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Midjourney Commands
Command What it does
/imagine The primary command to create an image.
/help Provides helpful information about the Midjourney bot.
/info Show information about your account and usage.
/subscribe Subscribes you to a paid plan.
/fast Switches to a billing mode based on GPU time. Incremental billing.
/relax Jobs don't cost anything but take much longer.
/show Let's you recover a previous job.
/private Your jobs will not be visible to anyone. Only available to Standard & Corporate..
/public Makes all of your jobs publicly visible


Parameter & what it does Example
--aspect or --ar /imagine football stadium with crowd --aspect 3:2
/imagine endless wasteland in nuclear winter --ar 1920:1280
Let's you set the dimensions of
the images you create.
--version or --v /imagine rocky mountains --version 1
/imagine rocky mountains --v 2
Sets the algorithm version that
Midjourney should use.
--hd /imagine beautiful cherry blossoms --hd
Uses a completely di�erent algo
optimized for large images.
--no /imagine beautiful italian landscape --no sunshine
Allows you to exclude elements
from your text prompt.
--stop /imagine car workshop --stop 50
Forces Midjourney to stop generating
images at an earlier percentage.
--seed /imagine car workshop --seed 5
Can be used to maintain consistency
across multiple generated images.
--stylize or --s /imagine northern mountain ridge --s 1250
Influences how strict or how artistic
the algo should interpret your prompt.
--quality or --q /imagine northern mountain ridge --q 2
Allows for more or less detailed images
and can save GPU time.
--iw /imagine https://someimage.jpg northern mountain --iw .5
Sets the image weight if you use an
image prompt in a command.

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Midjourney Commands
Command What it does
/ask Get an answer to a question. Simple chat bot-like support.
/blend Easily blend 2 or more images together.
/fast Switches to a billing mode based on GPU time. Incremental billing.
/help Provides helpful information about the Midjourney bot.
/imagine The primary command to create an image.
/info Show information about your account and usage.
/prefer option Create or manage a custom option.
/public Makes all of your jobs publicly visible
/relax Jobs don't cost anything but take much longer.
/remix Toggle Remix mode.
/settings View and adjust the Midjourney Bot's settings
/stealth Your jobs will not be visible to anyone. Only available to Standard & Corporate.
/subscribe Subscribes you to a paid plan.
/show Let's you recover a previous job.


Parameter & what it does --v? Example
--aspect or --ar v1-5 /imagine endless wasteland --ar 1920:1280
Let's you set the dimensions of the images you create.
--chaos or --c v1-5 /imagine eternal space --c 100
Influences how varied the initial image grids are.
Reliable vs. unexpected.
--iw v3, v5 /imagine https://image.jpg mountain --iw .5
Sets the image weight if you use an image prompt in a
--no v1-5 /imagine beautiful landscape --no sunshine
Allows you to exclude elements from your text
--stop v1-5 /imagine car workshop --stop 50
Forces Midjourney to stop generating images at an
earlier percentage.
--seed v1-5 /imagine car workshop --seed 5
Can be used to maintain consistency across multiple
generated images.
--style v4-5 /imagine pumpkin head --style 4c
Allows you to switch between versions of a speci�c
model version (e.g. 4a, 4b, or 4c)
--stylize or --s v3-5 /imagine northern mountain ridge --s 1250
Influences how strict or how artistic the algo should
interpret your prompt.
--tile v3, v5 /imagine flower pattern --tile
Generates images that can be used as to create
seamless patterns.
--quality or --q v1-5 /imagine northern mountain ridge --q 2
Allows for more or less detailed images and can save
GPU time.
--version or --v v1-5 /imagine rocky mountains --v 2
Sets the algorithm version that Midjourney should use.
--video v1-3 /imagine portrait of a woman --video
Creates a process video of the initial grid.

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