Unit 2: Travel and Transport: Topic Vocabulary in Contrast

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1. a long journey, The Titanic sank on its
voyage /'vɔiid especially by sea or in maiden voyage (= first chuyến đi biển
ʒ/ space journey).

an act of travelling from They went on a long

2. journey one place to another, train journey across cuộ c hà nh trình
/ˈdʒɜːni/ especially when they India.
are far apart
a journey to a place and
3. trip back again, especially a We went on a trip to the chuyến du ngoạ n
/trɪp/ short one for pleasure or mountains.
a particular purpose
to go from one place to
4. travel
another, especially over a I travel abroad a lot. đi lạ i
long distance
a short journey made for There are regular
5. excursion pleasure, especially one weekend excursions cuộ c đi chơi, tham
/ɪkˈskɜːʃn/ that has been organized throughout the quan
for a group of people summer.
what you can see from a There were magnificent
6. view particular place or views of the phong cả nh từ 1 gó c
/vjuː/ position, especially surrounding nà o đó
beautiful countryside countryside.
A person or a thing that Windmills are a
7. sight
you see that has a common sight in this cả nh chung chung
particular feature part of country
the earth, with all its
8. world They travelled the
countries, peoples and thế giớ i
/wɜːld/ world for pleasure
natural features
9. earth the world; the planet that I must be the happiest
trá i đấ t
/ɜːθ/ we live on person on earth!
part of a place, town, etc., The farm and
10. area
or a region of a country or surrounding area were vù ng, khu vự c
the world flooded.
They have refused to
land that is under the
11. territory allow UN troops to be
control of a particular lã nh thổ , địa bà n
/ˈterətri/ stationed in their
country or political leader
any of the four main
12. season periods of the year: spring, Autumn is my favourite
mù a
/ˈsiːzn/ summer, autumn and season.
13. period a particular length of time All these changes kì, thờ i kì, tiết họ c
happened over a period
of time.
the money that you pay to
14. fare When do they start
travel by bus, plane, taxi, tiền tà u xe, tiền vé
/feə(r)/ paying full fare?
a printed piece of paper,
or a message or image
received on your phone or
15. ticket I bought a ticket for the
computer, that gives you vé
/ˈtɪkɪt/ concert.
the right to travel on a
particular bus, train, etc.
or to go into a theatre, etc.
an amount of money that The school fees are
16. fee
you pay for professional expected to rise again Phí, họ c phí
advice or services next year.
17. miss to be or arrive too late for If I don't leave now I'll
bỏ lỡ
/mɪs/ something miss my plane.
18. lose to be unable to find
I've lost my keys. là m mấ t
/luːz/ something/somebody
to carry or move
19. take You need to take your
something from one place đưa đi, cầ m đi
/teɪk/ laptop to the technician.
to another
To take someone or
19. bring Bring a coat in case it
something with you from mang (bên mình)
/brɪŋ/ turns cold
one place to another place
20. go to move or travel from one I have to go to Rome on
/ɡəʊ/ place to another business.
to arrange to have or use
21. book something on a particular She booked a flight to
đặ t (vé / phò ng)
/bʊk/ date in the future; to buy a Chicago.
ticket in advance
to continue to have
22. keep Always keep a backup
something and not give it giữ
/kiːp/ of the file.
back or throw it away
23. arrive /ə to get to a place, especially I'll wait until they
ˈraɪv/ at the end of a journey arrive.
to arrive at the place that
24. reach The beach can only be
you have been travelling đến
/riːtʃ/ reached by boat.
25. live to have your home in a We used to live in
số ng (lâ u dà i)
/lɪv/ particular place London.
to continue to be in a
26. stay particular place for a I just want to stay in
ở lạ i
/steɪ/ period of time without bed today.
moving away
the line that divides two I live in a small town in
27. border
countries or areas; the the US, near the biên giớ i
land near this line Canadian border.
28. edge the outside limit of an I sat down at the mép

object, a surface or an
/edʒ/ area; the part furthest water's edge.
from the centre
29. line a long, thin mark on a Draw a thick black line đườ ng kẻ, đườ ng
/laɪn/ surface across the page. thẳ ng
the size or measurement The snake usually
30. length
of something from one end reaches a length of 100 chiều dà i
to the other cm.
the amount of space Paul has to drive very
31. distance
between two places or long distances as part of khoả ng cá ch
things his job.
to show somebody the
way to a place, often by
32. guide Sherpas guide climbers
going with them; to show hướ ng dẫ n
/ɡaɪd/ to the summit.
somebody a place that you
know well
to go with or in front of a
person or an animal to
33. lead
show the way or to make If you lead, I'll follow. dẫ n dắ t
them go in the right
connected with the place
34. native where you were born and Her native language is
bả n ngữ
/ˈneɪtɪv/ lived for the first years of Korean.
your life
the house or flat that you Old people prefer to
35. home
live in, especially with stay in their own nhà
your family homes.
She was terrified that
Bắ t kịp vớ i (từ thấ p
1. catch up Reach the same point / level one day her past
bắ t kịp lên level cao
with as problems would catch up
with her.
Please check in at least
Register at a hotel or an Đă ng kí phò ng
2. check in an hour before
airport (khá ch sạ n)
3. check Guests should check out Trả phò ng ( khá ch
Leave a hotel, investigate
out of their rooms by noon. sạ n)// điều tra
Fall sleep, let someone get I dropped off and missed Ngủ gụ c, cho ai đó
4. drop off
out of a vehicle the end of the film. xuố ng xe
What time did you get
5. get back Return from a place Quay về
back last night?
They've gone away for a
6. go away Go on holiday Đi nghỉ
few days.
7. keep up Stay at the same point/level I can't keep up with all Theo kịp vớ i (cù ng
with as the changes. level, trinh độ )
He picked up his
8. make
Go in the direction of umbrella and made for Đi về hướ ng
the door.

9. pick up Stop a vehicle to give s.o a lift I'll pick you up at five. Đó n
Stop by the side of the road in The police car signalled
10. pull in Đậ u xe
a car to us to pull in.
11. run My dog almost got run
Hit with a car Tô ng (xe)
over over.
Go to a train station, … to see Anne saw Terry off at the
12. see off Tiễn đưa
s.o leave station.
13. set They set out on the last
Start a journey Khở i hà nh
out/off stage of their journey.
14. take The plane took off an
Leave the ground Cấ t cá nh (má y bay)
off hour late.
15. turn Go back in the opposition Turn around and let me
Quay ngượ c lạ i
round direction look at your back.
Children can have an accident at
1. have an accident bị tai nạ n
night sometimes.
when a cyclist is involved in an
Accident 2. be (involve) in an accident that does not involve a Liên quan đến tai
accident motor vehicle we are left nạ n
uninsured by TAC.
3. do sth by accident I deleted the file by accident. Vô tình là m gì
If you're going to come, please let trướ c (dù ng cho
4. in advance
me know in advance. thờ i gian)
Advance For the rebels, control of the
5. advance
south is key to their advance Tiến về
to/toward a place
toward Damascus.
Don't let him go straight ahead
6. go straight ahead because that's the only way he đi thẳ ng
wants to fight.
I'll go ahead and tell them you're
Ahead 7. go ahead Tiến bộ , tiếp tụ c
on the way.
The C-Class is very strong and is
Dẫ n trướ c, phai
8. be ahead of sth/sb ahead of competitive models
trướ c
from BMW and Audi.
A change of direction will be
9. a change of
easier than you think, once you Đổ i hướ ng
get the ball rolling.
10. in the direction The car was last seen headed in Theo hướ ng củ a gì
of sth the direction of the stadium. đó
However, recent studies are
11. in this/that
beginning to provide new Hướ ng nà y/kia
insights in this direction.
Head 12. off the top of Just off the top of my head, I’d
khô ng cầ n suy nghĩ
your head say there were about 50.
Police said he told the driver to
13. head
head toward the South Loop and Đi về phía
for/towards a place
the Gulf Freeway
14. head over heels Still head over heels for each Yêu điên cuồ ng, yêu
(in love) other all these years later, the say đắ m
couple embraced.
When I go on holiday there, you
15. go/be on holiday đi nghỉ
can often find me sketching.
This year, Easter was before the
16. have/take a
Holiday meet opened, thus racing did not đi nghỉ, có kì nghỉ
take a holiday
Ngà y nghỉ lễ danh
17. bank holiday Christmas Day is a bank holiday.
cho ngâ n hà ng
19. go/turn/etc left Christmas Day is a bank holiday. Rẽ trá i
Kubel was hit on the left wrist by
20. on the left a pitch Tuesday and Hudson's Bên trá i
foot is hurting.
Driving an American-style car on
21. on the left-hand
Left the left-hand side of the narrow ở bên tay trá i
winding roads.
Ruff timed his run and picked
22. in the left-hand
well to score in the left-hand ở gó c bên trá i
corner once again.
23. left-handed My mum’s left-handed. Thuậ n tay trá i
24. plan your/a Take your walking shoes with
Lên lịch
route you and plan a route to walk.
We decided to take a route that
would head out into the desert
25. take a route thự c hiện 1 lộ trình
and loop back making our trip
home manageable.
The San Juan crew did have some
Sight 26. see the sights free time to see the sights in ngắ m cả nh
Simon's Town
Almost every day, she would take
27. go sightseeing me by bus into D.C. to go đi ngắ m cả nh
High-speed rail between the two
28. at (high/full/etc)
cities is still a long way from ở tố c độ cao
It came suddenly, on a burst of
Speed speed, with power, with a nifty
29. a burst of speed Bù ng nổ tố c độ
shot that beat Flyers goalie
Martin Biron.
The police stopped him for
30. speed limit Tố c độ giớ i hạ n
breaking the speed limit.
31. go on/take a
Let's take a tour around a typical thự c hiện chuyến đi
tour of/(a)round
block in your hometown. quanh
Tour 32. tour a place We toured the streets of Milan. Đi tham quan
My tour guide this afternoon is
Hướ ng dẫ n viên du
33. tour guide Garrett Keating, a former cop
turned astronomer.
Trip 34. business trip He was trying to make a business chuyến cô ng tá c
trip to Manhattan after his train

was canceled.
Holloway was 18 when she
chuyến tham qua
35. school trip vanished in 2005 while on a high
củ a trườ ng
school trip to Aruba.
Occasionally, I get to go on a trip
36. go on a trip out into town to see some of the Đi tham quan
local sights.
Now we can get to those jobs,
37. take a trip (to a
malls, visit friends and take a trip (Đến đâ u) du lịch
to the beach
38. lose/make/find It's a bad place in which to lose lạ c đườ ng/ đi, tiến
your way your way bộ / tìm đườ ng
39. in a way In a way, I hope he doesn’t win. Theo cá ch nà o đó
On the way back out through the
Way 40. on the way Microfilm collection, I decided to Trên đườ ng
play a hunch
The couple had to go all the way
41. go all the way (to Tìm mọ i cá ch để
to Gurnee to the Bass Pro Shops
sth/swh) là m gì/ đi đâ u
for the waders.
She was afraid of the big
1. afraid of sth/sb/doing boys, and made up for it by Sợ / e sợ cá i gì / ai đó / là m gì đó
bullying the smaller kids.
A few people eventually
told me they were
2. afraid to do Ngầ n ngạ i
suspicious but afraid to say
He didn't appear to be
bothered at all by the fact
3. appear to be Có vẻ như, dườ ng như
the gifts had been
Try and arrange a meeting
for her with the new
4. arrange sth (with sb) sắ p xếp cá i gì vớ i ai đó
company so they can
reassure her.
I asked Lobenstein if he
5. arrange for sb to do might arrange for me to sắ p xếp cho ai là m gì đó
visit a kollel.
I can now report that they
6. arrive in/at a place should arrive at the church đến (địa danh, tò a nhà /địa điểm)
in 6 to 14 business days
About 60 percent of
foreigners who arrive here
7. arrive here/there Đến đâ y/ đó
already have a college
He paused for a moment to
8. continue sth/doing listen and then continued Tiếp tụ c là m gì (sau khi ngừ ng lạ i)
9. continue to do If it continues to rain, we Tiếp tụ c là m gì khô ng ngừ ng nghỉ

may have to cancel the
outdoor concert.
Oh, please continue with Tiếp tụ c là m gì/ vớ i (trướ c đâ y đã
10. continue with sth
your discussion. là m)
You are right in saying that
11. differ from sth/sb the US deficits differ from khá c vớ i cá i gì / ai đó
EU and other countries.
How can we make our
12. dream about/of nation the country we all
mơ về
sth/sb/doing dream about, without
paying for it?
He used to invite me to
come and work out with
13. invite sb to do mờ i ai là m gì đó
the Bucks when I was at
He is also keen to see a
renewed emphasis on
14. keen to do muố n là m gì đó trong tương lai
fiction, and on books for
The bank is keen on
lending to local businesses
15. keen on sth/sb/doing muố n, thích là m gì
and projects inside the
Her husband, James
Cowan, will watch their
16. live in/at a place Số ng ở đâ u
five children who still live
at home.
About 80 percent of Sadr
City residents live on the
17. live on/for sth Số ng nhờ và o/ số ng vì
Mahdi Army side of the
That's why I live here and
I'll take the little
18. live here/there Số ng tạ i đâ y/ ở đó
inconvenience that goes
with it.
I regret not becoming a
teacher because that was
19. regret (not) doing hố i tiếc đã là m gì đó
the career I was interested
I often regret something
20. regret sth Hố i tiếc về việc gì
the day after drinking.
I regret to inform you that I
21. regret to tell/inform tiếc để nó i/ thô ng bá o (tin buồ n,
gave her a bracelet for
you khô ng vui)
Valentine's Day
It makes perfect sense if
22. think of/about you think about it long
Câ n nhắ c,nghĩ về cá i gì/ ai/ là m gì
sth/sb/doing enough to make your head
23. write about Have you met someone Viết về cá i gì/ai

you would like to write
sth/sb/doing about, or would suggest we
talk to?
I’ve written a letter to my
24. write (sth) (to sb) Viết (cá i gì) (cho ai)
25. write sb sth I’ve written my son a lette viết cho ai cá i gì
If I don’t write it down, I’ll
26. write sth down Viết ra
forget it.
1. Arrange /əˈreɪndʒ/ (v) sắ p xếp
2. Rearrange /ˌriːəˈreɪndʒ/ (v) sắ p xếp lạ i
3. Arrangement / əˈreɪndʒmənt/ (n) sự sắ p xếp
4. Arrive /əˈraɪv/ (v) đến
5. Arrival /əˈraɪvl/ (n) việc đến
6. Broad /brɔːd/ (adj) rộ ng
7. breadth /bredθ/ (n) chiều rộ ng, bề ngang
8. Broaden /ˈbrɔːdn/ (v) mở rộ ng
9. Culture /ˈkʌltʃə(r)/ (n) vă n hó a
10. Cultural /ˈkʌltʃərəl/ (adj) thuộ c về vă n hó a
11. Culturally /ˈkʌltʃərəli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch có vă n hó a
12. Cultured /ˈkʌltʃəd/ (adj) có vă n hó a
13. Uncultured /ˌʌnˈkʌltʃəd/ (adj) khô ng có vă n hó a
14. Differ /ˈdɪfə(r)/ (v) khá c
15. Different /ˈdɪfrənt/ (adj) khá c
16. Differently /ˈdɪfrəntli/ (adv) khá c
17. Difference /ˈdɪfrəns/ (n) sự khá c nhau
18. Direct /daɪˈrekt/ (adj) trự c tiếp
19. Indirect /ˌɪndaɪˈrekt/ (adj) giá n tiếp
20. Direction /daɪˈrekʃn/ (n) hướ ng đi
21. Director /daɪˈrektə(r)/ (n) giá m đố c
22. Directly /daɪˈrektli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch trự c tiếp
23. Indirectly /ˌɪndaɪˈrektli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch giá n tiếp
24. Distant /ˈdɪstənt/ (adj) xa
25. Distantly /ˈdɪstəntli/ (adv) xa
26. Distance /ˈdɪstəns/ (n) khoả ng cá ch
27. Enter /ˈentə(r)/ (v) đi và o
28. Entrance /ˈentrəns/ (n) lố i và o
29. Inhabit /ɪnˈhæbɪt/ (v) ở , số ng
30. Inhabitant /ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/ (n) dâ n cư
31. Photograph /ˈfəʊtəɡrɑːf/ (n) tấ m ả nh
32. Photography /fəˈtɒɡrəfi/ (n) nghề nhiếp ả nh
33. Photographer /fəˈtɒɡrəfə(r)/ (n) nhiếp ả nh gia
34. Photographic /ˌfəʊtəˈɡræfɪk/ (adj) thuộ c về nhiếp ả nh
35. Recognise /ˈrekəɡnaɪz/ (v) nhậ n ra, cô ng nhậ n
36. Recognisable /ˌrekəɡˈnaɪzəbl/ (adj) có thể nhậ n ra
37. Unrecognizable /ˌʌnˈrekəɡnaɪzəbl/ (adj) khô ng thể nhậ n ra
38. Recognition /ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn/ (n) sự cô ng nhậ n
39. Time /taɪm/ (n) thờ i gian

40. Timetable /ˈtaɪmteɪbl/ (n) lịch trình, thờ i khó a biểu
41. Tour /tʊə(r)/ (n) ngà nh du lịch
42. Tourism /ˈtʊərɪzəm/ (n) ngà nh du lịch
43. Tourist /ˈtʊərɪst/ (n) khá ch du lịch
44. World /wɜːld/ (n) thế giớ i
45. Worldwide /ˌwɜːldˈwaɪd/ (adv) khắ p thế giớ i


1. pitch - an area of ground specially After the game -(n) sâ n cỏ chơi cá c
/pit∫/ prepared and marked for fans invaded the mô n thể thao (bó ng
playing a sports game pitch. đá )
2. track /træk/ - the pair of long metal bars Passengers are - (n) đườ ng đua,
fixed on the ground at an requested not to đườ ng chạ y
equal distance from each walk across the
other, along which trains tracks
3. court /kɔ:t/ - a place where games such He won after - (n) sâ n tennis,
as tennis and basketball are only 52 minutes bó ng rổ
played on court.
4. course /kɔ:s/ - a large area of land that is He set a new - (n) sâ n golf
designed for playing golf on course record.
5. ring - a special area where The horses - (n) đấ u trườ ng, võ

/riŋ/ people perform or compete trotted round đà i
the ring.
6. rink - a large, flat surface, of ice He skated a - (n) sâ n trượ t bă ng
/riŋk/ or other hard material, for figure of 8 in the
skating rink.
7. win - to achieve first position If this - (v) chiến thắ ng
/win/ and/or get a prize in a government win
competition, election, fight, the next
etc election, I'm
leaving the
8. beat - to defeat or do better than Simon always - (v) đá nh bạ i
/bi:t/ beats me at
9. score /skɔ:[r]/ - to win or get a point, goal, She enjoys -(v) ghi bà n
etc. in a competition, sport, trying to score
game, or test off other people.
10. play - (v) you spend time doing - There's a time - (v) đó ng vai, chơi
/plei/ an enjoyable and/or to work and a
entertaining activity time to play.
- (n) a piece of writing - She wrote a - (n) vở kịch
performed by actors in a play for the
theatre or on television or students to
radio perform.
11. game /ɡeɪm/ - an entertaining activity or The children - (n) trò chơi
sport, especially one played played a game
by children of cops and
12. spectator - a person who watches an They won 4–0 - (n) khá n giả (ngoà i
/spek'teitə[r]/ activity, especially a sports in front of over sâ n vậ n độ ng)
event, without taking part 40,000 cheering
13. viewer - a person who watches Millions of -(n) ngườ i xem
/'vju:ə[r]/ something, especially viewers will be
television glued to their
sets for this
14. umpire - a person who is present at The umpire -(n) trọ ng tà i (trong
/'ʌmpaiə[r]/ a sports competition in overruled the tennis)
order to make certain that linesman and
the rules of that particular ordered the
game are obeyed and to point to be
judge if particular actions replayed
are acceptable
15. referee - a person who is in charge We only lost the - (n) trọ ng tà i (bó ng
/refə'ri:/ of a sports game and who game because đá hoặ c tương tự
makes certain that the rules the referee was bó ng đá )
are followed biased.
16. final - (adj) being or happening at - Jamie is in his - (adj) cuố i cù ng
/'fainl/ the end of a series of events, final year at
actions, statements Stirling
- (n) the last of a series of University
games or competitions, in - He reached the - (n) cuộ c chung kết,
which the winner is decided final of the trậ n chung kết
100m hurdles
17. finale - the last part of a show or a The festival - (n) phầ n kết thú c
/fi'nɑ:li/ /fi'næli/ piece of music ended with a
grand finale in
Hyde Park
18. end - (v) to finish; to reach a - The problems - (v) kết thú c, chấ m
/end/ point and go no further; to did not end dứ t
make something finish there.
- (n) the final part of a - There’ll be a - (n) sự kết thú c
period of time, an event, an chance to ask
activity or a story questions at the
19. ending - the last part of a story, film, Friends don't -(n) sự kết thú c, kết
/´endiη/ etc spoil the cụ c
endings of films
for their friends.
20. bat - a piece of wood with a A - (n) cá i gậ y (bó ng
/bæt/ handle, made in various baseball/cricket chà y…)
shapes and sizes, and used bat
for hitting the ball in games
such as baseball
21. stick - a thin piece of wood or A hockey /polo - (n) cá i gậ y
/stik/ other material stick
22. rod - a long, thin pole made of He was given a - (n) cầ n câ u
/rɒd/ wood or metal fishing rod for
his birthday
23. racket - an object used for hitting You're welcome - (n) câ y vợ t
/'rækit/ the ball in various sports, to borrow my
consisting of a net fixed tennis racket,
tightly to a round frame such as it is
with a long handle
24. amateur - taking part in an activity He was an - (n) ngườ i chơi
/'æmətə[r]/ for pleasure, not as a job amateur singer nghiệp dư
until the age of
40, when he
25. - relating to work that needs She always - (adj) chuyên
professional special training or education looks very nghiệp
/prə'fe∫ənl/ professional in
her smart suits
26. athletics - the general name for a An athletics club -(n) mô n điền kinh
/æθ'letiks/ particular group of sports in was held in
which people compete, 2015
including running, jumping,
and throwing
27. interval - a period between two We see each - (n) khoả ng thờ i
/'intəvl/ events or times other at regular gian nghỉ giả i lao
intervals - (giữ a sự kiện, vở
usually about kịch…)
once a month
28. half time - a short rest period Italy had a -(n) giờ nghỉ giữ a
/hɑːftaɪm/ between the two parts of a comfortable hai hiệp đấ u
sports game three-goal lead
over France by
29. draw - (v) to make a picture of - She drew a - (v) vẽ, hấ p dẫ n, lô i
/drɔ:/ something or someone with house cuố n
a pencil or pen
- (n) a game in which both - The match - (n) hò a nhau, trậ n
teams or players finish with ended in a two- đấ u hò a
the same number of points all draw
30. equal - (n) a person or thing of the - She treats the - (n) ngườ i ngang
/´i:kwəl/ same quality or with the people who hà ng, ngang tà i/ sứ c
same status, rights, etc. as work for her as
another her equals. - (adj) ngang, bằ ng
- (adj) the same in size, nhau
quantity, value, etc. as - There is an
something else equal number of
boys and girls in
the class.
31. competitor - person who takes part in a There are six - (n) ngườ i thi đấ u
/kəm'petitə[r]/ competition remaining
competitors for
the grand prize
of $50 000.
32. opponent - a person that you are The team's - (n) đố i thủ
/ə'pəʊnənt/ playing or fighting against in opponents are
a game, competition, unbeaten so far
argument, etc. this season.

1. bring forward - to move something The meeting has - dờ i lên sớ m hơn
to an earlier date or been brought (lịch trình)
time forward from 10 May
to 3 May
2. carry on - to continue moving Carry on until you - tiếp tụ c
get to the junction,
then turn left.
3. get round to - to do something that I meant to do the - bắ t đầ u là m gì (sau
you have intended to ironing but I didn't mộ t thờ i gian dà i
do for a long time get round to it chuẩ n bị)
4. get up to - to do something that She's been getting up - là m điều gì đó (mà

you should not do to all sorts of bạ n khô ng nên là m)
mischief lately.
5. go in for - to take an exam or She doesn't go in for - tham gia (cuộ c đua,
enter a competition team sports. cuộ c thi)
6. go off - stop liking She went off to get a - khô ng thích nữ a
7. join in - to take part in an I wish he would join - tham gia và o
activity with other in with the other
people children.
8. knock out - to hit an opponent Our team was - đá nh bạ i
so that they cannot knocked out early
get up within a
limited time and
therefore lose the
9. look out - to watch what is Look out! There's a - cẩ n thậ n, coi chừ ng
happening and be car coming.
10. pull out - to stop being A car suddenly pulled - rú t khỏ i, rú t lui
involved in an activity out in front of me.
11. put off - to cancel a meeting It's too late to put - trì hoã n, hoã n lạ i,
or an arrangement them off now. hủ y
that you have made
with somebody
12. put up with - to accept I'm not going to put - chịu đự ng
somebody/something up with their
that is annoying, smoking any longer.
unpleasant, etc.
without complaining
13. take to - to begin to do I've taken to waking - bắ t đầ u (thích, mộ t
something as a habit up very early. thó i quen)
14. take up - start (a hobby, They've taken up - bắ t đầ u (mô t sở
sport,etc.) golf. thích, mô n thể thao)


1. make the We may not get another - tậ n dụ ng việc gì
best of sth chance, so we need to make
the best of this opportunity
2. do your best Tickets are hard to come by - cố gắ ng hết sứ c
but I'll do my level best to get
you one
3. the best at Tony is the best at English in - tố t nhấ t/ giỏ i nhấ t
sth/doing his class. trong thứ gì /việc gì
Chance 4. She's trying to find a - có cơ hộ i (để là m gì)
have/take/get publisher who will take a
a chance to do chance on her book
5. have a The Democrats probably - có cơ hộ i trong việc
chance of have an even chance of gì
doing holding on to that seat.
6. I think I have some chance of - mộ t và i/hầ u như
some/little/etc finding a job khô ng có cơ hộ i trong
chance of việc gì
(your) doing
7. the chances For the first time in 15 years, - có cơ hộ i để là m gì
of (your) doing they have a realistic chance
of winning an election.
8. take a I was willing to take a chance - chớ p lấ y cơ hộ i
chance (on sth) on your idea, but it didn't pan
9. chance of a Make sure you take - cơ hộ i cả đờ i
lifetime advantage of our sale, it's a
chance of a lifetime!
10. your go I really appreciate your go - nỗ lự c củ a bạ n
11. have a go "I can't get the window - thử là m việc gì, cố
open." "Let me have a go (at gắ ng
12. in height He is six feet in height. - ở độ cao
13. afraid of I'm afraid of high places - sợ độ cao
14. height of With three number one hits - độ cao củ a cá i gì
sth just this year, the artist is at
the height of his success
15. mad He’s mad about computer - điên dạ i, thích quá
about/on games. mứ c vì điều gì/ ai
Mad sth/sb/doing
16. go/become He went mad from years - trở nên điên dạ i
mad alone in the jungle
17. take We bought an old barn and - thích thú vớ i
pleasure in took great pleasure in
sth/doing rebuilding it.
18. gain/get I get a lot of pleasure from - đạ t đượ c niềm vui từ
pleasure from travelling. thứ gì, việc gì
19. popular That song was popular with - đượ c yêu thích
Popular with/among people from my father's
20. (on) the Bring these back in, and - ở phía, mặ t đố i diện
opposite side repeat on the opposite side
21. (on) the far I saw her on the far side of - ở phía xa
side the road
Side 22. side with She sided with her friend in - về phe ai, ủ ng hộ ai
sb the argument.
23. on the It's nice to be on the winning - bên phía chiến
winning/losing side for a change thắ ng/thua cuộ c
Talent 24. have a Steve has a talent for - có tà i nă ng (trong

talent (for drawing; his portraits are mộ t và i thứ , mộ t và i
sth/doing) particularly good việc)
25. talent The timing is perfect to enter - cuộ c thi tà i nă ng
contest a talent contest.
26. on time The airline ranked last in on- - đú ng giờ
time arrivals last month
27. (just) in We got to the airport just in - kịp lú c, kịp giờ
time time
28. the whole The police knew the whole - toà n bộ thờ i gian
time time who was guilty.
29. high/about It's high time we made some - đã đến lú c là m gì
time changes around here
30. take your The builders are really taking - mấ t , tố n thờ i gian
time (doing) their time. là m gì
31. take time To be honest, I didn't even - cứ từ từ là m gì
to do take time to think seriously
about it.
32. sth takes This problem is taking up too - tố n, chiếm thờ i gian
up (your) time much of my time củ a ai
33. spend time I spent an hour at the station - dà nh thờ i gian là m
doing waiting for the train gì
34. spend time These days, many people - dà nh thờ i gian và o
on spend time surfing social cá i gì
Time networking sites.
35. at/for a I have to take a bus to get to - và o thờ i điểm xá c
certain time the certain place at the định
certain time
36. time passes As time passes everything - thờ i gian trô i qua
starts becoming a slow
motion ballet.
37. find time to I try to find the time to - có đủ thờ i gian là m
do meditate every day. gì
38.make/find He’s finding it difficult to - dà nh thờ i gian cho
time for make time for his children. điều gì
39. for the time You’ll have to stay here for - và o thờ i điểm hiện
being the time being tạ i, và o lú c đó
40. have a We had a really good time at - có thờ i gian vui vẻ,
good/nice time the circus last weekend tậ n hưở ng
41. tell the She cannot tell the time yet. - xem giờ
42. free/spare
He likes to ski in his spare - thờ i gian rả nh rỗ i
/leisure timetime.
Turn 43. turn
We can produce quality work - quay đầ u, quay đi
(a)round/awayand turn it around very
44. turn sth You may turn over your exam - lậ t , dở (trang sá ch,
over papers now giấ y)
45. in turn We look at each element of - lầ n lượ t

the process in turn.
46. take turns We took turns steering the - theo thứ tự , lầ n lượ t
47. take it in Ted and I took it in turns to - luâ n phiên(để là m
turn(s) (to do) go into hospital and sit with gì)
48. your turn If people were more polite, - lượ t củ a bạ n
(to do) they would wait their turn.

1.compete I'm probably competing against a - thi đấ u/ cạ nh tranh vớ i ai
against/with sb hundred people for this job
2. compete I'm feeling discouraged now that I - thi đấ u/ cạ nh tranh vì cá i gì
for/in sth know just how many people are
competing for this job.
3. concentrate She gave up her job to concentrate on - tậ p trung và o
on sth/doing writing a novel.
4. difficult to do Your writing is really difficult to read. - thậ t khó để là m gì
5. find sth At this moment, I am finding it - nhậ n thấ y cá i gì khó
difficult difficult to concentrate
6. find it difficult I find it difficult to learn to drive. - nhậ n thấ y khó để là m
to do
7. fond of I’m not overly fond of cooking. - yêu thích cá i gì/ai/việc gì
8. free to do Feel free to stay with us whenever - tự do là m gì
you're in town
9. free from/of They succeeded in freeing their - giả i phó ng, tự do khỏ i điều gì
sth friends from prison.
10. free for sth If Sarah is free for lunch I'll take her - rã nh rỗ i, khô ng bậ n
11. interested in I'll be interested to see what happens - quan tâ m đến, thích thú
sth/doing if your plans go out of the window
12. involve Any investment involves an element - bao gồ m
sth/doing of risk.
13. involved in The process involves using steam to - có liên quan đến
sth/doing sterilize the instruments.
14. listen to You've got to listen to your body and - nghe điều gì/ai
sth/sb realize when you need to take a
15. love He really loves his job. - thích cá i gì/ai/là m gì
16. love to do I love to play football - thích là m gì
17. mean to do I've been meaning to see that new - có chủ định là m gì
movie everyone is talking about.
18. it/this means It means that you should just keep - có nghĩa là
that working on it.
19. it/this means It means she worked hard on her - có nghĩa là là m gì
sth/doing work
20. prefer to do I prefer listening to music than - thích là m gì hơn là m gì
(rather than [to] playing the piano
21. prefer sth She prefers these red shoes than - thích cá i gì hơn cá i gì
(rather than sth) those blue shoes.
22. prefer I prefer walking to going cycling - thích cá i gì/ là m cá i gì hơn cá i
sth/doing (to gì/ là m cá i gì
23.stop He wants to stop smoking. - dừ ng việc gì (dừ ng hẳ n)
24. stop to do On the way to Edinburgh, we stopped - dừ ng lạ i để là m gì
to look at an old castle.
25. stop sb from To stop borrowers switching to - ngă n cả n ai là m việc gì
doing another lender once the discount
period is over, banks apply a hefty
26. make/be Make sure that you have the words - đả m bả o rằ ng
sure/certain that spell correctly, otherwise your form
won’t be accepted
27. sure/certain I am certain to watch English movies - chắ c chắ n là m gì
to do with English subtitles on Youtube
every day
28. be sure/ United must beat Liverpool to be sure - chắ c chắ n về cá i gì
certain of sth of winning the championship

1. allow /əˈlaʊ/ (v) cho phép
2. disallow /ˌdɪsəˈlaʊ/ (v) khô ng cho phép, từ chố i
3. allowance /əˈlaʊəns/ (n) sự cho phép, tiền tiêu vặ t
4. allowable /əˈlaʊəbl/ (adj) có thể thừ a nhậ n, có thể cô ng nhậ n/chấ p
nhậ n
5. associate /əˈsəʊsieɪt/ (v) liên quan, liên kết, hò a nhậ p
6. disassociate /ˌdɪsəˈsəʊsieɪt/ (v) khô ng liên quan/liên kết
7. association /əˌsəʊsiˈeɪʃn/ (n) tổ chứ c, hiệp hộ i
8. associated /əˈsəʊsieɪtɪd/ (adj) liên quan
9. unassociated /'ʌnə'sou∫ietid/ (adj) khô ng liên quan
10. compete /kəmˈpiːt/ (v) cạ nh tranh, thi đấ u
11. competition /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/ (n) sự cạ nh tranh, cuộ c thi
12. competitor /kəmˈpetɪtə(r)/ (n) ngườ i thi đấ u
13. competitive /kəmˈpetətɪv/ (adj) tính cạ nh tranh, đua tranh
14. competitively /kəmˈpetətɪvli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch khả nă ng cạ nh tranh
15. enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ (v) thích thú
16. enjoyment /ɪnˈdʒɔɪmənt/ (n) sự thích thú
17. enjoyable /ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbl/ (adj) thú vị, thích thú
18. equip /ɪˈkwɪp/ (v) trang bị
19. equipment /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ (n) trang thiết bị
20. equipped /ɪˈkwɪpt/ (v) đượ c trang bị
21. fortune /ˈfɔːtʃuːn/ (n) sự may mắ n, số phậ n, gia tà i
22. misfortune /ˌmɪsˈfɔːtʃuːn/ (n) khô ng may, vậ n đen
23. fortunate /ˈfɔːtʃənət/ (adj) may mắ n
24. unfortunate /ʌnˈfɔːtʃənət/ (adj) khô ng may mắ n, rủ i ro, bấ t hạ nh
25. fortunately /ˈfɔːtʃənətli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch may mắ n
26. unfortunately /ʌnˈfɔːtʃənətli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch đá ng tiếc, khô ng may
27. interest /ˈɪntrəst/ (n) sự thích thú , sự quan tâ m, sở thích
28. interesting /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ (adj) thú vị
31. uninteresting /ʌnˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ (adj) khô ng thú vị; khô ng đá ng chú ý
32. interestingly /ˈɪntrəstɪŋli/ (adv) thú vị, hấ p dẫ n
33. know /nəʊ/ (v) biết, nhậ n biết
34. knowledge /ˈnɒlɪdʒ/ (n) kiến thứ c, sự hiểu biết
35. /ˈnɒlɪdʒəbl/ (adj) có hiểu biết
36. /ʌnˈnɒlɪdʒəbl/ (adj) khô ng hiểu biết
37. lose /luːz/ (v) mấ t, thấ t lạ c, giả m
38. lost /lɒst/ (v2) bị thấ t lạ c, bị mấ t
39. loss /lɒs/ (n) sự mấ t má t
40. maintain /meɪnˈteɪn/ (v) giữ vữ ng, duy trì
41. maintenance /ˈmeɪntənəns/ (n) sự duy trì, bả o trì, bả o hà nh
42. medal /ˈmedl/ (n) huy chương
43. medallist /ˈmedəlɪst/ (n) ngườ i nhậ n huy chương
44. medallion /məˈdæliən/ (n) mộ t loạ i dâ y có mặ t dâ y to (dù ng là m trang
sứ c)
45. oppose /əˈpəʊz/ (v) phả n đố i
46. opposition /ˌɒpəˈzɪʃn/ (n) sự phả n đố i
47. opponent /əˈpəʊnənt/ (n) đố i thủ
48. opposite /ˈɒpəzɪt/ (adj) đố i diện
49. opposing /əˈpəʊzɪŋ/ (adj) đố i lậ p
50. practice /ˈpræktɪs/ (n) sự thự c hiện, sự luyện tậ p
51. practise /ˈpræktɪs/ (v) thự c hiện, tậ p luyện
52. practical /ˈpræktɪkl/ (adj) thự c tế
52. impractical /ɪmˈpræktɪkl/ (adj) khô ng thự c tế
53. practically /ˈpræktɪkli/ (adv) trên thự c tế, về mặ t thự c hà nh
54. train /treɪn/ (v) huấ n luyện
55. retrain /ˌriːˈtreɪn/ (v) huấ n luyện/đà o tạ o lạ i
56. trainer /ˈtreɪnə(r)/ (n) huấ n luyện viên, già y thể thao


1. made by people, often an artificial lake (adj) nhâ n tạ o, giả
artificial /,ɑ:ti'fi as a copy of something (hoa, đồ dù ng)
∫l/ natural
2. false /'fɔ:ls/ not real, but made to false eyelashes/ (adj) giả (ră ng)
look or seem real teeth
2. as found in nature and Floods and earthquakes (adj) tự nhiên
natural /'næt∫r not involving anything are natural disasters.
əl/ made or done by people
3. relating to the body physical exercise/fitness/ (adj) vậ t chấ t, vậ t
physical /'fizikl strength/disabilities lí
4. true right and not wrong; Is it true that Mariana (adj) thậ t
/truː/ correct and Mark are
getting married?
5. accurate correct, exact, and The figures they have used (adj) chính xá c
/ˈæk.jə.rət/ without any mistakes are just not accurate.
6. method a particular way of The new teaching methods (n) phương phá p
/ˈmeθ.əd/ doing something encourage children to think
for themselves.
7. way a particular choice, I like the way you've (n) cá ch thứ c
/weɪ/ opinion, belief, done your hair.
or action, especially
from among
several possibilities
8. engine a machine that uses My car's been having (n) độ ng cơ chạ y
/ˈen.dʒɪn/ the energy from liquid engine trouble recently. bằ ng nhiên liệu
fuel or steam to
produce movement
9. machine /mə a piece of equipment Don't forget to put (n) má y mó c
ˈʃiːn/ with several moving the towels in the
parts that uses machine ( washing machine)
power to do a before you go out.
particular type of work
10. motor a device that changes The pump is powered by (n) độ ng cơ chạ y
/ˈməʊ.tər/ electricity or fuel into a small electric motor. bằ ng pin
movement and makes
a machine work.
11. aim a result that your plans My main aim in life is to be a (n) mụ c tiêu
/eɪm/ or actions are intended good husband and father.
to achieve:
12. cause the reason why The police are (n) nguyên nhâ n
/kɔːz/ something, especially still trying to establish the
something bad, cause of the fire.
13. reason the cause of The (n) lý do
/ˈriː.zən/ an event or situation or reason for the disaster was

something engine failure,
that provides an excuse not human error.
or explanation
14. estimate to guess or calculate the They (v) ướ c lượ ng
/ˈes.tɪ.meɪt/ cost, size, value, etc. of estimate (that) the journey
something will take at least two weeks.

15. calculate to judge the number or The cost of (v) tính toá n
/ˈkæl.kjə.leɪt/ amount of something the damage caused by
by using the the recent storms has been
information that you calculated as/at over £5
already have, and million.
adding, taking away,
multiplying, or
dividing numbers
16. electric /i relating to electricity Our electric bill for July was (adj) liên quan
ˈlek.trɪk/ $115 đến điện
17. electronic using, based on, or used an electronic keyboard/game (adj) liên quan
/ˌel.ekˈtrɒn.ɪk/ in a system of đến thiết bị điện
operation that involves
the control of
electric current by
various devices
18. invent /ɪn to design and/or create The first safety razor was (v) phá t minh( tạ o
ˈvent/ something that has invented by company ra thứ khô ng tồ n
never been made before founder King C. Gillette in tạ i trướ c đâ y)

19. discover /dɪ to find information, Who discovered America? (v) khá m phá (tìm
ˈskʌv.ər/ a place, or ra thứ mà trướ c
an object, especially for đâ y khô ng ai biết)
the first time
20. research /rɪ a detailed study of His researches in (v) (n) nghiên cứ u
ˈsɜːtʃ/ /ˈriː.sɜːtʃ/ a subject, especially in the field of disease
order to discover (new) prevention produced
information or reach a unexpected results.
(new) understanding
21. a test done Some people believe that (n) cuộ c thí
experiment /ɪk in order to learn experiments on animals nghiệm (nghiêng
ˈsper.ɪ.mənt/ something or should be banned. về khoa họ c)
to discover if
something works or
is true
22. progress movement to an Technological progress has (n) quá trình để
/ˈprəʊ.ɡres/ improved or more been so rapid over the last đạ t đượ c thà nh
developed state, or to few years tự u nà o đó
a forward position
22. the process in which The documentary traced the (n) sự phá t triển
development /dɪ someone or development of popular (sự thay đổ i, lớ n
ˈvel.əp.mənt/ something grows or music through the ages. lên, đạ t đượ c
changes and becomes nhữ ng thà nh tự u
more advanced to lớ n)

23. modern existing in the present modern life (adj) hiện đạ i

/ˈmɒd.ən/ or a recent time, or
using or based on
recently developed
ideas, methods,
or styles
24. new /njuː/ recently created or What have (adj) mớ i
having started to exist they decided to name the
recently new baby?

25. industry the companies and The city needs to attract (n) cô ng nghiệp
/ˈɪn.də.stri/ activities involved in more industry.
the process of
producing goods for
sale, especially in
a factory or special area
26. a building or set a car/shoe/textile factory (n) nhà má y
factory /'fæktə of buildings where larg
ri/ e amounts of goods are
made using machines
27. award to give money or a prize Carlos was awarded (n) giả i thưở ng
/ə'wɔ:d/ following an official first prize in the essay đượ c ngườ i khá c
decision competition trao tặ ng
28. reward something given in There's a reward (n) phầ n thưở ng
/ri'wɔ:d/ exchange for good for whoever nhậ n đượ c từ
behaviour or good finishes first. nhữ ng điều mình
work, etc. đã là m
29. take place (especially of accidents An accident involving over (n) diễn ra
/teɪk pleɪs/ and other unexpected ten vehicles has occurred in
= occur /əˈkɜːr/ events) to happen the east-bound lane.

1. break down If a machine or vehicle Our car broke down and Hỏ ng
breaks down, it stops we had to push it off
working the road.
2. carry out Perform experiment The hospital is carrying Tiến hà nh
out tests to find out
what's wrong with her.
3. come off to happen as planned, or I tried telling a (= succeed) :
to succeed few jokes but they didn't thà nh cô ng
come off (= no
one laughed).
4. come on Develop or make progress Come on, Helen, you cố lên, phá t
can tell me. I won't triển, tiến bộ

tell anyone.
5. come up with to suggest or think of She's come up with nghĩ ra
an idea or plan some amazing scheme to
double her income.
6. cut off the act of stopping the The US has announced a cô lậ p, cắ t
supply of something cut off of military aid to nguồ n cung
the country. cấ p cá i gì
(điện, nướ c)
7. find out Discover information Visit our website to find tìm ra
out more.
8. give off to produce heat, light, That tiny radiator doesn't tỏ a ra
a smell, or a gas give off much heat.
9. narrow down to make a number or list of We narrowed the list of ca thu hẹp
things smaller, by removing ndidates down from ten to
the things that are least three.
important, necessary,
or suitable
10. plug in to become connected to The keyboard plugs in at cắ m điện
a piece of electrical the back of the computer.
equipment or to the main
electricity supply
11. put through to connect a person using Could you put me nố i má y
a phone to the person through to customer servi
they want to speak to es, please?
12. turn into to change or develop from Rain in the morning will chuyển thà nh
one thing to another turn into snow during
the afternoon
13. turn off to stop a piece of equipment Will you turn the tắ t
working temporarily by television off, please?
pressing a button or
by moving a switch
14. work out if something works out to It'll work out cheaper to tìm ra cá ch
something, you calculate travel by bus. giả i quyết
that it will be a particular


make an attempt at sth/ It amazes me they can even make nỗ lự c ở cá i
v_ing an attempt at competing with gì / việc gì
some of the bigger rugby nations.
make an attempt to do However, when they make an tạ o nỗ lự c để
Attempt attempt to do so, he mocks them là m gì
as being dumb.
attempt to do Cecilia didn't attempt to reply. nỗ lự c là m gì
in an attempt to do Principles of tissue engineering trong sự nỗ
are used today in an attempt lự c là m gì
to reconstruct damaged human

Average on average On average they have eight years' trên trung
experience. bình
in the beginning In the beginning he was so great lú c đầ u
at the beginning of sth That was at the beginning of this phầ n đầ u củ a
Beginning year. cá i gì
beginning with Use 'an' before words beginning bắ t đầ u vớ i
with a vowel.
at/on the bottom of sth The car on the bottom of the lake ở dướ i
Bottom was hooked in and hoisted on to cù ng/đá y củ a
the bank. cá i gì
be the cause of sth Could they be the cause of the là nguyên
problem, by contaminating the nhâ n củ a cá i
Cause water? gì
find/look for the cause The experts would look for any tìm nguyên
of sth pathology or other nhâ n củ a cá i
evidence of the cause of death. gì
come to/reach the Or he could come to the đi đến kết
conclusion that conclusion that he didn't want to luậ n là
go out with an injury
Conclusion in conclusion In conclusion, I would like to say kết luậ n
that being a ruminator does have
some upside.
do/perform/conduct/ It is supposed to carry out an thự c hiện thí
carry out an experiment experiment for the Strategic nghiệm trên
on sth Defense Initiative next month, cá i gì
gathering data on the appearance
of rocket plumes in space.
experiment with Try this experiment with a group thí nghiệm vớ i
sth/ v_ing of your friends or family and see cá i gì /việc gì
what happens.
in fact In fact, it is up for a Crunchies trên thự c tế
Fact award this year for Best Interent
as a matter of fact But as a matter of fact, the thự c tế là
students have to learn autonomy
during this period.
the fact of the matter is Fact of the matter is that these sự thậ t củ a
that should have been the best of vấ n đề là
times for farmers.
face the fact(s) that I just had to face the fact that not đố i mặ t vớ i sự
everyone is cut out to be a stay at thậ t rằ ng
home mom.
with the introduction of This year Apple came in sự giớ i thiệu/
tha first with the introduction of its ra đờ i củ a cá i
Introduction iPad tablet computer. gì

an introduction to He didn't turn into a handsome mộ t sự giớ i
sth/sb prince but what an introduction thiệu về ai /
to the Kimberley. cá i gì

make a phone call Just make a phone call to the Gọ i điện

support line and you've got it
Phone call
receive a phone call Once I recieved a phone call for nhậ n mộ t
someone who used to have my cuộ c gọ i
number, and they were
convinced i was this dude named
Frederic and i had to tell them
repeatedly it wasn't me.

Photo(graph) take a photo of sth/sb While they were parked, the chụ p ai/ chụ p
woman decided she would cá i gì
take a photo of Willard Bay.

Research do/perform/conduct/ Experimental cognitive thự c hiện

carry out research psychologists carry out research nghiên cứ u về
on/into sth on reasoning behaviour. cá i gì

1. cause something to do World Peace's injury may cause nguyên nhâ n ...
Bryant to reinvent himself yet again
this season.
2. consider somebody for Because they haven't been reviewed nghĩ đến ai về điều gì
something yet, I couldn't consider them for the
Top 10.
3. discuss something with I look forward to an opportunity thả o luậ n vấ n đề vớ i ai
somebody to discuss this with you further in the
4. explain something to It can be quite difficult to explain giả i thích điều gì cho ai
somebody this to someone with learning đó
5. intend to do, doing I can honestly say that I've never been có ý định là m gì
on a diet and never intend to go on
6. know about something Parents say they didn't know about the biết về điều gì
$8-million project until it was

7. know of somebody Finally, let me say that I know of many biết nhiều về ai đó
marriages that have survived infidelity.
8. look at When the bus comes to a stop nhìn
you look at the building and realize
where you are.
9. look for He plans to travel and look for a tìm kiếm
position as a part-time university
10. look forward to + V- Thank you for a lovely holiday and mong đợ i
ing we look forward to travelling with you
11. plan to do It is our plan to create jobs now and lên kế hoạ ch để
sustain economic growth for years to
12. manage to do How did you manage to take notes cố gắ ng xoay xở để là m,
while participating in all of those thanh cô ng
13. possible to do It will no longer có thể là m gì
be possible to convince the oppressed
that they are powerless.
14. result of something The requirement to file is kết quả củ a
the result of a tax law change that
occurred in 2006.
15. wonder about If you are below a certain age, you may Bă n khoă n về điều gì
something hear this and wonder about it

1. appear /əˈpɪər/ (v) hó a ra, có vẻ, dườ ng như
2. appearance /əˈpɪə.rəns/ (n) vẻ bề ngoà i
3. apparent(ly) /əˈpær.ənt/ (adj) (adv) rõ rà ng, dễ hiểu, hiển
4. build /bɪld/ (v) xâ y dự ng
5. building /ˈbɪl.dɪŋ/ (n) tò a nhà
6. discover /dɪˈskʌv.ər/ (v) phá t hiện, khá m phá
7. discovery /dɪˈskʌv.ər.i/ (n) sự phá t hiện
8. explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ (v) giả i thích
9. explanation /ˌek.spləˈneɪ.ʃən/ (n) lờ i giả i thích
10. (un)important /ˌʌn.ɪmˈpɔː.tənt/ (adj) (khô ng)quan trọ ng
11. importance /ɪmˈpɔː.təns/ (n) sự quan trọ ng
12. introduce /ˌɪn.trəˈdʒuːs/ (v) giớ i thiệu
13. introduction /ˌɪn.trəˈdʌk.ʃən/ (n) lờ i giớ i thiệu, sự ra đờ i…
14. introductory /ˌɪn.trəˈdʌk.tər.i/ (adj) để giớ i thiệu, mở đầ u
15. observe /əbˈzɜːv/ (v) quan sá t
16. observer /əbˈzɜː.vər/ (n) ngườ i quan sá t
17. observation /ˌɒb.zəˈveɪ.ʃən/ (n) sự quan sá t,
18. psychology /saɪˈkɒl.ə.dʒi/ (n) tâ m lý họ c
19. psychological /ˌsaɪ.kəlˈɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl/ (adj) thuộ c về tâ m lý
20. psychologist /saɪˈkɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ (n) nhà tâ m lý họ c
21. research /rɪˈsɜːtʃ/ /ˈriː.sɜːtʃ/ (v) nghiên cứ u
22. researcher /rɪˈsɜː.tʃər/ (n) nhà nghiên cứ u
23. revolution /ˌrev.əˈluː.ʃən/ (n) cá ch mạ ng
24. revolutionary /ˌrev.əˈluː.ʃən.ər.i/ (adj) mang tinh chấ t cá ch mạ ng
25. science /ˈsaɪ.əns/ (n) khoa họ c
26. scientist /ˈsaɪən.tɪst/ (n) nhà khoa họ c
27. (un)scientific /ˌʌn.saɪənˈtɪf.ɪk/ (adj) (khô ng) có tính khoa họ c
28. (un)scientifically /ʌnˌsaɪən (adv) (khô ng) mộ t cá ch khoa họ c
29. technology /tekˈnɒl.ə.dʒi/ (n) cô ng nghệ
30. technical /ˈtek.nɪ.kəl/ (adj) thuộ c về kĩ thuậ t
31. technician /tekˈnɪʃ.ən/ (n) chuyên viên kĩ thuậ t
32. technological /ˌtek.nəˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl/ (adj) liên quan đến cô ng nghệ
33. technique /tekˈniːk/ (n) kĩ thuậ t (cá ch thứ c là m gì)
34. wood /wʊd/ (n) gỗ
35. wooden /ˈwʊd.ən/ (adj) bằ ng gỗ


1. deny /dɪ To say that something is He has denied any (v) phủ nhậ n
ˈnaɪ/ not true involvement in the
2. refuse To say or show that you She refused to accept that (v) từ chố i
/rɪˈfjuːz/ will not do something that there was a problem
somebody has asked you
to do
3. agree To have the same opinion I agree with you on (v) đồ ng ý
/ə'gri:/ as somebody; to say that
you have the same opinion
this issue
4. accept To take something that He accepted the invitation (v) chấ p nhậ n
/ək'sept/ someone offers you, or to stay with us
to agree to do something

that someone asks you to
5. headline The title of a newspaper a paper carrying the front- (n) tiêu đề
/ˈhed.laɪn/ report, which is printed in page headline: ‘Space (bà i bá o)
large letters above the Aliens meet with
report President’
6. heading The title written at the Books should be listed (n) tiêu đề
/ˈhed.ɪŋ/ beginning of a piece of under a broader heading (đoạ n vă n)
writing, or at the such as ‘engineering’
beginning of part of a book
7. feature a special article in a a double-page feature on (n) bà i bá o về 1
/ˈfiː.tʃər/ newspaper or magazine, global warming chủ đề nà o đó
or a part of a television or
radio broadcast, that deals
with a particular subject
8. article A piece of writing on Her tweet follows an (n) bà i bá o
/ˈɑː.tɪ.kəl/ a particular subject in article posted online by
a newspaper or magazine, the ‘Huffington Post’
or on the internet
9. talk show A radio or television Radio talk shows have (n) buổ i nó i
/ˈtɔːk ˌʃəʊ/ programme on which been besieged with callers chuyện
famous guests are asked expressing outrage on
questions about the subject.
themselves, or members of
the public discuss a
particular subject
10. quiz show A television or radio a popular long-running (n) chương
/ˈkwɪz ʃəʊ/ programme in which quiz show trình hỏ i đố vui
people answer questions
in order to win prizes
11. game A television programme in Traditionally, a game (n) trò chơi
show which people play games show has a host truyền hình
/ˈɡeɪm ʃəʊ/ or answer questions in
order to win prizes
12. announcer Someone whose job is to The continuity announcer (n) phá t thanh
/əˈnaʊn.sər/ give information about advertised a few viên, ngườ i
television or radio forthcoming programmes giớ i thiệu
programmes between chương trinh
other programmes
13. Someone whose job is to She was the former (n) bình luậ n
commentator give a description of an political commentator on viên
/'kɒmenteitə/ event on television or the evening news
radio as it happens
14. tabloid A newspaper that has It was this morning’s (n) bá o lá cả i
/ˈtæb.lɔɪd/ small pages and not much paper he had brought her,
serious news a national tabloid printed
in London
15. A serious type of The ‘Daily Telegraph’ is a (n) bá o khổ
broadsheet newspaper that is printed broadsheet newspaper rộ ng
/ˈbrɔːd.ʃiːt/ on large sheets of paper
16. journalist Someone whose job is to She's an investigative (n) nhà bá o
/ˈdʒɜː.nə.lɪst/ report the news for a journalist with a French (là m cho bá o,
paper, magazine, radio newspaper tạ p chí, radio
programme or television hoặ c truyền
programme hình)
17. columnist A journalist who writes a Stephanie Salter is a San (n) nhà bá o
/'kɒləmnist/ regular series of articles Francisco (viết chuỗ i bà i
for a particular newspaper Examiner columnist viết)
or magazine
18. press Newspapers and news The mainstream press is (n) giớ i bá o chí
/pres/ magazines, or the ignoring this story
journalists who work on
19. media Radio, television, Digital media change so (n) truyền
/ˈmiː.di.ə/ newspapers, the Internet quickly thô ng
and magazines, considered
as a group
20. A television or radio It’s one of those arts (n) chương
programme broadcast programmes late at night trình phá t
/ˈprəʊɡræm/ só ng, phá t
thanh trên TV/
ra – đi – ô
21. program A series of instructions She’s written a program to (n) chương
/ˈprəʊɡræm/ that makes a computer do find words that frequently trình má y tính
something occur together
22. channel A television station and The kids are watching (n) kênh TV
/ˈtʃæn.əl/ the programmes that it cartoons on the Disney
broadcasts Channel
23. broadcast A programme that is Radio Caroline used to (v) phá t thanh,
/ˈbrɔːdkɑːst/ broadcast broadcast from a boat in phá t só ng
the North Sea
24. bulletin A short news broadcast The story led the (n) bả n tin
/ˈbʊlətɪn/ television news bulletins
that evening
25. newsflash A short broadcast of an We interrupt this (n) tin ngắ n
/ˈnjuːzflæʃ/ important piece of news in programme to bring you a (giữ a cá c
the middle of a television newsflash chương trinh)
or radio programme

1. bring up Start discussing a subject She’s always bringing up Đề cậ p, bắ t đầ u
hên health problems thả o luậ n 1 chủ
2. come on Start to be broadcast What time does the news Bắ t đầ u phá t
come on? só ng
3. come out Be published When is her new novel Đượ c xuấ t bả n
coming out?

4. fill in Add information in the Companies will encourage Điền thô ng tin
spaces on a document customers to fill in
questionnaires about
5. flick Turn and look at the pages I've only had time to flick Lậ t nhanh
through of a magazine, etc quickly through your report but it
seems to be fine
6. go into Deal with sth in detail We need to go into the Xem xét kĩ
question of costs
7. hand out Give things to people in a She handed out the exam Phâ n phá t
group papers
8. look up Try to find information in I looked it up in the Tra cứ u
a book or a list, etc dictionary
9. make out Pretend that something is I couldn’t make out what I Đoá n ra, nhìn
true; see, hear or had done to annoy her ra, hiểu ra
understand sb or sth with
10. make up Invent an explanation, Nick made up a song about Nghĩ ra, bịa ra
excuse, etc; create a story, them
poem, etc
11. put Suggest The peace plan put Đề xuấ t
forward forward last August has
been revived for the latest
round of negotiations
12. see Recognize that sth is not We saw through him from Hiểu thấ u
through true and not be tricked by the start
13. stand out Be easy to see because of She's the sort of person Dễ chú ý, dễ
being different who stands out in a crowd nhìn thấ y
14. turn over Turn a page so that the Nicholas looked into the Lậ t trang
other side is towards you radiant eyes that were
gazing at him, and
continued to turn over the
pages and read.


1. in control (of sth) There has been some violence Kiểm soá t
after the match, but the police
are now in control of the
2. take control (of The dictator took control of Kiểm soá t
Control sth) the country in 1933
3. under control Don't worry—everything's Dướ i sự kiểm
under control! soá t
4. under the control The team is under control of a Dướ i sự kiểm
of sb new coach soá t củ a ai đó
5. out of control The children are completely Ngoà i tầ m kiểm
out of control since their soá t
father left
Description 6. give a description The booklet gives a brief Cung cấ p cho ai
of sth/sb description of each place sự miêu tả về
ai/cá i gì
7. make a difference This scheme will certainly Tạ o ra sự khá c
(to sth/sb) make a difference to the way I biệt vớ i ai/cá i gì
do my job
8. tell the difference How do you tell the difference Phâ n biệt đượ c
Difference (between) between the kittens sự khá c nhau
giữ a…
9. there’s There is very little difference Khô ng có /có
no/some/little/etc between the parties on green chú t sự khá c
difference between issues nhau giữ a
Granted 10. take sth/sb for Most of us take our freedom Coi ai/cá i gì là
granted for granted đương nhiên mà
khô ng trâ n
trọ ng
11. influence sth/sb His writings have influenced Ả nh hưở ng đến
the lives of millions cá i gì/ai
12. have an influence His works have had an Có tầ m ả nh
on sth/sb influence on many modern hưở ng lên cá i
Influence writers gì/ai
13. be an influence Gayle’s mother said I was a Là tầ m ả nh
on sth/sb bad influence on her daughter hưở ng lên cá i
14. on the Internet She likes to go on the Lên mạ ng
internet in the evenings
Internet 15. over the Internet You can view the video feed Qua mạ ng
over the internet
16. surf the Internet He spends a lot of time surfing Lướ t mạ ng
the internet
17. in the news Farming methods are back in Tin tứ c thú vị
the news this week đang đượ c thả o
luậ n trên bá o,
18. on the news Did you see the Prime Minister Xuấ t hiện trên
on the news Yesterday? TV hoặ c qua
News 19. hear the news Have you heard the news Nghe tin
about Tina and Tom? They're
getting divorced.
20. newsflash We interrupt our programmes Tin vắ n quan
for a newsflash trọ ng
21. newspaper He wants to work for a Bá o
newspaper when he graduates
22. take place The story takes place in the Diễn ra
18th century
23. in place of We advise discussion in place Thay vì, thay cho

Place of argument
24. at a place Three nights later, he saw his ở 1 nơi
first beach band at a place
called Paul's Lounge
25. ask a question Because the so called Hỏ i câ u hỏ i
information is incomplete I
have to pay to ask a question
26. answer a He didn't answer a single Trả lờ i câ u hỏ i
question question incorrectly and
earned a $25,000 scholarship
Question 27.question sth/sb Mom’s always questioning me Hỏ i cá i gì/ai
about my friends
28. in question Are you saying that the Đang đượ c thả o
validity of the test is in luậ n, đượ c đề
question? cậ p
29. question mark Was there a question mark at Dấ u chấ m hỏ i
the end of the sentence?
30. have a view He has very left-wing views Có quan điểm
31. hold a view They held the view that it was Giữ quan điểm
wrong to smack children
32. take a view He takes the view that the Giữ quan điểm
economy will improve in the
coming year
33. be sb’s view that There also seems to be a Quan điểm củ a
View prevailing view that big cars ai đó rằ ng…
automatically use more fuel
34. in my view In my view, her criticisms Theo quan điểm
were completely justified củ a tô i
35. in view of In view of what you've said, I Vì, bở i vì
think we should reconsider
our proposed course of action
36. look at/see the Jessalynn and Diego look at the Xem xét/hiểu
view view from the foundation of quan điểm
their new home
Once it's gone, and people see
the view, the project should
draw more interest, he
37. view of sth In view of his conduct, the club Xét thấ y, bở i vì
has decided to suspend him.
38. view from This is the view from our living Quan điểm
sth/somewhere room từ /cả nh đẹp từ
39. Watch sth/sb I watched him go, then went Xem/theo dõ i
home cá i gì/ai
40. watch (out) for What problems should I watch Trô ng
Watch sth/sb out for when buying an old chừ ng/cẩ n thậ n
house? vớ i cá i gì/ai
41. keep watch He kept watch while the other Luô n trô ng
soldiers slept chừ ng, chă m

só c, để mắ t

1. according to sb According to Sarah they're not getting Theo như ai
on very well at the moment
2. announce sth Cordon announced his resignation to Thô ng bá o cá i gì cho ai
(sb) staff members on Wednesday
3. announce that A government spokesman announced Thô ng bá o rằ ng
that the hostages had been released
4. believe sth You shouldn’t believe everything you Tin điều gì
5. believe in sth He believes in saying what he thinks Tin và o cá i gì
6. believe that Detectives believe that the victim knew Tin rằ ng
his killer
7. believe to be At 115, Mrs Jackson is believed to be the Tin/ cho rằ ng sẽ trở
oldest person in the country thà nh
8. comment on sth I don't feel I can comment on their Bình luậ n, nhậ n xét về
9. make a comment Why didn't Nancy Robinson make a Đưa ra bình luậ n, nhậ n
(to sb) about sth comment about the backlog on air xét về cá i gì
10. confuse sth/sb I always confuse you with your sister – Lẫ n lộ n cá i gì/ai vớ i cá i
with sth/sb you look so alike gì/ai
11. confused When you listen to too many people you Lẫ n lộ n, nhầ m lẫ n về…
about/by sth can get very confused about how you
12. correspond The official said the provisions Đá p ứ ng điều gì, phù hợ p
with sth/sb correspond with common international vớ i điều gì, trù ng khớ p
practices vớ i cá i gì/ trao đổ i thư
13. describe sth/sb It would be an exaggeration to describe Miêu tả cá i gì/ai như là
as National Express as a national treasure
14. describe sth/sb How would you describe The Duke's Miêu tả cá i gì/ai vớ i ai
to sb After Dark to someone who's never been
15. hear sth/sb He heard a noise and went to investigate Nghe thấ y cá i gì/ai
16. hear about Teresa heard about the decision later Nghe tin về cá i gì/ai
17. hear from sb What I hear from the large advertisers is Nghe tin từ ai
that they're used to having their way
18. inform sb that I am pleased to inform you that you have Thô ng bá o cho ai rằ ng…
won first prize in this month’s
19. inform sb Do you ever hear from Jack? Thô ng bá o cho ai về cá i
about/of sth gì
20. likely to do They are likely to do the same with the Có khả nă ng/ dườ ng như
thoughts Romney aired during the có thể xả y ra
21. likely that It's likely that similar conditions were Có khả nă ng/dườ ng như
abroad on the day your photo was taken là
22. persuade sb to But whether the government has the Thuyết phụ c ai là m gì
do clout to persuade them to do so remains ( bằ ng cá ch đưa ra lí do
to be seen thuyết phụ c, hợ p lí)
23. persuade sb Bush seeks to persuade Americans that Thuyết phụ c rằ ng
that his invocations of Jesus were not a stunt
24. persuade sb of Little attempt was made to persuade Thuyết phụ c ai tin việc gì
sth Europeans of the euro's merits
25. point (in) doing There's no point in getting angry. Vô ích
(there's no point
26. send sb sth Have you sent your mother a postcard Gử i cho ai cá i gì
27. send sth (to sb) A radio signal was sent to the spacecraft Gử i cá i gì cho ai
28. (to take) by I only watch TV I choose to watch, so it Xả y ra bấ t ngờ , gâ y ngạ c
surprise hasn't been able to take me by surprise nhiên
29. surprised at/by We were greatly surprised at the news Ngạ c nhiên về …
71. tell sb sth He told everybody he saw the news Kể cho ai cá i gì
72. tell sb that The Chief of Police told reporters that Kể cho ai rằ ng
two people were killed in the blast
74. tell sb about No one had told them about the drug’s Kể cho ai về …
sth/doing side effects
75. tell sb (not) to The teacher told the children to sit down Nó i ai (khô ng) đượ c là m
do quietly gì

1. announce /əˈnaʊns/ (v) thô ng bá o
2. announcement /əˈnaʊnsmənt/ (n) sự thô ng bá o
3. announced / əˈnaʊntst/ (adj) đượ c thô ng bá o
4. unannounced /ˌʌnəˈnaʊnst/ (adj) chưa đượ c thô ng bá o
5. belief /bɪˈliːf/ (n) niềm tin
6. disbelief /ˌdɪsbɪˈliːf/ (n) khô ng đá ng tin
7. believe /bɪˈliːv/ (v) tin
8. believable /bɪˈliːvəbl/ (adj) có thể tin đượ c
9. unbelievable /ˌʌnbɪˈliːvəbl/ (adj) khô ng thể tin đượ c
10. believably /bɪˈliːvəbli/ (adv) đá ng tin
11. unbelievably /ˌʌnbɪˈliːvəbli/ (adv) khô ng đá ng tin
12. communicate /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ (v) giao tiếp
13. communication /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn/ (n) sự giao tiếp
14. communicative /kəˈmjuːnɪkətɪv/ (adj) cở i mở
15. /ˌʌnkəˈmjuːnɪkətɪv/ (adj) khô ng cở i mở
16. communicator /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪtə(r)/ (n) ngườ i truyền tin, ngườ i truyền
đạ t
17. convince /kənˈvɪns/ (v) thuyết phụ c ( là m cho ai tin
rằ ng cá i gì đung)
18. convinced /kənˈvɪnst/ (adj) bị thuyết phụ c
19. convincing /kənˈvɪnsɪŋ/ (adj) thuyết phụ c
20. unconvincing /ˌʌnkənˈvɪnsɪŋ/ (adj) khô ng thuyết phụ c
21. discuss /dɪˈskʌs/ (v) thả o luậ n
22. discussion /dɪˈskʌʃn/ (n) sự thả o luậ n
23. edit /ˈedɪt/ (v) biên tậ p
24. editor /ˈedɪtə(r)/ (n) biên tậ p viên
25. editorial /ˌedɪˈtɔːriəl/ (n) bà i xã luậ n
26. edited /ˈedɪtɪd/ (adj) đượ c biên tậ p
27. humour /ˈhjuːmə(r)/ (n) sự hà i hướ c, sự hó m hỉnh
28. humorous /ˈhjuːmərəs/ (adj) hà i hướ c, hó m hỉnh
29. humorless /ˈhjuːmələs/ (n) khô ng có tính hà i hướ c
30. inform /ɪnˈfɔːm/ (v) bá o cho biết, cung cấ p tin tứ c
31. information /ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn/ (n) thô ng tin
32. informed /ɪnˈfɔːmd/ (adj) đượ c thô ng bá o
33. uninformed /ˌʌnɪnˈfɔːmd/ (adj) chưa đượ c thô ng bá o
34. informative /ɪnˈfɔːmətɪv/ (adj) mang / có thô ng tin
35. uninformative /ˌʌnɪnˈfɔːmətɪv/ (adj) khô ng mang/ có thô ng tin
36. journal /ˈdʒɜːnl/ (n) tạ p chí, bá o
37. journalist /ˈdʒɜːnəlɪst/ (n) nhà bá o
38. journalism /ˈdʒɜːnəlɪzəm/ (n) nghề là m bá o
39. journalistic /ˌdʒɜːnəˈlɪstɪk/ (adj) thuộ c bá o chí
40. politics /ˈpɒlətɪks/ (n) chính trị
41. political /pəˈlɪtɪkl/ (adj) thuộ c về chính trị
42. politically /pəˈlɪtɪkli/ (adv) về mặ t chính trị
43. politician /ˌpɒləˈtɪʃn/ (n) chính trị gia
44. power /ˈpaʊə(r)/ (n) khả nă ng, tà i nă ng, nă ng lự c;
sứ c mạ nh, nộ i lự c; quyền lự c
45. powerful /ˈpaʊəfl/ (adj) đầ y quyền lự c
46. powerfully /ˈpaʊəfəli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch quyền lự c
47. powerless /ˈpaʊələs/ (adj) khô ng quyền lự c
48. powerlessly /ˈpaʊələsli/ (adv) khô ng quyền lự c
49. empower /ɪmˈpaʊə(r)/ (n) trao quyền, cho phép, là m cho
có thể, có khả nă ng
50. ridicule /ˈrɪdɪkjuːl/ (v) là m nự c cườ i
51. ridiculous /rɪˈdɪkjələs/ (adj) buồ n cườ i
52. ridiculously /rɪˈdɪkjələsli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch nự c cườ i
53. ridiculousness /rɪˈdɪkjələsnəs/ (n) sự nự c cườ i
54. second /ˈsekənd/ (n) thứ hai
55. secondly /ˈsekəndli/ (adv) thứ hai là
56. secondary /ˈsekəndri/ (n) trung họ c, thứ hai
57. write /raɪt/ (v) viết
58. writer /ˈraɪtə(r)/ (n) nhà vă n
59. writing /ˈraɪtɪŋ/ (n) bà i viết, kỹ nă ng viết
60. wrote /rəʊt/ (v) viết
61. written /ˈrɪtn/ (v) viết, đượ c soạ n thả o
62. unwritten /ˌʌnˈrɪtn/ (v) khô ng viết, khô ng đượ c soạ n
thả o



1. Relationship the way in which two - The relationship (n)Mố i quan hệ (giữ a
people, groups or between the police and hai ngườ i, nhó m hay
countries behave the local community đấ t nướ c)
towards each other or has improved.
deal with each other
2. something that - Scientists have (n) Mố i liên hệ, liên
Connection /kə connects two facts, established a quan
ˈnekʃn/ ideas, etc. connection between (dữ liệu, ý tưở ng…)
cholesterol levels and
heart disease.
3. Blame responsibility for - Why do I always get (n) việc đổ lỗ i, chịu
doing something badly the blame for trá ch nhiệm
or wrongly; saying everything that goes
that somebody is wrong?
responsible for
(v) to think or say that (v) đổ lỗ i
sb/sth is responsible - Why is he blaming
for something bad others for his
4. Fault the responsibility for - Why should I say (n) Lỗ i
something wrong that sorry when it's not my
has happened or been fault?
5. Old having lived for a long - She was a woman (adj) Già , cũ
time; no longer young grown old before her
time (= who looked
older than she was).
6. Ancient very old; having - Archaeologists are (adj) Cổ , xưa
/ˈeɪnʃənt/ existed for a very long excavating the ruined

time temples of this ancient

7. Crowd large number of - A small crowd had (n) Đá m đô ng
/kraʊd/ people gathered gathered outside the
together in a public church.
place, for example in
the streets or at a
sports game
8. Audience the group of people - The audience (n) Khá n giả
who have gathered to was/were clapping for
/ˈɔːdiəns/ (trong rạ p)
watch or listen to 10 minutes.
something (a play,
concert, somebody
speaking, etc.)
9. Enjoy to get pleasure from - We thoroughly (v) Thích thú
something enjoyed our time in
New York.
10. Please to make somebody - Children are usually (v) Là m ai đó hà i lò ng
happy easy to please.
11. Support to help or encourage - The majority of (v) Hổ trợ , giú p đỡ ,
somebody/something ordinary citizens did ủ ng hộ , nuô i
by saying or showing not support the war. (gia đình)
that you agree with - He struggles to
them/it support his family.
SYNONYM back ( ủ ng
hộ )
12. Assist to help somebody to - Anyone willing to (v) Giú p đỡ
/əˈsɪst/ do something assist can contact this
13. Kind caring about others; - He was kind enough to (adj) Tử tế, tố t bụ ng
gentle, friendly and take time out of his
generous busy schedule to come
here today.
14. Polite having or showing - Our waiter was very (adj) Lịch sự
good manners and polite and helpful.
respect for the
feelings of others
SYNONYM courteous
15.Sympathetic kind to somebody who - She was very (adj) Thô ng cả m, cả m
is hurt or sad; sympathetic when I was thô ng
showing that you sick.
understand and care
about their problems
16. Likeable pleasant and easy to - She’s warm, friendly (adj) Dễ mến, dễ chịu

/ˈlaɪkəbl/ like and likeable.

17. Nervous anxious about - I felt really nervous Hồ i hộ p, lo lắ ng
something or afraid of before the interview.
18. often angry; in an - She gets very bad- (adj) Nó ng tính
angry mood tempered when she's
/ˌbæd ˈtempəd/
19. Sensitive aware of and able to - She is very sensitive to (adj) Nhạ y cả m
understand other other people's feelings.
people and their
20. Sensible able to make good - She's a sensible sort of (adj) Sá ng suố t, lí trí,
judgements based on person. thự c tế
reason and experience
rather than emotion;
21. Company the fact of being with - He's very good (n)sự đồ ng hà nh, bạ n
somebody else and company. đồ ng hà nh
not alone
22. Group a number of people or - A group of us are (n) Nhó m
things that are going to the theatre this
together in the same evening.
place or that are
connected in some
23. Popular liked or enjoyed by a - This is one of our most (adj) Đượ c yêu thích
large number of popular designs.
24. Famous known about by many - The actor was one of (adj) Nổ i tiếng
people many famous faces at
the party.
25. typical having the usual - This meal is typical of (adj) Điển hình, tiêu
/ˈtɪpɪkl/ qualities or features of local cookery. biểu
a particular type of
person, thing or group
26. usual that happens or is - This is the usual way (adj) Bình thườ ng,
done most of the time of doing it. như thườ ng lệ
or in most cases .
SYNONYM normal
27. ordinary not unusual or - She was a perfectly (adj) Bình thườ ng
different in any way ordinary little girl.

28. close knowing somebody - She is very close to her (adj) Gầ n gũ i

very well and liking father.
them very much

29. near at a short distance - Do you live near here? (prep) Gầ n

away from
/nɪə(r)/ (khoả ng cá ch)

30. unknown not known or - The man's identity (adj) Chưa đượ c biết
identified remains unknown. đến, chưa đượ c xá c
31. infamous well known for being - The list included the (adj) Khét tiếng
bad or evil infamous George Drake,
a double murderer.
SYNONYM notorious


1. ask for Ask for news about Tell your father I was Hỏ i thô ng tin về
asking after him.
2. bring up Look after a child until She brought up five Nuô i dưỡ ng
he/ she becomes an children.
3. fall for Fall in love with; They fell for each other Yêu// tin và o 1 trò
believe instantly. đù a, 1 lờ i nó i dố i
( a trick, a lie….)
4. fall out with Have an argument Apparently, Gina fell Tranh cã i vớ i ai, cã i
with and stop being out with Dave last nhau
friends. week, and now they're
not talking to each
other at all.
5. get on Have a good She's never really got Có mố i quan hệ tố t
on with her sister.
(with) relationship with
6. grow up Become older Their children have all Trưở ng thà nh
grown up and left home
7. look down Think what you are She looks down on Coi thườ ng
on better than people who haven't
been to college.
8. look up to Admire ans respect He'd always looked up Tô n trọ ng
to his uncle.
9. make up - Become friends again - Has he made it up - Là m hò a


after an agurment. with her yet?

- to put powder, - trang điểm
lipstick, etc. on
your/somebody’s face
to make it more
attractive - bịa (chuyện…)
- to invent a story, etc., - He made up some
especially in order to excuse about his
trick or entertain daughter being sick.
10. pass away Die - His mother passed Mấ t, qua đờ i
away last year.
11. pick on Keep treating - She was picked on by Đố i xử tệ, k cô ng bằ ng
someone badly or the other girls because
unfairly of her size.
12. put down - Criticise, - The boss is always - Phê bình ai,
- make someone feel putting me down in - là m ai cả m thấ y ngu
front of everyone in the ngố c,
- to kill an animal, - giết nhâ n đạ o
usually by giving it a
drug, because it is old
or sick - We had to have our
cat put down.
13. settle Become calm after - When are you going to Bình tĩnh, ổ n định,
down being upset…; stay in get married and settle định cư
one place or get down?
married and live
14. stand up Support in an - You must stand up for ủ ng hộ
for argument or fight your rights.
15. take aback Surprise ( passive - Brendan was taken Là m cho ai ngạ c nhiên
voice) aback by her sudden (thườ ng chia ở dạ ng bị
question. độ ng)


Approval 1. show/ give ( your) - The IMF is unlikely to give Bà y tỏ sự tá n thà nh
approval of/ for sth its approval.
2. meet with sb's - Does the wine meet with Có đượ c sự tá n thà nh
approval your approval? (= Do you củ a ai
like the wine?)

Argument 3. have an argument - We had an argument with Tranh cã i vớ i ai về vấ n

with sb ( about sth) the waiter about the bill. đề gì
4. win/ lose an - The party hopes to win Thắ ng / thua trong
argument the argument about how to cuộ c tranh luậ n
reform the health system.
- The first one who resorts
to violence is usually the
one who’s lost the
Care 5. take care of sb/ - Who’s taking care of the Chă m só c ai/ cá i gì
sth dog while you’re away?
6. care for - He thanked the nurses Chă m só c
who had cared for him.
7. care about - It is good to know that Thích hoặ c yêu ai, lo
there is someone who cares. lắ ng cho ngườ i đó
Courage 8. have the courage - They had the courage to Có can đả m là m gì
to do stand up and fight for what
they believed in.
9. It takes courage to - It takes courage to sing in Lấ y hết can đả m là m
do public. gì
Disguise 10. in disguise - The star travelled in Trong tình trạ ng hó a
disguise (= wearing a trang
11. wear a disguise - She was wearing a Hó a trang
disguise of a blonde wig and
12. disguise yourself - She disguised herself as a Hó a trang bả n thâ n
13. disguised as sth/ boy. Hó a trang như là
sb - She was cleverly disguised
as a policewoman.
Dream 14. have a dream - I had a really weird dream Mơ về cá i gì
(about st/ sb/ doing) last night.
15. daydream - She stared out of the Mơ giữ a ban ngà y
window, lost in a daydream.
16. dream of - he film is an exploration of - mong muố n cá i gì
dream about a young boy's dream of a - Mơ về
better life
- a vivid dream about my
old school.
Family 17. have/ start a - Do they plan to start a Lậ p gia đình, có con
family family (= have children)?
18. nuclear family - Not everybody nowadays Gia đình hạ t nhâ n
lives in the conventional gia đình gồ m ba mẹ và


nuclear family. con cá i)

19. - Henry liked the idea of Gia đình gồ m 1 cha/
one-parent/single- being a single-parent family. mẹ
parent family
20. extended family - She grew up surrounded Gia đình nhiều thế hệ
by a large extended family.
Favour 21. do/ owe sb a - Could you do me a favour ủ ng hộ , giú p đỡ /nợ ai
favour and pick up Sam from đó 1 â n huệ
school today?
- I'll ask Steve to take it. He
owes me a favour
22. be in favour of - She's not in favour with (= ủ ng hộ
supported or liked by) the
media just now.
Friend 23. make/ become/ - Simon finds it hard to Là m bạ n
be/ stay friends make friends with other
(with sb) children.
24. best friend - There were a few Bạ n thâ n/ bạ n tố t nhấ t
occasions of participants
wanting to choose the same
as their best friend.
Love 25. be/ fall in love - They fell in love with each Yêu ai
with sb other.
Mood 26. in a good/ bad - She's in a good mood Tâ m trạ ng tố t/ xấ u
mood today (= happy and
27. in the wrong/ - She sat humbly in the cold Tâ m trạ ng xấ u/ tố t
right mood church, making some effort
to get into the right mood
for the service.
28. in the mood for - I'm just not in the mood Có tâ m trạ ng là m gì
sth for a party tonight.
Pity 29. pity sb - He pitied people who were Cả m thấ y đá ng tiếc
stuck in dead-end jobs. cho ai
30. take a pity on sb - I took pity on her and lent Thương hạ i ai
her the money.
31. feel pity for sb - I could only feel pity for Cả m thấ y tiếc cho ai
what they were enduring.
32. it's a pity that - It's a pity that you can't Thậ t đá ng tiếc
stay longer.
Promise 33. promise to do - The college principal Hứ a là m gì
promised to look into the

34. give/ make sb a - I try not to make promises Hứ a vớ i ai

promise that I can't keep.
35. break a/ your - He simply broke every Thấ t hứ a
promise single promise he ever


1. Agree with/ on/ - You can't expect them to agree on Đồ ng ý về điều gì
to sth everything.
2. agree with sb - He agreed with them about the need Đồ ng ý vớ i ai
for change.
3. agree to do sth - He reluctantly agreed to pay for the Đồ ng ý là m gì
4. agree that - She agreed (that) I could go early. Đồ ng ý rằ ng
5. allow sb to do - His parents won't allow him to stay Cho phép ai là m gì
out late.
6. allow sth - We do not allow eating in the Cho phép cá i gì
7. approve of sth - Do you approve of my idea? Tá n thanh
8. approve sth - The committee unanimously Chính thứ c đồ ng ý, tá n thà nh
approved the plan.
9. ask sb sth - She asked the students their names. Hỏ i/ yêu cầ u ai điều gì
10. ask sb to do - Anyone with information is asked to Yêu cầ u ai là m gì
sth (for you) contact the police.
11. ask about/ for - He asked about her family. Hỏ i về/ hỏ i xin
sth - Don't be afraid to ask for help.
12. ask if/ - I'll ask if it's all right to park here. Hỏ i liệu rằ ng
13. attack sth - Terrorists attacked several targets Tấ n cô ng
across the city.
14. attack sb for - He was publicly attacked for his Tấ n cô ng ai vì điều gì
sth/ doing political views.
15. an attack on - The recent series of deadly terrorist 1 cuộ c cô ng ai/ cá i gì
sth/ sb attacks on European cities
16. ban sb from - a campaign to ban sugary drinks from Cấ m ai là m gì
sth/ doing schools
17. ban sth - The law effectively bans smoking in Cấ m cá i gì
all public places.
18. convince sb of - You'll need to convince them of your Thuyết phụ c ai về điều gì

(sth) enthusiasm for the job. Thuyết phụ c ai là m gì

19. convince sb to - I've been trying to convince him to
do see a doctor.
20. convince sb - I’d convinced myself (that) I was Thuyết phụ c ai rằ ng
that right.
21. force sb to do - She forced herself to be polite to É p buộ c ai là m gì
sth them.
22. force sb into - Ill health forced him into early É p buộ c ai và o việc gì
sth/ doing retirement.
23. independent - It was important to me to be Độ c lậ p
of/ from doing financially independent of my parents.
- The country became fully
independent from France in 1960.
24. let sb do sth - Let me help you with that. Cho phép ai là m gì
25. object to sth/ - I really object to being charged for Phả n đố i ai là m gì
doing parking.
26. pretend to be - I pretended to be asleep. Giả vờ
27. pretend to do - He pretended not to notice. Giả vờ là m gì
28. pretend that - We pretended (that) nothing had Giả vờ rằ ng
29. rely on sth/ sb - They had to rely entirely on volunteer Phụ thuộ c ai


1. able /ˈeɪbl/ (adj) có thể
2. unable /ʌnˈeɪbl/ (adj) khô ng thể
3. ability /əˈbɪləti/ (n) khả nă ng
4. inability /ˌɪnəˈbɪləti/ (n) khô ng có khả nă ng
5. disabled /dɪsˈeɪbld/ (adj) khuyết tậ t
6. disability /ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti/ (n) sự khuyết tậ t
7. achieve /əˈtʃiːv/ (v) đạ t đượ c
8. achievement /əˈtʃiːvmənt/ (n) thà nh tự u
9. argue /ˈɑːɡjuː/ (v) tranh luậ n
10. argument /ˈɑːɡjumənt/ (n) sự tranh luậ n
11. /ˌɑːɡjuˈmentətɪv/ (adj) mang tính chấ t tranh luậ n
12. care /keə(r)/ (n) sự quan tâ m
(v) quan tâ m
13. careful /ˈkeəfl/ (adj) cẩ n thậ n

14. carefully /ˈkeəfəli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch cẩ n thậ n

15. careless /ˈkeələs/ (adj) bấ t cẩ n
16. carelessly /ˈkeələsli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch bấ t cẩ n
17. caring /ˈkeərɪŋ/ (adj) quan tâ m, lo lắ ng
18. uncaring /ʌnˈkeərɪŋ/ (adj) khô ng quan tâ m
19. correspond /ˌkɒrəˈspɒnd/ (v) tương tự , tương thích, viết thư
20. /ˌkɒrəˈspɒndəns/ (n) lá thư, hà nh độ ng viết thư
21. friend /frend/ (n) bạ n
22. friendship /ˈfrendʃɪp/ (n) tình bạ n
23. friendly /ˈfrendli/ (adj) thâ n thiện
24. unfriendly /ʌnˈfrendli/ (adj) khô ng thâ n thiện
25. happy /ˈhæpi/ (adj) hạ nh phú c
26. unhappy /ʌnˈhæpi/ (adj) khô ng hạ nh phú c
27. happiness /ˈhæpinəs/ (n) sự hạ nh phú c
28. unhappiness /ʌnˈhæpinəs/ (n) sự khô ng hạ nh phú c
29. happily /ˈhæpɪli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch hạ nh phú c
30. unhappily /ʌnˈhæpɪli/ (adv) 1 cá ch khô ng hạ nh phú c
31. jealous /ˈdʒeləs/ (adj) ghen tị
32. jealousy /ˈdʒeləsi/ (n) sự ghen tị
33. jealously /ˈdʒeləsli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch ghen tị
34. kind /kaɪnd/ (adj) tử tế, tố t bụ ng
35. unkind /ˌʌnˈkaɪnd/ (adj) khô ng tử tế
36. kindness /ˈkaɪndnəs/ (n) sự tố t bụ ng
37. unkindness /ˌʌnˈkaɪndnəs/ (n) sự khô ng tử tế, tố t bụ ng
38. kindly /ˈkaɪndli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch tử tế, tố t bụ ng
39. marry /ˈmæri/ (v) kết hô n
40. marriage /ˈmærɪdʒ/ (n) hô n nhâ n
41. married /ˈmærid/ (adj) đã kết hô n
42. unmarried /ˌʌnˈmærid/ (adj) độ c thâ n
43. nerve /nɜːv/ (n) thầ n kinh
44. nervous /ˈnɜːvəs/ (adj) thuộ c về thầ n kinh// hồ i hộ p
45. nervously /ˈnɜːvəsli/ (adv) 1 cá ch hồ i hộ p
46. nervousness /ˈnɜːvəsnəs/ (n) sự hồ i hộ p


47. obey /əˈbeɪ/ (v) vâ ng lờ i, tuâ n theo

48. disobey /ˌdɪsəˈbeɪ/ (v) khô ng vâ ng lờ i
49. obedient /əˈbiːdiənt/ (adj) vâ ng lờ i
50. disobedient /ˌdɪsəˈbiːdiənt/ (adj) khô ng vâ ng lờ i
51. obediently /əˈbiːdiəntli/ (adv) 1 cá ch vâ ng lờ i
52. disobediently /ˌdɪsəˈbiːdiəntli/ (adv) 1 cá ch khô ng vâ ng lờ i
53. obedience /əˈbiːdiəns/ (n) sự vâ ng lờ i
54. disobedience /ˌdɪsəˈbiːdiəns/ (n) sự khô ng vâ ng lờ i
55. person /ˈpɜːsn/ (n) 1 ngườ i
56. personal /ˈpɜːsənl/ (adj) thuộ c về cá nhâ n
57. impersonal /ɪmˈpɜːsənl/ (adj) khô ng có tính ngườ i
58. personally /ˈpɜːsənəli/ (adv) cá nhâ n
59. impersonally /ɪmˈpɜːsənəli/ (adv) khô ng có tính ngườ i
60. personality /ˌpɜːsəˈnæləti/ (n) tính cá ch
61. polite /pəˈlaɪt/ (adj) lịch sự
62. impolite /ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt/ (adj) bấ t lịch sự
63. politely /pəˈlaɪtli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch lịch sự
64. impolitely /ˌɪmpəˈlaɪtli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch bấ t lịch sự
65. politeness /pəˈlaɪtnəs/ (n) lịch sự
66. impoliteness /ˌɪmpəˈlaɪtnəs/ (n) bấ t lịch sự
67. relate /rɪˈleɪt/ (v) liên quan
68. relative /ˈrelətɪv/ (adj) tương đố i (n) họ hà ng
69. relatively /ˈrelətɪvli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch tương đố i
70. relation /rɪˈleɪʃn/ (n) mố i liên hệ
71. relationship /rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp/ (n) mố i quan hệ
72. willing /ˈwɪlɪŋ/ (adj) sẵ n sà ng
73. unwilling /ʌnˈwɪlɪŋ/ (adj) khô ng sẵ n sà ng
74. willingness /ˈwɪlɪŋnəs/ (n) sự sẵ n sà ng
75. /ʌnˈwɪlɪŋnəs/ (n) sự khô ng sẵ n sà ng
76. willingly /ˈwɪlɪŋli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch sẵ n sà ng
77. unwillingly /ʌnˈwɪlɪŋli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch khô ng sẵ n sà ng



1. proof a fact or piece of Do they have any (n) chứ ng cứ ,
information that proof that it was bằ ng chứ ng
shows that something Hampson who stole (suy luậ n hoặ c
exists or is true the goods? kiểm chứ ng
thự c tế)
2. evidence one or more reasons The police have (n) chứ ng cứ ,
for believing that found no evidence of bằ ng chứ ng
something is or is not a terrorist link with (dù ng trong
true the murder. ngữ cả nh phá p
lí, hình sự …)
3. rule /ru:l/ an accepted principle Before you start (n) quy tắ c, luậ t
or instruction that your own business lệ
states the way things you should be
are or should be done, familiar with the
and tells you what you government's rules
are allowed or are not and regulations
allowed to do
4. law the system of rules of a What does the law (n) luậ t, phá p
particular country, say about having luậ t
group, or area of alcohol in the blood
activity while driving?
5. justice fairness in the way The final score (n) cô ng lý, sự
people are dealt with doesn't do justice to cô ng bằ ng
our team's
6. right the fact that a person everyone has a right (n) quyền
or animal can expect to education
to be treated in a fair,
morally acceptable, or
legal way, or to have
the things that are
necessary for life
7. vandal a person who vandals smashed (n) kẻ phá hoạ i
intentionally damages windows and tà i sả n ngườ i
property belonging to overturned cars in khá c
other people the downtown
shopping district.
8. hooligan a violent person who although his parents (n) du cô n, cô n
fights or causes think he is a good đồ , nhữ ng kẻ
damage in public boy, darren is really bạ o lự c, quá
places a hooligan who loves khích

to get in trouble at
9. suspect to think that someoneno one knows who (v) nghi ngờ ;
has committed a crimekilled her, but the (n) kẻ bị tình
or done something police suspect her nghi
wrong husband
10. arrest If the police arrest the police arrested (v) bắ t giữ ; (n)
someone, they take her for drinking and sự bắ t giữ
them away to ask driving
them about a crime
that they might have
11. charge (of the police) to make she's been charged (n) sự buộ c tộ i,
a formal statement with murder lờ i buộ c tộ i
saying that someone is
accused of a crime
12. judge a person who is in she's one of the (n) thẩ m phá n,
charge of a trial in a strictest judges in quan tò a, giá m
court and decides how the state khả o
a person who is guilty
of a crime should be
punished, or who
makes decisions on
legal matters
13. jury a body of persons the jury failed to (n) bồ i thẩ m
sworn to give a verdict reach a verdict đoà n
on some matter
submitted to them
14.sentence /'sentəns to decide and say He was sentenced to (v) kết á n,
tuyên á n
/ officially what a life imprisonment
punishment will be
15. imprison to put someone in He was imprisoned (v) bỏ tù , cầ m
/im'prizn/ prison in 1965 for tù
attempted murder
16. accused the person who is on The accused (n) bị cá o
trial in a law court protested her
17. prosecute to officially accuse He was prosecuted (v) truy tố
someone of for fraud
committing a crime in
a law court, or (of a
lawyer) to try to prove
that a person accused
of committing a crime
is guilty of that crime


18. persecute to treat people She claimed the (v) đà n á p, đố i

unfairly or cruelly government was xử khô ng cô ng
over a period of time persecuting its bằ ng
because of their race, opponents
religion, etc
19. innocent (of a person) not guilty He firmly believes (adj) ngâ y thơ,
of a particular crime that she is innocent vô tộ i
of the crime
20. guilty responsible for The jury has to (adj) có tộ i, tộ i
breaking a law decide whether a lỗ i
person is guilty or
innocent of a crime
21. decision /dɪ a choice that you make She has had to make (n) sự quyết
ˈsɪʒ.ən/ about something after some very difficult định
thinking about several decisions
22. verdict an opinion or decision The jury passed a (n) lờ i tuyên á n,
made after judging the verdict of guilty, bả n á n
facts that are given, with an appeal to the
especially one made at judge for clemency.
the end of a trial
23. capital punishment by death, It seems that only (n) sự tử hình
punishment as ordered by a legal the President's grace
/ˌkæp.ɪ.təl system can save the
ˈpʌn.ɪʃ.mənt/ terrorist from
capital punishment.
24. corporal A corporal Corporal (n) nhụ c hình
punishment /'kɔ:pərə punishment or a punishment was
l'pʌni∫mənt/ physical punishment is abolished in Britain
a punishment which is in 1986
intended to cause
physical pain to a
25. witness a person who sees an Police are appealing (n) nhâ n chứ ng
event happening, for witnesses to the
especially a crime or accident to come
an accident forward
26. bystander a person who is Many innocent (n) ngườ i ngoà i
standing near and bystanders were cuộ c
watching something injured by the
that is happening but explosion
is not taking part in it
27. commit to do something illegal He was sent to (v) phạ m tộ i
or something that is prison for a crime
/ kəˈmɪt /
considered wrong that he didn't


28. break to destroy or end Eventually someone (v)phá hủ y
something, or to come spoke, breaking the hoặ c kết thú c
to an end silence điều gì đó
29. robber a person who steals a bank robber (n) tên cướ p
from a person or
place, especially using
violence or threats
30. burglar a person who illegally Burglars broke into (n)kẻ trộ m (bẻ
enters buildings and the gallery and stole khoa)
steals things dozens of priceless
31. thief a person who steals It is the fourth time (n) kẻ trộ m
something from the shop has been
another person or targeted by thieves
32. lawyer someone whose job is The lawyer (n) luậ t sư
to give advice to representing the
people about the law family said he was
and speak for them in very satisfied with
court the verdict
33. solicitor a lawyer who prepares The solicitor asked (n)cố vấ n phá p
legal documents, for that her client be luậ t
example for the sale of allowed to make a
land or buildings, phone call
advises people on
legal matters, and can
speak for them in
some courts of law
34. forge forge something to New digital (v)giả mạ o thứ
make an illegal copy of techniques can spot gì đó
something in order to paintings that have
cheat people been forged
35. forger a person who makes Within minutes he (n)kẻ là m giả
illegal copies of had set me up with a
money, documents, forger who could
etc. in order to cheat fake aunt Emma's
people signature.



1. back stop demanding sth, Neither side is willing to back Ngừ ng đò i hỏ i,

down stop saying that you down. ngừ ng nó i bạ n
will do sth sẽ là m cá i gì
2. hand in give to a person in Please hand in your exam nộ p
authority paper before you leave the
3. break out escape (from prison) They broke out of prison and vượ t ngụ c
fled the country
4. hold up rob while threatening In the hold-up, a masked cướ p
violence; delay youth threatened the bank
staff with a gun
Come on, let's go. What's the
5. bring in introduce a new law or The government brought in a ban hà nh (luậ t)
system controversial law under
which it could take any land
it wanted
6. let off give little or no She was let off with a Thả , khô ng
punishment; make a warning phạ t, là bom…
bomb, etc explode nổ
7. chase follow sb/sth quickly in The policeman chased the đuổ i theo
after order to catch them mugger down the alley
8. look into investigate I'm looking into an accident điều tra
9. come offer help or The National Blood Service is đề nghị cung
forward information anxious for more donors to cấ p thô ng tin
come forward.
10. make escape with robbers making off with trố n thoá t
off close to 100 million rand (cù ng vớ i vậ t
hoặ c ngườ i)
11. get escape punishment for I let a man get away with thoá t tộ i
away with murder
12. take write down what A woman is taking down ghi chép, ghi lạ i
down someone says some notes on a pad of paper
13. go off explode; be fired (for a The bomb went off at midday nổ (sú ng)
gun, usually
14. take in trick sb into believing She was taken in by all his lừ a gạ t
sth that is not true lies




1. on account of We have to do all the household Bở i vì
chores on account of not going
with my mother on her travel
Account trip.
2. take into account I hope my teacher will take into Câ n nhắ c
account the fact that I was ill just
before the exams when she
marks my paper:
3. account for sth The poor weather may have Giả i thích về
accounted for clouds. điều gì
4. take advantage of It is a nice day, so that we should Tậ n dụ ng, lợ i
sth/sb take advantage of the good dụ ng
weather and go picnic.
5. have an As she already knew French, she Có lợ i thế
Advantage advantage over had an advantage over the rest of
sth/sb the class.
6. at an advantage The union should be at an Có lợ i thế
advantage in the negotiations.
7. an/one/etc The advantage of booking tickets Lợ i ích từ
advantage (of sth) in advance is that you get better
8. be to blame (for It seems that human error was to Bị đổ lỗ i
sth/doing) blame for the crash.
9. get/take the If we fail, I'll take the blame. Nhậ n trá ch
blame (for nhiệm
Blame 10. put the blame The public seems to be putting Đổ lỗ i cho ai
on sth/sb the blame for the data breach on
the company's lax security
11. blame sth (on We can't blame it on them Đổ tộ i cho ai về
sb) điều gì
12. blame sb for She doesn't blame anyone for her đổ lỗ i ai vì cà i gì
sth/doing father's death đó
13. do/cause Strong winds had caused serious Hư hạ i, phá hủ y
damage (to sth) damage to the roof.
14. at fault She was at fault for the error. Chịu trá ch
nhiệm về mộ t
sai lầ m
15. find fault with She is always finding fault with Soi lỗ i, phà n
sth/sb her husband. nà n
16. have the/no
Intention I've no intention of changing my Có /Khô ng có ý
intention of doing plans just to fit in with his. định
17. make a mistake I'm not blaming you - we all make Phạ m sai lầ m/
mistakes. lỗ i

Mistake 18. a mistake (to It was a mistake for us to come Sai lầ m khi là m
do) here tonight. gì
19. mistake sb for I often mistake her for her Nhầ m ai đó ,
sb mother on the phone. hoặ c thứ gì đó
20. do sth by I’m sorry – I opened one of your Do nhầ m lẫ n
mistake letters by mistake
Necessary 21. necessary (for The doctor says it may be Cầ n thiết là m gì
sb) to do necessary for me to have an
22. in order I think congratulations are in Đú ng lú c
order for the new graduates in
the room!
23. put sth in order I have to put my classroom in Dọ n dẹp thứ gì,
order before the students return đặ t theo đung
to school next week trậ t tự
24. in order to do He came home early in order to Để là m gì
see the children before they went
to bed.
25. give an order The soldiers fired as soon as their Ra lệnh ai là m
(to sb) (to do) commander gave the order. gì
26. give sb Parents have to give their Cho phép ai là m
permission to do permission for their children to gì
go on school trips.
27. ask (sb) for It required that officers ask a Xin phép ai là m
permission to do supervisor for permission to arm gì
28. have/ask I got permission from my father Đượ c sự cho
for/get permission to buy a book phép từ ai
(from sb) to do
29. do sth on Did you break the cup on Là m điều gì có
purpose purpose? chủ đích
30. purpose of sth The purpose of the research is to Mụ c đích củ a
try to find out more about the
causes of the disease.
Reason 31. reason why The reason why grass is green Lý do tạ i sao
was a mystery to the little boy.


32. reason for sth The reason for the disaster was Lý do củ a
engine failure, not human error.
33. reason with sb We tried to reason with the Tranh luậ n vớ i
worried mother but she went out ai
alone in the storm to look for the
Solution 34. have/find/think It took them about one month to Tìm, kiếm, nghĩ
of/work out/come figure out how to start the ra giả i phá p cho
up with/figure out equipment. việc gì
a solution (to sth)
35. do wrong You did wrong to punish him. Đố i xử tồ i tệ vớ i

Wrong 36. do the wrong We all do something wrong Là m sai việc gì

thing sometimes
37. the wrong thing You always say the wrong thing - Điều sai trá i
to do no offense
38. go wrong What went wrong? You were Có vấ n đề, trụ c
doing really well. trặ c
39. the wrong way He holds his book upside Bị ngượ c
up down/the wrong way up

1. accuse sb of I was never accused of doing anything buộ c tộ i ai là m gì
sth/doing like Madoff did.
2. doubt sth If you have doubt or doubts about Nghi ngờ
something, you feel uncertain about it
and do not know whether it is true or
3. doubt that I have no doubt that you're right nghi ngờ rằ ng
4. doubt if/whether I doubt if he'll come nghi ngờ liệu
5. make sb do The robber makes everyone lie down Sai khiến ai đó là m gì
6. be made to do He was made to tell the truth bị buộ c, yêu cầ u là m gì
7. arrest sb for She was arrested for drug-related bị bắ t vì tộ i gì/là m gì
sth/doing offences
8. forgive sb for Please forgive me for coming late tha thứ cho ai vì đã là m
sth/doing gì
9. refuse to do sth He refused to sign the contract because từ chố i là m gì đó

he would have to relinquish creative

control of the project
10. refuse sth The company was forced to close when từ chố i điều gì đó
it was refused a new bank loan.
11. charge sb with He was charged with murder buộ c tộ i ai đó vớ i điều gì
sth đó
12. glimpse sth We glimpsed the ruined abbey from the nhìn thoá ng qua cá i gì
windows of the train đó
13. catch a glimpse Later we caught our first glimpse of the Nhìn thoá ng qua
of sth sea. nhìn thoá ng qua cá i gì
14. respect sth Respect the law tô n trọ ng điều gì
15. respect sb for I deeply respect you for what you Ngưỡ ng mộ , tô n trọ ng ai
sth/doing archived bở i điều gì
16. have respect for Does he have respect for his teachers? tô n trọ ng điều gi/ ngườ i
sth/sb nà o
17. claim to be/do I don't claim to be an expert tự nhậ n là / là m điều gì
18. claim that The company claims (that) it is not Tuyên bố , khẳ ng định
responsible for the epidemic vacation rằ ng
19. guilty of She was guilty of swindle phạ m tộ i gì: cả m thấ y
sth/doing tộ i lỗ i
20. threaten to do The loan shark will threaten to seize đe doạ là m gì
your house
21. deny sth/doing She could not deny stealing the money, chố i, phủ nhậ n việc đã
because she was caught in the act là m gì
22. legal (for sb) to In France, it is legal to marry a dead hợ p phá p là m điều gì
do person

1. accuse /ə'kju:z/ (v) buộ c tộ i, kết tộ i; tố cá o
2. accused /ə'kju:zd/ (adj) Bị kết tộ i
3. accusation /ˌæk.jəˈzeɪ.ʃən/ (n)sự buộ c tộ i
4. honest /'ɔnist/ (adj) lương thiện
(adj) trung thự c, châ n thậ t
5. dishonest /dis'ɔnist/ (adj) khô ng lương thiện, bấ t lương
(adj) khô ng thà nh thậ t, khô ng trung thự c
6. (dis)honesty /'(dis)ɔnisti/ (n) tính chấ t bấ t lương
7.(dis)honestly /'(dis)ɔnisli/ (adv) (khô ng) thà nh thậ t, trung thự c

8. prison /prison/ (n) nhà tù , nhà lao, nhà giam

9. prisoner /prisoner/ (n) ngườ i bị giam giữ , ngườ i tù ; con vậ t bị nhố t
10. imprison(ed) /im'priznd/ (v) bỏ tù , tố ng giam, giam cầ m
11. imprisonment /im'priznmənt/ (n) sự ở tù
12. addict /'ædikt/ (n) ngườ i nghiện
13. addicted /'ædiktid/ (n) Say mê, nghiện
14. addictive /əˈdɪk.tɪv/ (adj) tính gâ y nghiện
15. addiction /əˈdɪkʃn/ (n) bệnh nghiện; chứ ng nghiện; sự nghiện
16. investigate /ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt/ (v) điều tra
17. investigation /ɪnˌvestɪˈɡeɪʃn/ (n) cuộ c điều tra
18. investigator /ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪtə(r)/ (n) điều tra viên
19. prove /pruːv/ (v) chứ ng minh
20. proof /pruːf/ (n) bằ ng chứ ng
21. (un)proven /ˌʌnˈpruːvn/ (adj) chưa đượ c chứ ng minh
22. disprove /ˌdɪsˈpruːv/ (v) bá c bỏ
23. convict /kənˈvɪkt/ (v) kết tộ i
24. convicted /kənˈvɪk.tɪd/ (adj) bị kết á n
25. conviction /kən'vikʃn/ (n)sự kết á n, sự kết tộ i
26. law /lɔ:/ (n) phép, phép tắ c, luậ t; quy luậ t, định luậ t; điều
27. lawyer /'lɔ:jə/ (n) luậ t sư
28. (un) lawful /'ʌn'lɔ:ful/ (adj)(khô ng) hợ p phá p,
29. rob /rɔb/ (v) cướ p
30. robbery /'rɔbəri/ (n) vụ ă n cướ p
31. robber /'rɔbə/ (n) kẻ cướ p, kẻ trộ m
32. crime /kraim/ (n) tộ i á c
33. criminal /'kriminl/ (adj) có tộ i
(n) kẻ phạ m tộ i
34. murder /'mə:də/ (n) tộ i giết ngườ i, tộ i á m sá t
35. murderer /'mə:dərə/ (n)kẻ giết ngườ i
36. secure /si'kjuə/ (adj) chắ c chắ n, bả o đả m
(v) giam giữ và o nơi chắ c chắ n
37. insecure /,insi'kjuə/ (adj) khô ng an toà n; khô ng vữ ng chắ c, bấ p bênh
38. (in)security /,insi'kjuəriti/ (n) tính khô ng an toà n


39. evident /'evidənt/ (adj) hiển nhiên, rõ rệt

40. evidence /'evidəns/ (n) (phá p lý) chứ ng, chứ ng cớ , bằ ng chứ ng
41. evidently /ˈevɪdəntli/ (adv) hiển nhiên, rõ rà ng
42. offence /ə'fens/ (n) sự phạ m tộ i; tộ i, lỗ i
(n) sự xú c phạ m, sự là m bự c mình, sự là m mấ t
lò ng
43. offensive /ə'fensiv/ (n) sự tấ n cô ng; cuộ c tấ n cô ng; thế tấ n cô ng
(adj) xú c phạ m, là m mấ t lò ng; là m nhụ c, sỉ nhụ c
44. offend /ə'fend/ (v) xú c phạ m, là m bự c mình
(v) phạ m tộ i, là m điều lầ m lỗ i; vi phạ m
45. offender /ə'fendə/ (n) ngườ i phạ m tộ i, ngườ i phạ m lỗ i
46. theft /θeft/ (n) sự ă n trộ m, sự trộ m cắ p
47. thief /θi:f/ (n) kẻ trộ m, kẻ cắ p
48. forge /fɔ:dʤ/ (n) giả mạ o (chữ ký...); bịa (chuyện)
49. forgery /'fɔ:dʤəri/ (n)sự giả mạ o (chữ ký, giấ y tờ ...)
(n)cá i giả mạ o; giấ y tờ giả mạ o; chữ ký giả mạ o
50. forger /'fɔ:dʤə/ (n)ngườ i giả mạ o (chữ ký, giấ y tờ ); ngườ i bịa đặ t


1. prescription A piece of paper that a The doctor gave me a (n) đơn thuố c
/prɪˈskrɪpʃn/ doctor gives you that prescription for
says what type of antibiotics
medicine you need
2. recipe A set of instructions for I tried some recipes (n) cô ng thứ c mó n
/ˈresəpi/ cooking or preparing a from this book ăn
particular food
3. operation The process of cutting He underwent a (n) phẫ u thuậ t
/ˌɒpəˈreɪʃn/ into someone’s body for three-hour heart
medical reasons operation
4. surgery Medical treatment in He will require (n) phẫ u thuậ t
/ˈsɜːdʒəri/ which a doctor cuts surgery on his left
open someone’s body knee
5. sore /sɔː(r)/ Painful and His feet were sore (adj) đau mỏ i sau
uncomfortable, usually after the walk hoạ t độ ng nhiều
as a result of an injury,


infection or too much

6. hurt /hɜːt/ To feel pain somewhere He hurt his back (v, adj) đau mộ t và i
in your body playing squash chỗ trong cơ thể
7. pain /peɪn/ A bad feeling in part of These pills should (n) đau ố m, yếu
your body when you ease the pain
are hurt or become ill
8. illness /ˈɪlnəs/ A particular disease, or The virus can cause (n) ố m, că n bệnh
a period of being ill illness in humans
9. disease /dɪ An illness that affects Smoking increases (n) dịch bệnh
ˈziːz/ people, animals or the risk of heart
plants disease
10. injured Hurt in an accident or His injured leg (adj) tổ n thương
/ˈɪndʒəd/ attack prevented him from
11. damaged Harmed or spoiled Both the cars (adj) bị hạ i hoặ c bị
/ˈdæmɪdʒd/ involved in the hư hỏ ng
accident looked
badly damaged
12. thin /θɪn/ Someone who is thin He has long thin (adj) gầ y
has very little fat on hands
their body
13. slim /slɪm/ Thin in an attractive a slim young woman (adj) mả nh khả nh
14. remedy A cure for pain or for a a remedy for colds (n) thuố c giả m đau
/ˈremədi/ minor illness ốm
15. cure A medicine or The doctor managed (n) thuố c chữ a ố m
/kjʊə(r)/ treatment that makes to cure her of her
someone who is ill illness
become healthy
16. therapy A form of treatment for He is receiving (n) mộ t hình thứ c
an illness or medical therapy for cancer chữ a trị
17. effect A change that is The beneficial effects (n) sự ả nh hưở ng
produced in one person of exercise
or thing by another
18. result /rɪ Something that is This book is the (n) kết quả
ˈzʌlt/ caused directly by result of 25 years of
something else research
19. healthy Physically strong and a healthy child (adj) khỏ e mạ nh
/ˈhelθi/ not ill
20. fit Healthy, strong and I jog to keep fit (adj) câ n đố i
able to do physical

/fɪt/ exercise
21. examine /ɪɡ To look at something or The doctor examined (v) khá m xét
ˈzæmɪn/ someone carefully her carefully but
could find nothing
22. investigate To try to find out all the The state police are (v) điều tra
/ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt/ facts about something investigating the
in order to learn the incident
true from it
23. infection /ɪn The process of to cause/prevent (n) sự lâ y nhiễm
ˈfekʃn/ becoming infected with infection
a disease
24. pollution /pə Chemicals and other air pollution from (n) sự ô nhiễm
ˈluːʃn/ substances that have a traffic fumes
harmful effect on air,
water or land
25. plaster A thin piece of cloth or Put a plaster on it so (n) miếng dá n
/ˈplɑːstə(r)/ plastic that sticks to that it doesn't get
your skin to cover a cut infected
26. bandage A long thin piece of He wound a small (n) bă ng (vết
/ˈbændɪdʒ/ cloth that you wrap bandage round her thương )
around an injured part finger
of your body
27. ward A large room in a He worked as a (n) phò ng bệnh
hospital with beds for nurse on the
people to stay in children's ward
28. clinic A place where people Bring your baby to (n) phò ng khá m
/ˈklɪnɪk/ go to receive a the clinic and we'll
particular type of take a look at her
medical treatment or
29. dose A particular amount of A dose of penicillin (n) liều thuố c
a drug or medicine that
has been measured so
that you can take it
30. fix An amount of a drug Addicts looking for a (n) ma tú y
that someone feels that fix
they need to take
31. fever A medical condition in Andy has a fever and (n) số t
/ˈfiːvə(r)/ which the temperature won’t be coming into
of your body is very work today
32. rash An area of small red She had a nasty rash (n) phá t ban

/ræʃ/ spots on your skin that on her arm

is caused by an illness
or a reaction to

1. break out Start suddenly (for a War broke out in Bắ t đầ u/nổ ra độ t
war, fire, etc) 1914 ngộ t (chiến tranh,
lử a, v.v)
2. bring on Cause (an illness, etc) Stress can bring on Gâ y ra (1 bệnh nhẹ,
an asthma attack v.v)
3. come down Start to suffer from a I think I'm coming Ngã bệnh nhẹ
with minor illness down with flu
4. come Become conscious Your mother hasn't Nhậ n thứ c trở lạ i,
round/to yet come around tỉnh lạ i
from the anaesthetic
5. cut down Do less of (smoking, I’m trying to cut Cắ t giả m; ít là m gì
(on) etc); reduce an amount down on the amount (hú t thuố c, v.v)
of of sugar I eat
6. feel up to Feel well enough to do I don’t feel up to Cả m thấ y đủ khoẻ
going out tonight để là m gì
7. get over Recover from (an It’s taken me ages to Hồ i phụ c , vượ t qua
illness, etc) get over the flu
8. give up Stop doing sth you do Darren has decided Từ bỏ
regularly to give up football at
the end of this
9. look after take care of Don’t worry, I’ll look Chă m só c cho ai
after the kids
10. pass out Suddenly become I nearly passed out Ngấ t xỉu
unconscious when I saw all the
11. pull Survive (a serious The doctors think Bình phụ c sứ c khoẻ
through illness, etc) she will pull through sau 1 că n bệnh
nghiêm trọ ng, 1
cuộ c phẫ u thuậ t, v.v
12. pull down to destroy something or My old school was Phá hủ y hoặ c là m
make it stop existing pulled down cho cá i gì đó ngừ ng
tồ n tạ i


13. put on Gain (weight) She looks like she's Tă ng câ n

put on weight
14. wear off Stop being effective (for The effects of the Mấ t tá c dụ ng/nhờ n
a drug, etc) drug will soon wear (thuố c, v.v)


1. alternative medicine Alternative medicine phương thuố c
methods are diverse thay thế
in their foundations
and methodologies
Alternative 2. alternative therapy Oxytocin has been in liệu phá p thay thế
use for several years
as an alternative
therapy for autism
3. find an alternative (to At least, then, they tìm cá i thay thế
sth) could desperately try cho..
find an alternative to
outside aid
Appointment 4. make/have/take an Most camps welcome có cuộ c hẹn vớ i ai
appointment such visits as long as
you make an
appointment ahead
of time
Bath 5. have/take a bath The safest option for tắ m
those at high risk
might simply be to
have a bath instead
6. run a bath (for sb) I could hear her chuẩ n bị bồ n tắ m
running a bath cho ai
Danger 7. in danger The plane was in đang trong tình
danger of crashing trạ ng nguy hiểm
over Germany if he
couldn't close the
8. out of danger Agatha is out of hết nguy hiểm
danger, but will be
checked over at the
hospital, just in case
Exercise 9. do an exercise Silvia Snachez has là m bà i tậ p

the class do an
exercise to guess
what is in the
mystery bag
10. do exercise Engels suffered from tậ p thể dụ c
asthma as a child and
was told he would
never be able to do
11. take/get (some) ‘Avoid too much fat, tậ p thể dụ c
exercise reduce your salt
intake and take some
exercise,' she said
Fit 12. get/stay/keep/be fit Three years ago, he giữ dá ng chuẩ n
decided to get fit and
ended up losing
more than 100
13. fit and healthy The models look thon gọ n và khỏ e
great, fit and healthy mạ nh
and I have not seen a
size zero all week
Good 14. do sb good The outing will do là m cho ai có lợ i
me good
15. sth does you good Frankly if letting off cá i gì là m bạ n tố t
steam on the
interweb does you
good, go ahead and
mince no words
16. good for sb (to do) This is a good chance tố t cho ai
for him to do serious
drama, especially
compared with some
of his previous acting
Health 17. in good/bad/poor/etc Anyone in good tình trạ ng sứ c
health health is welcome to khỏ e tố t
apply, but farmers
will be given
18. health center Nichols was trung tâ m sứ c
transferred to a khỏ e
secured state mental
health center for
19. health care Our government has Chă m só c sứ c

nationalized banks, khỏ e

car companies and
the health care
Injection 20. have an injection He had to have an tiêm phò ng cá i gì
(for/against sth) injection to relieve
the pain
21. give sb an injection Bonds was upset tiêm cho ai
because Anderson
refused to give him
an injection, he said
Medicine 22. take medicine Depression may uố ng thuố c
shorten life because
patients won't take
medicine or go to
23. prescribe medicine Your doctor may uố ng thuố c
prescribe medicine
and therapy to help
you do so
24. practice/study There are more họ c ngà nh dượ c
medicine applicants to study
medicine at
university than there
are places
25. the best medicine Get moving is the phương thuố c tố t
best medicine for nhấ t
returning to the path
of wellness
26. alternative medicine The use of phương thuố c
alternative medicine thay thế
in developed
countries appears to
be increasing
Shape 27. get in/into shape After remission, I là m cho dá ng
only had two or thon gọ n
three months to get
in shape for the
28. stay/keep in shape Many football giữ dá ng thon
players used baseball gọ n
as a way to stay in
shape during the
29. the shape of sth More than 12,000 hình dạ ng củ a cá i

hamburger buns are gì

sculpted into the
shape of an
American flag
30. in the shape of We left with a soap có hình dạ ng củ a
and candle in the cá i gì
shape of a sheep, and
a soft toy sheepdog
Spread 31. spread sth Someone's been lan truyền, trà n
spreading rumours lan cá i gì
about you
32. spread sth over/on sth He spread plaster on trả i cá i gì lên đâ u
the walls
33. Spread to a place Buddhism spread to lan truyền tớ i đâ u
China from India

1. addicted to sth Fifty million Americans are nghiện cá i gì
addicted to nicotine
2. attempt to do They made no attempt to escape cố gắ ng là m gì
3. benefit from sth Many thousands have benefited hưở ng lợ i từ điều gì
from the new treatment
4. a benefit of sth the benefits of contact lenses lợ i ích củ a cá i gì
5. complain (to sb) I'm going to complain to the than phiền
(about sth/sb doing) manager about this
6. complain of sth The defendant complained of than phiền
intimidation during the
7. cope with sth/doing He wasn't able to cope with the đương đầ u vớ i điều gì
stresses and strains of the job
8. inject sth into sth/sb The drug is injected directly into tiêm thuố c cho ai
the base of the spine
9. lead to sth/(your) The events that led to the start of dẫ n đến việc gì
doing the First World War
10. likely to do Children who live in the country’s có khả nă ng
rural areas are very likely to be
11. it is (un)likely that It is likely that download prices (khô ng) có khả nă ng
will vary in future far more than
they do now
12. need to do She needed to go out for a walk cầ n là m gì


13. need doing This shirt needs washing cầ n đượ c là m gì

14. in need of My car is in need of repair cầ n là m gì
15. no need for There’s no need for you to come if Khô ng cầ n là m gì
you don’t want to
16. operate on sb/sth We will have to operate on his eyes phẫ u thuậ t
17. suffer from sth The writer suffered from ill health chịu đự ng từ điều gì
for most of his life
18. suffer sth Victims suffered severe injuries in chịu đự ng điều gì
the accident
19. tired of sth/doing I was getting tired of all her chá n, khô ng cò n hứ ng
negative remarks thú
20. try to do He tried to control his voice cố gắ ng là m gì
21. try sth/sb/doing I'd like to try something new/ thử là m gì
I tried calling him but there was no
22. try and do Try and take some form of daily cố gắ ng là m gì, thử là m gì
23. worry about sth/sb You can stay here tonight, so you lo lắ ng về cá i gì
doing don't have to worry about walking
home in the dark
24. worried that She worried that she wasn’t doing lo lắ ng rằ ng
enough to help
25. worried about/by I worry about my daughter lo lắ ng về điều gì
26. worth sth/doing This order is potentially worth đá ng giá , có giá trị
millions of pounds to the company

1. allergy /ˈælədʒi/ (n) sự dị ứ ng
2. allergic /əˈlɜːdʒɪk/ (adj) dị ứ ng
3. aware /əˈweə(r)/ (adj) biết, nhậ n ra cá i gì
4. unaware /ˌʌnəˈweə(r)/ (adj) khô ng biết hoặ c khô ng nhậ n ra cá i

5. awareness /əˈweənəs/ (n) nhậ n thứ c
6. benefit /ˈbenɪfɪt/ (n) lợ i ích, phú c lợ i
7. beneficial /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl/ (adj) cả i thiện mộ t tình huố ng, có mộ t
tá c dụ ng hữ u ích
8. comfort /ˈkʌmfət/ (n) thoả i má i về thể chấ t, hà i lò ng vớ i
thứ mình có


9. discomfort /dɪsˈkʌmfət/ (n) Cả m giá c khô ng thoả i má i về thể

chấ t, khô ng hà i lò ng vớ i thứ mình có
10. comfortable /ˈkʌmftəbl/ (adj) thoả i má i về thể chấ t; dễ chịu
11. uncomfortable /ʌnˈkʌmftəbl/ (adj) khô ng thoả i má i về thể chấ t; khó
12. comfortably /ˈkʌmftəbli/ (adv) cả m giá c khô ng thoả i má i về thể
chấ t, khô ng hà i lò ng vớ i thứ mình có
13. uncomfortably /ʌnˈkʌmftəbli/ (adv) khô ng thoả i má i về thể chấ t; khó
14. emphasis /ˈemfəsɪs/ (n) sự nhấ n mạ nh
15. emphasise /ˈemfəsaɪz/ (v) nhấ n mạ nh
16. emphatic /ɪmˈfætɪk/ (adj) nhấ n mạ nh
17. fit /fɪt/ (v) vừ a vặ n, thích hợ p
18. unfit /ʌnˈfɪt/ (v) khô ng vừ a vặ n, khô ng thích hợ p
19. fitness /ˈfɪtnəs/ (n) tình trạ ng thể chấ t khỏ e mạ nh
20. ill /ɪl/ (adj) bị ố m đau; cả m thấ y khô ng khỏ e
21. illness /ˈɪlnəs/ (n) tình trạ ng bị bệnh về thể chấ t hoặ c
tinh thầ n
22. inject /ɪnˈdʒekt/ (v) tiêm thuố c
23. injection /ɪnˈdʒekʃn/ (n) sự tiêm thuố c
24. injure /ˈɪndʒə(r)/ (v) là m tổ n thương, là m bị thương

25. injury /ˈɪndʒəri/ (n) sự tổ n thương, sự bị thương

26. injuries /ˈɪndʒəriz/ (n) (số nhiều củ a injury) sự tổ n
thương, sự bị thương
27. operate /ˈɒpəreɪt/ (v) vậ n hà nh má y mó c, thiết bị; điều
khiển; mổ
28. operation /ˌɒpəˈreɪʃn/ (n) quá trình phẫ u thuậ t
29. operator /ˈɒpəreɪtə(r)/ (n) ngườ i vậ n hà nh má y mó c, thiết bị
30. operating /ˈɒpəreɪtɪŋ/ (adj) đang vậ n hà nh
31. cooperate /kəʊˈɒpəreɪt/ (v) hợ p tá c
32. cooperation /kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃn/ (n) sự hợ p tá c
33. cooperative /kəʊˈɒpərətɪv/ (adj) hợ p tá c
34. uncooperative /ˌʌnkəʊˈɒpərətɪv/ (adj) khô ng hợ p tá c
35. poison /ˈpɔɪzn/ (v) bỏ thuố c độ c/ đầ u độ c
(n) chấ t độ c
36. poisonous /ˈpɔɪzənəs/ (adj) nhiễm độ c, ngộ độ c

37. poisoning /ˈpɔɪzənɪŋ/ (n) sự nhiễm độ c, sự ngộ độ c

38. recover /rɪˈkʌvə(r)/ (v) phụ c hồ i; bình phụ c
39. recovery /rɪˈkʌvəri/ (n) sự phụ c hồ i; sự bình phụ c
40. strong /strɒŋ/ (adj) khỏ e; mạ nh mẽ
41. strength /streŋkθ/ (n) sự mạ nh mẽ; sứ c mạ nh
42. strengthen /ˈstreŋkθn/ (v) trở nên mạ nh mẽ
43. strongly /ˈstrɒŋli/ (adv) trở nên mạ nh mẽ
44. surgery /ˈsɜːdʒəri/ (n) phẫ u thuậ t
45. surgeon /ˈsɜːdʒən/ (n) bá c sĩ phẫ u thuậ t
46. surgical /ˈsɜːdʒɪkl/ (adj) thuộ c phẫ u thuậ t/mổ
47. surgically /ˈsɜːdʒɪkli/ (adv) thuộ c phẫ u thuậ t/mổ
48. treat /triːt/ (v) đố i xử
49. treatment /ˈtriːtmənt/ (n) sự đố i xử ; sự điều trị


1. chop to cut something into He was chopping logs - (v)Chặ t khú c, thá i
/tʃɒp/ pieces with a sharp tool for firewood. khú c
such as a knife


2. slice slice something (up) to Slice the cucumber -(v) thá i lá t mỏ ng

/slaɪs/ cut something into slices thinly.
3. grate to rub food against a Grate the cheese and - (v) bà o sợ i
/ɡreɪt/ grater in order to cut it sprinkle it over the
into small pieces tomatoes.
4. bake to cook food in an oven The bread is baking in -(v) nướ ng ( lò )
/beɪk/ without extra fat or the oven.
liquid; to be cooked in
this way
5. grill to cook food under a very Grill the sausages for - (v)nướ ng vỉ, than
/ɡrɪl/ strong heat ten minutes.
6. fry to cook something in hot We had fried chicken -(v) chiên
/fraɪ/ fat or oil; to be cooked in for dinner. Stir-fry: xà o
hot fat or oil
7. roast to cook food, especially The smell of roasting -(v) quay ( vịt, gà )
/rəʊst/ meat, without liquid in meat came from the
an oven or over a fire; to kitchen.
be cooked in this way
8. boil when a liquid boils or The water was bubbling -(v) đun sô i, luộ c
/bɔɪl/ when you boil it, it is and boiling away.
heated to the point
where it forms bubbles
and turns to steam or
9. cook - a person who cooks Add the onion and cook -(n) ngườ i nấ u, đầ u
/kʊk/ food or whose job is for three minutes. bếp
cooking - (v) nấ u
- to prepare food by
heating it, for example by
boiling, baking or frying
10. cooker a large piece of She set the house on - (n) nồ i nấ u, bếp
/ˈkʊkə(r)/ equipment for cooking fire by leaving a chip nấ u
food, containing an oven pan on the cooker.
and gas or electric rings
on top
11. chef a person whose job is to She used to work as a - (n) đầ u bếp
/ʃef/ cook, especially the most chef in a big hotel in
senior person in a Johannesburg.
restaurant, hotel, etc.
12. oven the part of a cooker that Bake in a preheated (n) lò vi só ng
/ˈʌvn/ is like a box with a door oven for 15–20
on the front, in which minutes.
food is cooked or heated


13. grill a flat metal frame that Put it under a hot grill (n) vỉ nướ ng
/ɡrɪl/ you put food on to cook to brown for two
over a fire minutes.
14. hob the top part of a cooker A pan of soup was (n) kiềng bếp, bếp
/hɒb/ where food is cooked in simmering on the hob. ( nên dù ng google
pans; a similar surface hình ả nh giả i thích
that is built into a kitchen cho hs dễ hiểu hơn)
unit and is separate from
the oven
15. kitchen a room in which meals We ate at the kitchen (n) nhà bếp
/ˈkɪtʃɪn/ are cooked or prepared table.
16. cuisine a style of cooking London offers a wide (n) ẩ m thự c
/kwɪˈziːn/ variety of foreign
17. lunch a meal eaten in the I'm ready for some (n) bữ a trưa
/lʌntʃ/ middle of the day lunch.
18. dinner the main meal of the day, When do you have (n) bữ a tố i
/ˈdɪnə(r)/ eaten either in the dinner?
middle of the day or in
the evening
19. plate a flat, usually round, dish There was an enormous (n) đĩa
/pleɪt/ that you put food on pile of dirty plates in
the kitchen sink.
20. bowl a deep round dish with a I refilled the dog's (n) tô , chén
/bəʊl/ wide open top, used water bowl.
especially for holding
food or liquid
21. saucer a small shallow round cups and saucers (n) dĩa nhỏ để dướ i
/ˈsɔːsə(r)/ dish that a cup stands on; tá ch trà , cà phê
an object that is like this
in shape
22. dish food prepared in a This makes an excellent (n) mó n ă n
/dɪʃ/ particular way as part of hot main dish.
a meal
23. vegetable a plant or part of a plant The children don't eat (n) rau củ
/ˈvedʒtəbl/ that is eaten as food. enough fresh
Potatoes, beans and vegetables.
onions are all vegetables.
24. vegetarian a person who does not They are strict (n) ngườ i ă n chay
/ˌvedʒəˈteəriən/ eat meat or fish vegetarians.
25. vegan a person who does not He’s a strict vegan. (n) ngườ i ă n chay
/ˈviːɡən/ eat any animal products trườ ng (khô ng ă n
such as meat, milk or cá c sả n phẩ m từ
eggs or use animal độ ng vậ t như trứ ng,

products such as leather sữ a)

or wool
26. fast food hot food, such as America's favourite (n) thứ c ă n nhanh
/ˌfɑːst ˈfuːd/ hamburgers and chips, fast-food chain
that is served very
quickly and can be taken
away to be eaten in the
27. takeaway a restaurant that cooks We can get something (n) đồ ă n mang đi
/ˈteɪkəweɪ/ and sells food that you to eat from the Chinese
take away and eat takeaway.
somewhere else
28. kettle a container with a lid, a I'll just boil the kettle. (n) ấ m nướ c
/ˈketl/ handle and a spout, used
for boiling water
29. teapot a container with a spout, She refilled the teapot (n) bình trà
/ˈtiːpɒt/ a handle and a lid (= with boiling water.
cover), used for making
and serving tea
30. freezer a large piece of electrical They bought all their (n) tủ đô ng
/ˈfriːzə(r)/ equipment in which you frozen food from the
can store food for a long same freezer centre.
time at a low
temperature so that it
stays frozen
31. fridge a piece of electrical The kids tend to raid (n) tủ lạ nh
/frɪdʒ/ equipment in which food the fridge when they
is kept cold so that it get home from school.
stays fresh
32. frozen (of food) kept at a very a major producer of (adj) đô ng lạ nh
/ˈfrəʊzn/ low temperature in order canned and frozen
to preserve it foods
33. freezing extremely cold It's freezing in here! (adj) cự c kì lạ nh
34. mix if two or more Oil and water do not (v) trộ n
/mɪks/ substances or things mix mix.
or you mix them, they
combine, usually in a
way that means they
cannot easily be
35. stir to move a liquid or Stir in the milk until the (v) khuấ y đều
/stɜː(r)/ substance around, using sauce thickens.
a spoon or something
similar, in order to mix it

36. whisk = to mix liquids, eggs, etc. Whisk the egg whites (v) đá nh trứ ng
whip/wɪsk/ into a stiff, light mass, until stiff.
using a fork or special
37. soft drink a cold drink that does not They discovered that an (n) nướ c ngọ t
/ˌsɒft ˈdrɪŋk/ contain alcohol alcohol could be a soft
drink provided that it
was a certain type of
38. fizzy drink a sweet drink without Inside is a fizzy drink (n) nướ c ngọ t có ga
/ˈfɪzi drɪŋk/ alcohol that has bubbles. that tastes very much
like Coca - Cola .
39. menu a list of the food that is There wasn't much (n) thự c đơn
/ˈmenjuː/ available at a restaurant choice on the menu.
or to be served at a meal
40. catalogue a complete list of items, Do you often buy goods (n) bả ng liệt kê mụ c
/ˈkætəlɒɡ/ for example of things from mail-order lụ c (nhữ ng sả n
that people can look at or catalogues? phẩ m khá ch hà ng
buy mua)


1. drop in Visit unexpectedly I thought I'd drop in on Ghé thă m
(on) you while I was passing.
2. get on for Be almost particular He must be getting on Gầ n tớ i (số , giờ ,
time, number, age… for 80 now. tuổ i…)
3. go off Be no longer fresh This bacon smells a bit Ô i thiu
funny - do you think it's
gone off?
4. go on Continue happening or Please go on with what Tiếp tụ c
doing something; do sth you're doing and don't
after doing sth else let us interrupt you.
5. go/ come Go/ come to sb's house Do come around and Đến nhà ai thă m họ
round to visit them see us some time.
6. keep on Continue doing sth I want to keep on with Tiếp tụ c
part-time work for as
long as possible.
7. leave out Not include Leave me out of this Khô ng bao gồ m,
quarrel, please. tham gia/ loạ i bỏ


8. put off Make sb not want to do She's very clever but Là m ai đó khô ng
or not like sth her manner does tend thích cá i gì
to put people off.
9. run into Meet by chance Guess who I ran into Tình cờ gặ p
10. run out of Not have any left Time is running out for Hết sạ ch
the trapped miners.
11. take to Begin to like; begin to do I've taken to waking up Bắ t đầ u thích/ bắ t
sth regularly very early. đầ u là m cá i gì
thườ ng xuyên
12. try out Experiment with They're trying out a Kiểm tra
new presenter for the
13. turn out Develop in a particular It turned out that she Hó a ra là
way or have a particular was a friend of my
result sister.
14. turn up Appear unexpectedly or We arranged to meet at Xuấ t hiện (khô ng
without making a firm 7.30, but she never hẹn trướ c)
arrangement. turned up.


1. a good/ great… cook John is a very good cook (= Đầ u bếp giỏ i
Cook he cooks well).
2. cook a meal/ chicken… The cleverest housewife Nấ u ă n, gà …
can't cook a meal without
3. do the cooking I don't mind eating in if you Nấ u ă n
do the cooking.
Drink 4. make (sb) a drink Alan wrapped one of his cot Pha nướ c cho
blankets round his ai uố ng
shoulders and took him to
the kitchen to make a drink
5. have a drink of sth Could I have a drink of Uố ng cá i gì
water, please?
6. drink sth I don't drink coffee. Uố ng cá i gì
7. drink to sb Raise your glasses and Uố ng mừ ng,
drink to the bride and uố ng chú c
bridegroom. mừ ng
8. drink to sb's health They drink to his health. Uố ng chú c
mừ ng sứ c khỏ e


9. drink a toast to sb We drank a toast to the Uố ng chú c

company and its future mừ ng sứ c khỏ e,
success. sự thà nh cô ng
Feed 10. feed an animal Have you fed the cat yet? Cho độ ng vậ t
11. feed on sth Butterflies feed on the Ă n cá i gì
flowers of garden plants.
12. fill sth up We need to fill up. Đổ đầ y, là m cho
đầ y
13. filled with sth I filled the bottle with wate Lắ p đầ y, đổ
đầ y, trà n ngậ p
14. full of sth My suitcase was full of Đầ y
Food 15. make/ prepare/ cook/ Gina had prepared food and Chế biến, chuẩ n
serve…food drink for the work party. bị, nấ u, phụ c vụ
thứ c ă n
16. fast/ junk food James works as assistant Thứ c ă n nhanh,
chef at a fast food thứ c ă n khô ng
restaurant. tố t cho sứ c
khỏ e
17. pet food This store sells pet food. Thứ c ă n dà nh
cho thú cưng
18. health food Essential oils can be bought Thứ c ă n tố t cho
from most good health food sứ c khỏ e
Meal 19. make/ have/ cook a I had a friend and we'd cook Nấ u ă n/ ă n
meal a meal and share it and
bring the kids together.
20. go out for a meal I suggested to Mike that we Ă n ngoà i
go out for a meal with his
21. - make (a) note of sth - Jenny, make a note of this - ghi chú
number and remind me to - chú ý đến cá i
- take (a) note of sth call it when we get home. gì
- You should take careful
note of what she tells you - nhớ , nghĩ về,
giữ trong đầ u
- keep (a) note of sth
- He kept note of the
location of the soldiers"
22. note sth down The police officer noted ghi chú
down details of the


Occasion 23. on this/ that occasion His behavior on that và o dịp nà y, dịp
occasion was extremely kia
24. on occasion I've met him on several Và o dịp nà o đó
25. on the occasion of sth Congratulations on the Nhâ n dịp
occasion of your wedding
26. special occasion Turn every meal into a Và o dịp đặ c
special occasion. biệt
27. follow a recipe I'm not a great cook, but I Là m theo cô ng
Recipe can follow a recipe pretty thứ c nấ u ă n
28. recipe book The recipe book lay on the Sá ch nấ u ă n
29. recipe for disaster, Sky-high interest rates are a Có khả nă ng trở
trouble, success recipe for disaster. thanh thả m
họ a, phiền
phứ c, thanh
cô ng
30. lay the table Please lay the table for six. dọ n bà n
(chuẩ n bị sẵ n
Table sang cho bữ a
ă n)
31. clear the table I'll make the coffee if you'll Lau dọ n (sau
clear the table. khi ă n)
32. set the table I set the table for eight Dọ n bà n (chuẩ n
people, on the assumption bị sẵ n sang cho
that Jo would come. bữ a ă n)
33. book/ reserve a table I'd like to reserve a table for đặ t bà n
34. wash the dishes You wash the dishes and I'll Rử a chén
35. wash one's hands Nun is preparing to wash Rử a tay
one's hands, see have two
sister fighting.
36. do the washing-up If you cook, I'll do the Rử a chén
37. dishwasher The dishwasher is a
wonderful invention.
38. washing machine Our washing machine has Má y giặ t
broken; I'll ring the

1. associate sth/sb with sth/sb I always associate the smell of Liên tưở ng
baking with my childhood.
2. careful with/ about/ of sth Please be careful with my glasses Cẩ n thậ n
3. choose between She had to choose between staying Chọ n giữ a…
in the UK or going home.
4. choose to do We chose to go by train. Chọ n để là m
5. compliment sb on sth She complimented him on his Khen
excellent German.
6. full of (adj) My suitcase was full of books. Đầ y
7. lack sth (v) The team lacked the skill to compete Thiếu
at the highest level.
8. lack of sth (n) There was no lack of volunteers. Thiếu
9. lacking in (adj) She's not usually lacking in Thiếu
10. offer sb sth They decided to offer Jo the job. Đề nghị cho ai cá i

11. offer sth to sb They decided to offer the job to Jo. Đề nghị cá i gì cho
12. offer to do The kids offered to do the dishes. Đề nghị là m gì
(ngườ i nó i là m)
13. regard sb as (being) sth He regards himself as a patriot. Xem cá i gì như là
14. remember to do Remember to call me when you Nhớ để là m gì
arrive! (tương lai)
15. remember doing I remember seeing pictures of him Nhớ đã là m gì
when I was a child. (quá khứ )
16. remember that I remember (that) we used to go and Nhớ rằ ng
see them most weekends.
17. suggest sth/ doing (to sb) I suggested going in my car. Đề nghị là m gì
18. suggest that I strongly suggest (that) you don't Đề nghị rằ ng
get involved.
19. tend to do Women tend to live longer than Có xu hướ ng
20. wait for sth/sb I'm still waiting for the results of my Đợ i ai/ cá i gì
blood test.
21. wait (for sth) to do We're waiting for the rain to stop Đợ i cá i gì để là m


before we go out. gì
22. wait and see We'll just have to wait and see— Đợ i rồ i sẽ thấ y
there's nothing we can do at the
23. willing to do I'm willing to give you the benefit of Sẵ n sà ng là m gì
the doubt.

1. anxious /ˈæŋkʃəs/ (adj) lo lắ ng
2. anxiously /ˈæŋkʃəsli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch lo lắ ng
3. anxiety /æŋˈzaɪəti/ (n) sự lo lắ ng
4. appreciate /əˈpriːʃieɪt/ (v) đá nh giá cao, biết ơn
5. appreciative /əˈpriːʃətɪv/ (adj) cả m thấ y biết ơn, dễ chịu
6. appreciatively /əˈpriːʃətɪvli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch biết ơn, dễ chịu
7. unappreciative /ˌʌn.əˈpriː.ʃi.ə.tɪv/ (adj) khô ng biết ơn, khô ng đanh giá
8. appreciation /əˌpriːʃiˈeɪʃn/ (n) sự biết ơn, đanh giá cao
9. contain /kənˈteɪn/ (v) chứ a đự ng, bao gồ m
10. container /kənˈteɪnə(r)/ (n) đồ chứ a (hộ p nhự a, kim loạ i…)
11. content(s) /ˈkɒntent/ (n) nộ i dung
12. create (v) /kriˈeɪt/ (v) tạ o ra
13. creativity (n) /ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti/ (n) sự sá ng tạ o
14. creation /kriˈeɪʃn/ (n) sự tạ o ra
15. creator /kriˈeɪtə(r)/ (n) ngườ i tạ o ra
16. disgust /dɪsˈɡʌst/ (v,n) khô ng thích, kinh tở m
17. disgusting /dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋ/ (adj) cự c kì khô ng thích, kinh tở m
18. disgusted /dɪsˈɡʌstɪd/ (adj) cả m thấ y cự c kì khô ng thích,
kinh tở m
19. grow /ɡrəʊ/ (v) trồ ng, phá t triển
20. growth /ɡrəʊθ/ (n) sự phá t triển
21. grown-up /ˌɡrəʊn ˈʌp/ (adj, n) trưở ng thà nh
22. growing /ˈɡrəʊɪŋ/ (adj) đang phá t triển
23. grown /ɡrəʊn/ (adj) đã phá t triển, đã trưở ng thà nh
24. home-grown /ˌhəʊm ˈɡrəʊn/ (adj) nhà trồ ng
24. grower /ˈɡrəʊə(r)/ (n) ngườ i trồ ng
25. mix /mɪks/ (n) trộ n

25. mixed /mɪkst/ (adj) trộ n lẫ n

26. mixture /ˈmɪkstʃə(r)/ (n) sự trộ n lẫ n
27. mixer /ˈmɪksə(r)/ (n) má y trộ n
28. origin /ˈɒrɪdʒɪn/ (n) nguồ n gố c
29. original(ly) /əˈrɪdʒənl/ (adj, adv) thuộ c về nguồ n gố c, cuộ i
nguồ n, ban đầ u
30. unoriginal(ly) /ˌʌn.əˈrɪdʒ.ɪ.nəl/ (adj, adv) khô ng phả i gố c, nguyên bả n
31. originate /əˈrɪdʒɪneɪt/ (v) bắ t nguồ n từ
32. originator /əˈrɪdʒɪneɪtə(r)/ (n) ngườ i khở i đầ u, khở i xướ ng
33. prepare /prɪˈpeə(r)/ (v) chuẩ n bị
34. preparation /ˌprepəˈreɪʃn/ (n) sự chuẩ n bị
35. preparatory /prɪˈpærətri/ (adj) sử a soạ n, chuẩ n bị, mở đầ u
36. prepared /prɪˈpeəd/ (adj) đã đượ c chuẩ n bị
37. unprepared /ˌʌnprɪˈpeəd/ (adj) chưa đượ c chuẩ n bị
38. safe /seɪf/ (adj) an toan
39. unsafe /ʌnˈseɪf/ (adj) khô ng an toan
40. safely /seɪfli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch an toà n
41. unsafely /ʌnˈseɪfli/ (adv) khô ng an toan
42. save /seɪv/ (v) cứ u, lưu, tiết kiệm
43. safety /ˈseɪfti/ (n) sự an toan
44. saviour /ˈseɪvjə(r)/ (n) vị cứ u tinh
45. saver /ˈseɪvə(r)/ (n) ngườ i tiết kiệm tiền
46. surprise /səˈpraɪz/ (n,v) là m ngạ c nhiên, sự ngạ c nhiên
47. surprising(ly) /səˈpraɪzɪŋ/ (adj, adv) ngạ c nhiên
48. unsurprising(ly) /ˌʌnsəˈpraɪzɪŋ/ (adj, adv) khô ng gâ y ngạ c nhiên
49. surprised /səˈpraɪzd/ (adj) cả m thấ y ngạ c nhiên
50. sweet /swiːt/ (adj) ngọ t ngà o
(n) kẹo
51. sweetly /swiːtli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch ngọ t ngao
52. sweetener /ˈswiːtnə(r)/ (n) chấ t là m ngọ t
53. sweetness /ˈswiːtnəs/ (n) sự ngọ t ngà o
54. thorough /ˈθʌrə/ (adj) hoà n tò an, cẩ n thậ n, chu đá o
55. thoroughly /ˈθʌrəli/ (adj) mộ t cá ch hoà n tò an, cẩ n thậ n,
chu đá o, chi tiết
56. thoroughness /ˈθʌrənəs/ (n) sự cẩ n thậ n, chu đá o, chi tiết





1.take - to reach out for and The weather forecast (v) lấ y, dẫ n đi

grasp, hold, lift, pull said rain, so take
etc your umbrella (with
you) when you go
2.pass - to move towards and Guess what? I've (v) vượ t qua
then beyond passed my driving
(something, by going test!
past, through, by, over
3. study - to give time and Next term we will (n,v) sự họ c tậ p, sự
attention to gaining study plants and how nghiên cứ u; họ c
knowledge of a subject they grow. tậ p, nghiên cứ u
4. test - a set of questions or The class are (n) bà i kiểm tra
exercises intended to doing/having a
find out a person’s spelling test today.
ability, knowledge etc;
a short examination
5. exam - a test of a student's American students (n) kì thi
knowledge or skill in a ranked fourth in
particular subject those taking the
geography exam.
6. primary school - a school for children Primary school (n) trườ ng tiểu họ c
/ˈpraɪ.mɚi ˌskuːl/ between five and enrollments have
eleven years old stagnated at 74 per
7. secondary school - a school for children Marcus has just (n) trườ ng THCS
/ˈsek.ən.der.i ˌskuːl/ between the ages of started at secondary
11 and 15 school.
8. high school - used in the names of Cory will be starting (n) trườ ng THPT
schools for children high school in
/ˈhaɪ ˌskuːl/
aged from eleven to September.
9. colleague - one of a group of We're entertaining (n) đồ ng nghiệp
people who work some colleagues of
together Carol's tonight.
10. classmate - someone who is in Trish is taller than (n) bạ n họ c
the same class as you most of her
at school classmates.
11. prefect - an older student who Among the prefects (n) lớ p trưở ng
/ˈpriːfekt/ is given some of a school, very few
authority and helps to are usually popular.
control the younger


12. pupil - a person, especially a The school has over (n) họ c sinh
child at school, who is 400 pupils.
being taught
13. student - a person who is He was a student at (n) sinh viên
/ˈstjuː.dənt/ learning at a college or the University of
university Chicago.
14. qualifications - an official record You'll never get a (n) trinh độ chuyên
showing that you have good job if you don't mô n
finished a training have any
course or have the qualifications.
necessary skills, etc.
15. quality - how good or bad Their products are of (n) phẩ m chấ t, chấ t
something is very high quality. lượ ng
16. count - to say numbers one Count your money (v) đếm
after the other in carefully to make
order, or to calculate sure it's all there.
the number of people
or things in a group
17. measure - to discover the exact This machine (v) đo lườ ng
/ˈmeʒ.ər/ size or amount of measures your heart
something rate.
18. degree - a course of study at a She has a physics (n) bằ ng (đạ i họ c…)
college or university, degree in physics
or the qualification from Edinburgh.
given to a student
after he or she has
completed his or her
19. certificate /sə - an official document She has a Certificate (n) chứ ng chỉ
ˈtɪf.ɪ.kət/ that states that the in Drama Education.
information on it is
20. result - something that The road has been (n) kết quả
happens or exists widened, but the
because of something result is just more
else: traffic.
21. speak - to say words, to use If he tells Julie what I (v) nó i (ngô n
the voice, or to have a said, I'll never speak ngữ …)
conversation with to him again.
22. talk - to say words aloud; She talks to her (v) nó i chuyện
to speak to someone mother on the phone
every week.
23. lesson - a period of time in How can we make (n) bà i họ c

/ˈles.ən/ which a person is science lessons more

taught about a subject interesting?
or how to do
24. subject - an area of knowledge My favourite (n) mô n họ c
/ˈsʌb.dʒekt/ that is studied in subjects at school
school, college, or were history and
university: English.
25. achieve - to succeed in She finally achieved (v) đạ t đượ c
finishing something or her ambition to visit
reaching an aim, South America.
especially after a lot of
work or effort
26. reach - to arrive at a place, We won't reach (v) đến, đi đến, đạ t
especially after Miami until five or đến
spending a long time six o'clock.
or a lot of effort
27.task /tæsk/ - a piece of work to be We usually ask (n) nhiệm vụ
done, especially one interviewees to
done regularly, perform a few simple
unwillingly, or with tasks on the
difficulty computer just to test
their aptitude.
28. effort - physical or mental You can't expect to (v) nỗ lự c
activity needed to have any friends if
achieve something you don't make the
effort with people.
29. know - to have information I don't know (v) hiểu, biết
in your mind anything about this.
30. recognise - to know someone or Doctors are trained (v) nhậ n biết
/ˈrek.əɡ.naɪz/ something because to recognize the
you have seen or symptoms of
heard him or her or different diseases.
experienced it before
31. teach - to give someone She taught English to (v) dạ y
knowledge or to train foreign students.
someone; to instruct
32. learn - to get knowledge or "Can you drive?" "I'm (v) họ c, nghiên cứ u
skill in a new subject learning."
or activity



1. catch on understand He doesn't take hints very hiểu
easily, but he'll catch on (to
what you're saying)
2. come be persuaded to change People are starting to come thay đổ i ý
(a)round (to) your mind (about) around to the idea. định về (bị
thuyết phụ c)
3. cross out draw a line through sth He crossed out all her gạ ch bỏ , gạ ch
written mistakes giữ a
4. dawn on if something dawns on It suddenly dawned on me hiểu ra, ngộ
you, you realise it for the what he had meant. ra
first time

5. deal with handle, cope with She deals with all the giả i quyết
customer inquiries.

6. drop out leave school, etc before She’s dropped out of bỏ họ c

(of) you have finished a college.
7. get at try to express What are you getting at? ngụ ý

8. get on with continue doing I suppose I could get on tiếp tụ c là m gì

with the ironing while I'm
9. give in stop making an effort to Don't give up and don't give bỏ cuộ c,
achieve sth difficult in. ngừ ng nỗ lự c

10. sail do something or deal with Thanks for his help, we vượ t qua cá i
through something very easily could sail through that gì mộ t cá ch
grassy slope. dễ dà ng
11. set out explain, describe or When they set out they Giả i thích,
arrange sth in a clear and were well prepared. miêu tả , sắ p
detailed way xếp 1 cá ch rõ
rà ng, chi tiết.
12. think over consider I suggest you think over suy nghĩ kĩ
your position very carefully.



1. pay attention to sb/sth Now is rush hour with a lot Chú ý, tậ p

of traffic, pay attention to trung và o
2. attract sb's attention He waved to attract the Thu hú t sự
attention of the waitress. chú ý củ a ai
3. draw sb's attention to She jumped and shouted to Lô i kéo sự
sth draw attention to herself. chú ý củ a ai

4. have/take a break from We've been working for two Ngưng, nghỉ
sth hours; let's take a break. cá i gì

5. tea break, lunch break Staff are entitled to a 30- Nghỉ trưa,
Break minute lunch break if they nghỉ uố ng trà
work more than six hours.
6. commercial break The first episode featured Quả ng cá o
only three commercial
7. give sb a break Give her a break – she was Cho ai nghỉ
only five minutes late. ngơi

8. have a discussion with And anyway, he has been Có cuộ c thả o
Discussion sb about/on sth having a discussion with you luậ n vớ i ai về
for ten minutes. điều gì

9. I am concerned that his Là m/ vượ t

Exam take/do/have/pass/fail ability to pass the exam was qua/ trượ t kì
an exam compromised by the senior thi
school's visit.
10. sit (for) an exam I have to sit an exam in Tham gia 1 kì
biology at the end of term. thi
11. do your homework It was obvious that she had Là m bà i tậ p
done her homework and
Homework thoroughly prepared for her
12. have homework (to Have you got any homework Là m bà i tậ p
do) tonight? về nhà
13. have an idea He already had an idea for Có ý tưở ng về
his next novel.
14. bright idea Why not ask Sylvia? She's Ý tưở ng hay,
always full of bright ideas. sá ng kiến hay
15. have no idea You have no idea how Khô ng hiểu,


embarrassed I was. khô ng biết

Learn 16. have a lot to learn I still have a lot to learn Vẫ n phả i họ c,
about sth/doing about the English language. cầ n họ c thêm
17. learn (how) to do I learned to swim Họ c là m cá i

18. go to/have a lesson At five I'm having a lesson? Có tiết họ c

19. double lesson We have a double lesson Tiết họ c đô i,
after lunch bà i họ c kép
20. learn a/your lesson My computer crashed before Họ c đượ c
I saved the document – I've mộ t bà i họ c
learned my lesson, and now
I save everything all the
21. teach sb a lesson I sat in the sun all day at the Dạ y cho ai đó
beach and got a terrible mộ t bà i họ c
sunburn – it really taught me
a lesson.
22. make up your mind I haven't made up my mind Quyết định
(about sth/doing) where to go yet.
23. bear (sth) in mind Bearing in mind that it’s Nhớ cá i gì để
Christmas, how much do you câ n nhắ c
think the flight will cost?

24. in two minds about I was in two minds whether Do dự về cá i

sth/doing or not to come this morning. gì
25. change your mind At first I thought she was Thay đổ i ý
mind (about sth/doing) unfriendly, but I’ve changed định
my mind.

26. cross your mind What was the first thing that Bấ t chợ t nghĩ
crossed your mind when you ra cá i gì
won the prize?
27. to my mind The room has pink walls and Theo quan
a green carpet, which to my điểm củ a tô i
mind looks all wrong.
28. in my opinion In my opinion, I think this Theo ý kiến
Opinion book is more interesting củ a tô i
than the other one
29. give/express your/an He didn't express/give an Bà y tỏ quan
opinion (of/about opinion on the matter điểm về điêu
sth/doing) gì


30. hold/have an opinion People tend to have strong Có quan điểm
(of/about sth/doing) opinions on capital
31. pass sth (over) to sb Please pass this letter over Đưa qua
Pass to Jennifer.
32. pass an exam Pilots have to pass an exam Thi đỗ
in meteorology to fly
commercial airliners.
33. see/take sb's point I see your point, but I don’t Hiểu về tầ m
(about sth/doing) think there’s anything we quan trọ ng
Point can do at the moment. củ a ai về
34. (see) the point in/of They couldn't see the point Thấ y đượ c ý
sth/doing of more training. nghĩa, thấ y
đượ c trọ ng
35. there's no point in There's no point in Vô ích
sth/doing cramming the day before the
36. make a point (of She makes a point of keeping Cố gắ ng là m
doing) all her shopping receipts.
37. make sense of sth We’ve been trying to make Hiểu điều gì
sense of our dreams.
38. it makes sense (to It makes sense for me to give Có ý nghĩa,
do) you an example sentence, hiểu
because I speak English.
39. sense of His lively sense of humour Khiếu hà i
humour/taste/sight/etc helps to keep the lab very hướ c/vị
cheerful. giá c/thị giá c
Suggestion 40. make/accept a A personal shopper is a Đưa ra/ chấ p
suggestion person who helps others nhậ n lờ i gợ i ý
shop by giving advice and
making suggestions.

1. Able to do I wasn't able to work out what she was có khả nă ng là m gì
trying to say.
2. Admire sb (for sth) I've always admired her for her khâ m phụ c ai về việc gì
generous spirit

3. Boast of Jim is boasting of getting the khoe khoang

promotion, but the boss hasn't
officially awarded it yet.
4. Capable of doing You are capable of a lot more than you có khả nă ng

think you are.

5. Congratulate sb on I'd like to congratulate you on your chú c mừ ng ai về việc gì
sth marriage

6. Fail to do He failed in his attempt to break the thấ t bạ i

7. Hope to do I hope to go to college this year I hope hy vọ ng
to see her soon.
8. Learn by sth/ doing She learned the equations by rote. họ c về
9. Learn to do I've learned to swim họ c là m gì
10. Settle on sth They were hoping to sell their car for - quyết định
£2,000, but settled for £1,500
Settle for - chấ p nhậ n, đồ ng ý,
quyết định có cá i gì
11. Similar to sth/sb I bought some new shoes which are tương tự
very similar to a pair I had before.
12. Study sth, for sth She's been studying for her doctorate họ c cá i gì, nghiên cứ u
for three years already.
13. Succeed in You need to be pretty tough to succeed thà nh cô ng trong
sth/doing in the property world.
14. Suitable for sth The film is not suitable for children. phù hợ p vớ i
15. Suitable to do Each room has books, toys, and games thích hợ p để là m việc gì
that are suitable to that particular age

1. academy /ə'kædəmi/ (n) họ c viện

2. academic /,ækə'demik/ (adj) thuộ c về họ c thuậ t

3. academically /,əkə'demikli/ (adv) họ c thuậ t
4. attend /ə'tend/ (v) tham dự , chú tâ m, chú ý
5. attentive /ə'tentiv/ (adj) chă m chú
6. attention /ə'ten∫n/ (n) sự chú ý
7. attendant /ə'tendənt[r]/ (n) ngườ i phụ c vụ (bữ a họ p)
8. attendance /ə'tendəns (n) sự có mặ t, sự tham dự
9. behave /bi'heiv/ (v) ứ ng xử , cư xử
10. behaviour /bi'heivjə[r]/ (n) cá ch ứ ng xử , hà nh vi
11. certify /'sɜ:tifai/ (v) chứ ng nhậ n; cấ p chứ ng
nhậ n


12. certificate /sə'tifikət/ (n) chứ ng chỉ; bằ ng, vă n

bằ ng
13. certified /'sə:tifaid/ (adj) đượ c chứ ng nhậ n,
đượ c nhậ n thự c, đượ c
chứ ng thự c
14. educate /'edjʊkeit/ (v) giá o dụ c, dạ y dỗ
15. educator /'edjʊkeitə[r]/ (n) nhà giá o dụ c
16. education /,edjʊ'kei∫n/ (n) nền giá o dụ c; hệ thố ng
giá o dụ c
17. educational /,edjʊ'kei∫ənl/ (adj) thuộ c giá o dụ c, để giá o
dụ c
18. fail /feil/ (v) thấ t bạ i
19. failure /'feiljə[r]/ (n) sự thấ t bạ i
20. failing /'feiliη/ (n) thiếu só t, nhượ c điểm
21. improve /im'pru:v/ (v) cả i tiến, cả i thiện; trở
nên tố t hơn
22. improvement /im'pru:vmənt/ (n) sự cả i tiến; sự đượ c cả i
tiến, sự trở nên tố t hơn
23. improved /im'pru:v/ (adj) đượ c hoà n thiện ,
đượ c cả i tiến
24. intense /in'tens/ (adj) mạ nh, có cườ ng độ lớ n
25. intensity /in'tensəti/ (n) cườ ng độ
26. intensify /in'tensifai/ (v) tă ng cườ ng; gia tă ng
27. intensely /in'tensli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch mạ nh mẽ
28. literate /,litə'ra:it/ (adj) biết đọ c biết viết
29. illiterate /i'litərət/ (adj) dố t, khô ng hiểu biết gì
30. literacy /'litərəsi/ (n) sự biết viết biết đọ c
31. literature /'litrət∫ə[r]/ (n) vă n chương, vă n họ c;
nền vă n họ c
32. reason /'ri:zn/ (n) lý do
33. reasonable /'ri:znəbl/ (adj) có lý, hợ p lí
34. reasonably /'ri:znəbli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch có lý
35. reasoning /'ri:zniŋ/ (n) sự lậ p luậ n; lý lẽ lậ p luậ n
36. revise /ri'vaiz/ (v) xét lạ i, xem lạ i, duyệt lạ i
37. revision /ri'viʒn/ (n) sự xét lạ i, sự xem lạ i, ô n
lạ i
38. scholar /'skələ[r]/ (n) họ c giả


39.scholarship /'skələ∫ip/ (n) họ c bổ ng

40. scholarly /'skələli/ (adj) uyên bá c, cẩ n trọ ng
41. scholastic /skə'læstik/ (adj) thuộ c họ c đườ ng,
thuộ c họ c tậ p
42. solve /'sɒlv/ (v) giả i, tìm ra đá p á n (cho
mộ t vấ n đề…)
43. solution /sə'lu:∫n/ (n) giả i phá p
44. solvable /'sɒlvəbl/ (adj) có thể giả i quyết đượ c
45. study /'stʌdi/ (n) sự họ c hỏ i; sự nghiên
cứ u
46. student /'stju:dənt/ (n) sinh viên
47. studious /'stju:diəs/ (adj) chă m chỉ
48. teach /ti:t∫/ (v) dạ y
49. teacher /'ti:t∫ə[r]/ (n) giá o viên
50. think /'θiŋk/ (v) nghĩ, suy nghĩ
51. thinkable /'θiŋkəbl/ (adj) có thể tưở ng tượ ng
đượ c
52. thoughtful /θɔ:tfl/ (adj) có suy nghĩ, chín chắ n
53. understand /,ʌndə'stænd (v) hiểu
54. misunderstanding /,misʌndə'stændiŋ/ (n) sự hiểu lầ m
55. misunderstood /'misʌndə'stænd/ (v) hiểu lầ m, hiểu sai
56. understandable /,ʌndə'stændəbl/ (adj) có thể hiểu đượ c
57.understandably /,ʌndə'stændəbli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch có thể hiểu
đượ c



1. urban - of or in a city or Many Americans were (adj) thuộ c về
town leaving the farm for the thà nh thị
promise of urban life.
2. suburban /sə - in or connected with Now he is a radiologist (adj) ngoạ i ô
ˈbɜːbən/ a suburb in a suburban hospital
of 650 beds.
3. rural - connected with or They'd probably dump (adj) thuộ c về nô ng
like the countryside that car in some rural thô n
4. smog - a form of air As we flew into the (n) khí ô nhiễm,
pollution that is or airport, we could see a khó i lẫ n sương
looks like a mixture of murky yellow smog
smoke and fog, hovering over the city.
especially in cities
5. fog - a thick cloud of very Freezing fog will make (n) sương mù
small drops of water driving conditions very
in the air close to the treacherous.
land or sea, that is
very difficult to see
through it
6. smoke - the grey, white or His eyes were smarting (n) khó i
black gas that is from the smoke from
produced by the fire
something burning


7. mist - a cloud of very small The mountain villages (n) hạ t sương mai
drops of water in the seem to be
air just above the permanently shrouded
ground, that make it in mist.
difficult to see
8. weather - the conditions in the The weather in the (n) thờ i tiết
/ˈweðə(r)/ air above the earth mountains can change
such as wind, rain, or very quickly, so take
temperature, appropriate clothing.
especially at a
particular time over a
particular area
9. climate - the regular pattern The Mediterranean (n) khí hậ u
/ˈklaɪmət/ of weather conditions climate is good for
of a particular place growing citrus fruits
and grapes.
10. forecast - (v) to say what you - It is difficult to (v) dự đoá n
/ˈfɔːkɑːst/ think will happen in forecast the demand
the future based on for the new train
information that you service.
have now - The weather forecast (n) dự bá o, sự dự
- (n) a statement said it was going to đoá n
about what will rain later today.
happen in the future,
based on information
that is available now
11. prediction /prɪ - a statement that The results of the (n) dự đoá n
ˈdɪkʃn/ says what you think experiment confirmed
will happen; the act of our predictions.
making such a
12. waste - the useless Many factories have (n) chấ t thả i
materials, substances stopped pumping
or parts that are left waste into rivers
after you have used
13. litter - small pieces of There will be fines for (n) việc xả rá c/ rá c
rubbish such as people who drop litter. thả i
paper, cans and
bottles, that people
have left lying in a
public place
14. rubbish - things that you He is supporting a (n) rá c
/ˈrʌbɪʃ/ throw away because campaign to encourage
you no longer want or people to recycle their
need them rubbish.

15. clean - free from any dirty Keep your room neat (adj) sạ ch sẽ
marks, pollution, and clean.
bacteria, etc.
16. clear - if the sky is clear, We were just lying on (adj) trong sạ ch,
there are no clouds the ground looking up quang đã ng
at the clear, blue sky
17. pour - to rain very hard The thunder and (v) mưa như trú t
lightning stopped, but
it continued to pour
18. drizzle - when it is drizzling, It was only drizzling (v) mưa phù n
it is raining lightly when I left so didn’t
bother taking an
umbrella with me
19. flood - a large amount of The heavy rain has (n) lũ lụ t
water covering an caused floods in many
area that is usually parts of the country.
20. - the natural world in The government (n) mô i trườ ng
environment /ɪn which people, should do more to
ˈvaɪrənmənt/ animals and plants protect the
live environment.
21. - the place where Some butterflies blend (n) mô i trườ ng
surroundings /sə someone or in with their xung quanh
ˈraʊndɪŋz/ something is and the surroundings so that
things that are in it it's difficult to see
22. wind - air that moves The wind is blowing (n) gió
/wɪnd/ quickly as a result of from the south.
natural forces
23. air - the mixture of gases I went outside to get (n) khô ng khí
that surrounds the some fresh air.
earth and that we
24. reservoir - a place for storing The water content of (n) hồ nhâ n tạ o (để
/ˈrezəvwɑː(r)/ liquid, especially a the country's trữ nướ c)
natural or artificial reservoirs had fallen to
lake providing water less than 50% of their
for a city or other capacity.
25. lake - a large area of water There were a number (n) hồ tự nhiên
that is surrounded by of boats on the lake.
26. puddle - a small amount of Our dog loves jumping (n) vũ ng nướ c (sau
water or other liquid, in puddles cơn mưa)

especially rain, that

has collected in one
place on the ground
27. pond - an area of water that My grandparents have (n) ao nướ c
is smaller than a lake got a small pond in
their garden
28. thunder - the loud noise that Carol jumped under (n) sấ m
/ˈθʌndə(r)/ you hear after a flash the bed when she
of lightning, during a heard the thunder
29. lightning - a flash, or several Lightning strikes (n) sét
/ˈlaɪtnɪŋ/ flashes, of very bright caused scores of fires
light in the sky caused across the state.
by electricity
30. global - covering or affecting This year the global (adj) thuộ c về toà n
/ˈɡləʊbl/ the whole world economy will grow by cầ u
about 4 per cent.
31. worldwide - happening or This is a worldwide (adj, adv) trên toà n
/ˌwɜːldˈwaɪd/ existing all over the network of more than thế giớ i
world 100 organisations
32. plain - a large flat area of There’s a large, flat (n) đồ ng bằ ng, vù ng
land plain between two đấ t bằ ng phẳ ng
mountain ranges
33. land - an area of ground, The land around here (n) vù ng đấ t
especially one used is very fertile
for a particular
purpose such as
farming or building
34. field - an area of land in We camped in a field (n) cá nh đồ ng
the country used for near the village
growing crops or
keeping animals in,
usually surrounded
by a fence, etc.
35. desert - a large area of land They travelled many (n) sa mạ c
that has very little miles across burning
water and very few desert sands.
plants growing on it.
Many deserts are
covered by sand.
36. extinct /ɪk - if a type of animal is The red squirrel is in (adj) tuyệt chủ ng
ˈstɪŋkt/ extinct, it does not danger of becoming
now exist. extinct in England.
37. endangered - if something such as The sea turtle is an (adj) tình trạ ng


/ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd/ a type of animal or endangered species . nguy hiểm

plant is endangered,
it may soon become
38. recycle /ˌriː - to treat things that The bottles were being (v) tá i chế
ˈsaɪkl/ have already been recycled into a lower-
used so that they can quality product.
be used again
39. reuse - to use something Businesses are finding (v) tá i sử dụ ng
again new ways to reuse

1. call for - to need something; The situation calls for - đò i hỏ i, yêu cầ u
require; demand prompt action.
2. call off - to cancel something; The game was called - hủ y bỏ , hoã n lạ i
to decide that off because of bad
something will not weather.
3. clear up - become brighter and I hope it clears up this - (thờ i tiết) cả i
better (for weather) afternoon. thiện
4. cut off - make a place difficult We were cut off in the - ngắ t, cắ t (điện, kết
or impossible to enter, middle of our nố i, ...)
leave or communicate conversation.
with; disconnect
5. die down - become less noisy, When the applause - giả m dầ n, tắ t dầ n
powerful or active had died down, she
began her speech.
6. do up - to repair or decorate He makes money by - tâ n trang, sử a
a building so that it buying old houses and chữ a
looks attractive doing them up.
7. face up to - to accept and deal She had to face up to - chấ p nhậ n (mộ t
with something that is the fact that she would sự thậ t khô ng thỏ a
difficult or unpleasant never walk again. đá ng)
8. get (sb) down - make sb feel sad or I know it's frustrating, - là m ai đó
lose hope but don't let it get you buồ n/thấ t vọ ng
9. put down to - suggest that sth is I put his irritability - đưa lờ i giả i thích
the result of down to tiredness.


10. put out - make something stop It took firefighters - dậ p tắ t
burning three hours to put the
blaze out.
11. set in - start and be likely to The rain seemed to - thay đổ i mù a
continue for a while have set in for the day. trong nă m (mộ t
(for rain, winter, an cá ch rõ rệt)
12. stand for - to be an abbreviation ‘The book's by T.C. - viết tắ t củ a
or symbol of Smith.’ ‘What does the
something ‘T.C.’ stand for?’
13. tear down - destroy and remove That old house should - phá hủ y, phá bỏ
(for bulding, statues, have been torn down
etc) years ago.
14. throw away - to get rid of I threw away all the - vứ t đi
something that you no broken toys.
longer want


1. lose/take/have control The defendant had lost - sự điều khiển,
(of sth) control after telling the quyền lự c
victim several times to
leave him alone.
2. in control He had the race in - đang kiểm
control from that soá t/điều hà nh
point, and built up a
five-second lead over
3. out of control The brakes failed and - mấ t kiểm soá t
the car went out of
4. have an effect (on Do you think the - tá c độ ng/ả nh
sth/sb) terrible weather will hưở ng (điều gì/ai)
have any effect on
Effect voter turnout?
5. take effect This piece of - có hiệu lự c
legislation takes effect
next week.
End 6. in the end In the end, she chose to - cuố i cù ng, về sau
go to Oberlin College.
7. at the end (of sth) Of course I'll listen to - thờ i điểm kết

what she has to say but thú c (mộ t việc, sự

at the end of the day, kiện, thờ i gian…)
it's my decision.
8. come to an end I’m enjoying my - đến hồ i kết, đến
English class, but it’s lú c kết thú c
about to come to an
9. come to/reach the end My relationship with - đến lú c kết thú c
(of sth) Jeannie has come to (điều gì)
the end of the road.
10. happy ending This scandalous story - kết thú c có
might have a happy hậ u/tố t đẹp
ending after all.
11. on the floor The children sat - ở trên sà n
playing on the floor.
Floor 12. on the He was able to get in - tầ ng trệt/tầ ng
ground/first/second/etc on the ground floor of hai/tầ ng ba
floor the computer industry.
13. make/cause a fuss I don't know why - cằ n nhằ n/tứ c
(about sth/doing) everybody makes such giậ n/phà n nà n (về
a fuss about a few cá i gì đó )
14. (for) as long as I can wait here as long - miễn là
as it doesn’t rain.
15. (for) a long time "I haven't seen you for - (trong) mộ t
a long time." khoả ng thờ i gian
dà i
16. take a long time (to The train took a long - mấ t nhiều thờ i
do) time to pass. gian (để là m gì)
17. long to do She longed to see him - ao ướ c/khao khá t
again. là m gì
18. long for sth (to do) It was freezing outside, - ao ướ c cá i gì (để
and Marcia longed for là m gì)
a hot drink.
19. have/take a look at Hey, Barry, come take - hã y nhìn và o cá i
sth/sb a look at this engine gì/ai
and see if you can tell
what's wrong with it.
Look 20. look like sth/sb That powdered sugar - trô ng giố ng như,
looks like snow. nhìn giố ng
21. look at/for sth/sb We’re looking carefully - nhìn và o/tìm
at all the options. hiểu/tìm kiếm cá i


22. make a mess (of sth) The heavy storm has - là m bẩ n/lộ n xộ n;
made a real mess of gâ y rắ c rố i
Mess the garden.
23. in a mess Jem's house is always - tình trạ ng bừ a
in a mess. bộ n/bẩ n thỉu
24. have/take (the) We need to take - chịu trá ch nhiệm
responsibility for responsibility for cho việc gì
sth/doing looking after our own
25. take/have a shower I got really sweaty - đi tắ m
working out in the
back yard, so I'm going
to take a shower
before lunch
Shower 26. a rain shower He got caught in a - cơn mưa rà o
sudden rain shower
27. a light/heavy shower The 1980 Monaco - mưa rà o
of rain Grand Prix was hit by a nhẹ/nặ ng hạ t
heavy shower of rain.

28. catch/lose sight of I caught sight of - bắ t gặ p/khô ng

sth/sb someone with red hair cò n nhìn thấ y
and knew it was you. ai/cá i gì
29. in sight of sth At last they came in - trong tầ m nhìn
sight of the city. củ a cá i gì
30. at first sight It promised to be a - từ cá i nhìn đầ u
more difficult tiên
undertaking than
might appear at first
31. a waste of time As I said, many of these - phí thờ i gian
divisions of
investigation will be a
waste of time
32. waste your time If you don't have - lã ng phí thờ i gian
anything useful to củ a bạ n
contribute, then you're
just wasting my time.
Waste 33. industrial/household Mercury was found in - chấ t thả i cô ng
waste the contaminated bay nghiệp/sinh hoạ t
water, as a result of
industrial waste.
Weather 34. weather forecast There's more bad - dự bá o thờ i tiết
weather forecast over

the weekend.
35. under the weather I'm feeling a bit under - cả m thấ y khô ng
the weather - I think khoẻ/chá n nả n
I'm getting a cold.
36. all over the world The story of your - trên toà n thế giớ i
success is an
inspiration to young
people all over the
37. around the world We have 10 branch - vò ng quanh thế
offices around the giớ i
38. throughout the world Pollution is a serious - khắ p thế giớ i
problem in major cities
World throughout the world.
39. the whole world I thought it was the - toà n thế giớ i
most beautiful spot in
the whole world.
40. in the world They produce some of - trên thế giớ i
the finest wines in the
41. world record He danced his dance in - kỷ lụ c thế giớ i
the final few strides
and still set a world

1. aware of sth She was acutely aware of the - nhậ n thứ c/hiểu biết cá i gì
noise of the city.
2. aware that I wasn't even aware that he - biết/nhậ n thấ y rằ ng
was ill.
3. covered in/with sth After hours of gardening, Eva - bao phủ cá i gì
was covered in dirt.
4. disappointed with/by I'm disappointed by the way - thấ t vọ ng vì điều gì
sth our team played today.
5. disappointed in sb You should have accepted that. - thấ t vọ ng về ai
I'm disappointed in you.
6. except (for) I'm having a pretty good day— - ngoạ i trừ cá i gì/điều gì
sth/doing well, except for that boring


meeting this morning.

7. expect sth/sb (to do) I didn’t really expect you to - mong đợ i điều gì/ai đó để
understand. là m gì
8. expect that I expect that you'll find it - hi vọ ng/mong đợ i rằ ng
somewhere in your bedroom.
9. familiar with sth The author assumes that his - quen thuộ c/than quen vớ i cá i
readers are familiar with gì
certain basic concepts.
10. familiar to sb The life full of pressure is - trở nên quen thuộ c vớ i ai
familiar to her.
11. famous for He became internationally - nổ i tiếng vì điều gì
sth/doing famous for his novels.
12. glance at sth/sb Carmen shot a glance at Alex, - liếc nhìn cá i gì/ai
who was giving his meal
undue attention.
13. hard to do It's hard to know what to do in - thậ t khó để là m gì
those kinds of situations.
14. hard doing It is hard getting up early in - thậ t khó khi là m gì (sự việc
the morning but I have to do it. đang tham gia)
15. prevent sth Label your suitcases to - ngă n chặ n cá i gì
prevent confusion.
16. prevent sb from The fog prevented us from - ngă n chặ n ai là m gì
doing going home.
17. prevent sth from There's a clog which is - ngă n cả n điều gì xả y ra
happening preventing water from
draining from the tub.
18. short of sth I’m a little short of cash right - thiếu cá i gì
now, so I can’t lend you
19. short on sth He’s a nice guy, but a little - khô ng có đủ /thiếu hụ t cá i gì
short on brains.
20. warn sb Her financial adviser warned - cả nh bá o ai về việc gì
about/against her against such a risky
sth/doing investment.
21. warn sb of sth They warned him of the - cả nh bá o ai việc gì
dangers of sailing alone.
22. warn sb not to do My mother always warned me - cả nh bá o/khuyên ai khô ng
not to talk to strangers. là m gì
23. warn (sb) that We’d been warned that we - cả nh bá o ai rằ ng
should lock our cars in the
parking lot.


1. accurate /ˈækjərət/ (adj) chính xá c
2. accurately /ˈækjərətli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch chính xá c
3. inaccurate /ɪnˈækjərət/ (adj) khô ng chính xá c
4. inaccurately /ɪnˈækjərətli/ (adv) thiếu chính xá c, sai só t
5. accuracy /ˈækjərəsi/ (n) sự chính xá c
6. inaccuracy /ɪnˈækjərəsi/ (n) sự khô ng đú ng, sự sai
7. danger /ˈdeɪndʒə(r)/ (n) sự nguy hiểm
8. dangerous /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ (adj) nguy hiểm
9. dangerously /ˈdeɪndʒərəsli/ (adv) nguy hiểm
10. endanger /ɪnˈdeɪndʒə(r)/ (v) gâ y nguy hiểm
11. endangered /ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd/ (adj) có nguy cơ tuyệt chủ ng
12. develop /dɪˈveləp/ (v) phá t triển
13. developed /dɪˈveləpt/ (adj) đã phá t triển
14. undeveloped /ˌʌndɪˈveləpt/ (adj) khô ng phá t triển
15. developing /dɪˈveləpɪŋ/ (adj) đang phá t triển, trên đà
phá t triển
16. developer /dɪˈveləpə(r)/ (n) nhà phá t triển
17. development /dɪˈveləpmənt/ (n) sự phá t triển
18. environment /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/ (n) mô i trườ ng
19. environmental /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl/ (adj) thuộ c về mô i trườ ng
20. environmentally /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentəli/ (adv) về phương diện mô i
trườ ng
21. environmentalist /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentəlɪst/ (n) nhà mô i trườ ng họ c
22. extreme /ɪkˈstriːm/ (adj) cự c kì, cự c đoan
23. extremely /ɪkˈstriːmli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch cự c kì
24. extremity /ɪkˈstreməti/ (n) cự c kì, giớ i hạ n mạ nh
nhấ t/cao nhấ t
25. extremist /ɪkˈstriːmɪst/ (n) ngườ i có quan điểm cự c
26. freeze /friːz/ (v) đó ng bă ng
27. froze /frəʊz/ - past simple of freeze
28. frozen /ˈfrəʊzn/ - past participle of freeze
29. freezing /ˈfriːzɪŋ/ (adj) lạ nh, bă ng giá
30. freezer /ˈfriːzə(r)/ (n) tủ đô ng

31. globe /ɡləʊb/ (n) quả địa cầ u

32. global /ˈɡləʊbl/ (adj) toà n cầ u
33. globally /ˈɡləʊbəli/ (adv) trên toà n cầ u
34. great /ɡreɪt/ (adj) tuyệt, vĩ đạ i
35. greatly /ˈɡreɪtli/ (adv) rấ t, lắ m
36. greatness /ˈɡreɪtnəs/ (n) sự tuyệt vờ i/vĩ đạ i
37. harm /hɑːm/ (v) gâ y hạ i
38. harmful /ˈhɑːmfl/ (n) sự gâ y hạ i
39. harmfully /ˈhɑːmfəli/ (adv) tai hạ i, tá c hạ i
40. harmless /ˈhɑːmləs/ (adj) vô hạ i
41. harmlessly /ˈhɑːmləsli/ (adv) vô hạ i, vô tộ i
42. harmed /hɑːm/ (adj) có hạ i
43. unharmed /ʌnˈhɑːmd/ (adj) khô ng gâ y ra tổ n hạ i
44. likely /ˈlaɪkli/ (adj) có thể, có khả nă ng xả y
45. unlikely /ʌnˈlaɪkli/ (adj) khô ng thể, khô ng có khả
nă ng xả y ra
46. likelihood /ˈlaɪklihʊd/ (n) sự có thể đú ng, sự có khả
nă ng xả y ra
47. low /ləʊ/ (adj) thấ p
48. lower /ˈləʊə(r)/ (v) là m thấ p xuố ng
49. lowness /ˈləʊnəs/ (n) sự thấ p xuố ng
50. nature /ˈneɪtʃə(r)/ (n) thiên nhiên
51. natural /ˈnætʃrəl/ (adj) thuộ c về thiên nhiên
52. unnatural /ʌnˈnætʃrəl/ (adj) trá i vớ i tự nhiên, khô ng
tự nhiên/gượ ng gạ o
53. naturally /ˈnætʃrəli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch tự nhiên
54. neighbour /ˈneɪbə(r)/ (n) hà ng xó m
55. neighbourly /ˈneɪbəli/ (adj) số ng hò a thuậ n vớ i
hà ng xó m
56. neighbouring /ˈneɪbərɪŋ/ (adj) bên cạ nh, lá ng giềng
57. neighbourhood /ˈneɪbəhʊd/ (n) khu vự c xung quanh, lâ n
cậ n
58. pollute /pəˈluːt/ (v) gâ y ô nhiễm
59. polluted /pəˈluːt/ (adj) ô nhiễm
60. unpolluted /ˌʌnpəˈluːtɪd/ (adj) khô ng bị ô nhiễm


61. pollution /pəˈluːʃn/ (n) sự gâ y ô nhiễm

62. pollutant /pəˈluːtənt/ (n) chấ t gâ y ô nhiễm
63. reside /rɪˈzaɪd/ (v) ở tạ i, trú ngụ , cư trú
64. residential /ˌrezɪˈdenʃl/ (adj) thuộ c ở nhà /nơi cư trú
65. resident /ˈrezɪdənt/ (n) ngườ i dâ n
66. residence /ˈrezɪdəns/ (n) nhà , nơi cư ngụ
65. sun /sʌn/ (v) tắ m nắ ng
(n) mặ t trờ i
66. sunny /ˈsʌni/ (adj) có nắ ng
67. sunshine /ˈsʌnʃaɪn/ (n) á nh nắ ng



The government’s
relating to trade, industry, (adj) thuộ c về
1. Economic economic policy has
and money kinh tế
been successful
2. Economical not using a lot of fuel, There's increasing (adj) tiết kiệm
/,i:kə'nɒmikl/ money, etc. demand for cars that are
more economical on fuel.
3. receipt something such as a piece Make sure you are given (n) giấ y biên
/ri'si:t/ of paper or message a receipt for everything nhậ n, biên lai
proving that money, goods, you buy.
or information have been
4. bill an account of money owed Bank-issued bills of (n) hoá đơn
/bil/ for goods etc exchange in gold are the
perfectly elastic
5. make to produce something, Do you want me to make (v,n) là m, chế
/meɪk/ often using a particular some coffee? tạ o; sự chế tạ o
substance or material
6. brand a type of product made by a This isn't my usual brand (n) nhã n hiệu
/brænd/ particular company: of deodorant.
7. bargain something on sale at a This coat was half-price - (n) sự mặ c cả
/ˈbɑː.ɡɪn/ lower price than its true a real bargain.
8. to have formal discussions The government has (v) đà m phá n,
negotiate /nə with someone in order to refused to negotiate with thương lượ ng
ˈɡəʊ.ʃi.eɪt/ reach an agreement with the strikers.
9. sale an act of exchanging They'll drop the price (n) bá n
/seɪl/ something for money rather than lose the sale.
10. a reduction in the usual They usually give you a (n) giả m giá ,
discount price discount if you buy chiết khấ u
/ˈdɪs.kaʊnt/ multiple copies.
11. offer a reduction in the normal This special offer is valid (n) sự giả m giá
/ˈɑː.fɚ/ price of something, usually until the end of the (trong thờ i gian
for a short period of time month. ngắ n)
12. price the amount of money for The price of oil has risen (n) giá cả
/praɪs/ which something is sold sharply.
13. cost the amount of money When you buy a new (n) giá , phí tổ n,
/kɒst/ needed to buy, do, or make computer, you usually chi phí
something get software included at
no extra cost
14. change to get or give money in Could you change a £10 (v) đổ i tiền
/tʃeɪndʒ/ exchange for money, either note (for two fives),
because you want it in please?
smaller units, or because
you want the same value in
foreign money
15. cash money in the form of notes Will you pay by credit (n) tiền mặ t
/kæʃ/ and coins, rather than card or in cash?
cheques or credit cards
16. wealth a large amount of money or His wealth is so great (n) sự già u có
/welθ/ valuable possessions that that money doesn’t mean
someone has much to him.
17. fortune a large amount of money, She inherited a fortune (n) gia tà i
/ˈfɔː.tʃuːn/ goods, property, etc. from her grandmother.
18. till the drawer in a cash Next time you have the (n) tủ kéo đự ng
/tɪl/ register or the cash register till open, could you give tiền
itself me some change?
19. the place in a shop, Your fruit and vegetables (n) quầ y thanh
checkout especially a large food will be weighed at the toá n
/ˈtʃek.aʊt/ shop, where you pay for checkout.
your goods
20. product something that is made to They do a range of skin- (n) sả n phẩ m
/ˈprɒd.ʌkt/ be sold, usually something care products.
that is produced by an
industrial process or, less
commonly, something that
is grown or obtained
through farming
21. goods items for sale, or They sell leather goods (n) mặ t hang,
/ɡʊdz/ possessions that can be such as wallets, purses, hà ng hó a
moved and briefcases.
22. refund an amount of money that is I took the radio back to (n) tiền trả lạ i;
/ˈriː.fʌnd/ given back to you, the shop and asked for (v) hoà n lạ i
especially because you are given a refund.
not happy with a product

or service that you have
23. the act of giving something They were given food (v, n) trao đổ i;
exchange /ɪks to someone and them and shelter in exchange sự trao đổ i
ˈtʃeɪndʒ/ giving you something else for work.
24. fake an object that is made to Experts revealed that the (adj) giả
/feɪk/ look real or valuable in painting was a fake.
order to deceive people
25. plastic an artificial substance that He put a sheet of plastic (N/adj) chấ t
/ˈplæs.tɪk/ can be shaped when soft over the broken window. dẻo, là m bằ ng
into many different forms chấ t dẻo
and has many different

1. bank on depend on sth You can bank on my Phụ thuộ c
happening support.
2. come find sth or meet sb by I come across upon a Tình cờ bắ t gặ p,
across chance, college friend at the thấ y ai đó , cá i gì đó
3. come by to obtain something I'd like to know how she Đạ t đượ c, kiếm
(hard) came by that black eye. đượ c
4. come into to inherit She came into a bit of Thừ a kế, thừ a
money when her hưở ng
grandfather died.
5. do without live without (sth you There's no mayonnaise Tiếp tụ c là m mà
can't afford), left, so you'll just have to khô ng có thứ gì
do without.
6. get by make ends meet, How can he get by on so Có đủ tiền để sinh
manage to survive little money? số ng
7. get use all of something, She got through her Vượ t qua, hoà n
through finish exams without too much thà nh thứ gì
8. give away give free of charge; They’re giving away Cho, tặ ng thứ gì
reveal sth you are shopping bags.
trying to hide
9. live on use as a source of We lived on very little Số ng bằ ng nguồ n
money when we first got tiền ít ỏ i
10. look examine (a place) We arrived late, and Xem xét, kiểm tra
round didn't have much time to
look round before dinner.
11. make out make a document for a He makes out a cheque Viết mộ t tờ séc
12. make up provide sth good so I give her a teddy bear to Đền bù cho
for that sth bad seems try to make up for my
less important fault.
13. put by save an amount of When we started the Tiết kiệm
money for the future company, we put money
by to deal with
14. save up save money little by It took me months to save Để dà nh tiền cho
for little (for a specific up enough money to go mụ c đích cụ thể
purpose) travelling.


1. an amount of sth They didn't deliver the right - mộ t lượ ng
amount of sand nhữ ng thứ khô ng
đếm đượ c
1. in large/small/etc The other 2 major - mộ t lượ ng lớ n/
amounts membrane proteins were nhỏ nhữ ng thứ
also present in large amount khô ng đếm đượ c
in all insoluble fractions.
3. amount to His earnings are said to - tinh tổ ng
amount to £300 000 per
4. charge sb (an amount They charge you $20 just to - đò i ai bao nhiêu
of money) get in the nightclub. phí / tiền
5. pay a charge At the event, we had to pay a - trả phí dịch vụ
small charge for the food.
6. take charge (of She took charge of the
Charge - chịu trá ch
sth/doing) project and made sure it nhiệm
was finished on time.
7. in charge (of The teacher put me in - có trá ch nhiệm
sth/doing) charge of organizing the trong việc
8. be in debt (to sb) I'm in the senator's debt for - đang mắ c nợ ,
getting my husband a visa. đang mang nợ
9. get in/into debt He got into debt after he lost - mắ c nợ
his job.
10. clear a debt You may want to try to clear - thanh toá n
all your debts within a khoả n nợ
certain space of time.
We owe him a debt of - mang nợ , biết
11. owe sb a debt of gratitude, him and his family ơn
gratitude and the other soldiers.
Demand 12. in demand Our software is in demand - nhu cầ u (đượ c
all over the world. nhiều ngườ i
mong muố n)
13. a demand for sth The government is unlikely - yêu cầ u thứ gì
to agree to the rebels' mộ t cá ch mạ nh
demands for independence. mẽ

14. on demand Children can order movies - theo nhu cầ u
on demand through their
home's cable service
15. have enough (of sth) I got so enough of your - chá n ngấ y , có
complain. đủ
16. have enough sth (to I don't have enough money - có đủ cá i gì để
do) to buy this skirt. là m gì
17. enough is enough Enough is enough, you have - quá đủ rồ i
already borrowed 500 dolas
18. at sb's/your own We were supposed to - ai đó phả i tự
expense provide safety equipment at chịu phí tổ n
our own expense.
19. go to the expense of It's silly to go to the expense - tiêu tiền và o
of buying new clothes when
you don't really need them.
20. business expenses It is important to separate - chi phí kinh
business expenses doanh
21. expense account I can put this lunch on my - khoả n chi tiêu
expense account.
22. Jenny spends a small - kiếm / thắ ng /
make/earn/win/spend a fortune to look charming tiêu 1 khoả n tiền
fortune and cool. lớ n
Fortune 23. cost (you) a fortune It cost a fortune to get the - tố n cả 1 gia tà i
car fixed.
24. make your fortune He made his fortune - kiếm bộ n tiền
importing steel from China.
25. an increase in sth (of There was a slight increase - sự tă ng về cá i gì
a certain amount) in unemployment last
26. a wage/price increase The great majority of people - sự tă ng lương/
in employment have seen giá
wage increases year on year.
27. at least You'll have to wait at least - ít nhấ t
an hour.
28. at the very least It will be £200 at the very - ít nhấ t là
29. last but not least Last but not least, dancers - cuố i cù ng
can experience the joy of a nhưng khô ng
fit and able body in both real kém phầ n quan
and mythic senses trọ ng
30.to say the least It's going to be awkward, to - nó i khô ng quá
say the least. lờ i
31. They made their money in -kiến/ thắ ng/ tiết
make/earn/win/save/ha the fashion business. kiệm/ có tiền
ve money
Money 32. be short of money I'm short of money this - cò n rấ t ít tiền
33. do sth for the money She does this job for money. - là m gì vì tiền

34. spend money (on How much spending money - tiêu tiền và o
sth/doing) are you taking on holiday? việc gì
35. save money/time Minh is saving money. He - tiết kiệm tiền/
wants to buy a new car thờ i gian
36. save sth for later They are saving for a - tiết kiệm cá i gì
deposit on a house. cho sau nà y
Profit 37. make a profit (from The company said it had - kiếm tiền, kiếm
sth) made a profit of about ra lợ i nhuậ n từ
£1.4bn on the deal. thứ gì
38. take notice of sth Voters are beginning to take - chú ý đến, để
notice of him as a serious mắ t đến
Notice candidate.
39. notice sb doing/do I noticed a man enter the - nhậ n thấ y ai dó
building. là m gì
I can't cancel my plans at - trong thờ i gian
40. at short notice such short notice. ngắ n
41. give sb notice of They announced they were - nó i vớ i ai đó về
shutting the unit and gave việc rờ i đi
all the staff notice.
42. do the shopping We need to do the shopping - đi mua sắ m
Shopping this morning.
42. hopping center The Shopping Center is on -Trung tâ m mua
the second floor. sắ m
43. go shopping My girlfriend and I will go - đi mua sắ m
shopping tomorrow.
44. window shopping They frequently went to - ngắ m đồ qua
Manchester to go window cử a sổ củ a cá c
shopping cử a hà ng

1. afford to do She can’t afford to buy this car due to her - đủ tiền, đủ sứ c, đủ khả
insufficient savings. nă ng là m gì
2. argue with I had an argument with my sister. - tranh cã i vớ i ai
3. argue about The kids are always arguing about - cã i nhau về vấ n đề gì
sth/doing something.

4. argue that The speaker argued that more immigrants - cho rằ ng, nhậ n định
should be admitted to the country. rằ ng
5. beg sb for She tearfully begged her mom for - cầ u xin ai về điều gì
sth forgiveness.

6. beg sb to do He begged her to stay, but she wouldn't - cầ u xin ai là m gì
7. belong to You shouldn't take what doesn't belong to - thuộ c về ai
sb/sth you.

8. borrow sth He borrowed some money from a friend. - mượ n thứ gì từ ai

(from sb)

9. demand sth I demand full attention from my students, so - yêu cầ u

(from sb) if you plan to nap or socialize in here, then
you might as well drop this class right now.
10. demand She demands that they let her see the - yêu cầ u điều gì
that manager

11. forget to do I forgot to tell you I was at home yesterday - quên là m gì

12. forget I forget sending that letter for you. - quên là m gì cho ai

13. forget This traffic jam is awful! I forgot about the - khô ng nghĩ tớ i, quên
about work they were doing to the road. mấ t

14. forget We forget whether or not we fed the dog - quên mấ t rằ ng

15. lend sth to We will continue to lend support to our - cho ai mượ n, hỗ trợ ai
sb allies. thứ gì
16. pay sth (to We'll need to pay a builder to take this wall - trả tiền ai để họ là m gì
sb) down.
17. profit from Many companies will profit from the fall in - tạ o ra, kiếm lợ i nhuậ n
sth/doing interest rates. từ
18. save sb He fell in the river but his friend saved him - cứ u ai thoá t khỏ i
from sth/doing from drowning.
19. save (for We need to start saving for a new car. - tiết kiệm để là m gì

20. spend sth She spent $1 Million dollar on the new car. - tiêu hết, dù ng hết và o
(on việc gì

1. accept /ək'sept/ (v) nhậ n, chấ p nhậ n
2. acceptance /ək'septəns/ (n) sự chấ p nhậ n
3. accepting /ək'septiη/ (v) chấ p nhậ n
4. unacceptable /,ʌnək'septəbl/ (adj) khô ng thể chấ p nhậ n
5. unacceptably /,ʌnək'septəbli/ (adv)mộ t cá ch khô ng thể chấ p
nhậ n đượ c
6. acceptable /ək'septəbl/ (adj) có thể chấ p nhậ n đượ c
7. acceptably /ək'septəbli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch chấ p nhậ n đượ c
8. assist /ə'sist/ (v) giú p, giú p đỡ
9. assistance /ə'sistəns/ (n) sự giú p đỡ
10. assistant /ə'sistənt/ (n) phụ tá ; trợ lý
11. day /dei/ ( n) ngà y, ban ngà y
12. daily /'deili/ (adj) hà ng ngà y
13. everyday /'evridei/ (adj) hằ ng ngà y
14. economy /ɪˈkɒnəmi/ (n) nền kinh tế
15. economic /i'kɒnəmik/ (adj) thuộ c về kinh tế
16. economical /,i:kə'nɒmikl/ (adj) tiết kiệm
17. uneconomically /,ʌn,i:kə'nɒmikli/ (adv) khô ng tiết kiệm, lã ng phí
18. economically /,i:kə'nɒmikli/ (adv)1 cá ch tiết kiệm
19. economics /,i:kə'nɒmiks/ (n) kinh tế họ c
20. economist /i'kɒnəmist/ (n) nhà kinh tế họ c
21. end /end/ (n) điểm cuố i
22. endless /'endlis/ (adj) vô tậ n
23. endlessly /'endlisli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch vô tậ n
24. ending /'endiη/ (n) cá ch kết thú c
25. unending /ʌn'endiŋ/ (adj) khô ng dứ t; khô ng ngừ ng
26. expensive /ik'spensiv/ (adj) đắ t tiền
27. inexpensive /,inik'spensiv/ (adj) khô ng đắ t, rẻ
28. inexpensively /,inik'spensivli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch khô ng đắ t, rẻ
29. expenses /ik'spens/ (n) sự tiêu tố n; dịp tiêu tố n
20. finance /'fainæns/ (adj) tà i chính
31. financial /fai'næn∫l/ (adj) thuộ c tà i chính
32.financially /fi'næn∫əli/ (adv) về mặ t tà i chính
33. finances /'fainæns/ (n) nguồ n tà i chính
34. invest /in'vest/ (v) đầ u tư
35. investment /in'vestmənt/ (n) sự đầ u tư, vố n đầ u tư
36.investor /ɪnˈvestər/ (n) ngườ i đầ u tư
37. luxury /'lʌk∫əri/ (n) sự sang trọ ng, sự xa hoa
38. luxurious /lʌg'ʒʊəriəs/ (adj) sang trọ ng, xa hoa
39. luxuriously /lʌg'ʒʊəriəsli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch sang trọ ng, xa hoa
40. pay /pei/ (v, n) trả , thanh toá n, nộ p; tiền
41. paid /peid/ (v) đã trả , đã thanh toá n
42. payment /'peimənt/ (n) sự trả tiền
43. payable /'peiəbl/ (adj) có thể trả , phả i trả
44. poor /pɔ:[r]/ (adj) nghèo, tồ i, kém
45. poorly /'pɒ:li/ (adv) mộ t cá ch xoà ng, tồ i, kém
46. poverty /'pɒvəti/ (n) sự nghèo, cả nh nghèo khổ
47. real /riəl/ (adj)thự c, thự c tế, có thậ t
48. unreal /,ʌn'riəl/ (adj) dườ ng như khô ng thự c; hã o
49. really /'riəli/ (adv) thự c, thậ t, thự c sự , thậ t ra
50. reality /ri'æləti/ (n) sự thậ t, thự c tế, thự c tạ i
51. realise /'riəlaiz/ (v) nhậ n thứ c rõ , thấ y rõ
52. realisation /riəlai'zei∫n/ (n) sự nhậ n thứ c rõ , sự thấ y rõ
53. realistic /riə'listik/ (adj) hiện thự c

54. realistically /riə'listikli/ (adv)mộ t cá ch hiện thự c
55. wealth /welθ/ ( n)sự già u có , sự già u sang
56. wealthy /'welθi/ (adj) già u có
57. value /'vælju:/ (n) giá , giá cả , giá trị
58. invaluable /in'væljəʊəbl/ (adj) có giá trị cao, quý bá u, vô
59. valuable /'væljʊəbl/ (adj) có giá trị lớ n, quý bá u
60. valuably /'væljʊəbli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch có giá trị
61. invaluably /in'væljʊəbli/ (adv) khô ng có giá trị cao
62. valueless /'vælju:lis/ (adj) khô ng có giá trị, vô giá trị
63. valuation /,væljʊ'ei∫n (n) sự định giá ; sự đá nh giá




1. enjoy to get pleasure from sth I really enjoyed watching (v) thích, tậ n
/in'dʒɔi/ the film again. hưở ng
2. entertain to interest somebody or Parents can relax while (v) giả i trí
/entə'tain/ make somebody laugh the kids entertain
in order to please them themselves in the
outdoor playground.
3. play /plei/ to do things for I haven't got anybody to (v) chơi (nhạ c
pleasure, as children play with! cụ , thể thao)
do; to enjoy yourself,
rather than work
4. act to do something for a The government was (v) hà nh độ ng
particular purpose or in criticized for failing to act
order to deal with a decisively.


5. star a famous and excellent Liz deserves a gold star (n) ngô i sao
singer, performer, for all her hard work. (điện ả nh)
sports player, etc.
6. audition a short performance His audition went well (n) sự thử giọ ng,
/ɔ:'di∫n/ given by an actor, a and he's fairly hopeful thử diễn
singer, etc., so that about getting the part.
somebody can decide
whether they are
suitable to act in a play,
sing in a concert, etc.
7. rehearsal time that is spent They didn't have time for (n)sự diễn tậ p
practising a play or (a) rehearsal before the (kịch, mú a..)
piece of music in performance.
preparation for a public
8. rehearse to practise or make We rehearsed each scene (v)luyện tậ p,
/ri'hɜ:s/ people practise a play, over and over. diễn tậ p
piece of music, etc. in
preparation for a public
9. practise to do an activity or train I’m good at tennis but I (v)luyện tậ p
regularly so that you need to practice my
can improve your skill serve.
10. scene a part of a film, play or An ambulance soon (n) cả nh (phim,
book in which the arrived at the scene of kịch, tai nạ n)
action happens in one the accident.
place or is of one
particular type
11. scenery the natural features of They stopped at the top (n)phong cả nh,
an area, such as of the hill to admire the cả nh vậ t
mountains, valleys, scenery.
rivers and forests, when
you are thinking about
them being attractive to
look at
12. stage a raised area, usually in When you’re sitting in (n) sâ n khấ u
/steidʒ/ a theatre, etc. where the balcony, you see
actors, dancers, etc. more of the ceiling than
perform the stage.
13. band a small group of The Beatles were (n) độ i, nhó m,
/bænd/ musicians who play probably the most ban
popular music together, famous band in the
often with a singer or world.
14.orchestra a large group of people We admired the sureness (n) ban nhạ c,


/'ɔ:kistrə/ who play various of the orchestra's dà n nhạ c

musical instruments playing.
together, led by a
15. group a number of people or A small group of children (n) nhó m
/gru:p/ things that are together waited outside the door.
in the same place or
that are connected in
some way
16. review a report in a newspaper He reviewed his options (n) bà i bá o cá o
or magazine, or on the before making a final
internet, television or decision.
radio, in which
somebody gives their
opinion of a book, play,
film, product, etc.; the
act of writing this kind
of report
17. criticism the act of expressing I have a few criticisms to (n) sự chỉ trích
disapproval of make about your speech.
and opinions about
their faults or bad
qualities; a statement
showing this
18. ticket a printed piece of The theatre tickets were (n) vé
paper, or a message or sold out, so we waited to
image received on your see if there were any
phone or computer, cancellations.
that gives you the right
to travel on a particular
bus, train, etc. or to go
into a theatre, etc.
19. fee an amount of money The entrance fee is six (n) phí (tiền)
that you pay for pounds, two pounds for
professional advice or the unwaged.
20. novel a story long enough to His latest novel is selling (n) tiểu thuyết
fill a complete book, in really well.
which the characters
and events are usually
21. fiction a type of literature that For many television (n) Tiểu thuyết
describes imaginary viewers the dividing line viễn tưở ng
people and events, not between fact and fiction


real ones is becoming increasingly

22. humorous and making The play is both comic (adj) hà i hướ c
comic /'kɒmik/ you laugh and tragic.
23. cartoon a humorous drawing in He's the creator of a (n) hoạ t hình
a newspaper or successful cartoon series.
magazine, especially
one about politics or
events in the news
24. comedian a person whose job is to The comedian gave a (n) diễn viên hà i
make people laugh by long monologue of jokes.
telling jokes or funny
25. watch to look at I had dinner and watched (v) xem
somebody/something TV for a couple of hours.
for a time, paying
attention to what
26. see to become aware of The teacher could see (v) thấ y
somebody/something (that) the children had
by using your eyes been fighting.
27. look to turn your eyes in a They looked at the (v) nhìn thấ y
particular direction picture and laughed.
28. listen to pay attention to We listened in silence as (v) lắ ng nghe có
somebody/something the names of the dead chủ ý
that you can hear were read out.
28. hear to be aware of sounds My grandfather is getting (v) nghe đượ c
with your ears old and can't hear very (vô ý, khả nă ng)



1. come (a) Happen again (for My birthday seems to Diễn ra lầ n nữ a
round regular events) come around quicker ( nhữ ng sự kiện
every year. thườ ng xuyên)
2. count on Rely on, trust We hope we can count on Dự a và o, tin
your continued
cooperation and support.
3. drop off Fall asleep Could you drop off the Buồ n ngủ
kids on your way to


4. drown out Prevent a sound The loud cheers drown Lấ n á t â m thanh
from being heard out his shouts.
by making a louder
5. fall for Believe that a trick He is too smart to fall for Tin điều đù a là thậ t
or joke is true that trick.
6. get along Have a good I don't really get along Có mố i quan hệ tố t vớ i
(with) relationship (with) with my sister's husband.
7. go down Be remembered It will go down as one of Đượ c ghi nhớ vì đã
(as) for having done sth the highlights of my là m điều gì đó
8. grow on If sth grows on The neighbourhood was Bắ t đầ u thích cá i gì đó
you, you start to beginning to grow on me. nhiều hơn
like it more
9. let down disappoint Don't let down even if Là m thấ t vọ ng, là m
you're nearing the buồ n
10. name after Give sb or sth the He was named after a Đặ t tên theo ai hoặ c
same name as sb famous mountain. cá i gì
or sth else
11. put on Hold, perform (a Put on some music to Tổ chứ c, trình diễn
show, play, etc.) liven things up.
12. show off To attract people’s She likes to wear short Khoe khoang, khoá c
attention and make skirts to show off her lá c
them admire you legs.
(usually used
13. take after Look or behave Your daughter doesn't Giố ng
like an older take after you at all.
14. take off Become successful Her singing career had Thà nh cô ng, trở nên
or popular very just begun to take off. nổ i tiếng nhanh



Fun 1. have fun Kids can have fun and Vui vẻ
learn about music at
the same time.

2. be fun It will be fun to see the Vui vẻ

chicks come out.
3. make fun of sb It's cruel to make fun Chế nhạ o ai đó
of people who
Funny 4. find sth funny I found that joke thấ y cá i gì buồ n
funny. cườ i
5. make yourself at Please feel free to Cứ tự nhiên như ở
home make yourself at nhà
6. stay at home She wants to stay at ở nhà
home and nurture her
7. be at home Charity begins at ở nhà
home, but should not
end there.
8. go home I was about to go Về nhà
9. get home What time did you get Về nhà
home last night?
10. leave home He didn't leave home Ra khỏ i nhà
until he was 24.
11. make your way It’s better to make Tìm đườ ng về nhà
home your way home.
12. give sb the Still, it gives our Cho ai đó ấ n tượ ng
Impressio impression children the right
n impression, and that is
all that matters.
13. do an impression of He did an impression Copy, nhạ i lạ i
sb of his dad.
14. have the impression You never have the Có ấ n tượ ng
impression while
watching it that you
know everything
about it.
15. make an impression He made quite an Tạ o ấ n tượ ng cho ai
(on sb) impression on the đó
girls at the tennis club.
16. joke about sth/doing Have you heard the Đù a về cá i gì
joke about the
elephant and the
Joke mouse?
17. joke with sb You mustn't joke with Đù a vớ i ai đó

him about religion.

18. tell a joke The host tells a joke to Nó i đù a/truyện
his guest to break the cườ i
19. make a joke He was trying to look Đưa ra lờ i nó i
happy and make a đù a/truyện cườ i
joke, but he was
obviously really
20. hear a joke You might hear a joke Nghe câ u chuyện
that you don't cườ i
consider funny.
21. get a joke It is not often that I Có đượ c 1 trò đù a
read a book that forces
me to look up a word
in order to get a joke.
22. understand a joke They don't understand Hiểu đượ c trò đù a
it was a joke and
wasn't meant to be
taken seriously.
23. laugh at/about I think they laugh at Cườ i nhạ o ai hoặ c
Laugh sth/sb my pain and drink the cá i gì
book of the animals
that they steal.
24. laugh out loud I haven't heard so Cườ i lớ n tiếng
many hard-boiled film
critics laugh out loud
for a long time.
24. roar with a laughter After his speech, a Phá lên cườ i
gang of four guys roar
with laughter.
25. have a laugh They're a good class to Cườ i nhạ o
teach. You can joke
and have a laugh with
26. take part in She doesn't usually Tham gia và o cá i gì
sth/doing take part in any of the hoặ c là m gì
Part class activities.
27. be a part of sth The brain is a part of Trở thà nh mộ t phầ n
the nervous system of củ a cá i gì
the human body.
28. part with sth He acted the part with Mộ t phầ n vớ i cá i gì
consummate skill.
29. have a part (in a play, We all have a part to Có vai trong vở kịch,

etc.) play in the fight …

against crime.
30. have a party Let's have a party to Có 1 bữ a tiệc
Party celebrate our reunion.
31. throw a party Why not throw a party Tổ chứ c 1 bữ a tiệc
for your friends?
32. give sb a party I gave my friend a Tổ chứ c cho ai 1
party. bữ a tiệc
33. go to a party We want to go to a Đến bữ a tiệc
birthday party.
34. dinner party Let’s have a dinner Bữ a tiệc tố i
35. birthday party A child goes to a Bữ a tiệc sinh nhậ t
birthday party and
then wants one just
like it.
36. play a part/role in My thanks to everyone Đó ng vai trong cá i gì
sth who has played a part
Play in saving the hospital.
37. play with sb/sth The children spent the Chơi vớ i ai, cá i gì
afternoon playing with
their new toys.
38. play sth Do you want to play Chơi cá i gì
39. have a part/role to I have a part to play in Có vai đó ng trong
play (in sth) that film. cá i gì
40. be in a play She managed to keep Trong vở kịch
the ball in play.
41. act in a play Have you ever acted in Diễn trong 1 vở kịch
a play before?
42. be star in a play He was a star in a play Trở thà nh ngô i sao
year ago. trong 1 vở kịch
43. watch/see a play We want to see a play. Xem 1 vở kịch
44. join a queue I had to join a queue Và o hà ng đợ i, xếp
queue for the toilets. hà ng
45. in a queue We stood in a queue Đang trong hà ng
for half an hour.
46. queue up We had to queue up Xếp hà ng
for ages to get served.
47. stand in a queue People had to stand in Đứ ng trong hà ng
a queue for hours to


buy a ticket.
48. wait in a queue You must always wait Đợ i trong hà ng
in a queue.
49. put on a show They put on a show of Tổ chứ c chương
being interested, but I trinh
don't think they really
50. show appreciation For this reason, as well Thể hiện sự trâ n
(for sb/sth) as to show trọ ng / biết ơn đố i
appreciation for the vớ i ai hoặ c cá i gì
supreme supplier of
all food.
51. show sth to sb I showed my old photo Chỉ/ khoe cá i gì cho
to my friend. ai đó
52. show sb sth I showed my father my Chỉ/ khoe cho ai đó
books. cá i gì
53. on show Some of his paintings Đang trình chiếu
are on show in the
local art gallery.
54. steal the show The child with the dog Thu hú t đượ c sâ n
stole the show. khấ u, biểu diễn hay
55. TV show Life is like live TV Chương trình
show. There is no truyền hình
56. game show Traditionally, a game Trò chơi truyền
show has a host. hình
57. quiz show A game show, also Chương trình đố vui
called quiz show, is
very popular all over
the world.
58. show business He started his career Nhanh kinh doanh
in show business by linh vự c giả i trí
playing the saxophone
and singing.
Silence 59. in silence Deep rivers move in trong im lặ ng
silence, shallow
brooks are noisy.
60. in a low voice She spoke in a low bằ ng 1 giọ ng nhỏ
voice, always without
Voice inflection.
61. in a deep voice I remember that she bằ ng 1 giọ ng trầ m
wore dark suits and
talked slowly in a deep


62. in a high voice One of them, a bằ ng 1 giọ ng cao
handsome man
scarcely more than an
adolescent, shouted
something in a high
63. have a good voice I still don't think I có giọ ng tố t
have a good voice.
64. have a bad void She has a bad voice. có giọ ng dở
65. voice an opinion But you have to nó i lên mộ t ý kiến
(about sth) remember that when về
most people voice an
opinion they do it
from their own



1. apologise (to sb) for They do not have the courage to Xin lỗ i ai về việc gì hoặ c
sth/doing apologise for their actions. là m gì
2. avoid sth/sb/doing The workers wear masks to avoid Trá nh thứ gì, ai đó , là m gì
inhaling the dust.
3. bound to do Technology that helps viewers get Nhấ t định phả i là m gì
more out of their television is
bound to do well.
4. deserve sth/to do Those who work deserve to eat; Xứ ng đá ng vớ i cá i gì hoặ c
those who do not work deserve to là m gì
5. enjoy yourself, enjoy Did you enjoy yourself during the Tậ n hưở ng bả n thâ n, tậ n
sth/doing winter vacation? hưở ng cá i gì đó
6. happy to do sth You'll be happy to know that Jean Vui để là m gì đó
is coming with us.
7. happy for sb to do sth Take advantage of weekends to Vui cho ai đó để là m gì
pretend you're happy for a couple
8. happy about Her boss was not entirely happy Vui vẻ về cá i gì hoặ c là m gì
sth/doing about the situation.
9. instead of sth/doing It is advisable that we stay at home Thay vì là m gì
instead of going to the movie.


10. like sth/doing I don't like upsetting people. Thích cá i gì hoặ c là m gì

(sở thích)
11. like to do Ancient people like to have a Thích là m điều gì đó ngay
declaration before war. tứ c thờ i
12. be like sth/doing True friendship is like sound Giố ng cá i gì đó
health.The value of it is seldom
known until it is lost.
13. be like sb to do sth She is like her mother to be nice Giố ng ai đó để là m gì đó
and kind.
14. promise to do He promised faithfully to call me Hứ a để là m gì
every week.
15. promise sb (sth) They promised me a high-paid job. Hứ a vớ i ai việc gì
16. promise that I promise that I'll be home before Hứ a rằ ng
17. prove to do Can you prove it to me? Chứ ng minh việc gì
18. prove sth (to sb) They proved their grades to the Chứ ng minh cá i gì cho ai
19. say sth to (sb) She said goodbye to all her friends Nó i cá i gì cho ai đó
and left.
20. say that The doctors say that it will take Nó i rằ ng
him a few weeks to recover.
21. supposed to do Her new book is supposed to be Định là m gì
very good.
22. talented at She is talented at singing and Tà i nă ng trong cá i gì hoặ c
sth/doing dancing. là m gì


1. act /ækt/ (v) hà nh độ ng

2. active /'æktiv/ (adj) lanh lợ i, tích cự c hoạ t độ ng, nă ng
độ ng
3. inactive /in'æktiv/ (adj) khô ng linh hoạ t
4. actively /'æktivli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch tích cự c
5. inactively /in'æktivli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch khô ng tích cự c
6. acting /'æktiη/ (n) sự diễn xuấ t
7. action /'æk∫n/ (n) hà ng độ ng
8. actor /'æktə[r]/ (n) diễn viên nam
9. actress /'æktris/ (n) nữ diễn viên

10. activity /æk'tiviti/ (n) hoạ t độ ng
11. inactivity /,inæk'tivəti/ (n) sự thiếu hoạ t độ ng
12. amuse /ə'mju:z/ (v) là m cho vui cườ i
13. amusing /ə'mju:ziη/ (adj) gâ y cườ i, thú vị
14. amusingly /əˈmjuːzɪŋli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch vui vẻ gâ y cườ i
15. unamusing /'ʌnə'mju:ziɳ/ (adj) khô ng vui
16. amusement /ə'mju:zmənt/ (n) sự thích thú
17. bored /bɔːd/ (adj) chá n
18. boring /'bɔriŋ/ (adj) chá n
19. boringly /ˈbɔːrɪŋli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch chá n chườ ng
20. bore /bɔ:[r]/ (v) là m chá n
21. boredom /'bɔ:dəm/ (n) sự buồ n chá n
22. converse /kən'vɜ:s/ (v) truyện trò
23. conversation /,kɒnvə'sei∫n/ (n) cuộ c nó i chuyện
24. current /'kʌrənt/ (adj) thô ng dụ ng, hiện hanh, hiện nay
25. currently /'kʌrəntli/ (adv) hiện nay
26. entertain /,entə'tain/ (v) giả i trí
27. entertaining /,entə'teiniη/ (adj) thú vị
28. entertainment /,entə'tainmənt/ (n) sự giả i trí
29. entertainer /,entə'teinə[r]/ (n) ngườ i là m trò vui
30. excite /ik'sait/ (v) kích thích, kích độ ng
31. exciting /ik'saitiη/ (adj) thú vị
32. unexciting /ˌʌnɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ (adj) khô ng thú vị
33. excited /ik'saitid/ (adj) đầ y hứ ng khở i
34. excitedly /ik'saitidli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch hứ ng khở i
35. excitement /ik'saitmənt/ (n) sự sô i nổ i
36. fame /feim/ (n) danh tiếng
37. famous /'feiməs/ (adj) nổ i tiếng
38. infamous /'infəməs/ (adj) khét tiếng
39. famously /'feiməsli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch rấ t giỏ i, cừ
40. infamously /'infəməsli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch bỉ ổ i, khét tiếng
41. involve /in'vɒlv/ (v) lô i kéo và o
42. involved /in'vɒlvd/ (adj) liên can, dính líu
43. uninvolved /'ʌnin'vɔlvd/ (adj) khô ng bao gồ m

44. involvement /in'vɒlvmənt/ (n) sự dính líu, liên quan
45. perform /pə'fɔ:m/ (v) biểu diễn, trình diễn
46. performing /pə'fɔ:miɳ/ (adj) là m xiếc (thú )
47. performance /pə'fɔ:məns/ (n) sự trình diễn, biểu diễn
48. performer /pə'fɔ:mə[r]/ (n) ngườ i biểu diễn
49. popular /'pɒpjʊlə/ (adj) phổ biến
50. unpopular /,ʌn'pɒpjʊlə[r]/ (adj) khô ng đượ c yêu thích
51. popularly /'pɒpjʊləli/ (adv) phầ n đô ng
52. popularity /pɒpjʊ'lærəti/ (n) sự nổ i tiếng
53. say /sei/ (v) nó i, bả o
54. saying /'seiiŋ/ (n) tụ c ngữ , ngạ n ngữ , câ u nó i
55. suggest /sə'dʒest/ (v) gợ i ý
56. suggested /sə'dʒestid/ (adj) đượ c gợ i ý
57. suggestive /sə'dʒestiv/ (adj) là m liên tưở ng, gợ i lên
58. suggestively /sə'dʒestivli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch khêu gợ i
59. suggestion /sə'dʒest∫ən/ (n) sự gợ i nhắ c, liên tưở ng, sự gợ i ý
60. vary /'veəri/ (v) thay đổ i
61. various /'veəriəs/ (adj) khá c nhau
62. variously /'veəriəsli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch khá c nhau
63. variable /'veəriəbl/ (adj) hay thay đổ i, biến độ ng
64. invariable /in'veəriəbl/ (adj) khô ng thay đổ i
65. variably /'veəriəbli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch thay đổ i
66. invariably /in'veəriəbli/ (adv) bấ t biến, luô n luô n
67. varying /'veəriiɳ/ (adj) hay thay đổ i
68. varied /'veərid/ (adj) phong phú
69. variation /,veəri'ei∫n/ (n) sự biến tấ u (â m nhạ c)
70. variety /və'raiəti/ (n) sự đa dạ ng, nhiều





1. costume the clothes worn by She wore a traditional (n)Trang phụ c
people from a particular costume of bright pink
place or during a silk.
particular historical
2. wear /weə(r)/ to have something on Was she wearing a seat (v) Mặ c (thườ ng
your body as a piece of belt? chỉ trạ ng thá i
clothing, a decoration, đang mặ c đồ )
3. suit a jacket and trousers or a All the businessmen (n) Đồ com lê, đồ
jacket and skirt that are were wearing pinstripe vét
/suːt/ /sjuːt/
made from the same suits.
4. dye to change the colour of He dyed his hair black. (v) Nhuộ m mà u
something using a special
5. paint to cover a surface with We've painted the (v) Sơn, tô (mà u)
paint bedroom blue.
6. fit to be the right size or That jacket fits you (v) Vừ a vặ n

/fɪt/ shape for someone or perfectly.

7. suit to be right for a A lot of corn is grown (v) Hợ p vớ i
particular person, in this area - the soil
/suːt/ /sjuːt/
situation, or occasion seems to suit it very
8. match /mætʃ/ If two colours, designs, or Does this shirt match (v) Xứ ng, hợ p
objects match, they are these trousers?
similar or look attractive
9. cloth material made by His bandages had been (n) vả i
weaving or knitting made from strips of
cotton, wool, silk, etc. cloth.
10. clothing clothes, especially a Workers at the factory (n) Quầ n á o
/ˈkləʊðɪŋ/ particular type of clothes wear protective
11. blouse a piece of clothing like a Her blouse and skirt (n) Á o sơ mi nữ
/blaʊz/ shirt, worn by women match up nicely.
12. top a piece of clothing worn She wore a pink skirt (n) Á o ngắ n (nữ )
on the upper part of the with a matching top.
13. design /dɪ to make or draw plans This range of clothing (v) Thiết kế
ˈzaɪn/ for something, for is specially designed
example clothes or for shorter women.
14. manufacture to produce goods in large He works for a (v) Sả n xuấ t
/mæn.jəˈfæk.tʃər/ numbers, usually in a company that
factory using machines manufactures car
15. current of the present time The word is no longer (adj) Hiện hà nh,
/ˈkʌr.ənt/ in current use. hiện nay
16. new recently created or She's very creative and (adj) Mớ i
having started to exist always coming up with
recently new ideas.
17. modern designed and made using The building was made (adj) Hiện đạ i
/ˈmɒd.ən/ the most recent ideas and using modern
methods construction
18. look an expression on She had a worried look (n) Cá i nhìn, vẻ
someone's face about her. bề ngoà i
19. the way that She had never been (n) Diện mạ o, vẻ
appearance /ə somebody/something greatly concerned bên ngoà i
ˈpɪə.rəns/ looks on the outside; about her appearance.


seems to be
20. supply /sə to provide something Three people have (v) Cung cấ p
ˈplaɪ/ that is wanted or needed, been arrested for
often in large quantities supplying arms to the
and over a long period of terrorists.
21. produce /prə to make something or France produces a (v) Sả n xuấ t
ˈdʒuːs/ bring something into great deal of wine for
existence export.
22. glimpse to see something or We glimpsed the (v) Nhìn thoá ng
/ɡlɪmps/ someone for a very short ruined abbey from the qua
time or only partly windows of the train.
23. glance to look quickly at She glanced at her (v) Liếc nhìn
/ɡlɑːns/ something/somebody watch.
24. average calculated by adding The average age of (adj) Trung bình
/ˈævərɪdʒ/ several amounts participants was 52
together, finding a total, years.
and dividing the total by
the number of amounts
25. everyday used or happening every Using everyday objects, (adv) Hà ng ngà y
/ˈevrideɪ/ day or regularly; basic scientific
ordinary principles can be
explained to young



1. put on Wear clothes He put on his gloves Mặ c (đồ mặ c)
and went out.
2. catch on Become popular or I wonder if the game Phổ biến, theo kịp mố t
fashionable will ever catch on
with young people?
3. do away with Get rid of We must do away Loạ i bỏ
with illiteracy.
4. draw up Create (plans, etc) The interviewers have Tạ o, soạ n thả o (kế
to draw up a shortlist hoạ ch)
of five or six people.
5. dress up Put on fancy or You do not need to ă n mặ c
unusual clothes dress up for dinner.

6. go over Repeat or think If you will write the Xem kĩ lưỡ ng

about again in article, I'll go over it
order to and touch it up for
understand you.
7. grow out of Develop from; I think you grow out Phá t triển từ , lớ n lên
become too big for of it a little bit, but
initially you are very
8. hand down Give something These are the customs Truyền lạ i
valuable to your of forefather hand
children or down to us.
usually when you
9. line up Get/put into line Contestants line up Xếp hà ng
for the quiz.
10. pop in(to) Visit quickly or in a I need to pop into the Thoá ng hiện, đi đâ u
short time drugstore for a mộ t cá ch nhanh chó ng
11. show Take sb on a tour of A guide showed us Dẫ n đi thă m xung
(a)round a place around the exhibition. quanh
12. take off Remove (a piece of Take off your clothes; Cở i, thá o
clothing) they're very wet.
13. tear up Rip into pieces Don't you dare tear up Xé thà nh mả nh
her ticket.
14. try on Put on (a piece of I'd like to try on that Thử đồ
clothing) to see blue wool coat.
how it looks and
whether it fits
15. wear out Become old and My boots are Mò n, sờ n
unusable beginning to wear out.



1. work of art The actual nest is a Tá c phẩ m nghệ thuậ t
art work of art.
2. modern art They went to an Nghệ thuậ t hiện đạ i
exhibition of modern
art yesterday.


3. art gallery He refuses to set foot in Phò ng trưng bà y triển

an art gallery. lã m
4. art exhibition The open art exhibition Triển lã m nghệ thuậ t
will allow new artists to
exhibit their work.
5. put on clothes He put on his gloves Mặ c đồ
and went out.
6. try on clothes I'd like to try on that Thử đồ
blue wool coat.
7. wear clothes She was wearing casual Mặ c đồ
8. take off clothes I take off my hat to his Cở i đồ
9. clothes lines I'd hung the washing Dâ y phơi đồ
out on the clothes line.
10. clothes peg His voice was nasal, to Cá i kẹp quầ n á o
the extent that it
sounded as if there was
a clothes peg clipped on
to his nose.
11. best clothes He put on his best Bộ đồ đẹp nhấ t
clothes for the party.
12. in combination with The firm is working on Kết hợ p vớ i cá i gì
a new product in
combination with
several overseas
13. combination of The tragedy was due to Sự kết hợ p củ a cá i gì
a combination of
14. pay sb a He complained that his Ca ngợ i ai đó
compliment husband never paid
him any compliments
15. compliment sb on I must compliment you Ca ngợ i ai về điều gì
sth on your handling of a
very difficult situation.
16. be/set an example He's a very good Là m gương cho ai noi
example to the rest of theo
the class.
17. an example of Can you show me an Ví dụ củ a cá i gì
example of what you


18. for example There is a similar word Ví dụ

in many languages, for
example in French and
19. follow an/sb’s He's decided to follow Noi gương củ a ai đó
example the example of his
father and study law.
20. in fashion Jeans are always in Đang là mố t
21. be/go out of fashion Emma spends money Lỗ i mố t, lỗ i thờ i trang
like it's going out of
22. follow fashion Adults follow fashion in Cậ p nhậ t, theo xu
clothes and social hướ ng thờ i trang
habits as assiduously as
their children.
23. fashion She started her career Mẫ u thờ i trang
show/model as a fashion model.
24. cut/brush sb’s hair Cắ t/chả i tó c
hair 25. have/get a new I intend to have a neww Có loạ i tó c mớ i
hairdo/ hairstyle hairdo.
26. have a hair cut I am going to have my Cắ t tó c
hair cut tomorrow.
27. let your hair down Oh let your hair down Thư gian
for once!
28. put on a make-up The girl put on a make- Trang điểm

make-up 29. apply make-up She applied a lot of Thoa lớ p trang điểm
30. wear make-up She wears a lot of Trang điểm
31. take off make-up She took off all make- Tẩ y trang
up on her face.
32. follow a pattern I don’t want to follow Theo khuô n mẫ u
any patterns.
33. a checkered pattern Checkered patterns are Mẫ u hình ca rô
popular with the young.
34. a striked pattern He likes wearing Mẫ u sọ c
striked patterns to the
35. a plain pattern My shirt is designed Mẫ u trơn
with plain pattern.

36. in style Short skirts are back in Đang mố t

style 37. be/go out of style Her dress is out of style. Lỗ i mố t
38. do sth in style I played a yoyo in style. Là m cá i gì theo mố t,
phong cá ch riêng
39. in the style of The palace was rebuilt Theo phong cá ch củ a
somebody/something in the same style. ai/cá i gì
40. have style I have a flashy style. Có phong cá ch
41. have/show good They showed good Có gu
taste (in sth) taste in their
42. have/show bad she showed bad taste in Có gu, có khiếu
taste (in sth) her action.
43. in good taste Everything in his house Tố t đẹp
is in good taste.
44. in bad taste He rejects the idea that khô ng thể chấ p nhậ n,
his film is in bad taste. tệ
tendency 45. have a tendency to I have a tendency to Có xu hướ ng là m gì
do talk too much when I'm
46. a trend in sth The article discusses Có xu hướ ng trong cá i
current trends in gì
language teaching.
47. follow a trend Regional growth figures Theo xu hướ ng
are following the
national trend.
48. set a trend They set their own Tạ o xu hướ ng



1. advise sb to do I'd advise you not to tell him. Khuyên ai đó là m gì
2. advise sb that He was advised that he might be Khuyên rằ ng
required to sometimes work long
3. advise sb She advises the president on Khuyên ai về điều gì
on/about sth African policy.
4. advise (sb) against I would advise against you taking Khuyên (ai )khô ng là m gì
sth/doing this job.


5. anxious about sth/ The drought has made farmers Lo lắ ng về cá i gì/là m gì

doing anxious about the harvest.
6. anxious to do It was getting late, and I was Lo lắ ng là m gì
anxious to get home.
7. criticise sb (for The government has been Chỉ trích ai vì cá i gì/là m gì
sth/ doing) criticized for not taking the
problem seriously.
8. insist on sth/doing She insisted on his wearing a suit. Nà i nỉ/ khă ng khă ng cá i gì/là m

9. insist that He insists that she come. Nà i nỉ / khă ng khă ng rằ ng
10. plenty of sth We've got plenty of time before Nhiều thứ gì
we need to leave for the airport.
11. plenty more sth There's plenty more beer in the Nhiều thứ gì hơn
12. plenty to do There's plenty to do here. Nhiều để là m gì
13. prepare for sth The college prepares students for Chuẩ n bị cho cá i gì
a career in business.
14. prepare to do I was preparing to leave. Chuẩ n bị để là m gì
15. proud of He was proud of himself for not Tự hà o về cá i gì/ai/là m gì
sth/sb/doing giving up.
16. proud to do I feel very proud to be a part of Tự hà o để là m gì
the team.
17. refer to sth Patients should be referred to a Á m chỉ đến cá i gì/ chỉ dẫ n
specialist pain clinic.
18. refer sb to sth/sb My doctor referred me to a Gợ i ý đến cá i gì/ai
hospital specialist.
19. seem to be They seem to be taking a long Dườ ng như
time to decide.
20. it seems that It seems that she can't come. Dườ ng như rằ ng
21. stare at sb/sth I stared blankly at the paper in Nhìn chằ m chằ m ai đó /cá i gì
front of me.
22. use sth to do Police used tear gas to disperse Sử dụ ng cá i gì để là m gì
the crowds.
23. use sth (for We used a carrot for the Sử dụ ng để là m gì
sth/doing) snowman’s nose.
24. useful for The mortgages are especially Có ích cho cá i gì/là m gì
sth/doing useful for people with fluctuating
25. useful to sb He might be useful to us. Có ích cho ai đó


1. advertise /ˈædvətaɪz/ (v) quả ng cá o

2. advertisement /ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/ (n) sự quả ng cá o, tờ /mụ c quả ng cá o
3. advert /'ædvɜ:t/ (n) sự quả ng cá o, tờ /mụ c quả ng cá o
4. advertising /ˈædvətaɪzɪŋ/ (n) cô ng việc quả ng cá o
5. advertiser /ˈædvərtaɪzər/ (n) ngườ i quả ng cá o
6. attract /ə'trækt/ (v) thu hú t, lô i cuố n, hấ p dẫ n
7. attractive /ə'træktiv/ (adj) thu hú t, lô i cuố n, hấ p dẫ n
8. unattractive /ʌnə'træktiv/ (adj) khô ng lô i cuố n, khô ng hấ p dẫ n
9. attractively /əˈtræktɪvli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch thu hú t
10. attraction /əˈtrækʃn/ (n) sự thu hú t
11. beauty /ˈbjuːti/ (n) sắ c đẹp
12. beautiful /ˈbjuːtɪfl/ (adj) đẹp
13. beautifully /ˈbjuːtɪfli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch đẹp đẽ
14. decide /dɪˈsaɪd/ (v) quyết định
15. decision /dɪˈsɪʒn/ (n) sự quyết định
16. decisive /di'saisiv/ (adj) quả quyết , quyết đoá n
17. indecisive /indi'saisiv/ (adj) lưỡ ng lự , khô ng quyết đoá n
18. decisively /di'saisivli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch quả quyết, dứ t khoá t
19. undecided /ʌndi'saidid/ (adj) chưa đượ c giả i quyết
20. desire /di'zaiər/ (v) mong muố n, ao ướ c
21. desirable /di'zaiərəbl/ (adj) đá ng khao khá t, đá ng mong muố n
22. undesirable /ʌndi'zaiərəbl/ (adj) khô ng mong muố n, gâ y khó chịu
23. enthuse /in'θju:z/ (v) tá n dương, tỏ ra thá n phụ c
24. enthusiastic /inθju:zi'æstik/ (adj) đầ y nhiệt tình
25. enthusiastical /in,θju:zi'æstikl/ (adj) đầ y nhiệt huyết
26. enthusiastically /in,θju:zi'æstikli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch đầ y nhiệt tình
27. unenthusiastic /'ʌninθju:zi'æstik/ (adj) khô ng hă ng há i, khô ng nhiệt tình
28. enthusiasm /in'θju:ziæzəm/ (n) sự nhiệt tình
29. enthusiast /in'θju:ziæst/ (n) ngườ i nhiệt tình, ngườ i say mê
30. expect /ik'spekt/ (v) mong chờ , mong đợ i
31. unexpected /ʌniks'pektid/ (adj) bấ t ngờ
32. unexpectedly /ʌnɪkˈspektɪdli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch khô ng bấ t ngờ


33. expectation /ekspek'tei∫n/ (n) sự trô ng chờ , sự hy vọ ng

34. expectancy /ik'spektənsi/ (n) sự mong đợ i, sự chờ mong
35. fashion /'fæ∫n/ (n) thờ i trang, mố t, phong cá ch
36. fashionable /'fæ∫nəbl/ (adj) đú ng mố t, hợ p thờ i trang
37. unfashionable /ʌn'fæ∫nəbl/ (adj) khô ng hợ p thờ i trang
38. fashionably /'fæ∫nəbli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch hợ p thờ i trang
39. unfashionably /ʌnˈfæʃnəbli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch lỗ i mố t, khô ng hợ p thờ i
40. alike /ə'laik/ (adj) giố ng nhau, tương tự
41. dislike /dis'laik/ (v) ghét, khô ng ưa
42. unlike /ʌn'laik/ (adj) khô ng giố ng, khá c
43. likeness /'laiknəs/ (n) sự giố ng nhau
44. likeable /'laikəbl/ (adj) dễ thương
45. unlikeable /ʌnˈlaɪkəbl/ (adj) khó ưa
46. liking /ˈlaɪkɪŋ/ (n) cả m giá c thích thú
47. produce /prə'dju:s/ (v) sả n xuấ t
48. product /'prɒdʌkt/ (n) sả n phẩ m
49. producer /prə'du:sər/ (n) ngườ i sả n xuấ t, hã ng sả n xuấ t
50. production /'prɒdʌk∫n/ (n) sự sả n xuấ t, sả n lượ ng
51. productive /prə'dʌktiv/ (adj) mà u mỡ , phong phú , sả n xuấ t đượ c
nhiều, nă ng suấ t
52. unproductive /'ʌnprə'dʌktiv/ (adj) khô ng sinh sả n, khô ng sinh lợ i
53. productively /prə'dʌktivli/ (adj) mộ t cá ch có ích
54. similar /'similər/ (adj) tương tự , giố ng nhau
55. dissimilar /di'similər/ (adj) khô ng giố ng, khá c
56. dissimilarly /di'similəli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch khá c nhau
57. similarity /'simə'lærəti/ (n) sự tương tự , điểm giố ng nhau
58. style /stail/ (n) phong cá ch, lố i
59. stylish /'staili∫/ (adj) có phong cá ch riêng, hợ p thờ i trang
60. stylishly /'staili∫li/ (adv) vớ i phong cá ch riêng
61. unstylish /ʌn'staili∫/ (adj) khô ng mố t
62. stylist /'stailist/ (n) nhà tạ o mẫ u
63. stylishness /'staili∫nis/ (n) phong cá ch riêng
64. succeed /sək'si:d/ (v) thà nh cô ng
65. success /sək'ses/ (n) sự thà nh cô ng

66. successful /sək'sesfl/ (adj) thà nh cô ng

67. successfully /sək'sesfəli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch thà nh cô ng
68. unsuccessful /ʌn.səkˈses.fəl/ (adj) khô ng thà nh cô ng
69. usage /ˈjuː.sɪdʒ/ (n) cá ch dù ng, cá ch sử dụ ng
70. useful /'ju:sfl/ (adj) có ích, hữ u ích
71. usefully /'ju:sfəli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch hữ u ích
72. useless /'ju:slis/ (adj) vô ích, vô dụ ng
73. uselessly /'ju:slisli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch vô ích
74. user /'ju:zər/ (n) ngườ i dù ng, vậ t dù ng
75. usable /ˈjuː.zə.bəl/ (adj) có thể dù ng đượ c
76. unsable /ʌnˈjuː.zə.bəl/ (adj) khô ng dù ng đượ c


a person or company
1. Employer They're very good
that pays people to (n) ô ng chủ
/ɪmˈplɔɪə(r)/ employers
work for them
a person who is paid to The firm has over (n) nhâ n viên, ngườ i là m
Employee /ɪm
work for somebody 500 employees. thuê
all the workers
3. Staff The hospital staff
employed in an
cared for me so (n) nhâ n viên
/stɑːf/ organization considered
as a group


4. Job work for which you He's trying to get a

(n) Nghề nghiệp
/dʒɒb/ receive regular payment job.

5. Work the job that a person

He started work as
does especially in order cô ng việc
/wɜːk/ a security guard.
to earn money
the series of jobs that a
person has in a
She has been
6. Career /kə particular area of work,
concentrating on (n) sự nghiệp
ˈrɪə(r)/ usually involving more
her career.
responsibility as time

7. Earn She must earn a

to get money for work
fortune (= earn a (v) kiếm đượ c
/ɜːn/ that you do
lot of money).
to achieve or get
8. Win They are trying to
something that you
win support for (v) nhậ n đượ c
/wɪn/ want, especially by your
their proposals.
own efforts
to obtain or win
9. Gain The party gained
something, especially
over 50 per cent of (v) đạ t đượ c
/ɡeɪn/ something that you
the vote.
need or want
to lift or move
10. Raise He raised a hand (v)tă ng, giơ, nâ ng lên
something to a higher
/reɪz/ in greeting. (ngoạ i độ ng từ )

11. Rise to come or go upwards;

The river has risen
to reach a higher level (v) gia tă ng (nộ i độ ng từ )
/raɪz/ by several metres.
or position
a regular amount of
12. money that you earn, Workers in these (n) lương
Wage(s) usually every week or stores earn a good
/weɪdʒ/ every month, for work wage. (tuầ n, thá ng)
or services
money that employees
receive for doing their
The average
job, especially
13. Salary monthly salary for
professional employees (n) lương thá ng
/ˈsæləri/ an unskilled
or people working in an
worker is $550.
office, usually paid
every month

14. Pay to give somebody You have to pay

(n) tiền lương, tiền đượ c
money for work, goods, extra for a single
/peɪ/ nhậ n
services, etc. room.
15. to travel regularly by She commutes (v) đi lạ i , di chuyển từ

bus, train, car, etc.

Commute /kə from Oxford to
between your place of nhà đến chổ là m
ˈmjuːt/ London every day.
work and your home
I get my food
o take goods, letters, etc.
16. Deliver delivered from the
to the person or people (v) giao hà ng
/dɪˈlɪvə(r)/ supermarket to
they have been sent to
save time.
to leave your job and
stop working, especially
because you have He is retiring next
17. Retire /rɪ
reached a particular age year after 30 years (v) nghỉ hưu
or because you are ill; to with the company.
tell somebody they must
stop doing their job
to officially tell
He resigned as
18. Resign /rɪ somebody that you are
manager after (v) từ chứ c
ˈzaɪn/ leaving your job, an
eight years.
organization, etc.
19. Fire to force somebody to We had to fire him
(v) sa thả i
/ˈfaɪə(r)/ leave their job for dishonesty.
She was sacked
20. Sack to dismiss somebody
for refusing to (v) sa thả i
/sæk/ from a job
work on Sundays.
My company will
21. Make
to dismiss (a person increase its costs (v) sa thả i ( do cô ng ty
who is no longer by 7.8% and make đó ng cử a, thu nhỏ hoạ t
/meɪk rɪ
needed) from a job redundant two độ ng)
members of staff
time that you spend
22. The union
working at your job
Overtime announced a ban (n) quá giờ
after you have worked
/ˈəʊvətaɪm/ on overtime.
the normal hours
a move to a more
The new job is a
23. Promotion important job or rank in
promotion for (n) thă ng chứ c
/prəˈməʊʃn/ a company or an
an amount of money The party
paid regularly by a promised to
24. Pension
government or company increase the basic (n) lương hưu
to somebody who has state pension by
retired from work £15 a week.
a business organization
25. It is the world's
that makes money by
Company largest software (n) cô ng ty
producing or selling
/ˈkʌmpəni/ company.
goods or services

They hired an
engineering firm
26. Firm
a business or company to produce a cô ng ty, doanh nghiệp
model of their
the activity of making,
27. It's been a
buying, selling or
Business pleasure to do (n) Kinh doanh
supplying goods or
/ˈbɪznəs/ business with you.
services for money
an organization of Teachers' unions
workers, usually in a in England are
28. Union particular industry, that demanding the
liên đoà n
/ˈjuːniən/ exists to protect their same
interests, improve improvements as
conditions of work, etc. in Scotland.
Many charities
29. Charity an organization for sent money to
từ thiện
/ˈtʃærəti/ helping people in need help the victims of
the famine.

He lost confidence
decide not to do sth you and backed out of khô ng giữ đú ng hẹn, nuố t
1. Back out
agreed to do the deal at the last lờ i
The band have just
produce and start to
2. Bring out brought out their tung ra sả n phẩ m
sell a new product
second album.
All the steelworks
3. Close stop operating (for around here were đó ng cử a, ngừ ng kinh
down companies) closed down in the doanh
continue (or help to
tiếp tụ c đến cuố i cù ng
4. See continue) to the end of She's determined to
điều gì khô ng dễ chịu/
through (to) sth unpleasant of see the job through.
khó khă n
Will you see to the
5. See to deal with arrangements for giả i quyết, đố i phó
the next meeting?
Buehrle is set to
start doing sth in a make his ninth
bắ t đầ u là m gì 1 cá ch
6. Set to determined or straight opening-
quyết tâ m, nhiệt tình
enthusiastic way day start, a
franchise record.


start working on sth in She set out to break bắ t đầ u là m gì để đạ t mụ c

7. Set out
order to achieve an aim the world record. tiêu
She took out a bank
start (a business,
8. Set up loan and set up on thà nh lậ p (cô ng ty...)
organisation, etc)
her own.
Slow down! You’re
9. Slow down decrease speed giả m tố c độ
driving too fast.
You see drivers
speeding up when
10. Speed up increase speed tă ng tố c
they should be
slowing down.
They can't replace
do sb’s job for them Office in every
11. Stand in
while they are not office but can stand là m thay việc cho ai
available in for it in many
start to employ; accept She was taken on as
12. Take on thuê, mướ n
(work or responsibility) a trainee.

13. Take take control of (a CBS Records was đả m nhậ n , đả m nhiệm

over business, etc) taken over by Sony. cô ng ty, doanh nghiệp

Why did she turn

14. Turn not accept (an offer,
down your từ chố i
down request, etc)


these setbacks made most
1. come to/ reach confederates much more eager
đi đến sự thoả
(an) agreement to come to reach an agreement
thuậ n cá i gì
(on/about sth) with the royalists and
Agreement negotiations were re-opened
2. in agreement not least because life will be
đồ ng ý về/ vớ i cá i
(on/about/with) better if both are in agreement

sth on the subject.
3. make an we are calling on our brothers
arrangement in somalia to sit down and sắ p xếp vớ i/ cho ai
(with/for sb) (to make an arrangement to bring là m gì
Arrangeme do) peace to somalia.
4. have an now they have an arrangement
có 1 sự sắ p xếp vớ i
arrangement (with to change the routes while the
ai là m gì
sb) (to do) tournament is on.
Business 5. do business (with we do business with every kinh doanh vớ i ai
sb) national structured cabling


contractor in the country.

the plan includes a lottery to
Vậ n hanh, đi và o
6. in business determine which pot shops
kinh doanh
could stay in business.
i once had to go to lyon on
7. go somewhere on
business with a colleague from đi đâ u đó cô ng tá c
the paris office.
he was trying to make a
8. business trip business trip to manhattan chuyến cô ng tá c
after his train was canceled
as a scentsy consultant, one
9. small business becomes the owner of his or kinh doanh nhỏ
her own small business.
for too long, government has
10. big business been the voice of big business, kinh doanh lớ n
not small business.
11. have/make a
i hope you also make a phà n nà n vớ i ai về
complaint (about
complaint to atos itself. điều gì
sth) (to sb)
12. letter of the wikimedia foundation has
1 lá thư phà n nà n
complaint ( to sb) had a letter of complaint about
vớ i ai về điều gì
(about sth) the comments above.
the rangers get a day off before
13. have/take/get a
three road games against the có 1 ngà y nghỉ
day off
chicago white sox.
14. day job many actors have day jobs too. cô ng việc chính
do you fancy coming on a day chuyến đi trong
15. day trip
trip to bath next saturday? ngà y
we are getting healthier day by
16. day by day day and losing weight and ngà y qua ngà y
thinking more clearly.
i knew that the next day i
17. the other/next gầ n đâ y/ ngà y sau
would remember everything
day đó
that happened at the party.
i should be allowed to make a
18. make/take a
decision to stay home and not quyết định là m gì
decision (to do sth)
be picked on for it
19. come i had a meeting with him when
to/reach/make a i was trying to make a decision đi đến quyết định
decision (about sth) about free agency.
Duty 20. do one’s duty when i was 18, i thought i'd do là m nhiệm vụ
my duty and go to the army.


i doubt he really wanted it but

trá ch nhiệm, nhiệm
21. a sense of duty did it partly from a sense of
duty and loyalty.
cole says the off-duty officer
22. on/off duty stayed at the scene and called
trự c/nhiệm vụ
emergency workers.
they might be the last
23. have a duty to có nhiệm vụ cho ai/
surviving humans and have a
sb/to do để là m gì
duty to repopulate the world.
you want more for your labors
24. make an effort
than you are willing to make nỗ lự c là m gì
( to do)
an effort to produce.
hey put an effort into getting
25. put effort into dà nh nhiều nỗ lự c
something done, and they see
sth/doing và o việc gì
how to make change.
i do not have an experience to
26. have an
share, but i hope everyone will có kinh nghiệm
keep this in mind.
all campers get experience in có kinh nghiệm/
27. have/gain/get
swimming, boating, fishing, đạ t đượ c kinh
Experience experience in/of
hiking, crafts and high-ropes nghiệm trong việc
courses. gì
they are probably being
28. experienced có nhiều kinh
experienced at different levels,
in/at sth/doing nghiệm
but it still feels odd.
so college basketball does not
29. put/keep sb on
appear to need lew alcindor to hoã n, chờ
keep its hold on this month.
You should hold on to her,
Tiếp tụ c tin và o cá i
30. hold on (to sth) she's too good to lose to a
Hold gì
my suggestion is that let
people hold meeting and
31. hold sth tổ chứ c
decide what they want africa
centre to be
Interest 32.
plus, teachers understandably
have/take/express thích thú trong việc
like students who express an
an interest in gì
interest in learning.
it is in your best interest to
33. in your interest có lợ i cho ai để là m
keep a sharp eye on mutually
to do gì
held resources now.
34. earn/get/pay companies that win such kiếm đượ c/ trả lã i
interest flexibility typically have to pay suấ t

higher interest rates.

35. have/go they will then have to attend
có , dự , đi đến 1
to/attend an an interview to confirm the
buổ i phỏ ng vấ n
interview details in their application.
his reminds me of the day i
phỏ ng vấ n cô ng
36. job interview first visited plymouth in 2004
for a job interview.
i'm here to do a job, i'm
37. do a job confident and i know i have là m 1 cô ng việc
what it takes to beat him
please leave those people
38. have a job (to có 1 cô ng việc để
alone as they have a job to do
do) là m
until the race is over.
you'd apply for a job and if you
Job 39. apply for a job were good, you'd get a boat xin việc
and be the captain.
a person should get a job
40. take/get a job based on what they can do not nhậ n việc
the color of their skin.
their young pitching could give
41. in a job sabean new life in a job he has trong 1 cô ng việc
held since 1996.
very day, a large variety of
42. do some work people from many fields sign là m việc
on and do some work.
then realize that you still have
43. have work to do có việc để là m
work to do about security.
a day later rex drove to
44. go to work richmond and convinced kidd đi là m việc
he was ready to go to work.
the easiest way to keep your
đang là m việc, tạ i
45. at work energy up at work is to eat
Work nơi là m
regularly and eat well.
i work hard to ensure that
46. work hard there are no unnecessary là m việc chă m chỉ
delays in cases being heard.
people who went out of work
47. out of work in the crisis have taken a while thấ t nghiệp
to find jobs again.
the salaries of pharmacists
48. place of work varied significantly depending nơi là m việc
on the place of work.


Buffardi, who has been largely
1. absent from sth absent from the public eye, was vắ ng mặ t
sporting a beard.
California companies could apply
2. apply for sth for grants and loans to retool their xin cá i gì
In London for example,
prospective visitors to the British
3. apply in writing vậ n dụ ng và o việc viết lá ch
museum had to apply in writing
for admission.
Another idea is to attach knives to
4. attach sth to sth the front of a truck and drive into a đính kèm, liên quan đến
Russell clearly was attached to the
5. attached to sth excessive natures of this kết nố i, thích
intertwined group.
At 13, your child can begin to do
6. begin doing/ to
her own laundry and help prepare bắ t đầ u là m gì
do/ sth
family meals.
Canale said she hopes to begin by
7. begin by doing training 450 counselors in the next bắ t đầ u bằ ng cá ch là m gì
two years.
You can't depend on a government
8. depend on sth/sb regulation or a grant or a subsidy phụ thuộ c và o
to help you.
Zoo officials said he is well-trained
9. experienced có kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vự c
and highly experienced in handling
in/at sth/doing nà o đó
I thought it would be good for me
10. good for sb (to
to say it, but everything is worst tố t cho ai là m gì
do sth)
with me now.
He's good at the specialty, and a
11. good at
team might just grab him in the giỏ i về cá i gì
seventh round.
And he has a good nature, although
12. good to sb nature has not been particularly tử tế, sẵ n sà ng giú p đỡ ai
good to him.
Slot machines are operated by the
đủ trình độ chuyên mô n như
13. qualify as/in sth Delaware Lottery and thus qualify
là / trong cá i gì
as lotteries.

We're each responsible for taking

14. responsible for
charge and making things happen chịu trá ch nhiệm
for ourselves.
Suma specialise in vegetarian,
15. specialise in
Fairtrade, organic, ethical and chuyên mô n về cá i gì
natural products
Most of us can tell when an athlete
16. train to do puts in an honest day's work and huấ n luyện để là m gì
how hard he must train to do so.
We are looking for interesting
17. work as/at/in
people of all ages who live and là m việc như là /tạ i đâ u/ở đâ u
work in the town.
She is an attorney and signed a
18. work for sb contract to do per diem work for a là m việc cho ai
local lawyer.

19. add /æd/ (v) cộ ng và o/thêm và o
20. added /ˈædɪd/ đượ c cộ ng, thêm và o
21. addition /əˈdɪʃn/ (n) sự thêm và o, phép cộ ng
22. additional /əˈdɪʃənl/ (adj) thêm/bổ sung
additionally /əˈdɪʃənəli/ (adv) thêm/bổ sung
23. apply /əˈplaɪ/ (v) nộ p đơn xin việc
24. applicable /əˈplɪkəbl/ (adj) liên quan = relevant
inapplicable /ˌɪnəˈplɪkəbl/ (adj) khô ng đượ c sử dụ ng, vậ n
dụ ng
25. applied /əˈplaɪd/ (adj) đượ c vậ n dụ ng, á p dụ ng
26. applicant /ˈæplɪkənt/ (n) ngườ i xin việc
27. application /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn/ (n) đơn xin việc
28. commerce /ˈkɒmɜːs/ (n) thương mạ i, sự buô n bá n
29. commercial /kəˈmɜːʃl/ (adj) thương mạ i, mua bá n
commercially /kəˈmɜːʃəli/ (adv) thương mạ i, mua bá n
30. dedicate /ˈdedɪkeɪt/ (v) cố ng hiến
31. dedicated /ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd/ (adj) tậ n tụ y, cố ng hiến
32. dedication /ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃn/ (n) sự tậ n tụ y, sự cố ng hiến
33. effect /ɪˈfekt/ (n) sự ả nh hưở ng
34. effective /ɪˈfektɪv/ (adj) hữ u hiệu
effectively /ɪˈfektɪvli/ (adv) hữ u hiệu

ineffective /ˌɪnɪˈfektɪv/ (adj) khô ng hữ u hiệu

ineffectively /ˌɪnɪˈfektɪvli/ (adv) khô ng hữ u hiệu
35. employ /ɪmˈplɔɪ/ (v) thuê/tuyển dụ ng
36. unemployed /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd/ (adj) thấ t nghiệp
employed /ɪmˈplɔɪ/ (adj) có việc là m
37. employable /ɪmˈplɔɪəbl/ (adj) có đủ kĩ nă ng, trình độ
chuyên mô n
unemployable /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪəbl/
(adj) khô ng có đủ kĩ nă ng,
trình độ chuyên mô n
38. employment /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ (n) cô ng việc
unemployment /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ (n) sự thấ t nghiệp
39. employer /ɪmˈplɔɪə(r)/ (n) ngườ i thuê, chủ
40. employee /ɪmˈplɔɪiː/ (n) ngườ i là m cô ng, nhâ n viên
41. help /help/ (v) giú p đỡ
42. helpful /ˈhelpfl/ (adj) có ích
helpfully /ˈhelpfəli/ (adv) có ích
unhelpful /ʌnˈhelpfl/ (adj) khô ng có ích
unhelpfully /ʌnˈhelpfəli/ (adv) khô ng có ích
43. helpless /ˈhelpləs/ (adj) vô vọ ng/bấ t lự c
helplessly /ˈhelpləsli/ (adv) vô vọ ng/bấ t lự c
44. helping /ˈhelpɪŋ/ (n) khẩ u phầ n ă n
45. helper /ˈhelpə(r)/ (n) ngườ i giú p đỡ
46. industry /ˈɪndəstri/ (n) ngà nh cô ng nghiệp/sả n
xuấ t
47. industrial /ɪnˈdʌstriəl/ (adj) mang tính cô ng nghiệp
industrially /ɪnˈdʌstriəli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch cô ng nghiệp
48. industrious /ɪnˈdʌstriəs/ (adj) cầ n cù , siêng nă ng
industriously /ɪnˈdʌstriəsli/ (adv) mộ t cá ch cầ n cù , siêng
nă ng
49. machine /məˈʃiːn/ (n) má y mó c, thiết bị
50. machinery /məˈʃiːnəri/ (n) má y mó c ( nó i chung)
51. manage /ˈmænɪdʒ/ (v) quả n lí
52. managing /ˈmænɪʤɪŋ/ quả n lí
53. management /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ (n) sự quả n lí
54. manager /ˈmænɪdʒə(r)/ (n) ngườ i quả n lí
55. meet /miːt/ (v) gặ p gỡ , đó n

56. met /met/ (v2) gặ p gỡ , đó n

57. meeting /ˈmiːtɪŋ/ (n) buổ i họ p, buổ i gặ p mặ t

58. profession /prəˈfeʃn/ (n) nghề nghiệp
59. professional /prəˈfeʃənl/ (adj) chuyên nghiệp
professionally /prəˈfeʃənəli/ (adv) chuyên nghiệp
unprofessional /ˌʌnprəˈfeʃənl/ (adj) khô ng chuyên nghiệp
unprofessionally /ˌʌnprəˈfeʃənəli/ (adv) khô ng chuyên nghiệp
60. qualify /ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ/ (v) đủ phẩ m chấ t, trình độ
61. qualified /ˈkwɒlɪfaɪd/ (adj) đủ trình độ chuyên mô n
unqualified /ˌʌnˈkwɒlɪfaɪd/ (adj) khô ng đủ trình độ chuyên
mô n
62. qualifying /ˈkwɒlɪfaɪɪŋ/ (adj) đủ điều kiện
63. qualification /ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ (n) trình độ chuyên mô n
64. responsible /rɪˈspɒnsəbl/ (adj) vô trá ch nhiệm
65. irresponsible /ˌɪrɪˈspɒnsəbl/ (adj) vô trá ch nhiệm
66. responsibly /rɪˈspɒnsəbli/ (adv) mộ t trá ch đầ y trá ch
irresponsibly /ˌɪrɪˈspɒnsəbli/
(adv) mộ t cá ch vô trá ch nhiệm
67. responsibility /rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/ (n) có trá ch nhiệm
irresponsibility /ˌɪrɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/ (n) vô trá ch nhiệm
68. supervise /ˈsuːpəvaɪz/ (v) giá m sá t
69. supervision /ˌsuːpəˈvɪʒn/ (n) sự giá m sá t
70. supervisor /ˈsuːpəvaɪzə(r)/ (n) ngườ i giá m sá t
71. work /wɜːk/ (v) là m việc
(n) cô ng việc
72. working /ˈwɜːkɪŋ/ (adj) có việc là m
73. workable /ˈwɜːkəbl/ (adj) thự c tế, hiệu quả
unworkable /ʌnˈwɜːkəbl/ (adj) khô ng hiệu quả
74. worker /ˈwɜːkə(r)/ (n) cô ng nhâ n
75. works /wɜːks/ (n) tá c phẩ m


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