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Attenuation is a measure of decay of signal strength or

loss of light power that occurs as light pulses

propagate through the length of the fiber. Mie scattering is elastic scattered light of particles that
have a diameter similar to or larger than the
wavelength of the incident light. The Mie signal is
proportional to the square of the particle diameter.
Types of non-linear scattering losses 1. Stimulated
Brillonin Scattering (SBS) 2. Raman Scattering (SRS)
Brillonin Scattering (SBS) • The SBS exists when light
is modulated through the thermal molecular vibrations
Basic Attenuation Mechanisms 2. Scattering ( Linear within fiber. • The scattered light is observed as both
and Non-linear) 3. Bending loss 1. Material Absorption upper and lower sidebands separated from incident
(Intrinsic and Extrinsic).
Material absorption is caused by absorption of light by modulation frequency. Raman Scattering
photons within the fiber.When a material is (SRS) • SRS is stimulated with a high frequency
illuminated, photons can make the valence electrons optical photon generated in scattering phenomena. •
of an atom transition to higher energy levels Photon is SRS may exist both in forward and backward
destroyed, and the radiant energy is transformed into directions in optical fibers. • The optical power
threshold is three times higher than SBS threshold.
electric potential energy. This energy can then• Be re-
Bending Loss an optical fiber introduces a loss in light
emitted (scattering)• Frees the electron (photoelectric
power Microbending - Result of microscopic
effects) (not in fibers)• Dissipated to the rest of the
imperfections in the geometry of the fiber 
material (transformed into heat).In an optical fiber
Macrobending - Fiber bending with diameters on the
Material Absorption is the optical power that is order of centimeters (usually if the radius of the bend is
effectively converted to heat dissipation within the larger than 10cm.
• Two types of absorption exist:
Intrinsic Absorption, caused by interaction with one or
more of the components of the glass.
Extrinsic Absorption, caused by impurities within the
• Intrinsic Absorption is caused by basic fiber material
properties. If an optical fiber is absolutely pure, with
no imperfections or impurities, ten all absorption will
be intrinsic. Intrinsic absorption in the ultraviolet
region is caused by electronic absorption bands.
Intrinsic Absorption occurs when a light particle
(photon) interacts with an electron and excites it to a
higher energy level.
Extrinsic Absorption is caused by impurities caused by
impurities introduced into the fiber material. The
metal impurities such as iron, nickel and chromium are
introduced into the fiber during fabrication. Extrinsic
Absorption is caused by the electronic transition of
these metal ions from one energy level to another
energy level.

Scattering LossesLight scattering is a form of scattering

in which light in the form of propagating energy is
scattered.Light scattering can be thought of as the
deflection of a ray from a straight path, for example by
irregularities in the propagation medium, particles, or
in the interface between two media.Deviations from
the law of reflection due to irregularities on a surface
are also usually considered to be a form of scattering.
When these irregularities are considered to be random
and dense enough that their individual effects average
out, this kind of scattered reflection is commonly
referrec to as diffuse reflection.
Linear Scattering may be of two types
1.Rayleigh Scattering2. Mie Scattering
Rayleigh scattering is the scattering of light by the
particles present in the atmosphere. According to
Rayleigh's scattering law, the amount of scattering of
the light is inversely proportional to the fourth power
of the wavelength. From the relation between
scattering and wavelength, we understand that shorter
wavelengths scatter more. Since blue light has a lesser
wavelength than red light it scatters more. Rayleigh
scattering component can be reduced by operating at
the longest possible wavelength.

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