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• I can adopt a role in order to read, discuss and deepen my

understanding of texts I am reading.
Are you ready to
be a book detective?

Being a book or reading detective

means you each have an important
job to do to help your group improve
their reading, talking and listening
skills. Each role or task helps the
whole group understand what they
are reading. It’s important everyone
does their job well!
Here are the tasks you may be given:

The Leader: You’re in charge! You

must organise the group and decide who
will do what. Introduce the text. Make sure
everyone is joining in as you read and
discuss the text. Be fair and polite!

The Predictor: Ask the group to

predict what will happen next. Gather
everyone’s ideas. Perhaps there are clues in
the title, the illustrations or in the events in the
story? Check the predictions your group made
after you have read the text. Who predicted
correctly? Predictions can be changed as
your read through the text!
The Clarifier: Are there any
confusing words, sentences, ideas or
events in the text? Look for clues to make
these clearer and help the group to
understand what is going on.

The Summariser: What is the

story about? What are the main points or
ideas of the text? Give the group a summary
of what you have read.

The Questioner: Ask question about

the text and discuss the answers with your
group. Where? What? Who? Why? When?
The Illustrator: Draw or
illustrate a part of the text you have read.
Your illustration could be a picture,
diagram or cartoon.

Passage Master: Choose the

most interesting part or passage in the story
and explain to the group why you chose it.

Feelings Finder: Are there any

words or parts of the text that describe how
people are feeling? Find them and discuss
them with your group!
Word Finder: Find any new or
interesting words used by the author.
Find out what they mean and discuss
them with your group.

Link Maker: Are the events

or characters of this story similar
to other stories you have read or to
real life situations? Discuss these
with your group.
Now it’s your turn to try out some of the tasks.

Being a book detective is great fun!

Can you be the finest book detectives ever?

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