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What kind of news has the most influence on people?


Nowadays more and more people do not sit on the table without watching the news. It
is essential for most of the families to watch the news every evening so they could
know what it is happening around the world and that habit has much influence on

To begin with I would like to mention the politics as a number one thing which
brainwashes the people. Watching the pronouncements or argument of the politicians
really affects peoples thoughts. Furthermore they are also trying to manipulate the
viewers so they could vote for them.

Secondly there is so much crime shown on the news. My personal view is that crime
should be demonstrated in a different time not on the evening news. The crime news
has terrible influence on people. They mostly make them anxious and lower their
mood which is not a wishing effect.

Finally sharing so much of a certain celebrity’s life could make people compare
themselves with the celebrity or it could even make them jealous. I believe that
when we see someone really successful we start thinking what have we done wrong why
are we not enough how could people achieve that much but we could not.

In conclusion different kind of news lead to bad influence on people but in the end
we ourselves allow that to happen.

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