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Exercise 1: Listen to three people talking about their jobs. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Question 1. What is Mark’s responsibility?
A. taking care of the airline B. looking after people overnight
C. flying 80 hours a week D. flying people from one place to another
Question 2. Where does Stacey work?
A. at home B. in her office C. She works online. D. in the centre of the town
Question 3. What is Stacey’s job?
A. A video maker B. A computer programmer C. A smartphone programmer D. An office worker
Question 4. Why is Helen’s job difficult?
A. Because she has to work in the centre of the town. B. Because she has to work all day.
C. Because she works shifts. D. Because she has to work at night every day.
Question 5. What does Helen like about her job?
A. She can work at night. B. She enjoys helping patients.
C. She is given food and medicine. D. She can chat with other people.
Exercise 2: Listen to a talk about Angela Merkel and fill in each blank with ONE word. You can listen to the
recording TWICE.

Angela Merkel has governed Germany for almost (1) 16 years. She was re-elected for (2) 3 times
from 2009 to 2018. Her husband, Joachim Sauer, is a (3) chemist . They rarely appear together in public places. She has a
typical hand gesture, known as the Merkel (4) diamond or the triangle of power. (5) colorful blazers
are one of Merkel’s trademarks, which means she tends to be easy to spot on the group photos at international
conferences. She is also a person who likes animals.


Exercise 1: Listen. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?
Question 1: The first logo of UNICEF features a child drinking water. F
Question 2: This logo was then changed into a child playing with the father. F
Question 3: The dot on the letter "i" in one of UNICEF's logos is exactly the previous logo. T
Question 4: In the 2000s and 2010s, the logo's colour was still black. F
Question 5: Since the beginning of the 21st century, UNICEF's tag line has changed three times. T
Exercise 2: Listening to a talk about Viet Nam’s participation in international organizations and complete each
sentence with no more than TWO words from the recording. You can listen to the recording TWICE.
Question 1. Vietnam has formed international relations with 189 nations in the United Nations.
Question 2. Vietnam has been improved since the country was elected as Chairman for ASEAN and host for
APEC in several years.
Question 3. Vietnam has basically built a land border of peace, friendship and cooperating with neighbouring
Question 4. Vietnam has organized about 100 flights to bring more than 200,000 citizens home safely
during COVID- 19 pandemic.
Question 5. It has also provided timely and effective medical and financial to other countries and
international organizations
Exercise 1: Listen to the benefits of teaming online and choose the best option to answer each of the following
Question 1: Why has eLearning become more and more popular?
A. It’s harder to miss. B. It has big courses. C. It’s more convenient. D. It’s more traditional.
Question 2: Where can students engage with multimedia content?
A. in the campus B. during travelling C. in the classroom D. from their own home
Question 3: What is the second reason for the popularity of online learning?
A. It’s more productive. B. It’s cheaper. C. It’s more interesting. D. It’s easier.
Question 4: Why is further training for employees a problem for corporations?
A. Corporations don’t have much money. B. Employees are not interested In it.
C. Corporations don’t encourage them. D. Further training courses are not easily accessible.
Question 5: Why are many students changing to online learning courses?
A. They are serious students. B. They think it’s a better way to learn.
C. They understand many things. D. They want to work for large organisations after studying.
Exercise 2: Listening to the conversation between a teacher and her students on how to prepare for a new lesson
and complete the flow charts with no more than TWO words. You can listen to the recording TWICE.

(1) log in to your account on E – learning


Discuss the materials in (2) .

Use the (3) main idea to complete the

It’s (4) to list new vocabulary.

Search more (5) in4 to learn English.


Exercise 1: Listen the recording. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER.

Cod is in danger because the number of cod is very (1) _________.

The level of cod stocks in the North Sea has decreased 31% since (2) _________.
Cod are endangered because of (3) ________.
People are still overfishing cod around the world, except in (4) __________.
Dr Wallace suggested trying (5) ___________, such as hake.

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for
each answer

Question 1: The RSPB aims to halt the ____________________ by lobbying the government.
Question 2: Only those farmers who use environmentally friendly methods would receive ______________.
Question 3: By turning off seed drills for just a few seconds, small ___________ areas would be created.
Question 4: If these areas were made on only ______________ of arable land, the skylark could be saved


Exercise 1: You will hear two friends talking about a place and complete the notes with suitable information. Write

Palau is an island country in the Western Pacific.

Palau consists of (1) _________ islands and is enclosed by coral reefs.
The climate is (2) _________.
Palau was the first country to create a (3) ________ sanctuary.
There are over (4) ___________ marine species in the Palau National Marine Sanctuary.
Researchers have examined the (5) __________ in water samples to record the number of species.

Exercise 2: Listen to an interview. For questions (1-5), choose the best answer (A, B, or C).
1. Rob went on holiday for _____ .
A. four days B. ten days C. fourteen days
2. According to Rob, Trossachs National Park _____ .
A. is only popular with tourists B. has two of the largest lakes C. was busier than he expected
3. Why did Rob want to visit Perthshire?
A. to explore a national forest B. to visit places of cultural interest C. to see Britain’s rarest wildlife
4. Rob went swimming in _____ .
A. a famous river B. a pool at the beach C. a pool at the end of a river
5. How did Rob feel on his boat trip?
A. worried that he might not see a whale B. excited to see a whale C. surprised at how big the whale was

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