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Assessment in Learning 2
2 - Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English

ANALYTIC RUBRIC - Poster Making on Love for English Reading

Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement Beginning

(94-100%) (85-94%) (75-84%) (65-74%) (50-64%)

Ideas The content The content The content has The content shows a The content does not
demonstrates a demonstrates an understood the concept concept or idea for love show a concept or idea
compelling concept or effective concept or idea or idea of showing a for English reading but for love for English
idea of love for English for love for English love for English reading. needs improvement in reading and has no
reading. The poster reading. The poster has The poster shows an showing it. The poster message or elements.
shows a strong, an encouraging and interesting message but shows a message but
encouraging, and interesting message, needs more lacks elements to
interesting message, and the elements all improvement in highlight the concept.
and the elements relate to each other. connecting or relating
strongly relate to each the elements.

Visual Creativity,
Cleanliness, and The poster The poster The poster The poster The poster does not use
Aesthetic demonstrates creativity demonstrates creativity demonstrates creativity demonstrates creativity any colors or elements
with the use of different with the use of different with the use of colors with the use of colors; and has many
colors, well-shaped colors and some and elements. The however, it lacks more unnecessary marks or
lines and curves, and a aesthetically pleasing poster has a few elements. The poster dirt.
great choice of colors elements. The poster unnecessary marks or has several
that are aesthetically has no dirt. dirt. unnecessary marks or
pleasing. The poster dirt.
has no unnecessary
marks or dirt.
Relevance to the
theme The poster clearly The poster shows the The poster shows the The poster shows a The poster does not
shows the main theme: main theme: love for main theme: love for vague or ambiguous show the main theme:
love for English reading. English reading in the English reading in the theme. It needs love for English reading.
The form elements, form of elements, form of elements. improvement in using The symbols, figures,
symbols, and figures symbols, and figures However, it needs more symbols, figures, and and elements do not
used strongly used to highlight the use of symbols and elements that are relate to the main theme
emphasize the message message of the poster. figures to effectively relevant in emphasizing or message.
of the poster. highlight the message of the main theme or
the poster. message of the poster.

Timeliness The poster maker

The poster maker The poster maker submits the output a The poster maker The poster maker
submits the output submits the output by day after the deadline. submits the output two submits the output five
before the deadline or at the given deadline. days after the deadline. days after the deadline.
the given time.
HOLISTIC RUBRIC - Poster Making on Love for English Reading

Scale Characteristics

5 (94-100%)
The content demonstrates a compelling concept or idea of love for English reading. The poster shows a strong, encouraging, and interesting message, and the
elements strongly relate to each other. The poster demonstrates creativity with the use of different colors, well-shaped lines and curves, and a great choice of
colors that are aesthetically pleasing. The poster has no unnecessary marks or dirt. The poster clearly shows the main theme: love for English reading. The form
elements, symbols, and figures used strongly emphasize the message of the poster.The poster maker submits the output before the deadline or at the given time.

4 (85-94%)
The content demonstrates an effective concept or idea for love for English reading. The poster has an encouraging and interesting message, and the elements all
relate to each other. The poster demonstrates creativity with the use of different colors and some aesthetically pleasing elements. The poster has no dirt. The
poster shows the main theme: love for English reading in the form of elements, symbols, and figures used to highlight the message of the poster. The poster
maker submits the output by the given deadline.

3 (75-84%)
The content has understood the concept or idea of showing a love for English reading. The poster shows an interesting message but needs more improvement in
connecting or relating the elements. The poster demonstrates creativity with the use of colors and elements. The poster has a few unnecessary marks or dirt. The
poster shows the main theme: love for English reading in the form of elements. However, it needs more use of symbols and figures to effectively highlight the
message of the poster. The poster maker submits the output a day after the deadline.

2 (65 - 74%)
The content shows a concept or idea for love for English reading but needs improvement in showing it. The poster shows a message but lacks elements to
highlight the concept. The poster demonstrates creativity with the use of colors; however, it lacks more elements. The poster has several unnecessary marks or
dirt. The poster shows a vague or ambiguous theme. It needs improvement in using symbols, figures, and elements that are relevant in emphasizing the main
theme or message of the poster. The poster maker submits the output two days after the deadline.

1 (50-64%)
The content does not show a concept or idea for love for English reading and has no message or elements. The poster does not use any colors or elements and
has many unnecessary marks or dirt. The poster does not show the main theme: love for English reading. The symbols, figures, and elements do not relate to the
main theme or message. The poster maker submits the output five days after the deadline.

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