PP Midterm 2012

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HKUST MATIZ1003 Calculus and Linear Algebra Midterm Examination (Version A) Name: 28" October 2012 Student ID: Lecture Section: Directions: * Do NOT open the exam until instructed to do so. « Please turn off all phonies and pagers, and remove headphones, + Please write your name, ID number, and Tutorial Section in the space provided above. ‘* When instructed to open the exam, please check that you have 9 pages in addition to the ‘cover page. eae © Answer all questions. Show an appropriate amount of work for each problema, If you do not show enough work, you will get only partial credit. ® You may use en ordinary scientific calculator, but calculators with graphical, or symbolic calculation functions are NOT allowed. © This is a closed book examination. * Cheating is a serious offense. Students caught cheating will receive a zero score for the midterm exam, and will also be subjected to further penalties imposed by the University. Question No. | Points | Out of Q. 1-10 20 Qu 8 Q.12 12 Q. 13 2 au | 8 Total Points 60 Part I: Answer the following multiple choice questions. Put your MC question answers in the following boxes. Questionf 1 [2] sf 4[s]el[7]e | 9 | w [toa “Answer | Each of the following MC questions is worth 2 points. No partial credit. 1. Miguel deposits $4,880 in an account, and 4 years later the account balance is $9,160. If interest is compounded monthly, what is the annual interest rate, correct to 1 decimal place? (a) 1.3% — (b) 16.8% — (c) 17.0% — (d) 21.9% —(¢) None of the previous 2. A company establishes a sinking fund to pay off a debt of $160,000 due in 5 years. Find the amount of the annual deposits if the annuel interest rate is 6%, rounded to the nearest dollar, (a) $23,912 (b) $28,383 (2) $30,188 (¢) $37,083 (0) None of the previous 3, Kathleen takes out a 30-year mortgage of $260,000, to be repaid with monthly payments, the first coming @ month from now. If the annual interest rate is 8.8% compounded monthly, what is the total amount of interest that she'll pay over the life of the loan, rounded to the nearest dollar? {a) $22,880 (b) $431,330 ($53,297 (d) $479,697 (©) None of the previous 4, A movie theater sold 200 tickets for a total of $1100. ‘There are two types of tickets. A regular ticket costs $7 and a student ticket costs $5. How many student tickets were sold? (2) 50 (b) 70 © 150 (@ 90 () 45 2 10 3{5 Given the augmented matrixA= | 0 1 2/7 Ja what values of m and n, the comesponding 00 min system of linear equations is consistent and has infinitely many solutions? (2) m=n=0 (0) m#0n=0 (© m=0n40 @ m#0,n¢0 (©) None of the previous temi=( 1 yt) m=(2 3 )an=(2 -2),m=( 4). ‘Then compute Ms(3M;1 — Ma)My. (a) 2 (b) 7 (ce) 16 @ -10 (0) None of the previous lim = 8 zigt-4 (a) 4 (®) 0 @1 @3 (¢) Limit does not exist ‘Which of the following limit is #"(2)? im £2 +h) - f(2) jg 6) fg 240-10) ©) yy FO2N 10) (@ fig 2N=10) tim 2) = £(2) © 9. If f(x) = 3 + 2xIn3, then f'(z) = (a) (3°+2)in3 (b) 3° +2103 (9 3+ @) 2-34 42In3 @ e+e 10. Suppose f(z) is a differentiable function with f(1) = 2, f(2) = -2,f"(2) = 5,f"(1) = 3, and (5) = 1. Find the equation of the line tangent to the graph of y= f(s) atx =1. (@) y-3=%(e-1) @) y-2=(@-) (© y-3=5(-1) (@) y-2=3e-1) (©) y-1=5te-2) Part II: Answer each of the following 4 long questions. Unless otherwise specified, nu- merical answers should be either exact or correct to 2 decimal places. 11. [6 pis} Bob and Mary Rodgers want to purchase a new house and feel that they can afford a mortgage payment of $4,800 a month. ‘They are able to obtain a 30-year 7.6% mortagage (compounded monthly), but must put down 25% of the cost of the house. (2) Assuming that they have enough savings for the down payment, how expensive a house can they afford? (b) Suppose Bob and Mary eventually purchase a $750,000 house. How much do they need to pay every month for the mortgage after paying 26% down? (c) How much interest will they pay in the first 15 years? 12. [12 pls] A system of linear equations is given as follows: p-y-% = 9 a-8y-52 = 0 (1) yrds = 3 {a) Use the augmented matrix mothod and the Gauss-Jordan elimination to solve the system for nye (b) We can write the system (1) of linear equations above as a matrix equation MX=b 2 o where X= | y ],6=[ 0 }. What is the matrix M? Write down M explicitly. Then find z 3 M7 and compute M~*, 13. [12 pts] A person is ordered by a doctor to take 10 units of vitamin A, 9 units of vitamin D, and 19 units of vitamin E each day. The person can choose from three brands of vitamin pills, Brand X contains 2 units of vitamin A, 3 units of vitamin D, and 6 units of vitamin Ej brand Y has 1, 3 and 4 units, respectively; and brand Z has 1 unit of vitamin A, none of vitamin D, and 1 of vitamin E. (a) Find all possible combinations of pills that will provide exactly the required amounts of vite mins. (b) I brand X costs 1 cent a pill, brand Y 6 cents, and brand Z 3 cents, are there any combinations in part (a) costing exactly 15 conts a day? (c) What is the least expensive combination in part (a)? the most expensive? 14. [8 pis} Ifa stone is thrown vertically upward from the surface of the moon with a velocity of 10 meters per second, its height (in meters) after ¢ seconds is A(#) = 10t - 0.82. (a) What is the instantaneous velocity of the stone after 6 seconds? (b) When will the instantaneous velocity of the stone be zero? {) What is the instantaneous velocity of the stone after it first reaches 20 meters height? ++ END OF PAPER ***

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