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also chose the name for the gang:

The old man looks like he's about to
cry. Then the house detective comes. He

simply pushes aside the people who get in his way.

The escalator takes Andi one floor down.
He's done this many times before,
Nobody follows him. He can use the Walkman Andi thinks. He's sweating again.
5 hold tightly with one hand under his jacket. It takes a >Please come with me!< says the house detective. It
long time to get out of it again sounds like an order. Andi holds it
department store is pushed out. Walkman under his jacket.
He comes to the stationery department “You know that we report every theft
ren. It's full of people here. All "Gen," says the detective loudly. The old man ducks
1 choose Christmas cards and gifts
O as if someone was about to hit him.
paper. That doesn't exist, Andi thinks. You can-
>Stop, stayed here! There is Don't bother him like that. And I
not!< holds the Walkman so tightly that his hand is in his hand
Andi can't go on, but he can't either hurting. 15

15 back. Next to him is an old man Just get out of here, really quickly!
held by a married couple. The old man tries
to break away.
“Stop!” screams the woman. Three children are too many for a family
It's as exciting as it is on TV. The
20 people even forget their Christmas cards. It can simply be pushed along again. First
Everyone stares at the old man who has something in At St. Martin's Church he realizes that he is in the
who holds the hand. going in the wrong direction.
“I saw it clearly,” says the woman. He looks at the clock. Three forty-five. The Sharks
>All-purpose glue, he stole a big bottle.< meet at Rolf's at four. Previously

to break away, to free yourself from something with effort It's not worth going home. What should
stare, look at something for a long time with wide eyes is he there too?
the all-purpose glue, bottle with glue
stealing, taking something without permission or without paying for it report it, report it to the police
men crouch, bow your head and make yourself smaller

10 11
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Mom would ask about schoolwork. And of course 'That's good,' Andi said. But why
they're not finished yet. He should always clean up Bennie's toys!
Why don't his parents understand that he
The red fire engine was lying there in the middle of
different than Kerstin? She finishes school the other things. It was Bennie's
light. She's always been luckier
5 Favorite car. Mom was just in the kitchen. 5
had than him. Then Andi just goes to the fire truck
His parents would have let him go kicked. Twice. Very firmly. Then he has this
can. Three children are too many for one
Broken car pushed under the bed.

Bennie later started screaming.

10 He comes to a toy shop "Don't cry," Mom reassured him. >It
over. His gaze stops on a fire engine. Yet there are so It's almost Christmas. You can do that
many others wish something else. <

>My car! < Bennie cried.

the fire engine When Andi heard him crying, he wanted to repair
the fire engine again. But that didn't work 15

anymore. He quickly goes to his room

Things displayed in the shop window. Andi wants Nobody knows what happened to the fire truck
Don't think about the red fire engine. And has happened. And no one knows what Andi did
certainly not to Bennie. in the department store this week. 20

“Please clean up the toys,” he said

his mother said again yesterday.
>Me!<, Andi asked. Just a test of courage
>Who else!< His mother was crazy
20 annoyed. The Sharks always meet at Rolf's house. His
Both parents work and never show up
the shop window, large window with goods to look at and | Buy home at six o'clock.

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