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Member of Group :
Ayu Aryani Sastra Ningsih 213015
Ni Kadek Catri Dwi Cahyanti 213020
Ni Wayan Nopsiani 213029
Ni Luh Canda Anggitarani 213031
Ni Luh Wulan Basundari Loka 213034
Introduction (Entailment,
Presupposition, Implicature)
Defining Presupposition

Properties of Prosupposition

Prosupposition Types
Prosupposition Examples
When one reads or hears pieces of language, one normally tries to
understand not only what the words mean, but what the writer or the
speaker of those words intend to convey. One of the principal
difficulties that one faces when dealing with aspects of language is how
to distinguish between entailment and presupposition. These two
concepts are described and examined for the reason that they seem to
provide the basis for answering a number of questions both about
speaker- commitment and sentence meaning. As a matter of fact,
presupposition is what the speaker assumes to be the case prior to
making an utterance whereas entailment is what logically follows from
what is asserted in the utterance.
Entailment is a term derived Presupposition
from formal logic and now
often used as part of the study Presupposition plays an
of semantics. All the other important role in the
essential semantic relations production and comprehension
like equivalence and of speech act. It is defined from
contradiction can be defined different points of view, each of
in terms of entailment. which is similar to each other
in some way or another.
Conversational implicatures are
pragmatic inferences: unlike entailments
and presuppositions, they are not tied to
the particular words and phrases in an
utterance but arise instead from
contextual factors and the
understanding that conventions are
observed in conversation.
Defining Presupposition
Presupposition is defined as a proposition or
inference whose truth is taken for
granted in the utterance of a sentence. Its main
function is to act as a precondition of some sort for
the appropriate use of that sentence. This
background assumption will remain in force when the
sentence that contains it is negated. Presupposition
is usually engendered by the use of particular lexical
and/or linguistic constructions. Lexical items and
linguistic constructions that give rise to
presuppositions are called presupposition triggers.
Defining Presupposition
The early literature on presupposition almost
exclusively revolved around definite descriptions,
which are said to presuppose the existence of a
unique referent. Russell (1905) claimed that sentences
like "The King of France is bald" are false because the
logical form of definite descriptions contains a false
existential claim. However, Strawson (1950) famously
argued against Russell’s theory by proposing that
when a definite description fails to refer, the result
can be a sentence which lacks a truth value.
Defining Presupposition
Strawson’s intuition, which can be traced back
to Frege (1892), leads to the following

1. Definition 1 (Strawsonian presupposition)

2.Definition 2 (Presupposition via negation)
3. Definition 3 (Weak Kleene)
4. Definition 4 (Strong Kleene)
5. Definition 5 (Gazdar: cancellation)
6. Definition 6 (Van der Sandt: cancellation)
7.Definition 7 (Cancellation via at-issueness)
Properties of Presupposition*

Constancy Under Negation

Constancy under negation the
feature of the presupposition
of an utterance by virtue of Examples:-
which it
remains constant or true even Marry cat is cute.
when the statement is >>> _Marry exists, she has a cat._
Marry cat is not cute.
>>> _Marry exists, she has a cat._
Properties of Presupposition*

Defeasibility of presupposition a
term used to describe the
characteristic of presupposition > presupposition can be lost if there are inconsistencies with
of being background assumptions or real-world knowledge

cancelled. > presumtions can be invalidated by inconsistent


> Presuppositions can be canceled contextually. If it

contradicts what the immediate discourse context tell us.

1) The existential presupposition

- The boy next door has the new car.
>>>> there is a boy next door and he is exist.

2) The factive presupposition 3) The non-factive p

- I regret leaving the party. - I dreamed that i w
as famous
>>>> i left the party. >>>> i wasn't famou

4) The lexical presup

- Mary stopped skat
ing at weekends.
>>>> Mary used to s
kate at weekends

5) The structural presupposition

The WH Question ( When, Where,
Who, etc.)
- when did she die?
6) The counter-factual presupposition
>>>> she died - If you were happy you would've smile.
>>>> you are not happy.

- If the doctor had arrived on time,

the patient would not have died.
>>>> the doctor hasn't arrived on time and the
end result or the effect we have nothing to do
with that the patient had died that is the fact.
1. Existential Presupposition
The bike needs repairs.

2. Factive Presupposition
Vino regrets eating the entire cake.
4. Structural Presupposition
3. Non-Factive Presupposition She stopped smoking.

Bitha thinks angel are real.

5. Counter-Factual Presupposition
She would have passed the exam if
she had studied.

6. lexical presupposition
The book is *missing
Presupposition is an implicit assumption or background
belief that is considered true or taken for granted before
making a statement or argument. It is a critical concept
in linguistics and critical thinking, as it can significantly
influence the interpretation and meaning of a statement.
Presuppositions introduce conditions or facts that must
be accepted for the statement to make sense, and they
can affect the way we communicate and reason.
Recognizing and understanding presuppositions is
essential for effective communication and logical
Thank you

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