Christian church was started a


sermon was preached great presentation

and if you're a student of all at all of

good communication it was one of the

classic presentations of all times the

sermon first day Christian Church was


and it said the sermon this presentation

was given to a multitude meaning a lot

of people

but it was interesting as the account

gives us the record it says when the

sermon was finished there was a variety

of reaction to the same sermon

isn't that fascinating I find it


it said some that heard this

presentation were perplexed

and I read the presentations sounded

pretty straightforward to me said why

would somebody be perplexed with a good

sincere straightforward presentation

best answer I've got they are the

perplexed I mean you know what other

explanation is it

it doesn't matter who's preaching

right it said some that heard this

presentation mocked and laughed

made fun of the presentation I thought

hey this looks pretty sincere to me if

you give a sincere honest presentation

why would somebody Mock and laugh easy

explanation they are the mockers and the

laughers what else would you expect them

to do right I used to try to straighten

all that out say well they shouldn't do

that I don't do that anymore

I've got peace of mind now I sleep like

a baby not try to straighten all this

stuff out

I used to be so naive I used to say a

liar shouldn't lie see how naive can you

be of course they're supposed to lie

that's why we call them Liars they lie

they lie

so I don't straighten this stuff out


anyway it said some that heard this

magnificent presentation didn't know

what was going on

and they're usually easy to spot they're

usually saying what's going on right I

mean they don't know what's going on but

interesting right a variety of reaction

to the same sincere honest presentation

now it also says in wrapping it up some

that heard the presentation believed

and I think that's who the speaker was

looking for the Believers

interesting now it said the number of

Believers was about three thousand so

pretty good first day

three thousand I've had some first days

but I never had three thousand

but anyway three thousand were Believers

and that's the speaker was looking for

the Believers out of this multitude and

that's about as close as we can come to

understanding the mystery some believe

and some Mock and some laugh and some

are perplexed and some don't know what's

going on and you just have to leave it

that way

why because that's the way it's going to

be the way to be brilliant is to find

out how it's going to be and then say

here's how it should be I mean that's

how you become brilliant so anyway who

knows the mystery I call it Mysteries of

the mind we don't understand but I don't

try to change it anymore on this

particular story as far as we know they

didn't have classes after the

presentation to try to De perplex the

perplexed I mean as far as we know they

left them for Plex they left the mockers

mocking they let the laughers laugh I

mean they didn't come back and try to

straighten all this out you say well how

can you build a church well make another

presentation you'll get some Believers

and some mockers and some laughers and

some who don't know what's going on so

that's about the best we can do

so but I'm glad I've got the Believers

here today you believed enough to Shell

out your cash and part with your time

and some of your effort and energy and I

appreciate that

so hopefully you'll find some

inspiration here today

all right to get the most out of today a

couple more notes number one be thankful

that's a good way to capture the most of

a day like this be thankful for what you

already have

that shouldn't be any problem in America

being thankful everything we need is

available in America everybody wants to

come here right the last time I was here

that little presentation I gave

everybody wants to come here America

people haven't plotted in scheme the

last 40 years saying if I could just

skip to Poland everything would be okay

no everybody wants to come to America

why everything's available here all the

books you need all the sermons you need

all the churches you need all the

schools you need all the instruction you

need all the inspiration you need all

the capital you need all the markets you

need all the challenge you need all the

information you need all the seminars

you need everything's available here

this is America so number one let's be

thankful for what we already have

Thanksgiving does this opens up the

doors opens up the windows opens up the


Thanksgiving for what you already have

I did a seminar one weekend up at the

ranch up at Clear Lake

got a lodge up there

nice setting High Valley High Serenity


for the weekend Friday evening Saturday

Sunday people drove in from around

California I got there late Friday

afternoon everybody had pretty well

already gotten there I couldn't believe

the parking lot

Continentals and El Dorados and Mercedes

and Cadillacs and unbelievable Ferrari

one Rolls-Royce unbelievable I walked in

good looking crowd like this sitting

there ready for the weekend seminar my

opening remarks were ladies and

gentlemen I think the rest of the world

would find it strange

that we have all come here this weekend

to try to figure out how to do better

right I think the rest of the world

would say I don't understand

Guyanese Rolls-Royce and I got to get to

the seminar find out how to get another

one of these rolls royces

unbelievable anyway let's be thankful

here's what locks up the doors and the

channels to receive more cynicism

that locks you away that prevents you

from learning more being a cynic about

the past and the future cynic about the

marketplace cynical about the people

cynical about the institution since

cynical about the setup

cynical about yourself cynical about

your chances see that locks away all the


for stuff to flow your way

so good advice I think today start off

be thankful here's number two listen

well that's going to be a challenge

today I understand that

seems like most of you know our life is

still going on outside these four walls

walls right

most of our life seems like it's all you

know continuing out there family and

business and Associates and market and

economy and whatever else is happening

in the midst of your life and to sort of

you know pull your attention from what's

going on out there and put it in here

for just a few hours I know is a

challenge but do the best you can listen

and here's the last one take good notes

be a good student today take some good

notes I've not come to entertain you

as you can tell by my opening joke right

I would not make it in Las Vegas

so we don't have a dog and pony show

today no entertainment but I do have

some ideas take some good notes somebody

showed me the other day notes that they

took about 21 years ago

attending one of my seminars out in Los

Angeles he said I still use these notes

I took 21 years ago to help me in my

business relationship with my family

so I'd like to have these notes that you

take today become that valuable for you

then it would be worth me making the


to come and spend a portion of my life

my time my energy here

and I want this investment I'm making

here today to pay off one of the ways it

can pay off for me is for you to take

good notes and then go away and use

whatever makes sense because what I

Feast on coming back around is the

stories out of this audience today sure

enough six weeks from now six months

from now six years from now

somebody's gonna buy phone by letter by

personal contact walk up to me and say

the things you shared that day got me

thinking and I started making some

changes and let me tell you what's

happened to my business let me tell you

what's happened to my sales career let

me tell you what's happened to my

relationship with my family see that'll

make it worth it for me not the money

the return something you can't buy with

money if somebody says thank you for

touching my life and taking the time to

make the investment

and that's what I'm all about so if

you'll become a good student today and

here's the last note don't be a follower

be a student

thank you

you'd be happy to know today we haven't

come seeking disciples we've got no

movement for you to join

I'm just here to share some of my

experiences good ideas best I can

but I think that's good advice don't be

a follower be a student

right take advice but not orders

take information but don't let somebody

you know order your life make sure what

you do is the product of your own

conclusion excellent note to make make

sure what you do is the product of your

own conclusion

not to do what someone else says

take what someone else says process it

think about it ponder it

if it makes you wonder if it makes you

think then it's valuable

then when you go take action make sure

that the action is not what somebody

told you to do make sure the action is

the product of your own conclusion

if you'll follow just a little bit of


simple guidelines I'm telling you the

learning process can be Speedy Swift

powerful your learning curve can go up

and then applying it to your business

your life your family conversations

equities of all kinds you'll find some

progress like I did that first five

years when I met a teacher willing to

share with me turn my life around

progress I couldn't believe happened for



let's get started

I want to review I was here last time

and we talked about the five major

pieces to the life puzzle

and I just want to review those because

it lays such a good foundation for all

the rest that I want to share with you

today we got a lot of subjects to cover

so we're going to go rather swiftly okay

put on your mental track shoes here and

run with me today because I'm going to

deal mostly in Concepts expect you to

you know fill in a lot of the details

because I got a lot to share I want to

get through it all but let's lay this

Foundation again of the five major

pieces happens to be the title of my

latest book

but I think it is so valuable in laying

a foundation at some of the things I

learned between ages 25 and 30.

the teacher who taught me taught me so

well he dealt in these fundamentals we

call these fundamentals

we call these basics

basics for sports fundamentals for

sports fundamentals for your business

fundamentals for the way you deal with

your family a few simple things

a few basic things that if you practice

every day can make all the difference in

the world how it works out I boiled it

down to five major pieces to the life

puzzle let's just review those number

one is philosophy

philosophy as I taught the last time I

was here philosophy and my personal


is the major determining factor in how

your life works out


the major determining factor in how your

life works out

philosophy to form our philosophy you

got to think you've got to use your mind

got to process ideas

and this whole process over a lifetime

starting way back here when we were


schools that we've attended our parents

our experiences all this stuff that

we've processed by the thinking process

helps to develop our philosophy and in

my opinion each person's personal

philosophy is the major factor in how

your life works out

here's what I called it in that last

presentation when I was here it's called

the set of the sale

each person's personal philosophy is

like the set of the sale

now I used to think of a circumstances

that ordered my life

if someone would have asked me at age 25

Mr own how come you're not doing well

pennies in your pocket creditors calling

nothing in the bank

behind on your promises to your family

you live in America 25 years old got a

beautiful family every reason to do well

and things are not going that well for

you what is wrong here it would not have

occurred to me to blame my philosophy

I mean it would not have occurred to me

say well I got this lousy philosophy and

that's how come I got pennies in my

pocket and nothing in the bank and

things aren't working well that would

not have occurred to me

I found it much easier to blame the


much easier to blame the tax problem

I used to say taxes are two


top tax rate when I first started paying

taxes 91 percent

back then when your income reached a

certain level all your income over that

91 so I used to say that's due

hi now the tax top tax rates about 33


but people are still saying what taxes

are two

see but you can't use that anymore if

it's gone from 91 to 33 how could it be

too high

come on I threw all that old excuse

stuff away some people found it though

and they're using it these days

my old list

I used to blame the traffic the weather

used to blame circumstances right people

say I'm Too Too Tall I'm too short I'm

too old I was raised in obscurity raised

on a farm parents of modest means all

the stuff if you would ask me how come

you find yourself here Mr own age 25

Living in America land of abundance and

opportunity Kenny zero in the bank not

doing well creditors calling it would

not have occurred to me to blame my


I found it easier to blame the company

company policy

I used to say if this is all they pay

how do they expect you to do well

so I figured that you know my future was

going to be tied to what everybody else

was arranging the economy and

right interest rates I used to say

things cost too

much that was my whole explanation Not

My Philosophy

until my teacher taught me better that

this is where the problem was my own

personal philosophy

here's what's exciting about each

person's personal philosophy that's what

makes us different than dogs and animals

and birds and cats and spiders and


that's what makes us different than all

other life forms the ability to think

the ability to use your mind the ability

to process ideas and not just operate by


in the winter I'm telling you the goose

can only fly


what if South doesn't look too good

tough luck

it can only fly south

but see human beings are not like a

goose can only fly south

I mean you can turn around go north you

can go east you can go west you can

order the entire process of your own

life and we do that by the way we think

we do that by exercising our mind we do

that by processing ideas and come up

with a better philosophy a better

strategy for our life goals for the

Future Okay plans to achieve those goals

all this comes from developing our


philosophy helps us to process what's

available well when we get here we got

seed and we got soil and we got some

rain and we've got some what sunshine

and we've got some seasons and what the

Miracle of Life Now the key is what do

you do with all this stuff

how do you turn all this stuff

that's available here into equity and

and lifestyle and dreams and Future

possibilities all of this that's

possible now with human beings how do

you take all this stuff and turn it into

this equities and values well it starts

with philosophy

what is the seed what is the soil what

is the sunshine what is the rain is it

possible to take some of each of all the

stuff that's available and turn it into

food and turn it into value and turn it

into nourishment turn it into something

spectacular and unique that no other

life form can do and the answer is yes

but you cannot deal with all this stuff

and what to do with it unless you start

refining your philosophy think use your

mind come up with ideas and strengthen

your philosophy so the seed in the soil

and the rain and the sunshine this is

called you know the economy and the

banks and the money and the schools and

uh everything that's available out there

processing information what to do with

all that and turn it into equity and

value that is the major challenge of

life my personal opinion so each

person's personal philosophy now is

going to determine what you're going to

do with seed and soil and sunshine and

Rain Miracle the change of seasons

that's it my personal opinion

each person's personal philosophies like

the set of the sale

that's what this seminar is for today

help you to trim a better sale you don't

need a better economy you don't need

better seed and soil in fact when it

comes to seed and soil and rain and

sunshine and seasons in the Miracle of

Life that's all you got now what if you

blame this stuff then you're blaming all

you got

if you blame the economy and you blame

the schools and you blame the teachers

and you blame the sermons and the

preachers and and you blame uh you know

the marketplace you blame the company

and company policy what else is there

when some people get through with their

blameless there is nothing else that's

all there is and if you blame

the only thing you've got to work with

I'm telling you it's called mistake


in not understanding that that's all

you've got to work with and if this is

all you've got to work with then you

don't change the seed and you don't

change the soil and you don't change the

rain and you don't change the sun sign

you don't change the seasons right guys

I'll take three Springs four Summers

nine Falls no Winters no you can't fool

with this stuff you got to take it like

it comes then what do you change to make

your life work well you got to start

with your philosophy

guess what I had to do at age 25 in

order to change my own future I had to

change my mind I had to change my

thinking I had to change my philosophy I

was messed up on what was causing my


and once I got that straightened out

that all the stuff I blamed the

government and taxes and the marketplace

and the economy and things cost too much

negative relatives cynical neighbors

once I got rid of that and started going

for where the real problem was which was

me I'm telling you my life exploded into


my bank account changed immediately my

income changed immediately

my whole life took on a whole new look

and color immediately

and the early results I got from making

these philosophical changes tasted so

good I've never stopped the process from

that day until this

and I'm telling you with a little

consideration of the refinement of your


by setting a better sale refining your

philosophy your whole life can start to

change from today on you don't have to

wait till tomorrow you don't have to

wait till next month you don't have to

wait till spring don't have to wait till

93 you can start this whole process

immediately I recommend it

now some people do so little thinking

they don't even have their sale up I

mean you can imagine where they're going

to wind up at the end of this week at

the end of this month at the end of this


now is the chance to change process all

this information so number one is

philosophy okay and we dealt with all

that where we get ideas from personal

experience from other people's

experiences I don't want to get into all

those details because we covered that

the last time I was here

but philosophy that's number one my

personal opinion

each person's personal philosophy here's

the definition of success and failure

just make this note here's failure

a few

errors in judgment


day now you can automatically assume Mr

Owen I say I can understand that a few

errors in judgment repeated every day

for six years

I'm with my father I think I told the

story the last time I was here my father

88 years old he's never been ill still

hasn't retired

not long ago midnight we're getting

ready to go to bed we've drilled a new

well got some extra water got some more

Acres going he's all excited

at midnight we're getting ready to go to

bed my father's eating what he calls his

midnight snack a little bite to eat

before you go to bed don't have to go to

bed hungry

and I'm watching him eat this midnight

snack guess what he had an apple a few

graham crackers and a glass of

grapefruit juice I said no one to my

father's so healthy my mom taught us all

those good health practices taught me

when I'm growing up right I'm an only

child I've never been ill past the big

5-0 some time ago my two daughters 32 33

never been ill my grandkids never been

ill telling you the Legacy lingers on

as I watched my father have this

midnight snack suddenly occurred to me

I know that's part of it an apple what

a day that's gotten to Dallas Fort Worth

right an apple

an apple a day

keeps the doctor away good question for

this intelligent audience what if that's


you say Well Mr own if that's true that

would be easy to do then what's the


it's easy not to do it's easy not to

adopt it as your own personal philosophy

or the guy messed up to say

guy says a Hershey bar today say no


you've been watching too much television

it is not Hershey bar you got to be

smarter in philosophy

then to fall for the Hershey bar today

when it's an apple a day

you've got to be smarter than that

and if you make that kind of an error in


every day for six years I'm telling you

it'll accumulate into disaster

sometimes the first year you say well

you know I'm so healthy now what

difference is it going to make you got

to be smarter than that

just because disaster doesn't fall on us

at the end at the end of the first day

doesn't mean disaster isn't coming

you've got to be so smart that you look

down the road and say will the errors in

my present Judgment of philosophy what's

that going to cost me in one year six

years one month six months

I'm telling you the money cost and the

health cost and the success cost is too

gigantic if you look down the road a

little ways and say are there errors in

my current judgment like an apple versus

a Hershey bar is that just a good

illustration of some of the rest of my

errors in judgment if it is that's where

I found myself at age 25. I started

working when I was 19.

I met my teacher who helped turn my life

around when I was 25 that's six years

at the end of the first six years of my

economic life I've got pennies in my

pocket I've got nothing in the bank the

creditors are calling saying hey you

told us the check was in the mail I'm

embarrassed I'm behind on my promises I

live in America I'm 25 year old American

male I got a nice family every reason to

do well

and I'm messed up

now what's messed up I used to think it

was the community that was messed up and

the country was messed up and the

government was messed up

if those Democrats ever get in the White

House that'll really mess things up if

the Republicans stay in power that'll

really mess things up

the economy was messed up interest rates

are messed up I thought all this stuff

was messed up then I found out that's

not what was messed up I was criticizing

the only thing I had to work with

what was really messed up was my own

personal philosophy my own errors in

judgment in my own personal philosophy

brought me in six years to pennies in my

pocket nothing in the bank and trying to

explain why I wasn't doing well Living

in America a 25 year old American male

got a family every reason to do well

now once I understood this here's the

formula for failure errors in judgment

being lacks about developing your own

personal philosophy I'm telling you it's

called accumulated disaster

it doesn't matter whether it's your

health or your bank account

's got an empty bank account probably

has high cholesterol

why over the last six years he never

paid attention to either one

and it doesn't matter whether it's a

dollar whether it's your money or

whether it's your cholesterol account

all you got to do is commit the errors

and just because disaster doesn't fall

on you at the end of the first day that

you don't eat an apple you say well I

didn't need an Apple today and tonight

I'm not ill well you got to be brighter

than that

someday you got to leave first grade

the reason we make those first grade

death so small so they won't fit at age

25. I mean right you don't belong here


come on

now let me give you the secret to

success the formula for failure a few

errors in judgment repeated every day

for one month

starts the weakness starts the disaster


you can imagine what happens in six

years now here's the formula for success

a few




day and you've started a whole new

process called a whole new life a few

simple disciplines practiced every day

and if you decide today to go for the

Apple instead of the Hershey bar I'm

telling you you have begun the process

of turning your life around

and if you keep up that process not only

with your health habits but with your

money habits and with your

communication habits with your sales

habits and management habits and every

other habit that you've got if you'll

start that process eliminate the errors

and replace it with disciplines

practiced I'm telling you you can start

this process of life change immediately

after today you don't ever have to be

the same again

only by choice

you don't have to walk out of here the

same as you walked in today

only by choice

you can start a whole new process and

you say Well Mr owner is it that simple

yes it's that simple where else would

you start but with an apple

you don't have to start with something


what if you should be walking around the

block for your good health and you don't

what'll that do in six years

I'm telling you the word is disaster

you could and you should and you

don't here's an even stronger word you

won't I mean don't might mean you're

careless won't probably means you're


and either one's called disaster



don't I'm telling you that's why at the

end of five years I've six years I found

myself with pennies in my pocket nothing

in the bank creditors calling could

should won't could should don't is

called disaster

now how do you change all that the next

six years I got ribs the next six years

I became a millionaire by the time I'm

31 I'm a millionaire

how about that

you say Well Mr Owen what happened well

strangely enough during that second six

years of my economic life the government

was about the same

I'm telling you taxes we're about

the same my negative relatives were

I'm telling you the economy was about

the same and prices were about the same

and everything else was about the same

circumstances were about the same then

how come I got rich how come I totally

changed my life I was not the same

somebody says well what did you go to

work on to do all that I started with My

Philosophy I started amending my errors

by doing some better thinking changing

my mind coming up with ideas that I

didn't have before I met my teacher and

once that whole process started for me

I'm telling you I changed my whole life

within a six year period I was never the


and I've kept up that process all these


one of the reasons why I'm here is to

continue my craft

I don't want the day to come someday

somebody says you should have heard Jim

Rohn 10 years ago when he was really


people to say

10 years ago but you should hear him now

I'm telling you the man works on his

craft I'm telling you the man's done

some extra reading I'm telling you the

man doesn't miss a trick I'm telling you

he's worked hard on himself that's why

he's able to deliver like he does the

same thing can happen for you as a

teenager it can happen to you as a

mother as a father as a business person

as a salesperson running a business

doesn't matter management wherever you

find yourself this is the process called

personal change and what I say to start

with is start with your own philosophy

your philosophy is going to determine

whether or not you go for the

disciplines or continue the errors

that's called potential disaster

and everybody has it within their power

what was so happy for me to find out at

age 25 Mr shoaf said Mr own you don't

have to change countries

but you do have to change philosophy

and if you'll change philosophy not

country you can turn around your income

you can turn around your bank account

you can turn around your skills you can

become capable powerful sophisticated

healthy influential all the other

equities that you could possibly want

out of your life using the only stuff

there is and not trying to change any of

this stuff appreciate all of this stuff

with all of its ups and downs with all

of its mystery of why it works and

sometimes it doesn't work don't

challenge this

you don't have to ask for another planet

you don't have to ask for another


just ask for another book

ask for another seminar ask for another


and you can start this whole process of

personal life change now I could spend

the whole day on philosophy because

that's where it is if I could get you

intrigued with that enough to study it

enough to ponder it to where you would

pick up the commitment like I did and

say hey as simple as an apple a day as

simple as a walk around the block Why

not start right there if you don't start

there where else are you going to start

might as well start where it's easy and

then go to the more complicated


because if you can't handle the

complicated the simple disciplines how

can you handle the complicated ones



philosophy here's number two

I got to give these now very quickly

because I got too much to cover here to

linger too long

number one we're affected by philosophy

first major

of the five major pieces

number two is attitude

we're affected by how we feel first

we're affected by what we know

decision and the decisions we make

second we're affected by attitude

how we feel

and I gave that quick list let me give

it to you it's how you feel about the


you've got to have a good attitude about

the past use it as a school not a club

don't beat yourself to death with your

past false failures losses

let the past be a school harsh school

maybe what else is new

let the past be a school master

to teach you

not to threaten you but to teach you

okay next it's how you feel about the


set your goals

we'll talk a little bit about that

before we finish today goal setting

the promise of the future is an awesome

Force to affect your life every day

without a future well-designed we take

hesitant steps

and all you have to have is hesitant

steps for six years

you'll be timid driven into a corner not

boldly willing to go and take your

portion take your share

okay next to how you feel about

everybody else

gotta have a good attitude about

everybody else because it takes

everybody else to make a market

one person doesn't make a family one

person doesn't make a business one

person doesn't make a corporation

one person doesn't make a community

one person doesn't make a nation

it takes all of us to make a dynamic

economy a nation second to none

it takes all of us to make the churches

and make the economy run takes all of us

to make the possibilities all the gifts

that have flowed in here the last 200

years unprecedented and six and a half

thousand years of recorded history

there's been nothing like it the ethnic

streams that have flowed in here brought

their gifts brought their talent brought

their skills brought their inventions

brought their work ethic all of it mixed

together is called America been nothing

like it and six and a half thousand


and to miss the value of it by some you

know warped attitude about it I'm

telling you you've missed it all and if

you have an appreciation for it all

you'll draw from it and if you draw from

all the gifts that have been Blended

together here for 200 years now for your

value and benefit think of what you can

do for your days for your business for

your conversation for your equities you

can transform it to an incredible degree

and here's the last one that's how you

feel about yourself

understanding self-worth is the

beginning of progress

self-worth should be easy

if one of us can do it all of us can do

it if anybody can think it we all can

think it I can read you can read I can

understand you can understand from where

I came from the few simple things I did

and tried revolutionized my life in five

years there isn't anybody here that

can't do it

change from pennies to Fortune change

from nothing to something change from

broke to rich anybody in this room can

do it if any of us can do it we all can

do it

that's the kind of value you should

place on yourself if Jim Rohn can

understand it I can understand it if he

can read I can read if he can find it I

can find it if he can change I can

change if he can get it done I can get

it done that's the attitude about


so valuable

now in Transforming Our Lives we don't

start with attitude we don't start with

the inspiration here we start with


somebody says well I expected you just

come get motivated today well

that probably won't do it

somebody says by now we should be

standing on the chairs waving the flag

singing the old gray mayor get going


no that's not where you start life

change does not start with inspiration

life change starts with education

you've got to be educated to the point

of where you might have messed up

my teacher put it in Blood Simple

language he only went to the ninth grade

in school so

you put it in simple language I could

understand he said Mr Owen after six

years Living in America healthy American

male 25 years old been working six years

one year of college pennies in your

pocket nothing in the bank behind on

your promises show said I just got one

simple explanation for that you've

messed up

now I could understand that kind of


substitute a Hershey bar for an apple

means you've

messed up

should walk around the block could walk

around the block won't walk around the

block you have

messed up and all you got to go is right

down through the list don't need some

teacher to come by and tell you be your

own best teacher saying hey let me make

a list of some places I've messed up

because if I let this down let this down

that probably affects the rest and the

answer is that's true

so we don't start with inspiration we

start with education somebody says well

just motivate this guy he'll be all

right just motivate him get him turned

on probably not

if a guy's an idiot you motivate him now

you got a motivated idiot

no it won't be all right

so we start with education what's the

first education if it isn't going well

and you live in America you have

messed up you don't need to change


you say well the country's messed up

that's like cursing the soil and cursing

the seed and the sunshine in the rain

which is all you got don't curse all you


when you get your own Planet you can

rearrange this whole deal but

this one you got to take like it comes

so number two is attitude here was

number three


this is the work part

the labor part

taking action

and the activity is the miracle working

piece a miracle being something we don't

quite understand how it works doesn't

mean it doesn't work

it means we just don't quite understand

how it works miracles work

God says now I'm an amateur I'm God but

here's my best analysis God says if

you'll plant the seed I'll make the tree

now that's a good arrangement

number one gives God the tough end of

the deal

what if you had to make the tree that'd

keep you up late night trying to figure

out how do you make a tree

say no I'm telling you the mystery and

the Miracle of this stuff has already

been set up God says I got the miracle

going I got the seasons going I got some

sunshine and some rain and I'm God

but the way I've arranged that I just

need somebody to

plan to see not chant in California

they're trying to chant get this stuff


forget this California stuff

you don't have to rub a crystal and

sleep under a pyramid

this stuff's too easy getting rich is

too easy changing your life is too easy

forget all that

right massive bombard affirmation forget

all that my opinion

ocean waves and seagulls come on this

stuff's too simple just simple easy

stuff but if you neglect it that's how

it piles up year after year if you're

willing to straighten it out and here's

one of the keys it's called activity

it's called disciplines

turning wisdom from your philosophy and


strengthening of attitude and Faith

courage commitment and all this stuff

that comes from attitude if you're

willing to take these two qualities

philosophy and attitude and invest it

into activity

you can have a miracle

anything short of that no Miracle wisdom

doesn't perform a miracle attitude

doesn't perform a miracle

the only thing that performs a miracle

of increase call Equity is called

putting wisdom and attitude into

discipline into labor

and this labor now can perform America

and here's the two parts of the labor

one do what you can number two do the

best you can can't give you better

advice than that

number one do what you can you just got

to go home and make a list after today

and here's the question to ask as you

make this personal list

what am I not doing that would be easy

to do

that could greatly change my health my


what am I not doing I'm neglecting that

would be easy to do

just go home and answer that question

personally you don't have to put the

answers on a public bulletin board this

is just all personal stuff

from the walk around the block to the

Apple to what to do with your money

which we're going to cover today what

does a child do with a dollar we're

going to cover that today

errors in judgment disaster a few simple

disciplines Wealth Beyond imagination

and if you'll pick up the Activity Part

the miracle working part plant the seed

part take care of your part the soil

will take care of its part the seed will

take care of its part the seasons will

take care of their part the miracle will

take care of its part if you'll take

care of your part call putting it into

activity action

works miracles

two thousand years ago on April 13th

one of Jesus disciples

now again I'm an amateur on the Bible

the best as I can remember it

one of Jesus disciples said to Jesus

it's time to pay our taxes and we don't

have any money

that's how come I know it was about

April 13th

to this statement by his disciple Jesus

said best as I can read the record Jesus

said no problem
now why could he say no problem well

word has it word has it he was a miracle

worker word has it

if you're a good student of History word

has that he was a miracle worker if you

handed a problem to a miracle worker

what would he be inclined to say

no problem

you got to hang out with folks like that

I belong to a small group like that we

do business around the world

you hand these guys a problem they say

no problem what how many books would

they read to solve it

many as it takes how early would they

get up

early as it takes how much information

would they give

much as they needed so it's what

no problem you got to hang out with

folks like that

Jesus said this will be no problem the

tax thing

he said to his disciple it's simple go


now that was easy for this particular

disciple his name was Peter

and Peter was

a fisherman how clever

how clever

but here's the real problem

if you should fish

and you could fish

and you don't fish

you got no miracle

you could change you should change you

won't change

that's called accumulated disaster

in six years you'll be explaining

instead of celebrating

having some ragged list like I had

reasons for not doing well pennies in my


could should don't disaster

and if you'll just start the process of

change could

should and will you can start this whole

process and if you will then put it into

the miracle belongs to you

Jesus said to his disciple it'll be

simple go fishing and the first fish you

catch look in his mouth

Peter said okay he was used to strange

things happening

in this relationship Peter goes fishing

catches the first fish looks in his

mouth guess what's in the fish's mouth


Peter says wow coins

starts counting the value of these coins

and when he adds it up guess how much it

added up to exactly enough money to pay

his taxes and Jesus taxes

which gives you Jesus position on taxes

now we call that what

a miracle only because we don't quite

understand how it works it doesn't mean

it doesn't work it simply means we don't

quite understand how it works

but here's how you get a miracle going

for your life number one do what you can

get a list of the stuff you could do and

you haven't done postponed and start

cleaning that up

you can't start at a better place for

personal change that'll affect your bank

account affect your future affect your

income affect everything you can't start

a better

life change process than cleaning up

what you should be doing

the man says well my mother lives down

in Florida

should have written her six months ago I

just can't seem to get that letter

written I'm asking you to get that

letter in and clean that up and don't

walk like other people walk don't

postpone like other people postpone you

say well is it as simple as writing a

letter and the answer is yes

where else would you start for life

change personal change

you don't need a pink package to fall

out of the sky

you don't need massive bombard

pre-conscious subconscious

practice channeling find a 2000 year

goal Guru I mean you don't need any of

that stuff pass on all that kids are

afraid of that stuff

too much of it you'll be out on a limb

with Shirley I mean don't pass on all

that stuff

this stuff's too easy the stuff's too


it's call take action number one on


on errors in discipline number two start

setting up some disciplines and if

you'll do that you'll perform a miracle

now here's the second part of the

miracle number one is do what you can

here's number two do the best you can if

that's not your philosophy I would ask

you to amend it

let me give you the best of ancient

script here's what it says whatever your

hands find to do do it with all your

might do it with all your strength and

do it with all your power what a good

philosophy that kind of philosophy

revolutionize your life if you haven't

picked it up lately

guy slips in late company doesn't seem

to mind slips out early first one in the

parking lot heading for happy hour

stretches his break comes early

for lunch late back from lunch company

doesn't seem to notice guy says

best as I can calculate I'm putting in

about a half a day's work and I'm

collecting a full day's pay

and the guy says I got it

made little does he know the seeds of

his own disaster are already being sown

by the weakness of his own personal

philosophy it's not the economy that's

going to determine your next six years

it's your philosophy about Labor and

about activity and about miracle and

soil and seed and sunshine and rain and

the economy and the banks and the money

and the companies and the schools and

what's going on it's your philosophy and

your attitude and then your ability to

take action all of that we call the

process of life change Miracle working

number one do what you can number two do

the best you can here was number



results every once in a while you got to

take a measure see how you're doing with

these three pieces philosophy attitude


now we take a measure called results

what is the results at the end of the

day the results at the end of the week

you can't let too much time go by

without checking

when time goes by six years I've been

out there working when I met my teacher

Mr Shield

said well Mr own let's just go through a

little summary here you said in the last

six years how much money have you saved

and invested

let's go through a little tab list here

how much money have you saved and

invested the last six years I said what

zero he said you have

messed up you remember these notes I

like that

you've messed up

he said Who Sold you on that plan

I thought my gosh the man's right I'm a

nice guy I bought the wrong plan

what if you were 50 and broke

right didn't need to change countries

bought the wrong plan What a Sad

scenario that would be

but chill said these questions let's go

through some results he said how many

books have you read in the last 90 days

I said what

zero wisdom of the world available

change your life change your future

wisdom of the world available develop

develop any skill you want earn the kind

of income you want have all the

treasures you want equities you want

relationship with your family that you

want everything that you want available

and the wisdom of the world to help you

get it haven't read any books in the

last 90 days my teacher said Mr Rohn you

messed up I'm telling you you've got the


shelf said Mr Owen in the last six

months how many classes have you taken

to improve your skills

or to develop new skills

go for the American dream become rich

and powerful and sophisticated and

healthy and influential

how many classes have you taken the last

six months I said how many

zero he said you have messed up said you

don't need to unmess the country you

don't need to straighten out the

perplexed you don't need to straighten

out any of this stuff all you've got to

do is look within and let results teach

you a great deal about your own activity

your own attitude and your own


I went through that process

take this phrase home results is the

name of the game

what other game is there

here's all life asks us to do make

measurable progress in reasonable time

just take home that little phrase good

phrase we're asked in life simply to

make measurable progress in reasonable


we demanded of our children how many

years do you want your child to spend in

fourth grade



one if it looks like they're not going

to make it we pour on the pressure call

legitimate pressure lack of results

peer pressure family pressure School

pressure Community pressure every other

kind of pressure we can bring to bear

why you can't stay more than one year in

fourth grade

as parents you'd have to leave the

community and say well what if they're

nice kids wouldn't you give them three

or four years the answer is no

you got to make better progress than

so you got to check fairly often some

things you got to check every day

some things you've got to check at least

by the end of the week

salesman joins us a little sales company

supposed to make 10 calls first week

wouldn't it be legitimate call him in on

Friday and say John what

how many calls I mean this stuff is


John says well say John well won't fit

in this little box here well

now John starts with the story you say

John I made this little box so small so

a story won't fit

I don't need a story

I need what

a number

a number what will a number tell me


John's supposed to make 10 calls what if

he made 20. you say wow wow we got


what if you only made one call

will that tell us something about John's

philosophy and the answer is yes will it

tell us something about his attitude of

course will it tell us something about

his disciplines of course and if he

wants a lesson in life change all he has

to do is be willing to face the numbers

and come up with the results that will

teach you to either celebrate if you got

good results or fix whatever needs to be

fixed in your philosophy

attitude activity called disciplines

you don't need to go anywhere else I do

believe in affirmations

they are valuable as long as you affirm

the truth

because it says in ancient scripts the



will set you free

to do what amend your errors and pick up

new disciplines that's what the truth is

for to help us amend our errors and pick

up the disciplines for life change

that's what the truth is for so I do

believe in affirming the truth

if you're broke best thing to affirm is

I am broke you put that up on the

refrigerator where you can see it every

day I mean that's how you do that

now if you need a little additional

affirmation you just put up there I'm 40

and broke I mean you know that ought to

do it and if you need just a little more

put up there I live in America and I'm

40 and broke

that's enough to turn your life around

says Hey something is wrong somewhere I

have messed up and I'm telling you if

you'll start with that it's called the

process of life change and it doesn't

matter how small the process is to start

one discipline starts it and then one

discipline feeds another feeds another

and the first thing you know you've got

this whole cycle in an upward positive

motion and it's called life change it's

called income change it's called Health

change relationship with your family

change equities unprecedented that you

can have in numbers that will stagger

the imagination if you do not curse

what's available and start amending

what's possible to get the results that

you want I don't think I can put it in

any better language

that's it kids can do it teenagers can

do it parents can do it managers can do


right government officials can do it

anybody can do it anybody can do this

stuff called personal change

results is the name of the game success

is a numbers game

good note to make success is a numbers

game you got to go for the number you

got to understand what the numbers are

how many pounds overweight should you be

at age 50.


John says I got big bones we'll give you

10 pounds

10 pounds for big bones otherwise come

on John

20 pounds 25 pounds shouldn't we turn on

the caution light at work and at home

blinking caution lights and this is what

that caution lights so John's up about

20 25 pounds we got the blinking light

going at home got to go in here at work

to remind him what wrong numbers

okay 35 40 pounds red light blinking at

home somebody said what's that blinking

red light say it John's up about 40


50 pounds we got the siren

what's that siren at home and it worked

John's up about 50 pounds

cholesterol almost out of control come

on success is a numbers game I'm asking

you to be mature enough to start

checking your own numbers how many books

have you read in the last 90 days

transform your life become cultured

powerful sophisticated healthy

influential all the rest of the stuff

you want how many books how many classes

how committed are you to taking what's


and turning it into equities

unprecedented since we live in a country

that there's been no such country in the

last six and a half thousand years

if you'll pick up that process ladies

and gentlemen I'm telling you it's

called life change of the best order

now here's the last one

number five is called lifestyle

lifestyle is simply learning how to live


the last of the five major pieces

here's the ultimate challenge of life

I've worked on this you cannot believe

how hard since age 25.

and that is

after applying better philosophy

attitude and

activity and picking now up results what

are results for here's my ultimate

Challenge on results

to Fashion good word to jot down fashion

fashion for yourself lifestyle or what

we call the good life

that's the ultimate Challenge to take

your results take your money

take your results take the return take

the equities you've gathered

and now fashion for yourself a good life

like weaving a tapestry

and Mr shelf gave me all kinds of

examples on lifestyle he gave me two

phrases that helped change my life in

case you have to leave early let me give

you these two phrases it'll be worth the

price of coming and being here today

just take these two phrases home in case

you have to leave early

here's number one she'll sit Miss drone

if you wish to be wealthy study wealth

when he said that I said my gosh

I don't know anybody

that studies wealth

where am I going to learn it

he said never mind Mr Owen now that

you've met me

if you'll be with me for a while he said

and if you'll commit yourself he said I

will teach you

and he taught me

he taught me the books

he taught me the stuff

changed my life by the time I was 31 I

was a millionaire the man taught me well

if you wish to be wealthy



if you were to show me your present

economic plan

in a personal conversation between you

and me you say Mr let me disclose for

you my current economic financial plan

for the future what I get so excited I'd

say hey I'm going to go across the

country and lecture on your plan

and if the answer is no Mr Owen you

probably wouldn't want to go across the

country and lecture on my plan here's my

question to you why not

why wouldn't you have a superior

powerful financial plan that's taking

you to the places you want to go

I'm asking you if you find yourself

caught like I was at age 25 make the

personal commitment today and say I'm

going to study and I'm going to change

in five years from now nobody's going to

be able to say how come you don't have a

superior plan living in a superior

country with Superior opportunity

nobody's going to be able to say that

five years from now of me

if you'll make that commitment I'm

telling you this will be one of the most

exciting days of your life not because

of my seminar it'll be one of the most

exciting days of your life because of

your commitment

to this simple little process I've

outlined for you

here was the second phrase Mr

shoafitness drone if you wish to be




I didn't know happiness was a study

my best hope for happiness at age 25 was

to just go through the day with my

fingers crossed

open somehow something could make me

she'll said no Mr own happiness is not

something you postpone happiness is not

something off in the future happiness is

something you design

you've got to get the word happiness is

something you design

happiness is a study happiness is a

practice happiness is an art it's not an

accident it's an art

and anybody that wants to can study

practice the art happy living

happiness is like culture money doesn't

make you cultured

but cultures within the grasp of all of

us how much is a book on sophistication

in the marketplace

four thousand dollars no forty dollars

I'm telling you in America everything's

available everything's Within Reach

all you have to be is committed to it

and make it a study culture is a study

sophistication is a study it's not an

amount it's not an account it's a study

money doesn't make you sophisticated in

cultured I know a guy that's rich she's

a Claude

the guy's a clawed each with his elbow

in his soup I mean he's just a clod

nothing much more pitiful than a rich

Claude I know it's a sad thing to see

money doesn't make you sophisticated

only study and practice makes you

sophisticated only study and practice

makes you cultured

and only study and practice makes you

happy study and practice makes you rich

key phrase don't be lazy in learning

one how to do well

next how to live well don't be lazy in

learning and practicing the art of

Economics practicing the art of

productivity and practicing the art of


shelf taught me in such simple terms

Michelle said Mr Owen if you're getting

your shoes shine

shoe shine boys did an exceptional job

you look down you got one of the world's

all-time great shines

and you pay him now

you got a little change in your hand

question Pops in your mind should I give

him one quarter or two quarters as a tip

from a neat shine

here's what shelf said

if two amounts pop in your mind always

go for the higher amount

and become the higher thinking person

that helped change my life

here's what he said become a two-quarter


now you can tell that was a long time

ago when a quarter was a good tip

now it takes dollars

but just substitute 1992 dollars for


she'll said hey if you you know are

thinking one quarter or two quarters and

you say well no I'll just give him one

quarter he said that'll affect you the

rest of the day

the rest of the day you'll look down see

this great shine you'll say I gotta be a

really cheap one lousy quarter tip from

a shine
but he said if you'll go for the two

quarters Joe said you can't believe the

extra happiness you can buy for just an

extra quarter

that's called studying and practicing

the art of Lifestyle which means living


money doesn't make you happy

father wods up a 20 Bill throws it at

his son and says if you need the darn

stuff that bad take it just get out of

my face how sad a father with money and

no joy he studied economics but he never

studied Joy

I'm asking you to turn that around

turn that all around

I did a seminar one time

St Louis Missouri

when I finished a seminar like this man

walked up and said Mr Owen you've really

gotten to me said I'm going to change my

philosophy I'm going to change my

attitude I'm going to change my life I'm

going to change everything

he said you've touched me today

and he said you'll hear about me

you'll hear my story someday I said okay

right a lot of people's right say things

sure enough few months later I come back

to St Louis

did another seminar when I finished my

seminar I saw this man come walking up I

didn't remember his name but he said I'm

sure you'll remember me as the man who

said I'm gonna go make some changes

you've touched me today I said I do

remember you

he said I'm telling you things are

already happening for me I cannot

believe in just a matter of months

he said one of the things I decided to

change was my relationship with my


he said my wife and I have two lovely

teenage daughters

parents couldn't ask for any more

beautiful lovely daughters

and he said I'm the only one that's

giving him trouble said these Daughters

of ours have never given us any trouble

he said I've usually been the one all

these years given all the trouble and

all the stats he said my daughters love

to go to the rock concerts and I'm

always giving them trouble

they have to beg me for the money

so I don't want you to go you stay out

too late music's too loud you're going

to ruin your hearing you won't be able

to hear the rest of your life and he

said I just get on their case and he

said they keep begging keep begging

finally when they beg long enough I say

all right here's the money if you have

to go that bad just go

so that's how I've been up until now

but he said after I left your seminar I

decided to change all that called

lifestyle living well

he said you won't believe it not long

ago I picked up the newspaper

and I saw an advertisement and I knew

my two daughters it was one of their

favorite performers was coming to town

he said guess what I did he said I went

down and bought the tickets myself

and brought him home put them in an


and when I saw my daughters later that

day he said I handed them this envelope

and I said to my two lovely daughters

you may not believe it but inside this

envelope are two tickets for the

upcoming concert they could not believe

and he also added you'll be happy to


begging days

are over

now they cannot

he said now don't open the envelope till

you get to the concert

they said okay

so they go to the concert come concert


open up the envelope hand the tickets to

the Usher he says follow me and he

starts down front the girl say hey hold

it hold it something must be wrong

he takes another look he says no

nothing's wrong follow me tenth row


now they cannot believe

can throw Center the only tickets they

were able able ever to beg for was right

third balcony can't see

he said I stayed up a little late that

night sure enough a little after

midnight my two daughters come bursting

through the front door one of them lands

in my lap the other one's got her arms

around my neck they're both saying you

got to be one of the all-time world's

great fathers

he said Mr Owen you're right I can't

believe same money different father

he said I've started making the changes

and I decided to start with my teenagers

my girls

he said what a difference it's making in

my life and I'm telling you you can do

that with your lifestyle you can do it

with your sales career you can do it

with your management career you can do

it with any part of your life if you're

looking for equities unmatched do not

curse the only thing you have don't

complain about the only thing you have

which is seed and soil Sunshine rain

miracle and seasons

but start changing and processing

and evaluating things like recovering

today in this process of change will

take off for you you will not believe

what can happen in such a short period



next subject personal development

some of the things Mr shelf taught me

starting at age 25 some things came

quickly some things came easily setting

goals that was easy we're going to talk

about that uh later on

but this one I had to struggle with

personal development

it was hard for me to give up my old

blame list

it was so comfortable blaming the

government and blaming my negative

relatives and the company company policy

unions wage scale economy interest rates

prices and circumstances and all that

that was difficult for me to give up

that was quite a transition for me to


and blaming myself

but Mr show started out with something

very very important let me give that to


he said it's not what happens

that determines the major part of your


it's not what happens what happens

happens to us all

he said the key is what you do about it

it's not what happens it's what you do

about it

and he said if you will start that

process of change

do something different the next 90 days

than you did the last 90 days like

picking up the books to read

do something different like the new



relationship with your family whatever

it is doesn't matter how small it is if

you'll start doing different things with

the same circumstances

since we cannot change the circumstances

but we can change ourselves we can

change what we do

and then he gave me another secret to

success when he said

what you have at the moment Mr own

you've attracted by the person you've


what you have at the moment you've

attracted by the person you've become

few little simple principles here once

you understand these it starts to

explain so much

sometimes it's a little tough to take

blaming yourself instead of the


taking responsibility instead of putting

it off on someone else those that

transition sometimes is a challenging


and this one was a little tough for me

he said Mr you've got pennies in your

pocket you've got nothing in the bank

the creditors are calling you're behind

on your promises he says here's how that


you've attracted up until now you've


the things to you

because of the person you've become

now I said well how can I change all

that he said very simple

if you will change

Everything Will Change for You

you don't have to change what's outside

all you've got to change is what's


to have more you simply have to become


and then he said don't wish it was

easier wish you were better

don't wish for Less Problems wish for

more skills

start working on yourself making these

personal changes and he said it'll all

change for you

so let's talk a little bit about

personal development that extraordinary

Adventure I undertook starting at age 25

and I've never ceased that Adventure

I'm still going for it in the 90s I want

to get better and better

I want my craft to get better my

business operations to get better the

things I do to get better

because once I picked up the simple


I'm telling you it's easy to figure out

where the problem is if you go to work

on it now let's talk about personal

development and in helping kids

understand personal development I always

start with money

now money's not the only place to start

money certainly isn't the only value but

we've all got to start somewhere and

money's something you can count

right kids are interested in money

okay a lot of things are a little

tougher to measure but economics is

pretty easy right because you can count

okay somebody says how are you doing he

said I don't know let's count

now this is not the only count I

understand that there's a lot of other

things to count

but to see if there may be some errors

in your judgment and lack of disciplines

in your life we might as well start with


because it's so easy to count

so let's just start there and see

whether or not maybe we have messed up

okay so here's how I explain it to kids

we get paid for bringing value to the


key to understanding economics we get

paid for bringing value to the


Marketplace is also described as reality

reality the marketplace

now it takes time it takes time to bring

value to the marketplace but we don't

get paid for time

it's very important for kids to

understand as well as adults we don't

get paid for time

mistakenly the man says well I'm making

about twenty dollars for an hour not


not true if that was true you could just

stay home have them send your money

no it's not true you don't get paid for

the hour

you get paid for the value you put in

the time

so we don't get paid for time we get

paid for value now since that's true

here's one of the key questions of the


is it possible to become twice as


and make twice as much money in the same


is it possible to become three times as

valuable as you now are

and make three times as much money in

the same time is that possible

of course if you want to really

emphasize something that's a good phrase

to it

of course
of course



all you have to do to earn more money in

the same time is simply become more


America is unique it's a latter decline

it starts down here what about four

dollars an hour

big argument last year in Congress

about the starting place should be five

should be five should be five well no it

doesn't need to be five

Why not start with four it's a ladder

right this is not a bid this is a ladder

it's a ladder to climb

it starts at four dollars now somebody

said well should be five should be five

well maybe

if you're going to stay at the bottom

for the rest of your life it probably

should be fine

but that's kind of a pitiful way to Live

start and not grow

start and not change

start and not become more valuable hey

the whole scenario of life is to start

number one and what become more valuable

number two

so America's a ladder to climb starts at

four dollars an hour and the more

valuable you become you just keep moving

up the ladder top income last year what

52 million

guy that runs Disney

would a company pay somebody for one

year's work 52 million dollars and the

answer is

of course this is one of those of course


of course

if you help a company make a billion

dollars would they pay you 52 million

the answer is

of course it's chicken feed I mean it's

not much money

now why that much money because he has

become so


now why would we pay somebody only four

dollars an hour

they're not very valuable to the

marketplace now we got to make that

distinction to the marketplace might be

a valuable brother a valuable member of

the community a valuable member of the

church valuable member in the sight of

God to the Human family of course those

kind of values but to the marketplace

which is called what


reality is if you're not very valuable

you don't get much money

those are called the facts

I mean that's how that is

well then how do you get more money

simple answer somebody says well I'll go

on strike for more


here's a major problem with that here's

a major problem with that you can't get

rich by demand

somebody says well I'm waiting for a


I'm telling you it's easier to climb

than to wait for a raise

why not just become more valuable rather

than wait

I'm telling you that's the key to All

Good Things becoming more valuable why

would we pay somebody four hundred

dollars an hour

they've become more

valuable to

the marketplace

see how this works

I'm telling this stuff is so easy this

is America this is a ladder

how far is it from four to five I'm

telling you it's not far four to five

dollars an hour

if you work for McDonald's haul out the

trash they'll pay you five dollars an

hour if you Whistle While You Haul out

the trash they'll pay you five dollars

an hour I'm telling you you'll get an

extra dollar just for a good attitude

yay McDonald's wear the hat

it's incredible

five dollars
and then you just keep becoming more

valuable more valuable more valuable

I got a telephone call five years ago

the company said we're ready to expand

internationally we need some help

I was sort of semi-retired


looking for the next exotic Beach

they said no no Mr Wrong we got a

project for you

right we're going to expand

internationally we could use your help

next little while we'll add some

Millions to your fortune make it worth

your while

I said okay

I thought later isn't that interesting

that they called me

my second thought was of course they'd

call me who else would they call I mean

you know I could get the job done

now how come how come I got a telephone

call worth millions

I had become

valuable now I'm a farm boy from Idaho I

was raised in obscurity one year of

college and I thought I was thoroughly


made all kinds of mistakes Galore at age

25 the creditors are calling me saying

hey you told us to check within the mail

I got pennies in my pocket I got nothing

in the bank I'm behind on my promises

how come I get a telephone call five

years ago and it's worth millions

I changed I changed I turned my life


is it possible to become worth millions

speaking economically now there's a lot

of values to become but let's just talk

economics is it possible to become that

valuable and the answer is

of course of course now let me give you

the secret show said here's the secret

Mr Owen learn to work harder on yourself

than you do on your job

once I got that it turned my life around

learned to work harder on yourself than

you do on your job

he said if you work hard on your job

you'll make a living

if you work hard on yourself you can

make a fortune

if you would have known me at age 25 you

would have said Jim rohn's a hard worker

if you'd have known me you'd have said


I'm the guy I don't mind coming a little

bit early staying a little bit late I

don't mind that you'd have said well Jim

rohn's a hard worker

you say well how come he's got pennies

in his pocket and nothing in the bank

and behind on his promises well I was a

hard worker but I was working hard on my


not on my

cell I'm telling you if you'll learn

that simple little principle and start

the process today latest tomorrow I'll

give you tonight to think it over

and start this whole process of personal

development work on yourself make

yourself more valuable to the

marketplace I'm telling you you can so

dynamically change your income and

economics is the least of the values

that you can start earning in terms of

equity if you'll start working harder on

yourself than you do on your job

work hard on yourself and develop the


work hard on yourself and develop The


all of the stuff necessary to become

more valuable to the marketplace I'm

telling you your whole life can explode

into change promotions no problem

becoming more valuable to the company

I'm telling you no problem

money no problem economics no problem

future no problem if you just go to work

on the right thing not get things out

there to change don't try to change the

seed don't change the soil don't change

the sunshine don't change the rain don't

change the mix of Seasons let the

miracle of everything that's available

work for you and start working on the

inside work on your philosophy work on

your attitude work on your personality

work on your language work on the gift

of communication work on all of your

abilities and if you'll start making

those personal changes I'm telling you

everything will change for you

now let me give you another scenario on

personal development it's called the

four major lessons in life to learn

before we get to the four major lessons

in life to learn let me give you a key

phrase for your notes here it is life

and business is like the seasons

life and business is like the seasons

Frank Sinatra sings Life is Like the


now here's one of the key phrases that

changed my life starting at age 25 you

can see this whole scenario personal

development for me began I've never been

the same since here's the next key

phrase you cannot change the seasons

but you can change


can't change the seasons

but you can change yourself

my best hope right when I'm 25 years old

my best Hope was to go through the day

with my fingers crossed saying I sure

hope things will change

I sure hope things will change it seemed

to be my only way for my life to get

better if things would

change here's what I discovered it isn't

going to change

it isn't going to change I did a seminar

one time for Standard Oil Executives and

management in Honolulu

now known as Chevron

and we're talking economics one day

around the conference table and one of

them said to me Mr own you know some

fairly important people around the world

you have a chance to travel

internationally can you tell us what you

think the 80s are going to be like

you can tell how far back this goes

I said what do you think the 80s are

going to be like and I thought for a

moment and I said gentlemen

I do know the right people and I do have

some experience I think I can tell you

so they all leaned in a little closer

and I said gentlemen based on the people

I know and based on the best of my own

experience I think

in the 80s it's going to be about like

it's always been

aren't you glad you came today I mean

that's inside stuff I don't just spread

that around everywhere

it's going to be about like it's always

been it isn't going to change

to hope that it'll change it's called

whistling in the wind being so naive

hoping for something that isn't going to


I can give you the shortest history


that you can imagine in one sentence

what describes human history on the

spinning Planet the last six and a half

thousand years let me describe it for

you in one sentence

here's human history in one sentence

opportunity mixed with difficulty

it's about as simple as you can put it

an opportunity mixed with difficulty

isn't going to change

the man says well if it isn't going to

change for the future if it isn't going

to change in the 90s how will my life

ever change answer when you change

and if you will change everything will

change for you your bank account will

change your income will change your

future will change

the ability to acquire your dreams will

change it'll all change if you will


and now let's go through the scenario of

the seasons life in business is like the

seasons let's cover them

here's number one major lesson in life

to learn learn how to handle the winters

you say Well Mr own a lot of this stuff

is fairly obvious that's true

just need somebody like me just to come

along and remind us this is what this is

called today a reminding session I got

no new truths for you to discover this

is all old stuff we just need to hear it

again somebody get on our case a little

bit right we all need that

here's number one lesson learn how to

handle the winters

that's obvious the winters come right



and pray tell how often

every year according to written history

for the last six and a half thousand

to cross your fingers and say I hope I

hope I hope it doesn't come I'm telling

you we call that naive

now there's all kinds of winters

not just the winter of the season

but there's all kinds of winters winter

time the down time the discouraging time

one writer called it the winter of


the winter when you can't figure it out

the winter when it all goes wrong

economic winter social Winters political

Winters and personal Winters

when your heart is smashed in a thousand

pieces the nights are unusually long

it's called winter time

Barbra Streisand sings it used to be so

natural to talk about forever but used

to bees don't count anymore they just

lay on the floor until we sweep them


you don't sing me love songs you don't

say you need me and you don't bring me

flowers anymore

a song of winter

but hey we're acquainted with all those

winter scenarios we've been through them


now the question is what do you do about

the winters

well you can't get rid of January by

tearing it off the calendar

but here's what you can do with the

upcoming winters of your life the long

ones the short ones the easy ones the

more difficult ones here's what you can

do get wiser and stronger and better

just make a list of that Trio of good

words wiser stronger and better

to challenge for yourself the upcoming

winters of your life don't you think you

could read more

pick up the scenario pick up the books

pick up the cassettes so I would put

some stuff on cassette so you can listen

to it put it in books you can read it

now putting it on video so you can see


I'm telling you anybody that wants to

can get wiser

next is stronger anybody can get

stronger if you're willing to do the

push-ups you can get stronger if you're

willing to put yourself through the

paces you can get stronger can you

develop stronger skills and the answer

is yes start practicing practicing


and you can get stronger can you get

stronger in handling life situations of

course but you got to go to work on

yourself you can't blame out there

wishing it was easier wish you were


and here's the last one get better

anybody can get better

language we can all get better

I've been lecturing now for 33 years and

I'm telling you today versus 33 years

ago I'm bad or

first time I gave a talk I stood up my

mind sat back down I mean you know I've

been through that whole deal

open my mouth nothing came out for a

while my knees are banging together the

sweat's pouring off my face I'm shaking

like a leaf it's called Terror in case

you haven't tried it

there's first attempts

but I'm telling you I got through it and

I did it again and I got through it and

I did it again and I got through it

and now of course I can lecture for a

few hours in one day

anybody can get better

develop the skills okay handle the

upcoming Winters don't wish away the

winters that's called naive

wish for the skills wish for the

strength wish for the wisdom

here's the second major lesson in life

to learn

learn how to take advantage of the


uniquely enough spring follows


and pray tell how often

six and a half thousand times I mean

those are good odds

I gamble on it one more time I mean

those are good odds every time you can't

beat those odds

spring is called opportunity

another day is called opportunity days

follow nights

how about that and how often

every day

good now here's what movie must learn to

do with opportunity underline two

strategic words in that sentence take


just just because spring comes there's

no sign you're going to look good in the


got to take advantage of it you got to

do something with it

read every book you can on what to do

with your Springs what to do with your

opportunities what to do with your days

what to do with your chances

don't miss the educational process don't

miss the process of learning to

understand opportunity keeps coming but

the key is taking advantage taking

advantage everybody in this room's got

to learn to do one of two things plant

in the spring or beg in the fall

and it doesn't mean you can't become a

sophisticated Baker

but you don't need the reputation

learn to plant in the spring take


and there's an urgency here on

Springtime because there's just a few

Springs handful of Springs offered to

each of us

so take advantage swiftly and quickly

don't just let the time pass

The Beatles wrote life is very short

and for John Lennon it was extra short

for Michael Landon it was

extra short but life is short at the

longest it's short

so don't just let the Springs pass pass

take advantage Seize the Day seize the

moment seize the opportunity

that's the key

it's springtime

life is fragile life is brief Elton John

saying she lived her life like a Candle

in the Wind

it's fragile it's brief whatever you're

going to do you got to get at it don't

just let it pass away

here's major lesson number three

in the summer learn how to nourish and


we've got two challenges in the summer

in the personal development

part of our life

and that is become capable

powerful enough in the summer and why is

enough in the summer to nourish what's

good and defend yourself against what's


nourish and defend

the summer time is an interesting time

it holds the possibility of the promise

of harvest time but it also has the

possibility of the threat

sure enough as soon as you planted your

garden the busy bugs and the noxious

weeds are out to take it

and let me give you another word of

advice they will take it

unless you prevent it

summertime is an interesting time

best as I can describe summertime you

got to nourish your values like a mother

nourish like a mother

go after the threat to the values you've

got like a father

deal with the weeds kill the weeds

nourish the garden and kill the weeds

that's called summertime

what a challenging time

give life like a mother take life like a


you got to deal with the negative as

well as the positive summertime is a

unique complex mix of positive and


opportunity and threat

what a scenario of life itself

opportunity and threat to the


and you got to deal with both you got to

think positive and you got to think


you got to handle what's ever out to

threaten you you've got to learn to

threaten it back summertime interesting


nourish like a mother

defend like a father

you've got to be like your bloodstream

in the summer read the corpuscles to

what nourish white corpuscles to what


you got to both nourish and fight

you got to nourish and be vigilant

white corpuscles make negative you can't

just think positive we call you naive

somebody says well I've been taught to

be all positive you'll be some kind of

freak can't be all positive

thank God for white corpuscles that

think negative all day

guess what white corpuscles are looking

for all day

problems infection

quite corpuscle say just show me some

infection I'll kill it

why it's out to kill the body it's out

to kill our chances it's out to kill our

future whatever threatens us we threaten

I'm asking you to take sword to your


whatever's up to threaten you threaten

your health you got to threaten it back

like white corpuscles kill what's evil

nourish what's good love like a mother

hate like a father

says to whatever threatens his family

take two or three more steps toward this

family and threaten my family you'll

cease to exist I'm father I kill


don't let the weeds take your garden

wreck your chances for a good harvest

deal with your enemies in the summer

called Good and Evil the great struggle

in life is called Good and Evil tyranny

and Liberty sickness and health

it's the way life is

tyranny threatens Liberty takes over


can't have that

if tyranny takes Kuwait it'll take us

Saudi Arabia if it takes Saudi Arabia

it'll take something else

where are we going to stop tyranny soon

as possible

lest it take the whole world value

so George Bush draws a Line in the Sand

consults with its allies sends a half a

million troops to

Saudi Arabia finally desert sword

Desert Storm

takes on Saddam Hussein drives him out

of Kuwait

why because it has to be done the great

struggle between Liberty and tyranny the

great struggle between evil and good and

you've got to treat your own life the


says Saddam Hussein you can't have

Kuwait can't have Saudi Arabia

furthermore we're going to kick you out

hires chief White corpuscle General


takes care of the matter

I'm asking you in the summer

nourish like a mother

threaten whatever threatens you like a

father now you can also turn around the

scenario that's true

love like a father hate like a mother

give life like a father take life like a

mother you can turn the scenario around

the key is both love and hate

single parents have got the greatest


love like a mother hate like a father

love like a father hate like a mother

nothing more dangerous than an angry

beware the female species of the animal

they call her black widow spider

why because when she finishes there is

no male spider

I saw this article

I was flying on an airplane up in Canada

I saw this article in one of the

airplane magazines shot a picture of

this guy with his shirt off these claw

marks down his back and Keith marks in

his neck the guy almost got killed he

was out in the woods saw a mama bear

with her little Cub said oh this looks

cute had his Splash camera went flash

flash took a picture Mama Bear treats it

unkindly promptly chases him caught him

almost killed him before they got to it

beware Mama Bear

so love like a father hate like a mother

however you want to treat this scenario

it's very important it's called Summer

Time part of the personal development

challenge is to be challenged to learn

to nourish all of your values from a

to a family relationship to A Love

Affair to a marriage to a business

anything that's valuable to you called

Equity you've got to nourish it you got

to feed it you got to take care of it

but you've also got to defend it

it's called the way things are


in the summer

now here's number four fourth major

lesson in life to learn in the fall in

the Harvest learn to reap in the Harvest

without complaint

important part of personal development

reaping the Harvest without complaint

take full responsibility

once you've learned this scenario it's

not the seed it's not the soil it's not

the sunshine it's not the rain it's not

the miracle of the giving of life it's

not the seasons that's to be criticized

we must take personal responsibility

so in the Harvest take personal

responsibility it's your crop

whatever you've reaped it's your crop

take responsibility no complaint and

here's the next one no apology

the best of human maturity is no apology

if you've done well

and no complaint if you haven't

knowing that that's where the answers

lie within and then without in the

miracle of the possibilities that we

have to work with

those are the four major lessons in life

to learn

let's talk about some more parts of

personal development

here's the first one


the physical side

got to take care of yourself

do not neglect to take care of yourself

good phraseology used in the Bible in my

amateur way but let me put it to you

best I can here's what it says treat

your body like a temple

that's a good phrase good suggestion a

temple meaning something you'd take

extremely good care of a temple

that's a good phrase treat your body

like a temple not a wood shed a temple a

temple take good care it's the only

place you've got to live currently

the temple

nutrition my mother studied nutrition

passed it along to me

pass it along my father my children my


what a legacy that was

learning to just take care of your step

key phrase some people don't do well

because they don't feel well

they've got the gifts they've got the


maybe they just haven't taken care of

themselves they don't have the Vitality

key phrase Vitality is a major part of

success vitality

so take care of yourself

I know a guy that raises racehorses I'm

telling you the guy feeds these horses

better than he feeds himself

he's so careful how he feeds his horses

he's so careful of what they eat he's so

careful that they get everything

and because of that extreme care I mean

these are magnificent animals they can

run like the wind

but you ought to see this guy

10 steps up a flight of stairs and I

mean he's all out of breath

his horses can run like the wind and he

can hardly make it up the steps

the guy takes care of his animals better

than he takes care of himself some

people feed their dogs better than they

feed their kids


now there's all kinds of parts to


here's one appearance it's part of the


never have a second chance to make a

first impression physical side

and here's some of the best advice on

appearance I can give you comes from

ancient script again it says God looks

on the inside people look on the outside

isn't that
good information

now you say well people shouldn't judge

you by how you look well let me give you

a clue they do they do you can't deal in

these shoulds and shouldn't she'll be

tipped over the rest of your life

now of course when people get to know

you they'll judge you by more than what

they see but at first they're gonna take

a look


here's the best advice I can give you

make sure the outside

is a major reflection of what's going on


the physical side a few minutes a day

stay healthy a little bit of nourish a

little bit of study on nutrition stay



now here's the next part of personal

development the spiritual part I'm an

amateur on the spiritual side

I do happen to believe that human beings

are more than just an advanced life form

an advanced species of the animal

kingdom I do believe humans are a

special creation that's just my personal

belief and I don't ask you to buy it

but here's what I do ask you to buy if

you do believe in spirituality in any


here's my best advice study it and

practice it

do not neglect your values do not

neglect your virtues

if you do believe in spirituality my

advice is study it and practice it

don't let It Go unstudied Don't Let It

Go unnourished if you do believe

that's my best advice on the spiritual


now here's the third part

the mental side

part of this personal development

challenge is to develop mentally

learn study grow change it's What

schooling is all about

and the human development takes time

incredible amounts of time

that's why we've taken the time for this

seminar just takes time some things you

can't cover in a 20-minute speech

you can't cover in a little five minute

talk takes time

for humans it takes seem like more time

than any other life for human beings

the little wildebeest in Africa

guess how much time it's got as soon as

it's born to be able to run with the

pack so it doesn't get eaten by the


guess how much time it's got a few


as soon as a little wildebeest is born

tries to stand up and falls down and

some other nudges that gets it to stand

back up falls back down

finally on little shaky legs it tries to

nurse mother pushes it away she moves

away so it can't nurse why can't nurse

now you've got to develop some strength

now the Lions the Lions the Lions

falls down gets back up tries to nerves

the mother pushes it away no

you got to get these legs strong how

much time have we got not much time Mama

will there be sick not much time

not hours

not days


but the human baby wow

after 16 years we're not sure

unbelievable the amount of time it takes

so it does take time for personal

development does take time for Spiritual

Development physical development

but here's also what takes time and

that's your mental development feeding

the mind

nourishing the mind

some people read so little they got

rickets of the Mind

they couldn't give you a good strong

argument as to their own personal


here's one of the challenges we've got

as parents

and that is to get our kids ready to

debate the major life issues of the 90s

they've got to get ready to debate

we've spent this last

couple of decades debating


communism taught Capital belongs in the

hands of the state we've been teaching

no Capital belongs in the hands of the


communism taught

people are too dumb and stupid to know

what to do with capital

you got to take Capital away from all

the dumb stupid people

and give it to the all-knowing all-wise


and let the state run everything and let

the people meekly show up for their work


all glory to the state communism taught

says well is that right no all glory to

the people

let the state be the servant of its

people not the people be the servant of

the state

I'm telling you you've got to be able to

pick up those ideologies you got to be

able to pick up the philosophy and

here's the next part you got to be able

to defend it if you can't defend your

virtues and if you can't defend your

values I'm telling you even in the 90s

you'll fall prey

to philosophies that are not in your

best interest

and we've got to help our teenagers

we've got to help our kids especially to

be able to debate the major life issues

the political issues and the social

issues and the religious issues and the

spiritual issues and the nutritional

issues and and the economic issues and

all of the rest of the issues that are

valuable for us to build the kind of

equities we want

you got to get yourself ready and one of

the ways you got to get ready is not

just physical and not just spiritual you

got to get ready


and this is where shelf went to work on

me to be ready mentally

to develop the philosophy and also be

able to defend your virtues and your


let's go through it you need a good


shift got me started on my library

here's one of the books he recommended

Think and Grow Rich

by Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich

Michelle said to me doesn't that book

entitle Intrigue You Think and Grow Rich

don't you have to read that book Think

and Grow Rich I said yes sir

by Napoleon Hill

I went and found that book in a used

bookstore that's where I had to start

in a used bookstore I paid less than 50

cents for it I've still got it

it's one of the rare hardback covers

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

wow show was right get a library started

it'll change your life

any home over two hundred thousand

dollars has got a

Library why do you suppose that is

wouldn't that make you curious how come

every home over two hundred thousand

dollars has got a library

does that tell you something does that

educate you at all

you say well I can't afford a two

hundred thousand dollar home

it doesn't matter what size home

take your present apartment clean out a

closet call it your library

and start acting intelligent

and start this process like I did

start developing a library

here's what your library needs to show

that you're a serious student of health

and life spirituality culture uniqueness

sophistication economics Prosperity

productivity sales management skills

values of all kind let your library show

you're a serious student

don't be casual in learning

don't be lazy in learning

information is the key

okay learning is the beginning of wealth

learning is the beginning of Health

learning is the beginning of prosperity

learning is the beginning of democracy

the beginning of Freedom all values all

virtues start with the learning process

so don't be lazy in learning don't be

lazy in gathering the library that will

teach you and instruct you

and I got that book thing to Grow Rich

some of the ideas in that book inspired

me no end helped me to change my life

now it's got some weird stuff in it

you know it's got some weird stuff

Napoleon was weird so you gotta separate

out a little of this weird stuff but you

can do that you can separate out the

weird stuff okay unless you're weird

just do the weird stuff


remember don't be a follower be a

student that's the key to all books

don't be a follower be a student

another book he recommended

help me become financially independent

we're going to cover that before we

finish this afternoon

the book was entitled the richest man in


the richest man in Babylon

by George Clayson c-l-a-s-o-n

this little book the richest man in

Babylon I use it as a textbook teaching

teenagers how to be rich by 40 Living in

America 35 if you're extra bright

much sooner if you find a unique

opportunity I got rich by the time I was

31 didn't wait till 35.

if you find a unique opportunity

so we'll get into that

after we come back from our next break

richest man in Babylon get your library


here are some key sections to put in

your library

called mental food

in fact we call it food for thought

so important to nourish the mind not

just the body but nourish the mind

key phrase now it needs to be well

you can't live on mental candy

somebody says well I just read this

positive stuff that's two second grade

you've got to get out of second grade

you can't just be inspired you've got to

be taught you can't just be inspired

you got to be educated

here's a good book

it's called how to read a book

good title how to read a book by

Mortimer Adler

in this book how to read a book

Mortimer you know is the is the chief

editor of the new Encyclopedia


a good set of books right to have in

your library

Encyclopedia Britannica Chief editor

Mortimer Adler still and he's in his 80s

he's still active still writing books

I've got several of his books the six

great ideas a lot of books Mortimer

Adler but he wrote this book how to read

a book now in this book how to read a

book not only does he give you some good

suggestions on how to get the most out

of a book

it's one thing to read it's another

thing to get the best out of it he'll

give you some techniques on how to get

the best out of the books very good but

here's what's also in his book how to

read a book a list of what he calls the

best writings ever written

the best writings ever written I've used

it as a centerpiece for my library

so I'm just asking you take a look if it

suits you fine if it doesn't suit you

hey keep looking till you find something

to suit you

but well balanced

let me give you some of that balance

number one history we've all got to have

a sense of History

American history

National History International history

family history political history

we all need a sense of History

shortest history lesson opportunity

mixed with difficulty

no matter how far back you go a thousand

years ago two thousand years ago three

thousand four thousand years ago and

feeling it all reads the same once you

understand the thread that it isn't

going to change then what's going to

change for my life

answer looks like I'm gonna have to


history helps us to understand how it is

what there is to work with seed soil

Sunshine rain and what human beings have

done with it in the past

and how many of them have like I did by

age 25 they have

messed up

that's what history is for be a good

student of History here's a good book

lessons of History by Durant

lessons of History by Durant

this little book is only 100 pages but

I'm telling you it's so well written

you'll be intrigued as I was this little

book lessons of History by Durant

next is philosophy Durant also wrote a

good book on philosophy

story of philosophy

it's got a good rundown of the key


of the last several hundred years what

they taught in some of the lives they


you might find it a little difficult but

hey you can't just read the easy stuff

key phrase to add here in parenthesis

don't just read the easy stuff you won't

grow you won't change you won't develop

tackle the more difficult stuff

next novels novels are good sometimes an

intriguing story keeps our attention

so that the author can weave in the

philosophy he or she is trying to get


and Rand was probably better at that

than anybody else I could possibly think

of Atlas Shrugged some of those towering

novels the novel kept us intrigued but

guess what she was doing all the time

feeding us her philosophy feeding us her

philosophy now whether you agreed with

her philosophy or not you had to admit

she was really good at getting it out

there weaving it through the story in

the dialogue and in the speeches in the

text fabulous novels novels are good

now here's a little personal advice skip

the trash I mean you know

somebody says well sometimes you can

find something valuable in the Trashy

novel I wouldn't go through it to find


you can find a crust of bread in the

garbage can but I wouldn't go through it

number one you don't need the reputation

so not enough time to read the brilliant

stuff the good stuff

skip the trash really my personal advice

on personal development becoming more

valuable than you are

Nexus biographies and autobiographies

the story of stories of successful

people unsuccessful people

there's some dramatic stuff

right over the last 100 years it's been

written biographies and autobiographies

here's one of the best the Bible

the Bible is a unique book because it's

got a list of human stories on one side

of The Ledger another list of human

stories on the other side of the Ledger

one's called examples no it's called


and here's what we've got to have on

biographies and autobiographies both

warnings and examples

in the Bible the examples the Bible says

look at these people's lives follow them

follow their philosophy follow their


then we got the warnings right don't do

what these people did they messed up

their life and threw their life away

vitally important both sides of the


now if your life story ever gets in one

of those books make sure they use it as

an example not a warning

also we need balance both sides balance

good and evil biographies

you need a book on Gandhi

you need a book on Hitler

wanted to illustrate how high

a human being can go and the element

illustrate what

how low and Despicable a human being can


we need both sides of the scenario

next accounting gotta have a little at

least primary view of accounting

kids have got to start learning the

difference between a debit and the


next is law we all need right a little

bit you don't have to be a lawyer but

you got to know contracts what to sign

what not to sign backups good advice how

to be safe rather than sorry

all of us need a little law not a lawyer

but a little law

especially these complicated days

everything's in court these days

I learned this the hard way

company wanted to borrow money long time

up in Canada

tell me you want to borrow some money

the bank said well yes we will loan the

company the money if

Mr Rhone will sign personally

and I wanted to play Hero and I knew the

company could pay it back

quarter of a million dollars

so I signed

no problem sure enough within less than

a year they paid it all back a quarter

of a million dollars I am now a hero


about a year later this company gets

into financial trouble

they go back to the bank and borrow this

quarter of a million dollars again

I said

I hope my phone doesn't ring because I

won't sign the note this time because I

knew they were in trouble I knew they

were probably going to go bankrupt

my phone never rang

I'm off the hook

sure enough within less than a year the

company goes bankrupt can't pay

but I get this letter from the bank

saying Dear Mr Roan

since the company cannot perform its

obligation to pay this quarter of a

million dollars and since we have here

your personal guarantee

would you please send us your check for

a quarter of a million dollars I said

hey hold it hold it

there must be some mistake here

I signed that first note and they paid

it all back I wouldn't have signed the

second note I didn't sign the second



what I didn't know I had originally

signed was a continuing guarantee

so now I know what the word continuing



I'm asking you to study a little law

know what to sign know how to defend


I say hey we'll get back don't sign too

quickly I mean there's all kinds of

things here be a student don't be lazy

in learning how to defend as well as

nourish how to grow as well as take care

of your enemies you got to learn that's

your library indicate that you're a

serious student about personal

relationships with your family gifts and

skills economics

and all the rest

here's the next one

economics we're going to study that when

we come back from our break

economics we're going to cover

especially for the kids today how to

become financially independent we're

going to let the adults listen

I've been teaching kids for the last 18

19 years how to be rich by 40 35 if

you're extra bright most kids think

they're extra bright they go for 35.

or much sooner if you find a unique

opportunity we're going to get into that

be a student of Economics next culture

don't leave that out of your life

culture sophistication culture is part

of the fabric of the nation

culture is what makes us different than

dogs and animals

culture is what makes us different from

The Barbarians

culture sophistication

be a student of the dance and the art

and the music and all the rest of those

extraordinary human values that are

possible for us all to participate in as

well as to enjoy

be a student of culture

and the last one is spirituality

study it from the Bible in all the

related books about spirituality if

you're a Believer study in practice

let your library show

you're a serious student

next keep a journal

said Mr own not only be a student

the good idea is that you develop from

the books keep a separate Journal

write all this stuff down here's what he

said don't trust your memory

if you're serious about becoming wealthy

and powerful and sophisticated and

healthy influential cultured unique

keep a journal don't trust your memory

if you listen to something valuable

write it down if you come across

something important write it down write

it down

now I used to take notes on pieces of

paper and torn off corners and backs of

old envelopes and restaurant placemats

and long sheets and narrow sheets and

little sheets and pieces and thrown in a

drawer found out best way keep a journal

I've been keeping these journals now

since age 25. that makes up a valuable

part of my own learning and it's a

valuable part of my library my own

journals now form a good portion of my

own Library

I'm trying to get kids to do like I do

be a buyer of empty books kids find it

interesting I'd buy an empty book

especially at my status in life what did

I pay for this one 26 dollars

kids say 26 dollars for an empty book

why would you do that well the reason I

paid 26 dollars is

depress me

to see if I can't find something worth

26 dollars to put in here

and I'm telling you all my journals are

private but if you got a hold of one of

my journals you wouldn't have to look

very far until you would say this is

worth more than 26 dollars

I must admit if you got a glimpse of Mr

Owen's journals you'd have to say he is

serious student

not just committed to his craft but

committed to life committed to skills

committed to learning to see what I can

do with seed and soil and sunshine and

rain and miracle and possibilities and

turn it into equities of life and

treasure family relationships Enterprise

Sales Management gifts Galore everything

you want all available especially in

America I'm asking you keep a journal

I call it one of the three Treasures to

leave behind let me give you that one of

the three Treasures to leave behind

number one is your pictures

take a lot of pictures

do you ever look back right two or three

generations just a handful of

photographs way back there wouldn't it

be something if there was album after

album thousands of pictures to help tell

the story a picture's worth

a thousand words don't be lazy in

capturing the event how long does it

take to capture the event a fraction of

a second how long does it take to miss

the event

a fraction of a second

errors in judgment or disciplines take

lots of pictures help tell the story

click click God click click God

I go to Taiwan to lecture Taipei Taiwan

Grand Hotel neat place to do a weekend

seminar I got a thousand students

guess how many cameras


000 cameras

they all bring their cameras they

wouldn't miss the event take pictures

takes me more time to take pictures than

it does to do the lectures here's my new

American friend here's my new American

friend click click save it got it

thousand words each one what a scenario

don't miss the pictures when you're gone

one of the things to leave behind

the treasure in picture as well as in



your library

the library that you gathered that

taught you that instructed you that

helped you to defend your ideals that

helped you to develop a philosophy that

helped you to become wealthy and

powerful and healthy and sophisticated

and unique

the library they helped you conquer some

disease the library they helped you to

conquer poverty the library that caused

you to walk away from the ghetto the

library the books that instructed you

fed your mind and fed your soul

leave your library behind one of the

greatest gifts you can leave behind is

your library Stepping Stones Out Of The

Darkness into the light your library

so leave your books behind your books

will be more valuable than your couch

your books books


third is your journals

the idea is that you picked up the notes

you took at seminars like this wherever

you found an occasion to gather

something valuable and put it in here so

you could go back over and go back over

it repetition is the mother of skill

read it one more time learn it one more

time see if you can't digest it one more

time let it coach you one more time let

it teach you one more time let it

inspire you one more time words are


the lyrics of a song

and not just read it once that's why we

put our stuff on cassettes so you can go

through it again and again and again

if you hear a beautiful song that does

something to you you don't say well

that's enough don't need to hear that

again no wouldn't you want to hear it

again hear it again hear it again let it

instruct you let it feed you let it

teach you take you on wings of emotional

Journeys wouldn't you want to do that

again the answer is yes that's what's so

important and here's what's important

one of the things to leave behind that's

your journals all the stuff you took the

meticulous time to gather one of the

greatest proofs that you're a serious


taking pictures that's pretty easy

buying a book at a bookstore that's

pretty easy here's one that's a little

more challenging be student enough of

your own life and your own future and

your own destiny be student enough to

take the time to keep the notes and keep

the journal you'll be so glad you did

what a treasure to leave behind when you


your journals

I wouldn't be without mine now

I'm in Carmel California one of my

favorite places

it's where I wrote my first book called

seasons of life

I went to this little church one Sunday

morning first time I'd been there a

little small church I don't know 150


classic sermon that morning classic


one of the best I've ever heard in all

of my life I happen to be there

and I had my journal

while this sermon is going on I can't

believe it was so precise it was so

unique it was so powerful

and I've got my journal and I'm taking

notes take a note to this classic sermon

now guess how many other people were

taking notes
approximately yes how many do you


it looked like best as I could tell I'm

the only one taking notes of this

classic sermon

now since I'm a stranger there and it's

the first time I've been there and I'm

taking these notes

people started looking who is he and

what's he doing I started feeling just a

little bit uncomfortable

I'm still right now I'm feeling kind of

like a spy right

I could hear some of them say he's going

to get out of here with some of this

stuff and I did I did I'm the guy that

walked away with the stop I'm asking you

to be no less sincere and be no less

committed to the advancement of your

philosophy the set of the sale talk

about have your best year ever this year

and then get ready for next year your

very best year ever and they'll start

being the best the best the best year

after year if you'll commit yourself to

some of this simple stuff called

personal development start with a walk

around the block start with the

refinement of your philosophy start with

the teaching of your own fabulous mind

where all the answers are I can only

give you a few answers from my own

experience the rest of all the magical

answers are within the confines of your

own mind but it takes the books takes

the cassettes takes the videos personal

conversation sermons lyrics from songs

dialogue from the movie

let your heart be stirred by words find

ways to capture

part of your personal development Quest

now here's the last subject on personal

development just before we take our


isn't this good stuff

I'm Johnny this stuff changed my life

turned me Every Way but Loose I've never

been the same since the teacher gave me

some of this simple instruction how to

go from where you are to where you want

to go how to go from what you are to

what you want to become how to go from

pennies to treasure how to go from

nothing to Fortune it's all within the

confines of this stuff that I've been

trying to share with you laboring best I

can words are Columbia when you try

running your experience

but I'm doing my best today and I'm

excited about it appreciate you taking

all these good notes

good students today I appreciate that


develop these five abilities

as part of your personal development

Quest I call them the five abilities

here's the first one develop the ability

to absorb

the ability to soak it up like you're

doing today be like a sponge

don't miss anything

and not just the words it's true don't

miss the words but don't miss the

atmosphere don't miss the color don't

miss the scenario

don't miss what's going on

most people are just trying to get

through the day

here's what I want you to be committed

to do learn to get from the day

don't just get through it get from it

learn from it let the day teach you

join the University of life

what a difference that'll make in your


commit yourself to learning commit

yourself to absorbing

be like a sponge get it don't miss it

I've got a personal friend of mine who's

so gifted in this area

I think he has soaked up and remembers

everything that's ever happened to him

he can tell you as a teenager where he

was and what he did and what he said and

what she said and how they felt and the

color of the sky and what was going on

that day

and the reason is because he gets it he

gets it he gets it

I'm telling you it's more exciting to

have him go to Acapulco come back and

tell you about it than it is to go


he's unbelievable

he's got this extraordinary gift

and why is it when he's there he doesn't

miss anything

here's a good phrase for you to jot down

wherever you are be there

be there to absorb it up be there to

soak it up

take a picture if you can but take

pictures of your mind let your soul and

heart take pictures

Get It capture it absorb it

that's such an important ability to

develop the ability to get it don't miss


don't be casual in getting it

key phrase casualness leads to



learn to respond

the ability to respond means let life

touch you
don't let it kill you but let it touch


let sad things make you sad

let happy things make you happy

I'm telling you give in to the emotion

let the emotion strike you not just the

words not just the image

let the feelings strike you let the

emotions strike you here's what's

important our emotions need to be as

educated as our intellect

our emotions need to be educated as well

as our intellect

it's important to know how to feel

it's important to know how to respond

it's important to let life in let it

touch you

I'm the greatest guy in the world to

take to the movies

I get into a good movie

I want a good movie make me laugh make

me cry

scare me to death

teach me something take me high take me

just don't leave me as I was when I came

in touch me do something to me

I picked up the newspaper in Australia

the advertisement says see Dr Zhivago on

the big screen

I said my gosh

I gotta go see it on the big screen I'd

seen it you know two three times before

but the big screen I love the old

theaters right the balconies and the

chandeliers and the draperies and all

the stuff the big screen

so I go one more time see Dr Zhivago and

sure enough I'm swept away one more time

story of the Russian Revolution Dr

Zhivago and that whole scenario

I had always missed

the importance of the ending of that

movie until this time

the other times I missed it I'm telling

you this time

I got it

comrade General said Tanya how did you

come to be lost

after he'd found her right said how did

you come to be lost

and she said well I was just lost

she said no how did you come to be lost

she said well we were you know the city

was on fire when we were running to

escape and I was lost he said no how did

you come to be lost and that's what you

didn't want to say he finally pressed

her again how did you come to be lost

and he said well she said well while we

were running through the city and it was

on fire my father let go of my hand and

I was

lost that's what she didn't want to say

comrade General said telling you that's

what I've been trying to tell you

komarovski was not your real father

he was not

I'm telling you I've been looking all

over for you and I think I found you

this man my relative Dr Zhivago the poet

I'm telling you he was your father

and comrade General said Tanya I promise

you this if this man your real father

had been there I promise you he would

never have let go of your hand

and I got it

this time I got it

the other times I'm eating popcorn

waiting for the movie to finish I mean

this time my God

I'm asking you to get it


and respond

maybe you heard the story about the

the Evangelist here in Texas way back in

the horse and buggy days used to put up

his uh tent and you know these various

Texas towns and hold tent revivals

and he put up his tent one of these

towns expected a big crowd become and

hear him preach

and he got there first night at the Tent


and he walked inside the tent it was


and he thought something must be wrong

he waited till eight o'clock

nobody showed up he waited till 8 15 not

a soul
finally 8 30. one lone cowboy

Ed up on his horse tied his horse up

outside came in sat down on the front

bench Big Empty tent

so the preacher thought well at least I

better go down talk to the cowboy

so he goes down talks to the Cowboy and

he says Cowboy I don't know what to tell


she said I'm the preacher

and this tent was supposed to be full of

people and he said something's gone

wrong I really don't know what to do I'm


and he said I don't know what to do

and the cowboy said well you know I'm

not a preacher I'm just a cowboy so I

can't tell you what to do

but he said I know this if I went out to

feed my cattle and only one showed up

I'd at least feed it

so uh

the preacher said hey the cowboy is


if you've got a message to share if

there's one person or a thousand

don't let your ego get in the way you

know you should do the best you can so

he got kind of inspired by this

conversation with the cowboy jumped up

on the platform started preaching as if

the tent was full of people and he was

so inspired he just kept going kept

going went for an hour went for an hour

and 15 minutes hour and a half finally

wound down and quit come down off the

platform talk to the Cowboy again said

well Cowboy what did you think of my

sermon Cowboy said well I'm not a

preacher so I can't really tell I'm just

a cowboy

but he said I know this if I went out to

feed my cattle and only one showed up

I'd feed it but I wouldn't dump the

whole load on it


if it seems like we're dumping the whole

load here today I guess we really are

but you guys are working hard does

anybody have four pages of notes

oh wonderful wonderful my job I'm

getting it done wonderful

we should give a prize one of these days

for the most notes


I congratulate you you're working as

hard as I am I appreciate that

okay we got some more work to do so

let's go to work

everybody's okay say I'm okay

all right I'd love to take you with me

as my traveling audience


we've covered the first two abilities in

the personal development Quest

one is the ability to absorb don't miss

anything pay attention good watch word

for the 90s pay attention

things are moving so fast these days you

got to pay attention pick it up soak up

the colors soak up the sounds

soak up what's going on second respond

let life touch you

let the emotions affect you as well as

the sights
now here's the third ability develop the

ability to reflect

reflect means go back over

study it again

go back over these notes that you're

taking today go back through the

cassettes one more time

read the text one more time

but there's more to it than that go back

over your day

I call it run the tapes again

so that the day locks in firmly here's

some good times to reflect one at the

end of the day take a few minutes at the

end of the day go back over the day

who'd you see and what they say and what

happened how'd you feel what went on

so that you capture that day a day is a

piece of the Mosaic of your life

number one don't treat it casual

number two get from the day and then

number three go back over the day so

that it locks in

that experience the knowledge the sights

The Sounds the panorama

the color motion picture of the day just

lock it in so that it will serve you for

the future having that day not missing


take a few hours at the end of the week

call time to reflect

go back over your daytime or go back

over your calendar

go back over your appointment book where

did you go and who did you see and how

did it feel and what went on

capture that week a week is a pretty

good chunk of time


take half a day at the end of the month

call time to reflect

and do the same thing again go back over

what you read go back over what you

heard go back over what you saw

go back over the feelings to capture it

so that it serves you


take a weekend at the end of the year

to establish this year now firmly in

your consciousness
firmly in your experience Bank

so that you've got it so that it never


good ability to acquire the ability to

reflect go back over remember


it's so valuable to be able to remember

the thought remember the idea remember

the experience remember the occasion

remember the day remember the weather

remember the emotion remember the

complexity remember the highs remember

the lows so valuable at the end of the

day lock that day in

lock the month in lock the weekend lock

the year in

Old Testament says

a unique scenario unfolded according to

the law and that was they worked nine


and the 10th year was a sabbatical

the 10th year work nine take the tenth


and not just to relax not just to

not maybe just to get physically in


change of pace we call it in the modern

society but not just for that I'm sure

that in ancient days that sabbatical was

to go over the last nine years what went

right and what went wrong and what

worked well and what didn't work well

and how did you grow and how did you

learn and how did you change and what

have you got now after nine years that

you didn't have at the beginning of the

nine years see that's so valuable a

sabbatical a sabbatical some time some


there's also something to be said for


when you reflect sometimes you can

reflect with somebody husband and wife

reflect on the past year

right parents reflect with their

children on the past year how did we do

it and how didn't we do it and how could

we improve

colleagues can reflect with each other

but now here's one of the most important

you've got to learn to reflect with


there's something to be said for


there's something to be said for taking

those occasions to shut out the world

and shut out everything else for a while

for a while

I've got a motor home that's how I do

but my motorcycle on the back

and I head for the mountains and ride

the Jeep trails

where there's very few human beings on

the Jeep trails

or out in the desert somewhere

it's called my time to get away when you

live a very public life you treasure


a chance to reflect go back over my life

go back over my skills go back over my

experiences alone alone there are some

things you need to do alone Pond or

think Wonder read study absorb soak in

see if you can't become better this year

than you were last year better the next

nine than you were the first nine


there's even a more modern

advice that says

go to the closet

for time of meditation time of prayer

go to the closet closet meaning what


and there's even a graphic description

of the away said enter into your closet

and what got some students here I'm sure


close the door

for what just to shut out everything

life is experience experience experience

and touching and seeing and looking and

doing and acting and disciplines and all

this stuff but sometimes this is where

this reflecting is so important to shut

the door

to shut the door and wonder

prayer contemplation thinking

and let things move into your

Consciousness and awareness that no

other way can it be done

right flying down the freeway I'm

telling you it's difficult to get


so many things to do it's difficult to

get through but times of solitude times

to reflect so this is so valuable learn

to reflect now here's why it's important

to reflect

to make the past more valuable to serve

you for the future

here's what's really powerful learning

to gather up the past and invested in

the future

gather up today and invest it in

tomorrow gather up this week and invest

it in the next week gather up this year

and invest it in the next year see

that's so powerful rather than just

hanging on one more year hanging in

there seeing what's going to happen

learn study this is part of the personal

development Quest becoming better than

you are more valuable than you are not

just in terms of economics in terms of

motherhood in terms of fatherhood in

terms of being a better brother a better

colleague making a better contribution

to the family to society to the

community to the church to the office

to the commitment

to the partnership doesn't matter what

it is that has value work on yourself

then you bring more value to the

partnership to the marriage to the

franchise to the corporation to the

Enterprise to the community to the


self-development personal development

the best contribution you can make to

someone else is self-development not


self-sacrifice only earns contempt

self-development earns respect

pity the mother who says I'm just going

to give up my life for my children

self-sacrifice is not Noble

self-investment is Noble from


if I work on myself and become more

valuable think of what that'll do for

our friendship

I used to use the old expression you

take care of me and I'll take care of

you I found out how shallow and

short-ended that was

and I changed it to read like this I'll

take care of me

for you

if you will please take care of you

for me

and this is part of it the personal

development that we work harder on

ourselves than we do on our job now we

bring that to the friendship now we

bring that to the marriage now we bring

that to the family relationship as a

father as a mother and we develop the

strength and we develop the power

it takes I think this scenario

of disciplines these abilities

to acquire those gifts and those skills

that value

so that we bring more now we bring more

to the next week we bring more to the

next month we bring more to the next


you follow this absorb respond and


I said to my father

when he was about to turn 76.

76th birthday I said dear father of mine

can you imagine what it's going to be

like to gather up the last 75 years of

your life and invest them in your 70s

sixth year

what a difference in philosophy rather

than just hanging on one more year

gather up 75 and invest them in the next

one gather up the last six years and

invest it in the next year see that's so

powerful in communication which we're

going to study soon so powerful

so consider this one the ability to

absorb secondly ability to respond third

the ability to reflect

here's number four develop the ability

to act

take action

not Hasty if it isn't required but don't

lose much time

here's the time to act

when the idea is hot

and the emotion is strong

that's the time to act

you see Mr Ron I'd like to have a

library like yours see if you feel

strong about that what you got to do is

get the first book and then get the

second book

before the feeling passes and before the

idea gets dim

action Pronto action immediate action as

soon as possible

because if you don't here's what happens

we call it the law of diminishing intent

we intend to when the idea strikes it so

we intend to when the emotion is high

but now if you don't translate that into

action fairly soon now the intent starts

to diminish diminish diminish and a

month from now it's cold year from now

can't be found

so act set up a discipline when the

emotions are high and the idea is strong

and clear and Powerful

that's the time to set up the discipline

somebody talks about good health and

you're stirred says right I need to get

a book on nutrition get the book before

the idea passes and before the emotion

gets cold

go for the book start the library start

the process fall on the floor do some

push-ups action got to take action

otherwise the wisdom is wasted otherwise

the emotion soon passes unless you put

it into a disciplined activity capture


disciplines is called how to capture the

emotion and how to capture the wisdom

and translate it into equity

now here's what's important about

disciplines all disciplines affect each


in fact here's a good philosophical

phrase everything affects everything


nothing stands alone

don't be naive in saying well this

doesn't matter I'm telling you

everything matters

there are some things that matter more

than others but there isn't anything

that doesn't matter


we all pity The Man Who Says

well this is the only place I let down

not true

key to take home every letdown affects

the rest of your performance

every letdown affects the rest

this is part of the educational process

on personal development

if you don't take the walk around the


you probably won't do the apple a day if

you don't do the apple a day you

probably won't consist you know start

building your library if you don't build

your library you probably won't keep a

journal and you won't take pictures and

you won't do this you won't do wise

things with your money won't do wise

things with your time won't do wise

things with your possibilities and

relationships and the first thing you

know six years of that accumulated and

we say you have

messed up

so the whole key to reversing that

process now is to start picking up these

disciplines now here's the positive side

every new discipline affects the rest of

your disciplines every new one affects

the rest

that's why action is so important the

least action the smallest action

take it because when you start

accomplishing and the value starts to

return from that one accident will

inspire you to do the next one and the

next one and the next one

you start walking around the block it'll

inspire you to get an Apple get an Apple

it'll inspire you to get a book get a

book it'll inspire you to get a journal

get a journal it'll inspire you to grow

develop some skills all disciplines

affect each other every lack affects the

rest every new affects the rest the key

is to diminish the lack

and set up the new and you've started a

whole new life process


also one more thought on discipline

here's the greatest value of discipline



people are teaching self-esteem these

days but they don't connect it to


the least lack of discipline and it

starts to erode our psyche

one of the greatest


is to just ease up a little bit


the the slightest lack of doing your

best starts to erode the psyche instead

of doing your best doing just a little

less than your best sure enough you say

well it's just going to affect my sales

no it's going to affect your

consciousness it's going to affect your

philosophy now you've begun in the

slightest way to affect your own


here's the problem with the least


neglect starts as an infection

and if you don't take care of it it

becomes a disease

and one neglect leads to another

and the worst of all when neglect starts

it diminishes our self-worth our

self-confidence our self-value

you say well how can I get back my


I'm telling you you don't have to go to

29 classes all you have to do is start

the smallest discipline that now

corresponds to your own philosophy like

I should and I could

and I will

no longer will I let neglect stack up on

me so that I will have the sorry

scenarios secures from now giving some

excuse instead of celebrating my

that's the key to discipline


let's get kids involved in the least of

disciplines one more and then one more

and then another one and then another

one and then some more and the first

thing you know you're starting to weave

the tapestry of a disciplined life into

which you can pour more wisdom and more

attitude and more strong feeling more

faith and more courage now you've got

something in a vessel in which to put it

and now the equities start to flow and

the early return I'm telling you if

you'll start this process the early

return will have you so excited you'll

commit yourself to this strategy for the

rest of your life

you'll never go back to the old ways

join a new crowd join a new group

the disciplines to do it take action

I recommended the last time I was here

the little book richest man in Babylon

and I said I've lectured now to over

three million people in the last 33

years and I've recommended this little

book to almost all of them I think guess

how many have actually gone and got this

little book

answer very few

my best guess is 10 percent

such an easy thing to do in that last

seminar right I suggested this little

book number one is easy to find number

two it's easy to buy the most you can

pay for it six seven eight dollars you

can borrow that from your kids

and number three it's easy to read

it's in story form that's why I use it

for teenager teaching them how to be

rich by 40 35 if you're extra bright

much sooner if you find a unique


but if it's easy to find and easy to buy

and if it's easy to read why wouldn't

everybody go get it we don't know no

what do you know you don't know I don't

know nobody knows

here's how profound it is some do and

some don't now here's the numbers about

10 percent do

ninety percent don't or won't

and we don't know the mystery of that

and I'm telling you 10 years from now

those numbers will still be the same 10

will 90 won't

the numbers don't change only the faces


you're looking at one of the faces

I used to belong to the 90 who couldn't

be bothered even if it was easy

guess how many people have a library


wisdom of the world available transform

your life in any value amount you want

by the way how much is a library card in


free here's what free is easy I mean it

can't be any easier than free

somebody says well would you bring it by

well no at least you got to go get it



wisdom of the world available transform

your life spiritually socially

personally economically in every other

way teach how to be rich and powerful

and sophisticated and healthy

influential how many people have a

library card answer three percent

95 97 couldn't be bothered

guy specializes in happy hour but he

doesn't have a card

and now readily and quickly blames the

government blames his company and blames

policy and blames the pay scale

when if he only knew if he joined the

three percent here's my advice to you

today walk away from the 97 percent

don't talk like they talk don't act like

they act don't go where they go don't

specialize in what they specialize in

throw away the blameless the cling to

start You a New Life you say well is it

as simple as getting a library card and

join the three percent and the answer is

of course of course that's how easy this

stuff is

this is so easy it's so simple it's not

you don't need a 2000 year old Guru

you don't need multi-track affirmations

I'm telling you don't

affirmation without discipline is the

beginning of delusion


don't let somebody sweep you into some

contrary way to Nature itself says

unless you labor the miracle of the seed

and the soil and the seasons and God and

all the other stuff that's available

sunshine and rain that's not available

to you by affirmation it is only

available to you by labor

so labor well

learn well

discipline yourself


and you can have all the treasures you

want this stuff's easy and simple it's

not ocean waves and seagulls you don't

have to move to Sedona where all the

force fields comes together in Arizona

let's teach our kids the simple ways to

transform their health number one

their economics number two their ability

to communicate number three their life

and treasure and lifestyle number four

spirituality number five and the list

goes on and on

let's not leave out any of the least of

disciplines that encourage us to do the

next one to do the next one to do the

next one first thing you know this whole

scenario for you is spinning up instead

of out of control on the negative side

this is all you got to do it's as simple

as this it's as simple as a start

committing yourself to life change and

once you start down this road I promise

you you'll join the 10 and the three


we're going to talk Financial

Independence in just a little while

guess how many people can retire from

the income of their own personal

resources when it comes time to retire

answer five percent

in the most independent country in the

world 95 are dependent five percent are


take charge of your own retirement

I'm telling you if you take charge of

your own retirement through personal

development and all these skills we've

taught today plus what's coming up

Financial Independence I'm telling you

take charge of your own retirement you

can multiply it at least by five maybe

by ten Maybe by 20 maybe by a hundred

let the government take care of it some

company take care of it you got to

divide by five

take charge of your own life take charge

of your own day take charge of your own

conversation take charge of your own

family take charge of your own


and learn these skills develop this kind

of strategy and I'm telling you life

will open up for you join the three

percent join the ten percent

join the five percent walk away from the

95 percent

in our leadership weekend we teach find

out what poor people read and don't read


I'm telling you don't talk like they

talk lend a helping hand but don't fall

into the their poor philosophical

scenario don't blame what they blame

don't use the excuses they use it's

called the language of the poor

switch gears switch language switch

ideas switch strategy start with the

simplest of disciplines and don't be

mean any of these disciplines the

smallest of disciplines starts the

process of life change

and if you'll invest in this thing

called discipline you can have whatever

you wish it's called the beginning of a


now here's the last clue on discipline

do the best you can we covered earlier

but here's a good scenario for the do

the best you can

I've got a good question for you is the

best you can do all you can do

the answer is no strangely enough

if we all fell on the floor right now

and did as many push-ups as we possibly


and let's say for some reason you

haven't been into push-ups lately I

can't imagine why but let's say

and let's say the best you can do is


and you look up at the rest of us and

say hey five is the best I can do we can

tell the look on your face that's

probably true five is the best you can


now is five all you can do

the answer is no if you rest a little

you can do five more

and if you rest a little you can do five


and if you rest a little you can do 15

more how did we get from 5 to 15. it's a


and if you rest a little you can do 15

rest little you can do 15 rest little

you can do 20. how did you get from 5 to

20. it's a miracle

did you know you can keep doing that do

a little more rest a little do a little

more rest a little and finally get up to

50 push-ups is it possible to get up to

50 push-ups

of course

how do you go from five to fifty it's a


how do you get a miracle going number

one do what you can don't leave about

what you can from writing a letter to

your mother in Florida start cleaning it

all up to doing the push-ups

go from five to fifty it's a miracle

number one do what you can number two do

the best you can here's number three

rest very little

don't rest too long

why the weeds take the garden

kids have got that figured out you can't

rest too long

here's the clue make rest a necessity

not an objective

the objective of life is not to rest the

objective of life is to act

think of more disciplines think of more

ways and means in which to use your own

wisdom and your own philosophy and use

your own attitude your own faith your

own courage Your Own commitment your own

desires your own excitement invest it

invest it invested invested in

discipline so that it's not wasted

the smallest of discipline

thereby transform your life

join the five percent join the ten

percent join the three percent

guess when I went

into the book richest man in Babylon

the same day I heard about it I went and

got it

somebody says well Mr Owen does that

make you different than most other

people and the answer is yes

somebody says well why is that we don't

no we don't know what do you know you

don't know I don't know none of us knows

some do and

some don't the numbers don't change only

the faces change

from those who get in on a seminar like

this listen to a dynamic sermon read a

book listen to some cassettes take

seriously the next conversation of a

friend who wants to level with you and

do something about it and you can walk

away from the 97 not live there anymore

because if you don't the next six years

of your life will be like the last six

Mr show said to me Mr own six years now

you've been working I'm telling you the

next six years your life is going to be

like the last six unless you take

advantage and start making these

personal changes I made the changes

totally revolutionized my life

so take a look at the next five years of

your life it's going to be like the last

five unless and less and less and less

you change and if you will change

Everything Will Change

join the five percent

ten years from now the numbers are going

to be the same

but I'm telling you some faces in this


can change and start showing up in the

three percent crowd and the five percent

crowd in the ten percent crowd and

thereby dynamically affect your life and

your future

develop these strengths now here's the

last ability develop the ability to


pass along to someone else if you've

picked up a good idea today pass it

along don't let it stay pass it along a

book if you take one of these little

books I've suggested home and it affects

you pass along say hey I found a book

really helped me I found a book got me

thinking I found a book changed my

health I found a book got me inspired

pass it along pass it along pass it


here's what's exciting about sharing if

you share with 10 different people they

get to hear it once you get to hear it

10 times

so it's probably going to do more for

you than it is for them

but it's called what everybody wins when

somebody shares everybody wins

share your ideas share your experiences

share your knowledge

you can have just as much pleasure as I

do I said giving this seminar this is

one of my joys in life give a seminar

like this make the best investment I can

of words and spirit and heart and soul

and time energy I don't have to work

this hard

but I gladly work this hard why I want

the return your words touch my life see

that's heavyweight stuff you can't buy

it with money but I'm telling you you

can get the same thing started by

recommending a book somebody will read

that book and then they'll read another

one and they'll read another one and

they'll come to you someday and say you

got me started that book you recommended

turn my lights on turn my mind around

got me thinking got me pondering and

I've been on track ever since you can

get just as much praise as I do if

you'll share share with your children

share with your colleagues share with

everybody that comes within your grass


now here's what cheering does not only

helps you helps the person you

share with

here's what else it does makes you


than you are

if I had a glass of water up here and it

was full

question can that glass hold any more

water if it's full

if the glass is full can it hold any

more water

the answer is yes

but for it to hold more you got to pour

out what's already in

that's what I'm asking you to do

if you're full of ideas if you're full

of good things I'm asking you to pour it

out pour it out pour it out why I'm

telling you more will be poured in

poured in poured in


when you do pour out you become bigger

it's not like a glass that stays the

same human beings have the ability to

grow in Consciousness and awareness and

capacity it's Unlimited capacity I found

out kids don't lack capacity

in Europe the kids speak what two three

four five six languages

when I grew up my father spoke German

never taught me my mother spoke French

never taught me

they were trying to get away from all

the old world languages back then had no

concept how valuable languages were

going to be in the future just to know

so they abandoned the German and banded

the phrase I could have learned all

three languages instead of just English

my girls went to high school went to

school in the Beverly Hills


turned that around

in first grade now in Beverly Hills

School System they offered three

languages besides English

French German Spanish

why because kids can learn two languages

just as easy as one

question how many languages can a child

learn here's how many as many as you'll

take the time to teach them they do not

lack capacity they only lack teachers

and I'm telling you the same thing as

with you you don't lack capacity

but here's how you expand your capacity

and that is to share what you've got now

you get bigger share some more and now

you get bigger

I'm here for a very self-interest reason

if I share with you my Consciousness

grows if I share with you I get to hear

this again

somebody asked me not long ago so Mr how

are you doing with all this stuff you

get on everybody's case pretty hard

how are you doing with all this stuff

you teach I said well

best I can share with you is this listen

to me very carefully but don't watch me

too close

this stuff's easier to lecture on than

it is to do I understand that I'm

working on it just like you but hey pour

out what you've got so that your

capacity grows now why should you want

your capacity to grow very self-interest

reason here it is to hold more of the

next experience


you mean to tell me that sitting in this

audience some people will get more out

of it than others and the answer is yes

if you haven't been into expanding your

own capacity lately you might not get

much from this seminar

but if you've been into expanding Your

Capacity you've been sharing and you've

been doing all this stuff I'm telling

you no telling what all this could mean

to you today this chance to grow change

develop absorb take in

I'm asking you to expand and grow

so you can hold more of the next

experience some people can't be very

happy you could pour happiness

out on the whole world some people can't

be very happy why they're not big enough

if you're small you don't get much

small in comprehension small and the

ability to think and wonder small in


no matter how much is poured out

Prosperity can be poured out on the

whole country some people don't get much

why they're too small too small in their

thinking too small in their ability to

share have not expanded to their full


don't be like that

now some people aren't going to get much

because they've got their cup turned

upside down

you couldn't put anything in

learn to share it's a glorious glorious


okay enough on personal development

let's cover Now setting goals let me

show you something to turn me Every Way

but Loose I've never been the same since

I found out about it

learning how to set goals

not long after I met Mr show we're

having breakfast one morning

it's the show said Mr Owen now that

we've gotten acquainted we know each

other fairly well he said maybe one of

the best ways I can help you

he said let me see your current list of

goals let's go over them and talk about



and I said what

I don't have a list

he said well Mr own if you don't have a

list of your goals he said I can guess

your bank balance within a few hundred


which he did

and that got my attention

I said you mean my bank balance would

change if I had a list of goals he said


so that day I became a student of

setting goals

and I've used it to dynamically affect

my life I've taught it to some of my

business colleagues we use it to do

business around the world

setting goals

it can turn out to be a drama

for your life here's what goals are your

vision of the future

your vision of the future now there's

two ways to face the future


with apprehension

number two

with anticipation

guess how most people face the future

with apprehension

why major reason why they don't have it

well designed

they've left the design of their future

to somebody


and if you don't make plans of your own

guess what you'll probably fall into

someone else's plans

guess what someone else may have planned

for you

not much

you got to make a list of this not much

stuff I'm telling you people all their

lives count on this not much list

if all of your negative relatives all

turn positive what'll that do for your


not much

if prices come down a little what'll

that do for your future

not much

if the economy gets a little better

what'll that do for your future

not much

if circumstances get a little better

what do I do

not much if the weather gets a little

better over the next few years that'll


not much I mean you could go right down

this whole scenario list most people all

their lives with their fingers crossed

count on this not much list

that's why 10 years from now they'll be

driving what they don't want to drive

living where they don't want to live

where and what they don't want to wear

doing what they don't want to do

having what they don't want to have

maybe become what they didn't want to

become and it all starts by counting on

something that's not going to count much

you say well then how can my life

dramatically change you got to count on


and here's one of the things you got to

count on your ability to design the


it's called The Promise

and the promise of the future if you'll

design it well can have an awesome

effect on your life

but if you face the future with

apprehension you'll take hesitant steps

all day on certain steps all day and if

you take on certain steps all day for

six years you can imagine how empty your

life can be
we got to help our kids with the promise

of the future now here's what's

connected to the promise the price

the price to pay but I'm telling you the

price is easy if the promise is clear

one of the better notes to make for


price is easy if the promise is clear

and Powerful

but the price seems almost too much to

pay too much to get over too much to

accomplish if the promise isn't clear if

the promise isn't powerful

I'm telling you kids will pay the

disciplines if they can see the Promise

one of our biggest challenges as parents

in the 90s is to help our kids see the

promise of the future that's why I'm

teaching Financial Independence how to

become wealthy and powerful and

sophisticated and healthy and unique

all of the stuff kids would hope to go


it's all possible this is America that's

the promise of the future the price a

few simple disciplines practiced every

day and I'm telling you the kids will

pay the price of the simple disciplines

if they can see the promise of the

future but if they can't see

they don't want to pay

to pay and the same is true of all of us

we will pay the most extraordinary

disciplines if we can see the promise of

the future call Setting goals so I'm

asking you to get a handle on the future

I'm asking you not to leave it to anyone

else not don't leave it to the company

companies got their own goals I'm asking

you to set your own goals your personal

goals income goals and financial goals

and health goals and spiritual goals and

where do you want to go and what do you

want to do and what do you want to see

and what do you want to be that's it

promise of the future design your own


within your hands and your capacity to

do so

do so here's how simple Now goal setting

is it's not mysterious

you don't have to Anchor you don't have

to focus you don't have to visualize no

that's it here's how simple goal setting

is change my life decide what you want

and write it down I mean that's how

profound this stuff is

decide what you want and write it down

make a list where do you want to go what

do you want to do what do you want to

see what do you want to be what do you

want to have what do you want to share

what projects would you like to support

what would you like to be known for what

skills would you like to learn

some extraordinary things you'd like to

do ordinary things you'd like to do

right silly little things you'd like to

do very important things you'd like to

do decide decide on all that stuff and

write it down write it down write it

down that's how simple this stuff is

and it's your own private list if it's

really private you know on your list put

some stuff in code where nobody can

understand it if this list fell into

unfriendly hands

and simple things whatever

foolish things doesn't matter it's your


I had a little revenge on my first list

Budget Finance who used to harass me

I got two or three payments behind this

one guy called incessantly said we're

going to come get your car drag it rear

end up down the street in front of your



put me down something fierce when I met

shof got my life straightened out one of

the first things on one of my lists was

Budget Finance

and when I finally got the money

I needed a little drama

in my life

finally got the money to pay him off I

put it in small bills in a big briefcase

walked into the Budget Finance office on

Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles the

guy who harassed me so often his desk

was about three back I opened the door

walked in right up to his desk stood

right in front of it never said a word

he said well what are you doing here

didn't say a word I opened up this

briefcase dumped this pile of money all

over his gas

I said count it

it's all there I'll never be back turned

around walked out slammed the door

now that might not be Noble but you got

to try it at least one time

pay off for the little drama


got to check them off my list

keep your list with me I keep my list in

my journal so that I can go back five

years ago here was my list and I'm a

little embarrassed here's what I thought

was so important now how My Philosophy

has changed from 10 years ago five years

ago three years ago here's my old list

here's my new list here's what's

valuable to me now here's what I want my

life to be now here's where I want to go

what I want to do what I want to see

keep your lists of goals so that it

shows your growth shows your ability to

change and grow your philosophy grows

and expands what's valuable

setting goals it doesn't matter how

small foolish it is put it on your list

my Japanese friend Toro Ikeda put on his

first list a Caucasian gardener

good morning

I thought that was

I like that

have you got this profound thing now and

setting goals here's how profound it is

decide what you want

and write it down get together with your

wife decide get together with your kids

decide get together with your business

colleagues side write it down make a


okay that's how easy it is

now let me give you one more scenario on

setting goals when I started making my

first list

Mr shop said Mr own looks like we're

going to be together for a while he said

I've got a suggestion for you

he said I think one of the first goals

you ought to sit your 25 year old

American male sure you've made some

mistakes but now you're on the road to

better things

you got a family worth it

reasons makes the difference

and he said you've got every reason to

do this he said why don't you among all

the goals you're going to say I said why

don't you set a goal to become a


a millionaire this is America

all the possibilities are available why

don't you set a goal to become a

millionaire said it's got a nice ring to


millionaire enough zeros to impress your


and he said here's why now I thought the

man doesn't need to teach me why

I'm thinking wouldn't it be great to

have a million dollars he said no that's

not it here's why and I had one of the

greatest lessons I ever learned and I'm

about to share it with you this will be

worth the price of being here today if

you can capture what I'm about to share

with you babysitter fees whatever else

you paid some of you missed some sales

today to be here so this is a costly day

for you

but what I'm about to share with you

changed my whole life here's what Mr

shoaf said set a goal to become a

millionaire and he said here's why

for what it will make of you to achieve


and I got one of the greatest classes in

one sentence I've ever received in my


set a goal that'll make you stretch that


for what it will make of you to achieve


what a brand new reason for setting


what an all-encompassing challenge to

have a better vision of the future what

for to see what it will make of you to


and here's why the greatest value in

life is not what you get

the greatest value in life is what you


major question to ask on the job is not

what am I getting here that's not the

major question the major question to ask

is what am I becoming here

it's not what you get that makes you

valuable it's what you become that makes

you valuable

so shop said set a goal to become a


for what it will make of you to achieve

it then he said when you finally have

become a millionaire now he said what's

important is not the money I thought wow

I've got some more to learn

he said no no Mr and I'm telling you

honestly you could just give the money

away now I did better than that right I

told you I lost it all

I'm rich by the time I'm 31 I'm a

millionaire I'm broke by the time I'm


so I didn't have to give it all away I

lost it all

foolish mistakes I made

that I'm a farm boy from Idaho that

early money drove me bonkers

I used to say how many colors does it

come in I'll buy them all

went I went crazy over that first money

I just went crazy

and then I made that one foolish mistake

right continuing guarantee I mean you

know I'm so naive off the farm I don't

know what continuing means

and a few other mistakes and by the time

I'm 33 I'm broke

now I've made and lost Millions since


but what an experience that was and I'm

telling you the man was right when I

finally was broke at age 33 guess what I

discovered my money did not mean that

much it represented only a fraction of

all my assets

show said once you become a millionaire

Mr own you can give all the money away

because he says what's important is not

the money

what's important is the person you've


Now give me let me give you the key

phrase on setting goals set the kind of

goals that will make something of you to

achieve them

set the kind of goals that will make

something of you to achieve them

always keep that in mind what will this

make of me

if I set this goal and go for it not

only will I achieve it but what will it

make of me in the process

What A Whole New Concept on setting


now there's two parts to this and then

we're wrapping up goals

here's the first part now in this goal

setting for what you become number one

don't set your goals too low

interesting we teach in leadership

you'll find it on the cassettes don't

join an easy crowd

you won't grow

where the expectations are high

go where the demands are high

go where the pressure's on to perform to

grow to change to develop to read to

study to develop skills I belong to a

small group we do business around the

world you cannot believe the

expectations at that level

what we expect of each other in terms of

Excellence far beyond average why

so that we can each grow so that we can

receive from the group we can contribute

to the group something unprecedented

it's called living at The Summit

go where the demands are high go where

the expectations are strong so that

it'll provoke you push you

urgently insist that you not remain the

same for the next couple of years the

next five years that you grow and change

so don't set your goals too low

the guy says well I don't need much well

then you don't need to become much

now here's the last part on setting

goals don't compromise don't sell out

there were some things I went for back

in those early years that I paid too big

a price for if I'd have known how much

it was going to cost me I never would

have paid but I didn't know

don't sell out

ancient phrase says count costs count

cost count cost

and ancient story says Judas got the

money you say well that's a success

story no no

it's true 30 pieces of silver in those

days was the size of a fortune you say

well if a guy's got a fortune right

that's a success story no you don't

understand his name was Judas doesn't

that ring a bell Judas you say oh yes

Judas Judas the traitor that's right the

traitor got the money doesn't that

change the story and the answers of

course it changes the story

interestingly enough after Judas gets

the money from becoming a traitor he's

got the money in his hot little hand and

now he's unhappy somebody says well if

you had a fortune how could you be

unhappy well he wasn't unhappy with the


he was unhappy with


key phrase the greatest source of

unhappiness is self-unhappiness

the greatest source of unhappiness

doesn't come from outside

the greatest source of unhappiness comes

from inside

and here's where the erosion starts

doing a little less than you could

that's where the beginning little

infection of unhappiness starts doing a

little less than you can not feeling

that good about yourself

so don't let that happen

Jesus is unhappy he says what'll I do he

says I'll just take the money back

walked in where he got the money and

said here take this money I'm unhappy

they said heck with you Judas we got

what we wanted you got what you wanted

out they threw him out with his money

Jesus says well what do I do now he says

oh clever should have thought of this

first I'll just throw the money away and

he proceeded to throw his fortune away

why would he throw his fortune away he

was so unhappy with


that's not even the end of the scenario

after he threw his fortune away he

couldn't change what he became a traitor

and now in total abject frustration

he goes out and hangs his worthless self

which all Traders should do save the

state the money

why such a tragic end because he was so

unhappy with

himself he sold out he sold out he paid

too big a price

ancient script sums it all up he said

what if you gain the whole world and it

costs you your soul too big a price to

pay if you got the whole world

don't sell out

don't compromise your values don't

compromise your virtue

don't compromise your philosophy


here's the key word beware

if Jesus could speak back he'd probably

say beware

two good words from ancient script one

behold the positive word

behold the possibilities behold the


behold the drama behold the awesomeness

behold the uniqueness

behold the Majesty be holy oh

what a good word but here's the other

word beware beware


don't sell out

Mark well what you become in pursuit of

what you want but I'm inspiring you

hopefully to set the kind of goals

that'll transform your life

make you far better than you are far

stronger than you are


isn't this good advice

this is such good stuff I should have

paid to get in right





what should a child do with a dollar

let me give you the best advice I've got

and this is called sort of middle of the

road scenario and I'll show you how

these numbers may change but here's what

I teach

kids never spend more than 70 cents

okay now you got to pick some number

when I met Mr show if I was at about 110


but remember this if you're out go

exceeds your income your upkeep becomes

your downfall

good little scenario

so here's the number that I found works

best in in developing a good financial

plan never spend more than 70 cents out

of every dollar from now on

now kids ask me what

what do you do with the other 30 cents

here's my best advice

10 cents charity

10 charity

supporting worthy projects helping

people who cannot help themselves

some Churches teach tithe peace portion

turning back part of what you take out

excellent excellent philosophy

that's what that 10 percent is

and nothing teaches children

responsibility and character better than


no school no class no teacher can teach

character better then the simple Act of

generosity 10 cents out of every dollar

now you can pick your own number I'm

just giving you my best scenario

now the time to start this is when the

amounts are small

easy to give a dime out of a dollar I'm

telling you kids will give you 10 cents

out of every dollar if it's part of

their philosophy if you sell them on it

and that's the time to start when it's

easy 10 cents out of a dollar a little

harder to give a hundred thousand out of

a million

someone says oh if I had a million

dollars I'd give a hundred thousand I'm

not that sure

we better start you early when the

amounts are small so it'll all be set in

when the big amounts start to come okay

so 10 cents for charity

the next 10 cents I call Active capital

meaning meaning try to make a profit


we live in a capitalistic Society

right everybody now wants to

join capitalism that's why the walls are

coming down Capital belongs in the hands

of the people that's where the genius is

so the genius is to try to show a profit

buy and sell

render service show a profit

now here's what I teach kids profits are

better than wages

wages are okay

but wages help you make a living profits

help you make a fortune

the key is to just understand

philosophically the little simple

economic scenario

and there's all kinds of ways to make a


I'm working on a new book here's what

it's called I think it's going to be

called of course kids should pay taxes

it's going to be an interesting book

in California where I live kids do pay


if an eight-year-old walks into 7-Eleven

buys something that cost a dollar the

proprietor makes him cough up seven more


eight-year-old says what's these seven


propriety says that taxes that's taxes

kid says well I'm only eight

proprietor says congratulations you're

my youngest taxpayer
so in California kids do pay taxes

now the question is should they

now the title of my book is

of course kids should say taxes you got


right the disciple went and caught a

fish found the miracle coins and paid

his taxes and Jesus taxes so way back

then Jesus did pay taxes now the

question is should he

and the answer my little book says

of course Jesus and kids should pay

taxes of course of course

if an eight-year-old wants to ride his

bicycle on the sidewalk instead of in

the mud you have to pay taxes things

cost money gotta pay taxes

aircraft carriers to keep tyranny over

there instead of over here

their craft carriers cost money

it's expensive to run this whole show

you can't use used missiles I mean you

know it's expensive to run the whole

deal yeah

of course everybody has to pay


active Capital means try your best to

show a profit now there's many ways to

show a profit not just money

touch something leave it better than you

found it

the prophet

some profits are intangible some profits

are tangible

long before Earth Day

for all sophisticated people it was very

proper when you left your hotel room to

turn out the lights

all educated people

why leave a profit

it's so easy to flip the switch and

leave a profit

so as well the hotel gets the profit

what do you care

all you need to become is a person who

leaves the prophet

wow I

talked to a man who runs a whole string

of apartments

he said guess what most people when they

rent an apartment leave it what

trash worse than they found it

what kind of a reputation would that be

whatever you touch turns to trash

whatever you touch it's dirty

nothing you touch gets better

see that's a poor philosophy no wonder

it leads to Poverty small lives as one

writer said living lives of quiet

desperation this is where it all begins

failure to leave a prophet when you can

turn out the lights doesn't matter what

it is become profit-minded prophets are

better than wages because profit has the

potential to make a fortune wages has

the potential to make a living

so I teach kids take part of your wages

if you earn the money take part of it

for charity and part of it to see if you

can't make a profit and there's all

kinds of ways my book's going to be full

of all kinds of ways kids can make money

I teach kids how to have two bicycles

one to ride and one to rent I mean now

it doesn't take long to get into

business you don't have to be a genius

halfway bright you can start showing a


now here's the next 10 cents called



meaning let somebody else use the

capital you provide it you're passive

they're active

and let them pay you interest

profits and interest

unique way to make a fortune

in fact there's a Bible philosophy I

teach teenagers this Bible philosophy

here's what it teaches

the borrower is servant to the lender


so where is the power position

not a Spender

A lender and if I've taught teenagers

well if you ask them among some of the

things you want to be you know when you

grow up you know as years pile on what

would you like to be I'm telling you

among some of the things that they would

like to be if they've sat in on my

classes or gotten some of my material

they were saying I want to be one of

them lenders

powerful position let somebody else use

your Capital some projects require more

Capital than any one person has so we've

got Capital tools whether you put it in

a financial institution or whatever

right earn an interest earn a profit

right buy a car and sell it for more

than you paid for it why because you

leave it better than you found

touch something and leave a profit

okay it's not just wrapped up in money

and economics this helps to teach all

other scenarios of Life on profit and

capital and expenditures what to do with

your time and what to do with your life

and as well as what to do with your

money okay now this little scenario I

call the ideal

now here's what's important to set up

the ideal and work

toward it because at first you may not

be able to do these numbers

some people are in such desperate

situation currently they got to go

97 1 1 and 1. I mean you know the

I had to start there

start with pennies and remember it's not

the amount that counts Mr shelf gave me

the clear

situation here it is it's not the amount

that counts it's the plan that counts

when I met Mr show if I'm 25 years old I

said to him if I had more money I'd have

a better plan he said no Mr Owen if you

had a better plan you'd have more money

six years six years in America six years

come on it's not the money it's not the

amount it's the plan that counts so set

up an ideal plan like this now you can

rearrange this and modify it to suit

yourself I'm just giving you here as an


so set up the ideal and then start

making progress toward it

because finally these numbers are going

to change if you move on up into the

higher area right the people I work with

around the world couldn't spend 70 cents

out of every dollar would be obscene

that'd be too much so these numbers are

bound to change

I don't know what mine are probably

20 up here

a lot larger numbers down here

okay so these numbers can change I'm

just offering you a good sample


remember philosophy is the set of the


the economy is not the set of the sale

for you

for you the set of the sailors your own

philosophy your own thinking your own

plan your own concept

don't borrow somebody else's plan don't

borrow somebody else's concept don't

borrow the concept you know spend all

you can cross your fingers and hope for

the best don't borrow that develop your

own philosophy and I'm telling you it'll

lead you to Unique places

now the rest of a lot of this is on the

cassette taste but let me just give you

two or three more pieces of the scenario

here then I want to talk about

Communications and then we're going to

wrap it up okay

here's two or three more parts of

financial Independence number one keep

strict accounts

this is the best of disciplines keep

strict accounts

did you ever hear this expression I

don't know where it all goes do you ever

hear that

I don't know where it all goes oh we'd

love to have you run our company you

don't know where it all goes


did you ever hear this it just gets away

from me it just seems it just gets away

from me oh we'd love to turn the world

over you it just gets away from you come

on you got to have better disciplines

than that let that be the 90 percent

let that be the scenario of the 97 but

don't let it be your scenario don't let

it become your philosophy keep strict



a new attitude

I had to develop a new attitude as well

as new Concepts

here's what I used to say

I hate to pay my taxes

Sheriff said well

that's one way to live

I thought well doesn't everybody hate to

pay their taxes he said no

no a few of us have gotten way past that

he says once you understand what taxes

are here's what taxes are in our

governmental system in our society taxes

is how you care and feed the goose that

lays the golden eggs

democracy and Liberty and freedom

free enterprise

wouldn't you want to feed the goose that

lays the golden eggs

somebody says well the goose eats too

much that's probably true I understand


of course that's true

but see better a fat Goose than no goose

and here's the truth be known we all

eat too much

let not one appetite accuse another

of course the government needs to go on

a diet

so do most of us

but hey you still have to care and feed

the goose that lays the golden eggs once

you understand that that's what it's for

see it is so important the right

attitude here's what I used to say I

hate to pay my bills

you open up the mails nothing but these

window envelopes Bells I hate to pay my

bills Chef said well that's one way to

live I said well doesn't everybody hate

to pay their bills he said no some of us

are way beyond that

I said is it possible to love to pay

your bills he said yes

reduce your liabilities increase your

assets wouldn't you love to do that

so start a whole new attitude here next

time you pay a hundred dollars on an

account put a little note in there and

say with great Delight I send you this

hundred dollars

I mean they don't get many letters like


reduce my liabilities increase my assets

my pictures changing my picture's

improving I love to pay my bills keep

the money in circulation pay my taxes

feed the goose that lays the golden eggs

it's a matter of attitude

and here's the last on attitude

everybody must pay


of course life is called opportunity but

life is called price but we must all pay

we must all share

one of the classic stories of all time

from ancient Bible scripts says

Jesus one day and his disciples were

standing by the church treasury

synagogue Treasury

watching people as they came by and put

their offering in the treasury

that wouldn't be a bad idea Jesus and

his disciples standing by the treasure

while everybody walks by Jesus says how

much was that how much was that

interesting and the story said some

people came by put in big amounts some

people came by put in modest amounts

average amounts

and the story says then a little lady

comes by and puts in two pennies in the


Jesus says to his disciples look at that

look at that his disciples said two

pennies two pennies what's two pennies

Jesus said no you don't understand she

gave more than everybody else

they said two pennies is more than

everybody else he said yes

because I'm certain that her two pennies

represented most of what she had and if

you give most of what you have then

you've given the most


what a lesson to learn

the amount

it's what it represents of your life

that counts

now let me give you the wisdom of the

scenario that did not occur

and this is the greatest of wisdom

and in my own particular peculiar

Brilliance I have the ability to record

for you what was not recorded in the

scenario of the story

sure which made just one of the greatest

of the wise things that was taught in

this scenario

here's the here's what did not occur in

the scenario Jesus did not reach into

the treasury

and get this little lady's two pennies

and run after her and say here little

lady my disciples and I have decided

that you're so pitiful and you're so

poor that we've decided to give you back

your two pennies I'm telling you that

did not


if it would have occurred she would have

been it would have been what


she would have rightfully said I know

my two pennies aren't much but it

represented most of what I had and would

you insult me by not letting me

contribute what I wanted to contribute

even if it's only two pennies I'm

telling you that did not occur

here's part of the wisdom of the story

that was not recorded Jesus left her

pennies in the treasury meaning

everybody has to pay even if it's only

that's the key and whether you start

with pennies or whether you start with

dollars or whether you start with


remember part of the scenario

is to spend of course part of the

scenario is to invest in part of the

scenarios to show a profit and part of

the scenario is to help take care of

people who can't take care of themselves

if you'll set up your own philosophy I'm

not asking you to buy My Philosophy I'm

not asking you to adopt my numbers I'm

only wanting to provoke you to think for

you to come up with a splendid economic

philosophy that's got you up early and

got you up late it's got you thinking

and pondering ways to use your resources

and turn it into the dreams you want for

the future

and that's my little story on financial



here's the next to the last subject

communication how to affect other people

with words I've got to just

four little four-point program here for

you to consider

the whole expanded version now three

days right three days of all this is in

the is in that package

that you're taking home so this is

called an abbreviated version of all the

rest this one day video day

four steps to good communication here's

number one first of all words can work

that's why communication is so important

words can work miracles

words are powerful

words are almost Godlike

in fact ancient script says the Word was

God God was the word wow words in God

I said to my Israeli audience last year

in the beginning the story of creation

is unique

it says in the beginning Jehovah God

spoke and said what

got some students here I'm sure in the

beginning Jehovah God spoke and said


let there be light and what

there was light wow wow

it looks like Words create law

is that possible

I'm telling you it's possible humans can

get pretty close

what if somebody can't possibly see

how they could do well how they could

become successful how they could

transform their lives and their health

their future and their finances

spiritually in every other way they

can't see and you come along and share

your story and maybe borrow some other

stories and by the time you get through

with a good presentation to this person

they say now I can

see before you got here I was blind

I was in the dark

and while you were talking some things

dawned on me is it possible to create

light with human intelligence with words

and the answer is

of course of course here's part of the

spectacular opportunity as a human being

one person talking to another it's got

so much power so much potential a mother

talking to a daughter a father talking

to a son salesperson talking to a client

nothing more magical and Powerful

awe-inspiring than words have the

ability to dramatically affect people's

lives and futures

so become good communicator

let me give you some good keys to good

communication here's number one have

something good to say

communication starts with preparation

getting ready to speak this year getting

ready to speak next year

attend the classes read the books

have something good to say

here's four good words to help you to

have something good to say one is

interest develop a new interest in

people and life what's going on

economics and politics

religion social structure possibilities

opportunities develop a new interest

here's the next word Fascination goes

that Step Beyond interest

that's why kids learn so much that first

six years fascination

adults are walking on ants get yourself

saying don't walk on these ants I'm

studying these ants and looking at these


um kids are so fascinated how come an

ant can carry something bigger than he


that's how come they learn so much

they're fascinated

and here's another little clue I've

learned turn frustration into

Fascination if you can

you'll learn more

I've worked on this I'm pretty good at


out in Los Angeles I'm on the freeway my

airplane leaves in 45 minutes the

traffic is moving not one inch I am now


I'm telling you

now it doesn't work every time that's

true but every time it does work I'm

telling you you'll come away with more

learn to be fascinated instead of

frustrated if you possibly can turn that

little scenario on for yourself

next is sensitivity you gotta understand

we use the phrase where people are

coming from where they've been what's

going on

sensitivity training is so important

people not like you people that have got

challenges and problems and difficulties

you gotta do your best to be sensitive

to other people where they find

themselves the pit they might be in

currently what's going on be sensitive

to that

here's two of the greatest things said

about Jesus one it said he was touched

he was touched by where he found some

people he was touched by the misery

he found some people in he was touched

he was touched and here's the other word

he was moved it said he was moved

touched and moved if you really want to

communicate well you got to be touched

and moved

not just by your own drama of life

but the drama you know is going on in

other people's lives sensitivity

how does an adult 40 talk to a child

who's 12.

you got to be sensitive

not just to your current situation one

of the best ways to identify with a

child who's 12 in year 40 is remember

when you were 12.

go back go back remember the scenario

and let it hit you again let it touch

you again

I don't have any problems with 12 year


I remember almost every day of being 12.

12 is a unique year one you're not 13. I

mean you know


if I heard it once I heard it a hundred

times of course you can't go you're not

a teenager wow I can't wait for this

year to be finished

remember that's part of sensitivity



one who became an apostle leader of the

Christians was once Saul from Tarsus

hater and killer of the Christians

after he was converted became a leader

became Paul apostle


why was he so effective in his language

and his ability to touch people with his

words and with his presence if you read

part of the scenario of his history

he gave an account of his own life and

said here's why I think I'm so effective

I remember the pit I came from

sure they call me Apostle but I used to

kill these Christians and I never forget

that if I want to get in touch with

other people's difficulty I got to

remember my own difficulty

let it hurt again that's what makes a

good performance

a good actor a good actress

the emotion close to the surface from

the remembrance of things past

and then well-chosen words delivered

with emotion powerful

the last word is knowledge you just got

to go through exercises like this take

the notes work hard roll up your sleeves

go to work

gather the knowledge in journals gather

the knowledge and notebooks gather the

knowledge in a library and cassettes and

videos and every other means gather

knowledge don't be lazy in learning

a major part of communication is


now here's the next part of good

communication say it well

one is having something good to say

number two is saying it will

let me give you a quick list on saying

it well number one sincerity best place

to start if you want to communicate well

is let your sincerity show

Nexus repetition the mother of skill

I've been at this 33 years somebody says

will you give a pretty good seminar I

should 33 years

33 years


next brevity sometimes you don't need

many words if you're totally sincere I'm

telling you

Jesus presentation and Gathering up his

team called Disciples was fairly short

he just walked around the countryside

took a look at somebody and said you

follow me that's brief I mean you know

that's short

now why could he get by with such few


and this takes care of a lot that I've

tried to share with you today called

personal development here's why I Think

Jesus could get by with such few words

for all that he was that he didn't have

to say

take that scenario home for all that I

am that I don't have to say just a few

words could be dynamic in affecting

someone else's life a child a business


sales client

next vocabulary got to work on your


some of my friends took a survey among


working on some rehabilitation program

they weren't particularly looking for

this but here's what they found there's

definitely a relationship between

vocabulary and behavior

and here's what they found out the more

limited the vocabulary the more tendency

to poor Behavior

and when you think about it for a while

it makes sense words are a way of seeing

and if you don't have a good vocabulary

you can't see very well

can you imagine the mistakes in judgment

when you can't see very well

next words are a way of expressing

what's going on in your head what's

going on in your heart

what if you can't see well

and you can't express well

you can imagine the tragic scenario of

five years of that ten years of that

20 years of that showing no improvement

Behavior now becomes a major problem

and that person's world gets smaller and

smaller and smaller why they can't see

and they can't express

and finally they don't need much bigger

place than a 10 by 12 cell their world

is so small anyway don't need much

bigger place

I'm asking you to stretch your


I used to put words up on a three by

five card I drove a lot back in those

days but the end of the day I'd mastered

two three words

my oldest daughter Linda with my


starts the day with What's called the

word for the day

she writes it on a chalkboard the word

for the day

and the kids memorize that word and the

meaning of the word and every once in a

while during the day she'll say what's

the word for the day

the last day I was there the word was


Natalie's four Nathaniel's five

and several times during that day Linda

my daughter would say what's the word

for the day Natalie would say


and she would say Nathaniel what does

that mean on the surface

several times during the day what's the

word for the day

superficial what does it mean on the


if you were to ask my grandkids the last

time Grandpa was here what was the word

for the day I'll bet you they'd probably

know superficial

the surface

word for the day why not we'll learn a

word a day

why not add to your vocabulary so you

can see more see better and express


put out in words what's in your heart

what's in your soul what's in your mind

so say it well

here's number


number one was have something good to

say number two say it well here's number

three read your audience

these are just simple Concepts now

you've got to add some of the details

but that's what I'm mainly good for is

read your audience if you're talking to

a child you got to study the face of the

child you got to study a little body

language you got to study what's going

on so you'll know whether to shift gears

come on a little stronger ease off a

little might be too strong search for

another illustration soft strong

a lot of that is dictated by reading

your audience

when I first started lecturing I had

some challenges here

I was so absorbed in my notes lecturing

like this I'm telling you in those early

days the audience could have left and I

kept right on going

I didn't know what was going on down

here I didn't know what was going on

over here I didn't have any idea what

was happening over here whether I should

come on a little stronger he's back I

didn't know I couldn't read my audience

so read your audience

a prospect read

now let me give you some ways to read

number one by what you see

body language tells us some things

how to shift gears whether to go on

whether to stop

if you're talking to somebody and

they're leaning toward the door that

means you gotta hurry right they're not

going to be here long

like that

body language

guy's got his arms folded chin tucked

down you got your work cut out for you

you're gonna have to reach deep in your


find some extraordinary stories this

one's not going to be easy what tells

you that

reading what you see here's the next one

read what you hear

you've got to read a child's impatience

kids don't mind telling you whether

they're bored or impatient

kids attention span is short doesn't

last long you got to get it said

you start talking to a child 30 seconds

they say how long is this gonna take




for the response now you'll know whether

to shift gears change your language find

a new illustration soften stronger

read your audience read what you see

read what you hear and here's one of the

most important read what you feel

now women are probably better at this

than men

when it comes to picking up emotional


man they can see and man they can hear

but it takes a little training for a man

to pick up those emotional signals that

are so important so you don't say the

wrong stuff

because it's so easy to make a mistake

in language

what if you meant to say to someone you

care about what have you meant to say

what's troubling you and instead you

said what's wrong with you


so read the emotional signals if we

could learn from the women on this the

most women have this uncanny antenna

picking up the stuff

woman says doesn't feel right I mean

what does that mean it doesn't feel

right it doesn't feel right

women that got the women have got it

though seems to be built in especially


women pick it up quicker than men

it's built in I think

way back right man was the provider mama

was the protector at home

so she picked up this scenario of danger

I think these signals

but they are good

in the middle of the night

Mama wakes up

the baby cries Mama wakes up Papa sneeze

the faintest cry mom

or she nudges her husband and says go

look go look something isn't right he

said what do you mean it isn't right

she says no go look he said hey

everything's okay she says go look he

says okay and he gets out of bed goes

downstairs the front door is open

how did she know that we don't know I

mean she just knows just no

but I'm telling you it's so valuable in

communication to be able to pick up the

emotional signals as well as what you're

seeing as well as what you hear so


but women are good

ancient scenario says this there are

Shepherds and there are sheep

and there are wolves what a good life

scenario but it doesn't stop there

this ancient scenario says also

some wolves are so clever

they've learned to dress up like sheep

now you gotta have a woman

gotta have a woman man says looks like a

sheep talks like a sheep woman says

ain't no sheep

take my word for it

they know
read pick up the signals don't ignore

the signals develop this personal

development scenario communication

Financial Independence and all the rest

now here's the last part intensity

words mixed with emotion words mixed

with hate words mixed with love

words mixed with faith words mixed with

courage that's what's powerful

words have a certain effect but words

loaded with emotion have an incredible


if I had a little straight pin right a

guy buys a shirt it's got all these

little pins in it all right take out all

these pins if I took one of those little

straight pins and I threw it at you

and let's say it reached you and hit you

in the face or hit you in the hand you'd

feel it this little straight pin you'd

feel it that means I got you with my


but what if I took that little straight

pin and wired it to the end of an iron

bar about that long

see I could drive that pin through your


the pin is the words the iron bars the


the emotions here's the best I could

share with you put more of you into what

you say don't be casual in language

don't be casual in words

casualness leads to casualties

on the freeway and in communication

don't be lazy in learning good


and put more of you

now here's the last thought the emotions

must be measured it can't be too much

for the occasion if it's not called for

in leadership we teach don't shoot a

cannon at a rabbit

it's effective but you've got no more



so here's some of the most powerful

scenario in communication here it is

well-chosen words mixed with measured

basis of affecting

affecting good communication

well-chosen words mixed with measured


and one last point on communication the

more you care the stronger you can be

the more you care as a mother the

stronger you can be with your children

you the more you care as a father the

stronger you can be the more you care as

a leader the stronger you can be in

helping to solve problems getting on

somebody's case the more you care

but you gotta care

I don't mind the minister consigning My

Soul To Hell Fire for my sinful ways I

don't mind that

if he believes it I don't mind him

concerning my soul to Hell Fire for my

sinful ways as long as he does it with

tears and not with joy

if you're going to preach the message on

Hell Fire and consign people to Hell's

fire you gotta cry and SOB your way

through a sermon on Hell Fire we would

all dismiss as a performance a dry-eyed

sermon on Hell Fire

you can't legitimately preach Hellfire

unless your heart breaks

otherwise it's a performance

otherwise we could all dismiss it why

the heart's not there

there are some conversations that don't

make sense unless they're accompanied by


doesn't mean anything

unless it's accompanied by a broken


learn measured emotions

remember draw from well-chosen words

expanded vocabulary be interested and


pull all this together I'm telling you

your ability to touch other people will

grow day by day week by week month by

month year by year 's my last subject it

comes in two parts first is the negative


and I got just a couple of tips for you

on negative there wouldn't be positive

without negative it's part of the life


ancient script says it best there's a

time to laugh

and once you've learned to laugh just

keep on laughing no no no no no just get

another positive book no no

there's a time to laugh what

and a time to cry and you've got to

become so sophisticated and so well

educated that you don't laugh when it's

time to cry

and you've also got to learn to cry well

how are you going to identify with some

people if you don't cry with them

very important the negative side is very


negative thinking I teach kids and

you'll find it on those cassettes the

ant philosophy

let me just give you the quick scenario

on the ant philosophy number one

ants never quit

what a good philosophy if they're going

somewhere you stop them guess what

they'll look for another way how long

will they look

till they find it or till they die what

a great philosophy

but here's number two I can't give them

all to you but here's number two ants

think winter all summer you've at least

got to be that bright you can't think

summer all summer

you got to do some winter thinking in

the summer you say well the sky is blue

the clouds are fleecy you can't be faked

out by that

ancient story says don't build your

house on the sand in the summer why

would we be cautioned not to build our

house on the sand in the summer because

it's easy to get faked out

so what should you do during the summer

think winter think storm that'll drive

you to find a rock in the summer when

the sky is blue

key negative is normal

you gotta handle it you can't dismiss it

it's part of the life scenario like your

white corpuscles we talked about earlier

so don't ignore it let it be part of the

scenario here's the key learn to master


negative is not to be ignored it's to be


it makes us better than we are to

wrestle with it

it makes us better than we are to be

alerted to tyranny that moves into


or ignorance that moves into your life

or procrastination that moves in and

robs you of your fortune

or poor health

that's going to be the legacy of those

who neglect their health disciplines

you got to do battle with the enemies

on the outside and on the inside

so learn how to handle the negative

and now here's the last last called the


let me give you the day that turns your

life around as quickly as I can

I got four parts to the day that turns

your life around and then we're finished

for the day

number one disgust

disgust is a negative emotion but it can

have a very positive powerful effect

disgust says I've had it

what an important day that could be

I've had it

I met a beautiful powerful accomplished

executive lady in New York company

invited me to come in

this lady was a vice president

extraordinary lady

I got to know her and I found out her

story I said how did you get here big


and she never went to high school never

went to college never went to University

I said how did you get here executive


income she said well let me tell you

part of the scenario

she said when I was a young mother a few

years ago

she said one day I asked my husband for

ten dollars

and he said what for


she said

before that day was over I decided I

would never ever ask


she said I started studying opportunity

found it took the classes put myself

through the schools did the scenario now

I'm vice president I make a lot of money

and she said I kept my promise I've

never ever had to ask


it's called a life-changing day the day

you say enough

now if you can add an act to your

disgusted helps

the man takes a shotgun to his car blows

out every window destroys every Tire

puts 100 rounds in it and says I've

driven this embarrassing thing for the

last time

and then he saves it he saves it

and later when somebody says how did you

become rich and Powerful he says let me

show you this car

thank you

one day I'd headed up to here I blew it

to smithereens

enough was enough

here's the last three next is decision

decision making is a life-changing day

if you went home today and in the next

few days cleaned up a list of decisions

it could furnish enough inspiration for

the next five years ten years

what an inspiring day the day you can

bring yourself to decide

and here's the third one desire wanting

to bad enough who knows the mystery of

that we don't know

but here's something I do know sometimes

desire waits for a trigger

waits for something to happen

who knows what the happening may be a


the lyrics a movie the dialogue a

seminar a sermon

a book
an experience confrontation with an


a conversation with a friend who finally

levels with you whatever the experience

it is it's so valuable

and here's my best advice welcome all


you never know which one is gonna turn

everything on

don't put up the walls the same wall

that keeps out disappointment keeps out


take down the Walls go for the

experience let it teach you

and here's the last one


resolve says I will two of the most

powerful words in the language

Benjamin Disraeli said nothing can

resist a human will

that will stake its existence on its


shortly put I'll do it

or die

best definition of resolve I got from a

little Junior High girl Foster City


I'm going through some words one day I

got to this one and I asked the kids who

can tell me what resolve means some

didn't know some tried interesting

the last one was the best little girl

about three of those back she said I

think I know Mr Owen I said what she

said I think resolve means promising

yourself you will never give up

I said that's the best I've ever heard

she's probably giving seminars somewhere

today right I mean that's the best I've


I asked the kids how long should a baby

try to learn how to walk

how long would you give your average


before you say hey enough's enough no

any mother in the world would say you're

crazy my baby is going to keep crying


until what a magic word I want you to

write it down until

promise yourself you'll read the books

until your skills change you'll go to

seminars until you get a handle on it

you'll listen to it until it makes sense

you'll go for it until you understand it

you'll practice it until you develop the

skill never give up until however long

that is step by step piece by piece book

by book word by word Apple by Apple walk

around the block walk around the block

go for it don't miss the chance to grow

and resolve that you'll pay the price

until you learn change grow become

then you'll discover some of life's best

Treasures when you pay that price

now here's my last word to you

as leaders in the community I'm sure you

are parents the greatest challenge of

leadership is parenting

whether you're in sales or management

wherever I found you today

I want to give you from my heart to you

what I wished you would do

from this seminar today and if I've

inspired you to do this part here among

all the other things I've talked about I

would have considered it worthwhile to

leave my family

fly away from my home drop down into

Fort Worth Dallas and spend one of my

very precious days with you if I can

accomplish this it'll all be worthwhile

it comes in two parts and here it is one

learn to help people with their lives

not just their jobs

learn to help people with their lives

not just their skills on the job

touch people with a book touch people

with a poem touch people with some words

don't fail to say something that could

be meaningful

help people with their lives help them

set their goals

help them with their dreams help them

with the future help them with errors

help them with mistakes

help people help your kids not just get

along not just hang in there not just

try to hold the family together try to

build lives with communication build

lives with setting goals help your kids

with their lives not just their homework

their lives

and here's my last one for you

personally because I'm probably the one

of the best examples of this standing

before you

in this auditorium today here it is

ancient script says

if you work on your gifts

they will make room for you

if you work on your gifts

they will make room for you


look where my gifts have brought me

today to this room

a chance to invest in this many lives is



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