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An Instructional Blog

Title: Navigating the Legal Landscape: What Happens After I File a Civil

Have you ever wondered what happens after you file a civil suit against
someone? Filing a civil claim initiates a legal process to resolve disputes,
damages, or injustices. Let's look at what happens once you file a claim.

After you file your civil claim, the court will analyse the documents and serve
them to the defendant, informing them of the legal action against them.
Following this, the defendant usually has 20 to 30 days to reply to the claim by
delivering their own documents stating their position. This period allows both
parties to submit their arguments and evidence, preparing the groundwork for
future judicial procedures. In response to these documents, the court may set up
a preliminary hearing or mediation session to discuss the potential of a
settlement outside of a full trial. If a settlement is not reached, the case proceeds
to discovery, during which both parties exchange evidence and information
important to the case. Finally, the case.

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