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a cake = una tarta; un bizcocho

They’re making a cake.

It may be for a birthday party.
The man behind the boy must be his father.
They should help the girl too.
The kitchen is untidy, messy. = desordenada
They should tidy up! = Deberían ordenar.
They may/might/could be making a cake.

a date = una cita

a blind date = una cita a ciegas

What they are drinking looks like wine. = Lo que

están bebiendo parece vino.
I can’t see it very well.
It looks like a piece of furniture. = Parece un

This picture was taken at a café/outside a café.

The woman may be having an interview.
They may have to talk about tourism or something.
or something = o algo (por el estilo)
They look like two teachers correcting exams.

He’s wearing a suit and a tie. = Él lleva traje y

the man with the long beard = el hombre de la
barba larga
the man in the grey suit = el hombre del traje gris
necklace = collar
skirt = falda
a leather jacket = una chaqueta de cuero
curly hair = pelo rizado
wavy = ondulado
straight = liso
smart = elegante; listo
moustache = bigote
Truco a la hora de describir:
Tiene bigote. (singular, A)
He has got a moustache.
Tiene las orejas grandes. (plural, sin artículo)
He has got big ears.
Tiene el pelo corto. (incontable, sin artículo)
He has got short hair.

Vamos a rellenar verbos modales:

1. I tried to reach the shore, but I…couldn’t…..
I was too tired.
reach = alcanzar
2. This blue bag…can’t…….belong to Jane. Hers is
belong to = pertenecer a
3. They…may/might…… on their way to New
York, but I’m not sure.
4. There…should……… more parks in Motril for
children to play.
5. We…must/have to…….wear this horrible skirt at
school and eat in the school canteen. Those are
the rules.
6. rules = normas
7. You…should…..go home now. Your mum’s angry,
I think.
Te aconsejo que vayas a tu casa.
Cómo damos en inglés un consejo enérgico,
fuerte, a una persona determinada, con
consecuencias negativas en caso de
You’d better go home now./You had better go
home now. = Más te vale ir a casa ahora.
8. Más te vale no comer pescado blanco antes de
la entrevista de trabajo.
You’d better not eat white fish before the job
9. You’ve succeeded in finding the job of your
dreams. You…must…… very proud of
yourself! Es lo que yo deduzco, estoy
convencida de ello.
succeed (in) = lograr, tenér éxito
proud of = orgulloso de
10. They’ve achieved so much in life. They…
should/could……relax a little now.
achieve = lograr
manage = lograr
11. She said she…might/could (may no, al ser
frase de estilo indirecto)………come today, but
she wasn’t absolutely sure.
12. You…should/could………have warned us. We
were so worried.
warn = avisar
warning = aviso
13. They…needn’t…..have made so many
arrangements. We only wanted to have a drink.
make arrangements = hacer preparativos
NO era necesario, pero lo hicieron.
14. I…can’t……….believe he’s my age. He looks
so much younger!
Imposible, no me lo creo.
15. They can’t swim,…can they? Aquí tenemos
la clásica pregunta coletilla, tag-question o
question-tag. Sirve para asegurarse de lo
anterior. Vamos a poner el auxiliar/modal que
vendría en la pregunta principal, si va en
afirmativa ponlo en negativa y viceversa, y el
sujeto es siempre el mismo en forma de
Tú viven en Motril, ¿verdad?
You live in Motril, don’t you?
They must study,…mustn’t they..?
She didn’t pass all her exams,…did she…..?
There are too many cars,…aren’t there…?

Coletillas para nota (B2):

Nobody knows the answer, do they?
Open the door, will you?
Don’t open the door, will you?
Let’s have a party, shall we?

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