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BUeAS 11 SFR AMS eee se BAS RRM BA: SIGE A NAB oD 3 IR (REBAR) A BRR RIA MA OF DATA M TM Part I. Multiple Choice: Choose the most appropriate word to complete the sentence. (40% ) 1. If we have thousands of ___ but don’t know how to put them into practice, then they are useless. (A) idea (B) ideas (©) idols (D) icons 2. To some people singing is pleasure; to itis suffering, (A) those (B) others (C) other (D) ones 3. There are so many people living in poverty, but we can’t help : (A) such (B) this (C) one (D) that 4 of the girls has her own work. (Ayal (B)Some (C)Each (D) Many 5. Shehas he. (A) as twice much as (B)twice muchas (C) twice as much as (D) as much twice as 6, If John didn’t lose money, he the flower, (A) could buy (B) bought (C) could have bought (D) buys 7. Ihe ___ my address, he would have written to me. (A) knows (B) knew (Ohad known (D) has known 8. Mary's brother is taller than __boy in his class. (Ayal (B)any other (Chall the other (D) any 9. It is time the little child to bed. (A) g0 (B) went isto go (D) has gone 10.Latin is no longer language. (A) aliving (B)analive (C)alive )live 1. Is iron the most useful all metals? (Ain B)of —_(©)than ()t0 12.They played beautiful music that the whole audience enjoyed it. (A)how —~ (B)s0 (Osuch (D) what 13.Don’t punish Jason for breaking the glass; its an accident. He is not : (A) the blame (B) blaming (C) for blame (D) to blame 14-To get as much input on the issue as they can, the managing team will send a letter to in the company. (A) who may be concerned (B) whoever may be conzemed __(C) whose concern (D) whomever it may concer 15.Had ‘not been for your help, I could not have achieved this. (Ayu B)I Oit (D)they 16.A decision will not _until the next meeting. (A) make — (B) made (C) be making (D)be made 17-They lost all their money by gambling and ___up withouta cent. (A)end — (B) ended (C)ends (D) ending, 18.Don’t remain _ when your teacher asks you a question. (A) seated (B) seating (sit (D) sitting 19.1 lift weights but I didn’t really enjoy it (A)amusedto (B)amusingto (C)useto— (D) used to 20.1 always keep candles in the house there is power blackout (A) for (B) because Os (D) incase AR RFR BUssbr# 1 SFR AMS eeSs BASRA BAM: SEER AMBLMI 3 Fm (ASKER A) a Bik 228 HAR OF BATRA He Part Il. Cloze Test: Read the following passages and choose the most appropriate answer fo fill in each blank. (20%) In recent years, noise pollution, air pollution and water pollution have __1.__ serious problems for city residents. The public is now __2.__ the harm that air and water pollutions have _3.__. However, few people recognize the impact noise pollution has on health. In fact, noise pollution is no less 4,__ than air and water pollutions. The noises of an average city are_5._serious damages to the inhabitants’ hearing. _6.__ instance, in the United States, one person _7.__ twenty has suffered some hearing loss. And all _8.__ the world the situation is worsening, since noise increases with the population. The experts say that in twenty years the cities will be_9,__they are today and that it will _10.__ everybody's efforts to keep the noise level of cities down, 1, (A) changed (B) tumed (©) become (D) transformed 2. (A) complaining (B) exposing (©) conscious that (D) aware of 3. (A)did (B) done (©) make (D) seen 4, (A)advantageous—_(B) harmful (©) beneficial (D) blessed 5. (A)as loudly as to cause (B) bad enough that it causes -_(C) loud enough to cause (D) loud enough that they cause 6. (A) Take (Give (Dat 7. (A)of © from (D) out of 8. (A) over Bin © from (D) under 9. (A) twice as noisy as (B) as twice noisy as (©)twice as noisily as (D) as twice noisily as 10,(A) make (B) cost (take (D) spend Part IIL, Reading Comprehension: Read the following passages and choose the most appropriate answer for each question, (20% ) Passage One: Why Do We Have Eyebrows? ‘Those tiny litle hairs above our eyes that many women pluck or paint play a very important role in keeping moisture out of our eyes. ust like an umbrella keeps our bodies dry from rain, our hairy eyebrows keep our eyes dry from rain or sweat, When it's pouring with rain outside or when sweat runs down our foreheads, our eyebrows divert the flow of water or sweat away from our eyes. Our arch-shaped eyebrows angle the rain or sweat around to the sides of our faces, leaving our eyes fairly dry. By catching the water or sweat, our eyebrows not only allow us to see more clearly but also keep the salt in the sweat from burning or irritating our eyes. Eyebrows have other roles also. As one of our most expressive facial features, eyebrows help us determine how people are feeling without having to ask them, If a person's eyebrows are drawn in a frown, the chances, are that they are angry or upset. ‘What is more, over the years, eyebrows have been having an increasing impact on our concept of beauty or fashion. Big, thick and hairy eyebrows tend to be considered unattractive, while thin, plucked eyebrows are said to be more attractive RRM EAR BER BxeLAF 1 SFR AMSLHREABAS RRA PWRR SEPR AMSA 23 FM (ADKEEEA) ca” Bix #38 #40 OT BRT MT HH 1. Which of the following is not the fimetion of our eyebrows? (A) To be plucked. (B) To divert the flow of sweat (©) To keep moisture out of our eyes. (D) To signal one’s mood, 2, According to the passage, the functions of our eyebrows are compared to__. (A)rain (B) an umbrella (C) our bodies (D) sweat 3. According to the passage, our eyebrows can also serve to. (A) signal one’s personality (B) signal one’s social network (O signal one’s social status (D) signal the concept of beauty 4. According to the passage, big and thick eyebrows are considered _. (A) seary (B) charming (©) unattractive (D) funny 5. In the passage, thin and plucked eyebrows are considered : (A) attractive @)ugly (C) scary (D) funny Passage Two: How You Sleep Says a Lot about What You Are British scientist has compared personality traits of people and their preferred ways of sleeping and says that four common sleep positions reveal a lot about people. Those who sleep in the most popular fetal position, like @ child in the mother’s womb, tend to be shy and sensitive. Sleepers who prefer to sleep in the soldier position, flat on their back with arms at their sides, are quiet and reserved. Those who drift off on their sides ‘with legs outstretched and arms down are easy-going and very sociable. If the arms are outstretched, the person tends to be more skeptical or suspicious. Finally, people who sleep in the starfish position- arms and legs stretched out to the side- have an unassuming personality and are usually good listeners. 6. According to the passage, how many sleep positions have been mentioned? (A) One. (B) Two. (©) Three. (©) Four. RRMEMR REG ALELAS 11 SER AMFLHERSL BLS RRA BWA SBLSRAMELE I: 3M (ROKEER) A BRK HAR 4H Oy BTA Te 7. Which of the following is the most popular sleep position? (A) fatal position (B) fetal position (C) soldier position (D) starfish position 8. According to the passage, the way one sleeps can reveal a lot about one’s (A) bank savings (B) personality (©) social status (D) education background 9. Ifone prefers to sleep in the starfish position, one is more likely to be a__person. (A) aggressive (B) humorous (© humble (D) talkative 10.1f people prefer to sleep in the soldier position, they are more likely to__- (A) talk a lot (B) make a noise all the time (C) keep their thoughts and ideas to themselves (D) keep a high profile Part IV. Translation: Complete each sentence in English by following its Chinese translation. Fill in each blank with exactly one word. (20%) 1 BARDIA RAMA MUTA L ATAU» Record companies 1. __their efforts to_2.__ the market for _3._pop_4._. ROG 2A de ik LED TAG ER HR TULA GSA: Translation is an __5._, but more than that. Translation _ 6._ technical, linguistic, philosophical, and _7._ thinking, 3. SARE ROR T RUN AE O FR EEATE + ‘The_8._isa_9._ofour_ 10._ inthe 1970s. TRAE OR

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