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 ~100 từ.
 Bài viết gồm 4 phần:
1. Shape (Hình dáng).
2. Location (Vị trí).
3. Structure (Cấu trúc).
4. Function (Chức năng).
Heart: (118 từ)
One of the most important organ in our body is the
heart. The human heart has a conical shape. It is
located in the thoracic cavity, underneath the
sternum, medially between the lungs in a space
known as the mediastinum. The anatomical structure
of the heart comprises of four chambers. Two
chambers called atria are located in the upper portion
of the heart. The remaining two chambers called
ventricle are located in the lower portion of the
heart. The valves that separates the atria from the
ventricle are called the atrioventricular valve. As a
central part of the circulatory system, the heart is
primarily responsible for pumping blood and
distributing oxygen as well as nutrients throughout
the body.
Lungs: (134 từ)
The human body needs oxygen in order to function
and the organ mainly responsible for this are the
lungs. The human lungs are pyramid-shaped, paired
organs that are located in the thoracic cavity,
laterally to the heart and superiorly to the
diaphragm. Anatomically, the lungs comprises of the
left lung and the right lung, both of which are
connected to the trachea via the left primary
bronchus and the right primary bronchus. The apex
of the lung is the superior region, whereas the base is
the opposite region near the diaphragm. Inside each
lung is a branch-like structure which begins from the
primary bronchus and ends at the alveoli. As the
main component of the respiratory system, the lungs
are responsible for the exchange of gas in our body,
mainly oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Liver: (138 từ)
The liver is one of the most important organ in the
human body. It has the general shape of a prism or
wedge and is the largest internal organ found in the
body. The human liver is located in the upper right
of the abdominal cavity, inferiorly to the diaphragm,
to the right of the stomach. The most prominent
anatomical feature of the liver is its larger right lobe
and smaller left lobe. Each lobe is internally
composed of thousands of smaller units called the
lobules. The liver also contains numerous bile ducts
that join to form the common hepatic duct. The liver
performs various vital functions in the body. Such
as, detoxifying blood, regulating blood glucose
level, participating in the digestion of fat and
nutrients storage, synthesizing and secreting clotting
factors and support the body’s immune system.
Stomach: (133 từ)
One of the most important organ of the digestive
system is the stomach. The human stomach is a
hollow, J-shaped organ with size varies from person
to person. The stomach is found in the upper left of
the abdominal cavity, between the esophagus and the
small intestine. The stomach is divided into four
main regions: the cardia where the esophagus
connects to the stomach, the domed-shape fundus to
the left of the cardia, the body below the fundus and
the funnel-shaped pylorus where the stomach
connects to the duodenum. In the digestive system,
the stomach is involved in the second phase of
digestion, following chewing. It uses digestive
enzymes and gastric acid to perform a chemical
breakdown, aiding in food digestion. Peristalsis
ensures that food is churned and gastric acid is
spread thoroughly.
Kidneys: (155 từ)
The main organ of the urinary system are the
kidneys. They are described as bean-shaped organs,
reddish in color. The kidneys are located laterally to
the spine at about the T12 to L3 vertebrae, in the
retroperitoneal space between the parietal
peritoneum and the posterior abdominal wall. The
outer region of the kidney is called the renal cortex
and the inner region is called the medulla. The renal
columns radiate downward from the cortex through
the medulla to separate the most characteristic
features of the medulla, the renal pyramids and renal
papillae. The papillae then connects to the calyces of
the kidneys for urine excretion. Each kidney also
consists of about 1.3 million functional unit called
nephrons. The kidneys perform various important
tasks including removal of toxin from the blood,
regulating water, ion and acid-base level in body
fluids. They also secrete hormones that are necessary
for normal body function such as EPO, Renin, etc…

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