EDSE222 - TIERED ASSIGNMENTS and Visual Processing Disorders - Francisco, Sophia Claire D.

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2 - BSED major in English
EDSE222 N1

Differentiated Instruction:


1.a. After reading the overview, create an advanced organizer (eg table, concept map,
flow chart etc) to illustrate my brief overview of Anchored Instruction. Start with the
heading “Learner-centered Approach”. Make sure to include all the concepts (including
the Constructivism Theory) I discussed in your advanced organizer. You can use the one
you did earlier, just add the new techniques.

1.b. Give three synonyms of the word ‘tiered’. Translate these three words to Tagalog
and Bicol.
- row - hilera - pirila/taraid
- rank - ranggo - pangpira
- layer - patong - patong
2. By the term ‘assignments’ in Tiered Assignments, does this mean it is ‘homework’ like
how we understand assignments in the Philippines? Explain in one sentence.
- It can be since the teacher assigns students to do the task outside of class but
the difference is that students have variety of assignments according to their
level of learning, therefore, the assignment here pertains to doing a task that is in
the level of their learning rather than students do all the same tasks.

3. ‘Tier’ also connotes to ‘level’. What ‘level’ of students are we talking about under
Tiered Assignments?
- Level of the student’s learning ability: Slow, Regular, Fast.

4. To what three categories are students grouped under Tiered Assignments? Name
these three categories of students.
- Slow Learners
- Regular Learners
- Fast Learners

5. Fill in the blank of this analogy below.


6. Given your answers in number 4 and 5, what two levels in the Taxonomy (your under
in number 5) does a teacher who practises Tiered Instruction consider in giving learning
tasks to students who are fast learners? How about to regular students? How about
slow learners?
- For Slow Learners: Remembering and Understanding
- For Regular Learners: Applying and Analyzing
- For Fast Learners: Evaluating and Creating

7. Should the teacher who practises Tiered Instruction announce who are the fast,
regular, and slow learners in her class? Why/Why not?
- No. Teachers should not announce who are the fast, regular, and slow learners
because such announcements does not help but rather make the students’ feel
bad about it especially if they are categorized as slow learners. It would be better
to just help them learn in their pace without broadcasting what kind of learner
they are. Students will eventually become more confident when they realize they
are learning better without feeling down bad about it.

8. Do students under a teacher who practises Tiered Instruction have the same freedom
to choose learning task as those under a teacher who uses Project Menus? What do you
think is the advantage of Tiered Assignments in terms of this issue of student freedom
and self-determination of learning tasks?
- Teachers who practice Tiered Instruction have the same freedom to choose a
learning task but not as free as the teacher who uses Project Menus because
they need to consider the learning pace of students. The teacher needs to
choose tasks for only Remembering and Understanding, Applying and Analyzing,
and Evaluating and Creating which means the teacher needs to choose
appropriate to the learners, unlike Project MENUS wherein students can choose
and do tasks they all want. Therefore, the teacher using Tiered Instruction knows
what’s best and appropriate for the students considering their learning pace.

9. Create a set Tiered Assignments for slow, regular, and fast learners on the same task
of writing a 200-word essay on the general topic ‘Christmas in the Philippines’ for all
types of learners but different levels of difficulty (using Bloom’s Taxonomy) for each
type of learners. Customise the general topic ‘Climate Change and increasing heat index
in the Philippines’ for each 3 types of learners in the way that the topic you assigned for
Slow learners will write an essay which will target the Remembering and understanding
of Bloom’s Taxonomy; Regular Learners Applying and Analysing of Bloom’s Taxonomy;
and Fast Learners on Judging and creating. Simply put, create very specific essay titles
that will target the specific levels in Bloom’s Taxonomy for each type of learner.
(Your answers should be similar with this:)
For slow learners, their essay topic targeting Remembering and understanding is “What
is the definition of Climate Change? According to our previous discussion about Climate
Change, explain in your own words why some places like Bicol are suddenly

experiencing extreme heat waves”
(Do the same thing for slow, regular and fast learners— adjust the difficulty and
complexity of task for each of these 3 groups of students)

● FOR SLOW LEARNERS: What is Climate Change? Why does it happen in the
Philippines? Gather information in valid sources and summarize what you

● FOR REGULAR LEARNERS: Compare and contrast the Climate Change here in the
Philippines this 2024 and the years ago. Gather information from valid sources
for you reference and make your own analysis.
● FOR FAST LEARNERS: As a student, what can you do to mitigate the bad effects
of Climate Change here in the Philippines? Think of effective ways and you may
also gather valuable information to help you list down ideas.

B. Visual Processing Disorders

9. What letters are usually read incorrectly among kids who have ‘rotation errors’ in
reading? Give 5.
- b and d
- p and q
- l and i
- s and z
- o and c

10. What words are usually read incorrectly among kids who have ‘reversals’ in reading?
Give 3 pairs (eg. dog is reversed as ‘god’)
- now and won
- nap and pan
- live and evil

11. What is Dyslexia? Define it in 60 words using Tagalog.

- Ang Dyslexia ay isang disorder na nagpapahirap sa mga meron nito na
makapagbasa nang maayos o kilalanin ang mga letra o salita. Madalas makita
ng mga dyslexic na gumagalaw ang mga letra kaya hirap silang basahin nang
maayos dahilan para mahirapan silang iproseso ang mga salita. Isa itong reading
disorder na nagpapahirap sa kanilang tukuyin ang mga letra o salita.

12. The Orton-Gilligan Approach can be used to assist readers with rotation and reversal
errors in reading through a M U L T I S E N S O R I E S activities for the children.

13. Suggest three very specific and concrete ways on how you as a teacher can help
remedial readers read better. List 3 steps in Tagalog.
- Huwag lamang salita ang ipakita kundi larawan para alam nila ang itsura o anyo
ng kanilang binabasa.
- Simpleng pangungusap muna ang ipabasa at siguraduhing nagkakaroon sila ng
comprehension sa pamamagitan ng pagtatanong kung ano ang naintindihan nila
upang maiwasan na sila lang ay maging parrot.
- Turuan ang estudyante na huwag lamang basahin ang mga salita kundi ilarawan
kung ano ang nabasa nila para magkaroon ng comprehension. Halimbawa: The
dog is dancing. Sa tagalog: The/Ang - Dog/Aso, etc. Makatutulong din ang
translation para maintindihan nila kung ano ang kanilang binabasa.

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