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Sikandar Babar


Submitted to Mr Amjad Bhatti

National Security of Pakistan

Course code Ss-401



Religious Extremism in Pakistan

One of the issues Pakistan has been dealing with for decades is religious radicalism.
The interplay of political, social, and economic conditions that led to the formation of
extremist groups had a significant impact on national politics and society. Following the
division of British India, Pakistan was established in 1947 as a distinct state for Muslims.
The nation was founded with the intention of giving Muslims a homeland, and this identity
has greatly influenced the development of its society. When Pakistan first came into
existence, religious fanaticism was not a big problem.

A secular government dominated the country, and there were no strong Islamist
political groups. The Pakistani state began to employ religion as a tactic to justify its
authority in the 1960s. As a result, the state began to progressively become more Islamic as
religious parties grew in power. But the country's political climate started to turn more
Islamist in the 1970s. Gen Zia-ul-Haq's military takeover in 1977 was a turning point in
Pakistani history. By enacting Sharia law and endorsing Islamist organizations, Zia's
government advanced an Islamist agenda.

Numerous unfavorable outcomes, like as sectarian violence, terrorist attacks, and

the persecution of religious minorities, have been brought about by the increase of
religious extremism in Pakistan. These organizations’ actions have sparked a surge of
violence and bigotry that threatens to rip apart the nation's social fabric. This article aims
to examine the social, economic, and political causes that have led to the emergence of
Islamic extremism in Pakistan and the associated threat to the country's national security.

Ramzan Shahid, "Challenges of Militancy and Religious Extremism to National Security of Pakistan:
An Analysis," Pakistan Social Sciences Review 4, no. III (2020): , doi:10.35484/pssr.2020 (4-iii)30.
Religious Extremism in Pakistan
Since independence there is rise in case of killings, assassinations in the name of
religion under the blasphemy law. The people from other minorities groups (Hindu,
Christians, Sikhs) has been murder in the name of religion. Here are few case of religious
intolerance in Pakistan.

Killing of Sri-Lankan National:

Priyantha Diyawadanada , a factory manager in Sialkot was beaten to death and his
body set alight accused of blasphemy. He was accused of tearing the poster with the name
of Prophet Muhammad SAW.2

Case of Asia Bibi:

In 2010, Asia Bibi a Christian charged with blasphemy was arrested by police
and was sentenced to death by local court. But after few months the verdict was challenged
in Supreme Court, and due to lack of evidence case was dismissed and she was released.
This decision caused outrage in public and Tehrik-e-Labaik Pakistan protest demanding
one thing-that Asia Bibi be put to death.

Jaran-wala Case:

On August 16, 2023 the church in Faisalabad was set on fire after a Christian family
was accused of blasphemy. The public vandalized 8 churches and homes stoking tensions
between muslins and Christian minorities. There are many other cases in which Christian
community was targeted accused of blasphemy and abusing the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
In 2013, more than 100 homes of Christian were set ablaze by Muslim community in
Lahore Badami Bagh community, accused of speaking against the Prophet SAW. 3

Factors Contributing Rise in Religion Extremism

The radicalizing factors that cause increase in religious extremism are:

Economic Factor

Poverty is one of Pakistan's biggest problems; as a result, many in rural areas send
their children to madrassas since they are unable to afford to send them to school. The
rising levels of unemployment and inflation force parents to enroll their children in

Zia U. Rehman and Salman Masood, "Religion-Fueled Mobs on the Rise Again in Pakistan," The
Tariq Saeed and Asif Chaudhry, "5 Churches, Many Homes Ransacked in Faisalabad’s Jaranwala,"
DAWN.COM, last modified August 17, 2023,
madrassas. The radical group takes use of this circumstance to brainwash them, instill
hatred in the minds of children towards other communities, and use the madrassa students
to carry out violent acts against other minority in the nation. The Speaker of the National
Assembly, Dr. Fehmida Mirza, observes that unemployment, illiteracy, and poverty are the
primary roots of terrorism and extremism, which pose the greatest risks to regional peace
and security.

Political Factor

In addition to addressing economic unrest, political deprivation plays a role in

political rights. In a similar vein, the establishment of various religious organizations’
"emirates" was made possible by the absence of political infrastructure in the tribal

The political establishment in Pakistan has frequently chosen conciliation over

principle, displaying far too little courage in the face of radical extremism. Furthermore,
because political polarization and instability erode government and undermine
mainstream political parties, they frequently provide extremist organizations with an
opening to pursue their goals.4 Smaller groups with more focused agendas can function in
such a setting.

The geopolitical context of the area, along with periodic martial laws and
disruptions to the democratic process, created an environment that was favorable to
religious organizations and political parties, further polarizing and fragmenting society and
fostering the growth of extremist organization. The economy was negatively impacted by
political unrest, increased social violence, and an increase in extremism. These elements
have been exploited by religious organizations to marginalize individuals, with religion
serving as a catalyst.

Impact on National Security

The National security is a concept in which institutions of sovereign state provide
protection to its citizens against all kids of internal and external threats by using its all
resources. Religious extremism has been a serious security concern for Pakistan.

Political instability

Since 2000, there are multiple protest held by the extremists religious organizations like
TLP, Sippa Sahaba Pakistan, Jammat-ul-Ahrar against the accused blasphemy acts by the
non-Muslim communities that causes instability in Pakistan. During the Imran Khan
Sidra Karamat, Muhammad Muzaffar, and Ali S. Shah, "The Politics of Religious Extremism in
Pakistan: An Analysis," Review of Economics and Development Studies 5, no. 2 (June 2019):
accessed December 16, 2023, doi:10.26710/reads.v5i2.604.
government the TLP made protest against the French ambassador accused of blasphemy in
Lahore where the Head of TLP was arrested, this arrest causes outrage in public that
demanded bail of their leader and marched towards Islamabad. The protest causes the
violent clashes between the protestor and police, deteriorating law and order situation,
that later court released Saad Rizwi and government upon negotiations lift the ban on TLP.

Social Cohesion

Religious extremism can have significant and far-reaching effects on social

cohesiveness, influencing individuals, groups, and nations in a variety of ways. Religious
radicalization causes societal division along religious lines. This polarization causes social
fragmentation and impedes understanding and communication between various religious
groupings. Extremist beliefs that support or legitimize the use of violence to further
political or religious objectives can lead to conflict or other violent acts that disrupt social
order, take lives, or harm property. After the Jaranwala case forced migration and
displacement occur impacted by religious extremism when individuals flee in search of
security and stability. 5This may result in the loss of cultural diversity and exacerbate social
unrest in the communities that are hosting displaced people.

Economic Activities

Extremism based on religion can have a big effect on a nation's or region's economy.
Political unrest, terrorism, and higher levels of violence can all be caused by religious
extremism. This may interfere with regular business operations, which could lower
investment and output. During the TLP protest in Islamabad, Special assistant to
Information minister Khawar Hasan admitted that Pak economy hit by Rs 35 billion loss
because the roads were block, transportation stopped that results in lessen economic

Companies may have trouble operating because investors and entrepreneurs may
become discouraged by the possibility of attacks or instability. Travel is frequently reduced
in nations or areas where religious extremism is prevalent. Travellers may steer clear of
places they think are unsafe, which would cost the hospitality and tourist sectors money.
Costs associated with security measures to safeguard assets, people, and infrastructure
may be greater for governments and corporations. Resources are being diverted from
beneficial economic applications by these increasing costs. Terrorist attacks or other acts of
violence connected to religion leads to the destruction of critical infrastructure such as
transportation networks, utilities, and public buildings and Rebuilding and repairing such
infrastructure can deplete economic resources.

Tariq Saeed and Asif Chaudhry, "5 Churches, Many Homes Ransacked in Faisalabad’s Jaranwala,"
DAWN.COM, last modified August 17, 2023,
The religious extremism in Pakistan against the religious minorities is increasing.
The religious groups are using religion and blasphemy law to target the religious minorities
of Pakistan. There are many cases of assassination, and brutal killing of non-Muslims in the
name of religion. The religious groups are radicalizing the youth in madrassa to carry out
attacks on non-Muslim to attain their political objectives. The rise of these religious groups
in political arena and the people acceptance is a serious concern for the minorities. The
growing sense of religious extremism results in the political instability, disturb the social
cohesion and lessen the economic activities carried out in country.

Bhagel, Bhupesh. "Pakistan economy hit by Rs 35 billion loss due to TLP protests." Catch
news (Delhi), October 31, 2021. Accessed December 16, 2023.

Jaffery, Shumaila. "Asia Bibi :Pakistan's notorious blasphemy case." BBC/Claire Press. Last
modified February 1, 2019.

Karamat, Sidra, Muhammad Muzaffar, and Ali S. Shah. "The Politics of Religious Extremism in
Pakistan: An Analysis." Review of Economics and Development Studies 5, no. 2 (June
2019), 315-322. Accessed December 16, 2023. doi:10.26710/reads.v5i2.604.

"Poverty and Illiteracy Main Causes of Extremism: Fehmida." The Free Library/ Farlex. Last

Rehman, Zia U., and Salman Masood. "Religion-Fueled Mobs on the Rise Again in
Pakistan." The New York Times. Last modified March 20, 2022.

Saeed, Tariq, and Asif Chaudhry. "5 Churches, Many Homes Ransacked in Faisalabad’s
Jaranwala." DAWN.COM. Last modified August 17, 2023.

Shahid, Ramzan. "Challenges of Militancy and Religious Extremism to National Security of

Pakistan: An Analysis." Pakistan Social Sciences Review 4, no. III (2020), 403-420.

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