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1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:

Sammy Milton 1)..............................(not/be) very clever. He 2)..............................(walk) along the beach
one day when he 3).............................(trip) over something and 4)............................ (fall) on the sand.
He 5).................................(not/look) where he was going.
“What 6)...................... (be) this?” he said, picking up the object. “I 7........................... (never/see)
anything like this before.” It was, in fact, a very old oil lamp, and as he 8)...........................(rub) it, a
genie suddenly 9)..............................(fly) out of it. “You 10)..............................(just/release) me from the
lamp!”, said the genie. “Now you may have three wishes.” “Great!” said Sammy although he thought
“11)................................... (my wish/come) true if I really want it?” He 12)..........................(feel) very thirsty
when he replied ... “I 13).................................(want) a bottle of lemonade that never
14)..............................(run) out.” “No problem,” said the genie, and 15)...............................(produce) one
instantly. Sammy picked up the bottle and16)................................ (drink) all the lemonade in one go.
Magically, the bottle 17)..................................(fill) itself up again. Sammy drank all that, and exactly the
same thing 18)..................................(happen) again. “That’s amazing!” he said. “Thanks very much!”
“You still 19)................................(have) two more wishes young man.” “That’s easy, “said Sammy.
“I 20)..............................(have) two more of these bottles of lemonade!”.

2. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets!
Officer - ....................................... these people before (YOU / SEE)?

John - Yes, they're my neighbours. They ................................. upstairs (LIVE).

Officer - How long ................................. there (THEY / LIVE)?

John - I guess I ........................ them for six months (KNOW). They last August (MOVE).

Officer - When ................................. them last (YOU/ SEE) ?

John - About a week ago. I think it was last Thursday.

Officer - What ................................. when you ................................. them? (THEY DO, SEE)

John - Well, when I .......................... home they ................................a big suitcase to the car (COME, CARRY).

Officer - .................................... to them (YOU / SPEAK)?

John - I said (SAY) , "Hey, where ...............................?" (YOU / GO)

And they .......................... (REPLY), "On vacation".

Officer - What time .................................? (THEY / LEAVE)

John - It was pretty late - around 11 at night I think.

Officer - Can you remember what they ................................. (WEAR)?

John - Let me think ....

3. Hannah Roberts has met Mrs Woods, an old family friend, on the bus.
Complete their dialogue with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Hannah Hello Mrs. Wood.
Mrs Wood
My goodness. It's Hannah, isn't it ? I ................................. (not see) you for a long time.
How are you ?
Hannah Fine , thank you .
Mrs Wood And your parents ?
They're very well. Dad ............................ (be) in Russia at the moment.
Mrs Wood
Really! What ................................. (he / do) there ?
He ................................. (learn) Russian and at the same time he ................................. (write)
a book about Russian schools.
Mrs Wood
How long ................................. (he / stay) there ?
He ................................. (be) back next week.
Mrs Wood How exciting ! And so your Mum is alone.
Yes, but she .................... (be) very busy for the last few weeks. She ............................ (work)
in an office until dad ............................... (come) back and she .............................. (take) a
computer course in the evenings.
Mrs Wood Well, she's very energetic. And what about your brother ?
He ............................. (work) for a computer firm. He ........................... (be) there for about 4
years. When I ........................... (meet) him last week, he ................................. (programme)
something new. And Susie is at university.
Mrs Wood
What ................................. (she, study) ?
Chemistry and physics. She ................................. (work) very hard at the moment because
she ............................... (have) some important exams next week.
Mrs.Wood And what about you ?
Well I'm unemployed at the moment so I .................... (look) for a job. I ....................... (have)
lots of job interviews so far, but there's nothing yet. I even ............................. (talk) to my old
headmaster a few days ago .
Mrs Wood
Well , I ............................. (hope) you find something soon.
Hannah Thanks.
Mrs Wood What have you got in that case ?
It's my violin. I ................................ (go) to my violin lesson.
Mrs Wood
Oh, very nice. How often ................................. (you / have) lessons ?
Well, usually I ..................... (have) one once a week, but at the moment I ........................ (go)
every afternoon because I've got nothing else to do.
Mrs Wood Well, this is my stop. Give my love to your mother.
Hannah Yes, I will. Bye.
Mrs Wood Bye, Hannah.
4. Fill in the gaps with the right tense:
(simple present, present continuous, simple past, present perfect, going to – future).

Two best friends

This is Mike and Jason. They ____________ (be) best friends. They _______________ (meet) at
a birthday-party three years ago. They both ________________ (live) in Glasgow, Scotland.
They usually _______________ (meet) every week and _______________ (read) some books
together. Mike __________________ (have) a terrible accident one year ago. So he always
_________________ (need) a wheelchair. It all ________________ (happen) during a
mountain-bike tour in the country last summer. Mike ________________ (fall) onto a rock
and he ________________ (break) his left leg.
Now they _____________________(talk) about the new “Harry Potter” book.
Mike: “______________________ (you /yet / read) the next chapter?”
Jason: “Yes I ____________________ (just / finish) it! Harry Potter ________________(be) sometimes so
Mike: “Look, the boys over there, they _________________ (play) football!
Jason: “Don´t worry, Mike, next year after your operation we _____________________ (play) football again!”
Mike: “And I _____________________(make) a lot of beautiful goals!”

5. Put the verbs in brackets into their correct tense.

(simple present, present continuous, simple past, past continuous, present perfect, will-future)

Dear Julie!

As you know I_________________ (ARRIVE) in Paris a week ago, but there was a problem with my luggage.
Unfortunately, it had been sent to Lisbon instead of Paris. Yesterday, someone_________________ (CALL)
me from the airport to go and there and pick them up. That's why I_________________ (NOT BE) at home
when you_________________ (PHONE). At the time I_________________ (TRY) to find my suitcases among
those which had arrived from Portugal. It_________________ (TAKE) me the whole afternoon to do that.
Well, I'm sure you want to know what's going on now in Paris.

The family who I_________________ (STAY) with at the moment are very nice. They treat me exactly like
one of them. They_________________ (ALREADY / INTRODUCE) me to all of their friends. I share a room
with the daughter of their family, who is about my age. Every morning her mother_________________
(WAKE) us up with a cup of tea. Herbie, Jane's father, is also a nice guy. He lets Jane and me do everything
we want. He even _________________ (ALLOW) us to take his car when we want to go somewhere.

Tomorrow will be my first day at language school and I am really looking forward to it. They told me to be
there at 9 o'clock. I_________________ (TAKE) a placement test in the morning. I expect
they_________________ (ANNOUNCE) the results by the end of the day. As soon as I learn how I did, I
_________________ (GIVE) you a call. Well that's all for now. Please write soon. I would really like to know
what_________________ (GO) on at home.

Love, Claire
1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:
Sammy Milton 1) not ....(not/be) very clever. He 2) …was walking...(walk) along the beach one day
when he 3) …tripped…. (trip) over something and 4) …fell… (fall) on the sand. He 5)…wasn’t looking /
hadn’t been looking….. (not/look) where he was going.
“What 6) …is…. (be) this?” he said, picking up the object. “I 7) …have never seen…. (never/see) anything
like this before.” It was, in fact, a very old oil lamp, and as he 8) …was rubbing... (rub) it, a genie suddenly 9)
…flew… (fly) out of it. “You 10) …have just released.... (just/release) me from the lamp!”, said the genie.
“Now you may have three wishes.” “Great!” said Sammy although he thought “11)......will my wish come....
(my wish/come) true if I really want it?” He 12) …was feeling... (feel) very thirsty when he replied ... “I 13)
…want…(want) a bottle of lemonade that never 14) …runs out…(run out).”“No problem,” said the genie, and
15) …produced….(produce) one instantly. Sammy picked up the bottle and16) …drank...(drink) all the
lemonade in one go. Magically, the bottle 17) …filled… (fill) itself up again. Sammy drank all that, and exactly
the same thing 18)…happened...(happen) again. “That’s amazing!” he said. “Thanks very much!” “You still
(have) two more wishes young man.” “That’s easy, “said Sammy. “I 20) ....’ll have...(have) two
more of these bottles of lemonade!”.

2. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets !
Officer HAVE YOU SEEN these people before (YOU SEE) ?

John Yes, they're my neighbours. They LIVE upstairs (LIVE).

Officer How long HAVE THEY LIVED there (THEY LIVE) ?

John I guess I HAVE KNOWN them for six months (KNOW). They MOVED here last August (MOVE).

Officer When DID YOU SEE them last (YOU SEE) ?

John About a week ago. I think it was last Thursday.

Officer What WERE THEY DOING when you SAW them ? (THEY DO, SEE)

John Well, when I CAME home they WERE CARRYING a big suitcase to the car (COME, CARRY).

Officer DID YOU SPEAK to them (YOU SPEAK) ?

John I said (SAY) , "Hey, where ARE YOU GOING ?" (YOU GO)
And they REPLIED (REPLY), "On vacation".

Officer What time DID THEY LEAVE? (THEY LEAVE)

John It was pretty late - around 11 at night I think.

Officer Can you remember what they WERE WEARING (WEAR)?

John Let me think ....

3. Hannah Roberts has met Mrs Woods, an old family friend, on the bus.
Complete their dialogue with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Hannah Hello Mrs. Wood.
Mrs Wood My goodness. It's Hannah, isn't it ? I HAVEN'T SEEN (not see) you for a long time. How are you
Hannah Fine , thank you .
Mrs Wood And your parents ?
Hannah They're very well. Dad IS (be) in Russia at the moment.
Mrs Wood Really! What IS HE DOING (he , do) there ?
Hannah He IS LEARNING (learn) Russian and at the same time he IS WRITING (write) a book about
Russian schools.
Mrs Wood How long IS HE STAYING (he, stay) there ?
Hannah He WILL BE (be) back next week.
Mrs Wood How exciting ! And so your Mum is alone.
Hannah Yes, but she HAS BEEN (be) very busy for the last few weeks. She IS WORKING (work) in an
office until dad COMES (come) back and she TAKES (take) a computer course in the
Mrs Wood Well, she's very energetic. And what about your brother ?
Hannah He WORKS (work) for a computer firm. He HAS BEEN (be) there for about four years. When
I MET (meet) him last week, he WAS PROGRAMMING (programme) something new. And
Susie is at university.
Mrs Wood What IS SHE STUDYING (she, study) ?
Hannah Chemistry and physics. She IS WORKING (work) very hard at the moment because
she HAS (have) some important exams next week.
Mrs.Wood And what about you ?
Hannah Well I'm unemployed at the moment so I AM LOOKING (look) for a job. I HAVE HAD (have)
lots of job interviews so far, but there's nothing yet. I even TALKED (talk) to my old headmaster
a few days ago .
Mrs Wood Well , I HOPE (hope) you find something soon.
Hannah Thanks.
Mrs Wood What have you got in that case ?
Hannah It's my violin. I AM GOING (go) to my violin lesson.
Mrs Wood Oh, very nice. How often DO YOU HAVE (you, have) lessons ?
Hannah Well, usually I HAVE (have) one once a week, but at the moment I AM GOING (go) every
afternoon because I've got nothing else to do.
Mrs Wood Well, this is my stop. Give my love to your mother.
Hannah Yes, I will. Bye.
Mrs Wood Bye, Hannah.
4. Fill in the gaps with the right tense (simple present, present continuous, simple past,
present perfect, going to – future).

These are Mike and Jason. They are best friends. They met at a birthday-party three
years ago. They both live in Glasgow, Scotland.
Usually they meet every week and read some books together. Mike had a terrible
accident one year ago. So he always needs a wheelchair. It all happened during a
mountain-bike tour in the country last summer. Mike fell onto a rock and he broke his
left leg.
Now they are talking about the new “Harry Potter” book.
Mike: “Have you read the next chapter yet?”
Jason: “Yes I have just finished it! Harry Potter is so exciting sometimes!”
Mike: “Look, the boys over there, they are playing football!
Jason: “Don´t worry, Mike, next year after your operation we are going to play football
Mike: “And I´m going to make a lot of beautiful goals!”

5. Put the verbs in brackets into their correct tense.

Dear Julie !

As you know I ARRIVED (ARRIVE) in Paris a week ago, but there was a problem with my
luggage. Unfortunately, it had been sent to Lisbon instead of Paris. Yesterday,
someone CALLED (CALL) me from the airport to go and there and pick them up. That's why
I WASN'T (NOT BE) at home when you PHONED (PHONE). At the time I WAS TRYING (TRY) to
find my suitcases among those which had arrived from Portugal. It TOOK (TAKE) me the
whole afternoon to do that. Well, I'm sure you want to know what's going on now in Paris.

The family who I AM STAYING (STAY) with at the moment are very nice. They treat me
exactly like one of them. They HAVE ALREADY INTRODUCED (ALREADY INTRODUCE) me to
all of their friends. I share a room with the daughter of their family, who is about my age.
Every morning her mother WAKES (WAKE) us up with a cup of tea. Herbie, Jane's father, is
also a nice guy. He lets Jane and me do everything we want. He even ALLOWS (ALLOW) us to
take his car when we want to go somewhere.

Tomorrow will be my first day at language school and I am really looking forward to it. They
told me to be there at 9 o'clock. I AM TAKING (TAKE) a placement test in the morning. I
expect they WILL ANNOUNCE (ANNOUNCE) the results by the end of the day. As soon as I
learn how I did, I WILL GIVE (GIVE) you a call. Well that's all for now. Please write soon. I
would really like to know what IS GOING (GO) on at home.

Love, Claire

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