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Title: "The Role of Women in Sustainable Development: Empowerment, Equality, and

Environmental Stewardship"


Women play a crucial role in sustainable development, yet their contributions are often overlooked or

undervalued in policy and practice. This paper examines the multifaceted role of women in advancing

sustainable development goals, with a focus on empowerment, gender equality, and environmental

stewardship. Drawing upon empirical research and case studies from diverse contexts, we explore the

ways in which women's empowerment and participation in decision-making processes contribute to more

equitable and environmentally sustainable development outcomes. We analyze the intersectionality of

gender with other social identities, such as race, class, and ethnicity, in shaping women's access to

resources, opportunities, and rights. Furthermore, we highlight the importance of gender-responsive

policies and programs that address the unique needs and challenges faced by women in different socio-

economic and cultural contexts. Through a gender lens, this paper aims to enhance understanding of the

linkages between gender equality and sustainable development, and to provide recommendations for

promoting women's empowerment and environmental justice in global development agendas.

Keywords: Women, Sustainable Development, Empowerment, Gender Equality, Environmental

Stewardship, Intersectionality, Gender-responsive Policies

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