Tarzona GlobalCrisis

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

Name: Tarzona, Mary Jeanelle B.

Subject: Contemporary World
Name of Instructor: Mr. Allegro Acero

Global Crisis

On 7 October 2023, Palestinian armed groups in Gaza launched thousands of rockets

toward Israel and breached through the perimeter fence of Gaza at multiple locations,
entering into Israeli towns and killing and capturing Israeli forces and civilians. The
Israeli military declared “a state of war alert,” and began striking targets in the Gaza
Strip, including residential buildings and health care facilities. Since then, thousands of
people have been killed and more than one million have been displaced, as parts of Gaza
have been reduced to rubble.

The United Nations has played a significant role in addressing the enduring conflict
between Israel and Palestine, and the UN has been actively involved in seeking a
peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. UN urges parties to allow
humanitarian access, avoid collective punishments, and release hostages.

We, the Philippine groups representing various interests and advocacies, including
those on human rights, labor, women, youth, urban poor, Moro and IPs, environment,
and political parties, form ourselves today into NO TO WAR network in solidarity with
the world’s people who are suffering from the devastating impacts of ongoing conflicts
and in preventing the slide of other conflicts into new wars, including those in Asia and
possibly in the Philippines. As an anti-war network, we are campaigning for peace with
justice and will continue to oppose the ruling establishment’s inclination toward war,
militarization, colonization, and destruction, both of humanity and the environment.

In solidarity with the Palestinian people, we join the international community in calling
for a permanent ceasefire, a stop to genocide in Gaza, and an end to Israeli occupation.
Words cannot adequately convey the horrors of war being experienced by the
Palestinians from the endless airstrikes and ground raids carried out by Israel. There
must be a stop to this genocide and human suffering.

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