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NBSC Language expert video on Trump:

A fascinating aspects is that he uses the most colourful or kaleidoscopic language of any
president of at least the modern era or epoch and he also says the most questionable things. Plus,
the linguist says that he is linguistically unadorned because the language he uses is very basic
and it is similar to the language that was used when it first emerged among people who didn’t
have writing and were eventually getting their first sea-legs like a frog. This means as if he uses
a very baby-like or extremely simple or uneducated version of language. First caveman or
childish vocabulary. He is considered an original, unique or authentic person due to this.
He learned absolutely nothing at school and didn’t refine his speech whatsoever. Besides that,
he uses the same ways of informal speaking patterns and applies them to important
circumstances, like formal settings or elevated situations. He makes no distinction and uses the
same style.
In addition, he uses a great technique known as tagging a line. A tag is when something is added
to the end of a traditional or normal sentence in an enforcing way or striking force such as:
Believe me, believe me. He wants to complete the original sentence because something would
be lacking in the initial version or model. He is reinforcing the meaning, intention or purpose of
his point of view. Plus, he never leaves the realm of the casual, which is even unusual of
indigenous or any primitive societies because they always have a difference between a stricter
and more respectful language and lower standard one if we talk either to the clan leader or to a
normal person.
He peppers and adds a little zest to his speeches by adding phrases ending in: I am sure that you
didn’t know that or I bet it this fact wasn’t known by you all. It is a quite hilarious aspect
because he is an ignorant and silly man. Thus, phrases such as believe me and people don’t
know are used by him to enhance and exaggerate his power or authority with strong force. We
can’t forget that he wants to be the alpha male and be understood by everyone as the Kaiser or
leader. He thinks that he is always a step ahead, oddly adolescent for a senior citizen. He has so
many thoughts and things to say that he uses fillers or tag words like: believe me, it can’t be that
bad, it´s very bad, it is very very bad, more than ever before, more than we’ve ever seen before.
These are somehow his equivalents or substitutes for “um…”, stutters or scratching his head. He
runs out of new type of insights so he covers them up.
The content of what he’s saying is much slimmer than the bulk of his words or verbiage that he
spues or oozes out. He has got a narcotic joy in dismissal and belittlement rather than building
and decorating. He has to be aware of what he says and that his facts ought to be checked and be
supported by proof or evidence. You can’t be bullshitting with your pals and expect to do the
same in front of a humongous crowd of people. The truth can’t be ignored/swallowed if you are
in such an important situation. He is extremely artistic and clinically narcissistic; he has got a
very striking form of speaking. He uses multiple adlibs and superlative words full of
informative void. Less responsible sense of truth and pals and friends world can’t be addressed
to serious places or stages. He will never change and he will hit himself against the same wall.
He is the product of an era known as the informal age. He talks and his numb vocal cords only
vibrate but he doesn’t speak. Oratorically, he is the beginning of something new.
How Donald Trump answers a question on a talk show with Jimmy Kimmel:
Sometimes when he speaks he seems erratic and unfocused, but this careful dissection of the
Donald's speech patterns shows the unusual way he talks is actually a very calculated and witty
man. He may be a racist, misogynist and xenophobic man but he knows how to handle the
A fascinating aspect is how he uses language and certain words in contrast to other candidates
for the political office. He is a phenomenal salesman, businessman and tycoon who sells a
feeling or an idea in a rather interesting and curious way. He enlightens the public or audience
with many shocking words. He gives a quite peculiar and bizarre answer to the following
question: Isn’t it un-American and wrong to discriminate people based on their religion? This
was asked because he was thinking about banning Muslim people or immigrants from entering
the country known as the USA.
He gives a 220 words answer in around a time span of 1 minute. The incredible feature is that
the language he uses is extremely simple. In fact, 172 words or 78% are made out of 1 syllable
and they often come in a rhythmic series like a volley of jabs ending with one of his buzz
words. This is used to persuade and catch peoples attention swiftly. Later on, 39 words, or 17%,
are two syllables long, only 4 words have 3 syllables, 3 of which are the word tremendous, and
just two words are 4 syllables long, California, which he’s forced to use because it has less
syllables than San Bernardino and temporary, which he swallows
A study was carried out on multiple presidents by scrutinizing their rank or their vocabulary
choice level. Donald Trump’s speech came out at the 4th grade reading level. Now for
reference, Ben Carson came out at 6th grade. Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush were speaking at an
8th grade reading level and Bernie Sanders was a way up in high school, a sophomore, to be
exact. He was at the lowest rank.
Now this isn’t only down to word or syllable choice, it’s about sentence construction, too.
Trump favours simple sentences such as: “we have a real problem” or “there is a tremendous
hatred out there”. Rarely does he use complex sentences or independent clauses. He also
favours the second person a lot of the time, addressing listeners directly with commands with
the imperative form like: “Look at Paris”, “Look at what happened in Paris” or “Look at what
happened last week in California.” Or implicating us in what he’s saying as if we’ve already
agreed on it with: “and you watch last night, and you see people talking”. Plus, he’s really good
at this, at framing negative response as an over-reaction that was subsequently realized as such:
They said, “Well Trump has a point. We have to get down to the problem.”
Maybe the most important technique Trump utilizes and he does this more than anyone I’ve
ever heard is ending his sentences with strong punchy words. Most of the times he’ll rearrange
the beginning of a sentence awkwardly, so that he can end strong. For example, here, it would
probably be more natural to say: “you can’t solve a problem until you find out what the root
cause is.” But he brings the is forward to end on root cause with: “What is the root cause.”
These final words are crucial for Trump. They’re pointed and taken together sketch the theme of
the entire answer. Words such as harm, dead, die, badly injured, problem, root cause, thank you,
bedlam, point, problem, service, problem, issue, etc. In some sense, it’s these words that
audiences remember, especially when the rest of the speech is incoherent. Like the best
salesman, Trump keeps it simple, he repeats a lot these lines: we have a real problem, what is
the problem, we do have a problem, we have to get down to the problem.
Finally, he uses his favourite words over and over again like tremendous, tremendous,
tremendous service. Moreover, he always seems to have friends who are part of the group that
he’s currently insulting calling him up and thanking him for the privilege like: “many of them
called me they said you know Donald, you’re right, we have a problem and look, there is a
problem.” Donald Trump knows when to sound incredulous, or forceful. Furthermore, he has
good comedic instinct, you can even call him witty but you can’t call him smart or well
informed. At the end of the day, the best salesman could sell you a TV without knowing
anything about it because the TV isn’t what matters. What matters, is you. It is what you say but
how you utter it, the art of persuasion and oratory are taken into account. He is a selfish and big-
headed but he a mastermind at what he does, unconsciously he brainwashes people and makes
them concentrate or stare at various strong and hefty words with a deep impact. He is a patriotic,
nationalist and chauvinistic guy and talks about being the number one or most powerful nation

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