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GP MID-Project
and Ananiya Seifu(7A)


How Do Electric Cars Work?
Electric vehicles, also known as electric vehicles (EVs), are powered by
an electric motor rather than an internal combustion engine. The electric
motor is powered by a huge traction battery pack, which must be
plugged into a wall outlet or charging equipment, often known as
electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). Because it runs on electricity,
the vehicle emits no exhaust from a tailpipe and does not contain the
typical liquid fuel components, such as a fuel pump, fuel line, or fuel
How Do Gasoline Cars Work?
Gasoline and Diesel automobiles are similar. They are both powered by
internal combustion engines. A gasoline vehicle normally has a spark-
ignited internal combustion engine, as opposed to the compression-
ignited systems seen in diesel vehicles. Fuel is fed into the combustion
chamber and mixed with air in a spark-ignited mechanism. A spark from
the spark plug ignites the air/fuel mixture. Despite the fact that gasoline
is the most often used transportation fuel, there are alternate fuel sources
that use similar components and engine systems.
Gas VS Electric Causes to be used And
Electric Vehicle Causes to be used
 Zero tailpipe emissions: EVs produce no tailpipe emissions,
which helps to improve air quality and reduce climate change.
 High efficiency: EVs can convert up to 60% of the energy from
their batteries into power for the wheels, while gas cars can only
convert about 20% of the energy from their gasoline into power for
the wheels. This means that EVs can travel further on a single
charge than gas cars can travel on a single tank of gasoline.
 Low operating costs: Electricity is generally cheaper than
gasoline, and EVs require less maintenance than gas cars. This is
because electric cars have fewer moving parts than gas cars.
 Quiet and smooth ride: EVs are much quieter than gas-powered
cars, and they produce a smoother ride.

Electric Vehicle Consequences

 Environmental impact of battery production: The production of
EV batteries can have a negative environmental impact, due to the
mining of rare earth metals and the use of hazardous chemicals.
 Limited charging infrastructure: The charging infrastructure for
electric cars is not as developed as the gas station infrastructure.
This can make it difficult to find a place to charge an electric car,
especially when traveling long distances.
 Longer charging time: It takes longer to charge an electric car
than it does to fill up a gas-powered car.
 Battery degradation: EV batteries degrade over time, meaning
that they will eventually hold less charge.
Gas Vehicle Causes to be used
 Affordability: Gas vehicles are generally more affordable to buy
than electric vehicles.
 Fuel availability: Gas stations are more widely available than
electric vehicle charging stations, making it easier to refuel your
 Longer range: Gas vehicles typically have a longer range than
electric vehicles, meaning you can travel further on a single tank of
 Less maintenance: Gas vehicles typically require less
maintenance than electric vehicles.

Gas Vehicle Consequences

 Fuel efficiency: Gas vehicles are less fuel-efficient than electric
vehicles, meaning you will spend more money on gas over the life
of the vehicle.
 Emissions: Gas vehicles produce tailpipe emissions, which
contribute to air pollution and climate change.
 Loud and annoying: Gas engines produce a lot of noise, which
can be annoying for both the driver and passengers.
 Banned in Ethiopia: Ethiopia imports a significant amount of oil,
which can make the country vulnerable to oil price shocks.

Solutions for gas vehicles: Increase fuel efficiency and decrease

Soultions for electric vehicles: Increase charging infrastructure,
and the mining of common metals rather than rare metals.
Primary data
Source: Interview
Reason: People we asked have experience aout gas prices since they
need it for travel.
% Filled up Gas price Electric price
10% 245 8.75
20% 490 17.5
30% 735 26.25
40% 980 35
50% 1225 43.75
60% 1470 52.5
70% 1715 61.25
80% 1960 70
90% 2205 78.75
100% 2450 87.5

Secondary data
Source: Internet
Reason: In this generation internet is the most reliable source to get
information in ananiya’s and hiruy’s opinion.
price of gas∨kw per liter∨kw ∗Tank∨battery capacity
cost = fill up ¿
percentage wanted ¿

% Filled up Gas price Electric price

10% 262.5 16.75
20% 525 33.5
30% 787.5 50.25
40% 1050 67
50% 1312.5 83.75
60% 1575 100.5
70% 1837.5 117.25
80% 2100 134
90% 2362.5 150.75
100% 2625 167.5
The electric vehicle (EV) market is growing rapidly, and for good
reason. EVs offer a number of advantages over gas-powered vehicles,
including lower operating costs, zero tailpipe emissions, and a quieter
and smoother ride. However, EVs also have some disadvantages, such as
higher upfront costs and a less developed charging infrastructure.
Gas-powered vehicles are still the most popular type of vehicle on the
road, but they are becoming less and less competitive in the face of
rising fuel prices and growing environmental concerns. Gas vehicles are
also more expensive to operate over time than EVs.
Which type of vehicle is right for you depends on your individual needs
and preferences. If you are looking for a vehicle that is fuel-efficient,
produces zero tailpipe emissions, and is quiet and smooth to drive, then
an EV is a good option. If you are looking for a vehicle that is affordable
to purchase and has a longer range, then a gas-powered vehicle may be a
better option.
Recommendations for electric vehicles: Use slow charging whenever
possible. Fast charging can put stress on the battery and shorten its
lifespan. If you can, plug your car in overnight at home using a Level 1
or Level 2 charger and avoid hard acceleration and braking. Accelerating
and braking quickly can put stress on the battery and shorten its lifespan.
Drive smoothly and evenly to help extend the life of your battery.
Recommendations for gas vehicles: When cruising down a high way
your engine works hard to overcome wind resistance. you'll burn 15%
more fuel at 100km/h and 25% more at 110km/h. That might tempt you
to drive slow but if you drive slower your engine would drop to a lower
gear, thus using up more fuel.

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