Vikings Library Research Task 2024

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The Vikings – Researching Multiple Sources

Good research uses many different information resources, in a variety of formats

1. Begin with a group of 5 people, each person in the group will research Vikings answering 1 question on the left using the resources across the top;
2. Discuss and divide the questions amongst your group, you answer your question in the cell of the column below the resource you are researching.
3. Create citations for each resource you searched and in alphabetical order list them in a Bibliography on a new page of this document. See this guide for help.
You may find that some of the information varies from resource to resource and that not all resources will answer your questions with the same level of detail.
Encyclopedia on a database Book - printed Website – educational resources Periodical article - website Website – Interactive Map

\ Vikings Timeline

Vikings We’re Pirates Who raided parts of Europe In 793 A Bandf heaVIly Armed Viking Ran their The First Viking Raid recorded In the Anglo-saxons In 793 Desended On thE coast of NORthUmBri
In the late 700‘S to the 1100’s They also explored longshits ashore on liniNDiFarNe AN Island of ChronIEc Was a round Ad787 It was the start of As armed raider attacked the defenceless In 795 Viking raided Ireland and Scotland and won 841
When and where did the North Atlantic Ocean they even went to America. The coast of Northumbria, the fierce struggle between Anglo saxons and the monastery. Of st Cuthbert on Lindisfarne the Viking raiders established what is now Dublin Ireland as
Vikings live in Scandinavia. Viking. The viking lived in Scandinavia terrified monks watched helplessly as the invaders a winter base in 845 the Irish expelled the Viking from
Vikings: made off with treasure and riches this was the first Dublin the Viking were defeated in raid of Seville un
 Raid; recorded raid by the Vikings, sea born pirates south Spain

 Visit;
 Settle?

Their homelands of the vikings were Denmark,

Norwy and Sweden, and they were known as
Scandinavians. The role of women was to make
Where are their original woollen or linen clothes for their family, and to
homelands, and cook and prepare the food. They also had to
manage the farm and the workers while the
describe the role of men went trading and raiding.
women in Viking society
The Viking world by Phillip Steele

The routes that the Vikings took fanned out The Viking would trade mostly all over Europe 6
from south and east of the Vikings homeland. and sometimes as far away as Central Asia. They
They would also trade countries in Britain to would trade valuable items like honey, tin, wheat,
Iceland to all the way to Greenland. In about wool, wood, iron, fur, leather, fish and walrus
860 Vikings started trade through the Slavs. ivory. They would also unfortunately buy and sell
They would sail down the rivers Volga, Volkhov enslaved people too. In return they would get back
items like, silver, silk, spices, wine, jewellery,
How did the Vikings all in Russia and the river of Dniper in Europe.
glass and pottery. Also to make sure the Vikings
There trade through Europe and mainly Russia
conduct trade and what would transform Holmgrad (modern day
got a good deal they would carry a set of folding
scales which they used to weigh coins.
did they trade? Novgorod) and Konugard (modern day Kiev) and
would mark the birth of Russia as a nation.
Merchants then sailed through the Black Sea on
to modern day Istanbul and to the Arab city of
Baghdad. The Vikings also used the Chinese silk
roads to get access to spices, silk and jewellery.

The Vikings had mastered craftsmanship and The vikings were communicating very well which
What were some of the could make very good swords and axes for fights lead them to navigate very easily throughout the
significant achievements and wars to take over other countries/land. Their countries. This lead them to have a good way of
intelligence was key and their understanding of going through different land. The way the Vikings
of the Vikings? how to conquer had a significant advantage for did this was they had an instrument called a sun
For example: them. They also made very advanced boats shadow board and they looked at the colour of
 Ship building; compared to other civiviliastions. the oceans and how the waves were moving.
 Navigating;
 Law & Government.
Encyclopedia on a database Book - printed Website – educational resources Periodical article - website Website – Interactive Map

\ Vikings Timeline

The Vikings had poetry and storytelling, they have The Vikings traded for valuables such as silk and
influenced us today in many different ways. First sliver and trading what the countries that they
war and weapons, they usually fought with sword, ruled were rich in. Since they travels by boats in
axes, bows, spears and a long shield, they fought our today world we have many ways to travel
in small raiding party’s, from 2-10 ships and each including ship. Sometime ships also deliver food
How has Viking culture ship contained 30 or so Vikings. This is how they and things that you have ordered. The migration
conquered France and England. In World War Two caused the beginning of many great countries
influenced us today? we mainly used swords and guns (a stronger today such as France. Without them we wouldn’t
For example: version of bows). Vikings have led the wouldn’t have had land and many important
 Travel and migration; development of 3 countries, Denmark, Sweden countries
and Norway. These Denmark and Norway is now a
 Trade across the seas; first world country. Most viking houses were
 War and weapons. stone with a slated roof, currently most of our
houses are also stone with a slated roof. The
Vikings also had a effect on Bluetooth. The vikings
conquered different countries and then started to
trade between those counties by ships, we do
that now with cargo.



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