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Linked in :

Which is best posting ad through page or profile?

It's generally not recommended to use your personal profile for

advertising purposes, even if the platform allows it. While both
pages and profiles have their own strengths, creating a
dedicated page for your business or brand is almost
always the best option for posting ads. Here's a breakdown
of the advantages and limitations of each approach:

Posting Ads on a Personal Profile:


• Platform restrictions: Many platforms, including

Facebook and LinkedIn, explicitly prohibit using personal
profiles for commercial purposes. Posting ads on your
profile could lead to account suspension or restrictions.
• Unprofessional image: Using your personal profile for
business advertisements can create an unprofessional
image and blur the lines between personal and
professional communication.
• Limited reach and targeting: Personal profiles are
primarily designed for connecting with friends and family,
limiting your reach to a broader audience. You also lack
the advanced targeting options available with business
• Mixing personal and professional content: Your ads
might get lost amongst personal content like updates,
photos, and life events, making it less impactful for your
target audience.

• No cost: Posting ads on your profile doesn't involve any

direct costs. However, the potential downsides like
limited reach and unprofessional image outweigh the cost

Posting Ads on a Page:


• Professional image: A dedicated page offers a

professional and trustworthy presentation for your brand
or business.
• Wider reach and targeting: Pages allow leveraging paid
advertising options and advanced targeting tools to reach
specific demographics and interests, maximizing the ad's
• Content separation: Pages keep your professional and
personal content separate, maintaining a clear distinction
between your personal life and business activities.
• Analytics and insights: Pages provide access to
valuable analytics and insights, allowing you to track ad
performance, measure engagement, and optimize your
• Community building: Pages facilitate building a
community around your brand or business, attracting
followers, and fostering engagement.


• Requires effort: Setting up and managing a page

requires more effort than simply posting on your profile.
• Potential cost: Paid advertising options on pages incur
costs depending on your campaign budget.

In conclusion, creating a dedicated page and using it for

advertising purposes is overwhelmingly the best approach.
How to post free job ad and paid job ad?

Here's a breakdown of posting a job on LinkedIn, including

free and paid options:

Free Job Posting:

• Benefits:
o Suitable for smaller businesses or individuals with
limited budget.
o Allows reaching a decent audience within LinkedIn's
o Useful for testing the waters and seeing what kind of
response your job posting gets.
• Limitations:
o Only one free job posting allowed per month.
o Lower visibility compared to paid listings.
o Limited targeting options for reaching specific
o No access to advanced features like job insights or

Steps for Free Posting:

1. Go to LinkedIn and click on Work.

2. Click on Post a job.
3. Enter the job title, company name, job location,
and employment type (full-time, part-time, etc.).
4. (Optional) Add a job description outlining the
responsibilities, qualifications, and other details.
5. (Optional) Set screening questions to filter applicants
based on specific criteria.
6. Click Post job for free.
Paid Job Posting:

• Benefits:
o Increased visibility and reach to a wider pool of
potential candidates.
o Ability to target specific demographics, industries,
and skills through advanced filters.
o Access to job insights and analytics to measure
performance and optimize your posting.
o Option to promote the job on other platforms like
LinkedIn Groups or LinkedIn Ads.
• Limitations:
o Requires budget allocation, which can vary
depending on chosen options.
o Might not be suitable for all businesses or job types.

Steps for Paid Posting:

1. Follow steps 1-3 from the Free Posting section.

2. After entering basic details, click on Promote instead
of Post job for free.
3. Set your desired budget for the job posting.
4. Utilize the targeting options to specify your ideal
candidate demographic, industry, and other relevant
5. Review your selections and click Post job.
Paid policy and how it costs on average:
Advantages and disadvantages of linkedin ad:
Advantages of LinkedIn Ads:
• Targeted Audience: LinkedIn boasts a highly targeted
user base of professionals, allowing you to reach
individuals based on factors like industry, job title,
company size, and skills. This targeted approach can lead
to a higher ROI compared to other advertising platforms.
• Brand Awareness and Lead Generation: LinkedIn Ads
can effectively increase brand awareness among your
target audience and generate high-quality leads. You can
use various ad formats like sponsored content, display
ads, and text ads to promote your brand and capture
leads through forms or website visits.
• Credibility and Trust: Advertising on a professional
platform like LinkedIn can enhance your brand's
credibility and trustworthiness compared to other
advertising channels. This is especially beneficial for B2B

Disadvantages of LinkedIn Ads:

• Cost: LinkedIn Ads can be more expensive compared to
other advertising platforms like Facebook or Google Ads,
especially when considering the cost per click (CPC).
• Limited Ad Formats: Compared to other platforms,
LinkedIn offers a smaller range of ad formats. While they
offer effective formats like sponsored content and display
ads, the options are not as diverse.
• Competition: As a popular platform for professional
networking and marketing, competition on LinkedIn Ads
can be fierce, particularly in specific industries. This can
lead to higher costs and greater challenges in standing
What all we can do if we take linkedin premium:

The six key benefits of a LinkedIn Premium account:

1. See who viewed your profile:

• Benefits:
o Identify potential recruiters or employers who have
shown interest in your profile.
o Prioritize who you connect with based on their
relevance to your career goals.
o Tailor your profile and connection requests to
resonate better with viewers.
• Limitations:
o You can only see a limited number of profile views in
the free version.
o Premium reveals the full list but doesn't guarantee
the viewers' intentions.

2. Send InMails:

• Benefits:
o Initiate conversations with professionals outside your
network, ideal for networking or cold outreach.
o Express your interest in specific job opportunities
directly to hiring managers or recruiters.
o Stand out from other applicants by taking a
proactive approach.
• Limitations:
o Free accounts have no InMail credits.
o Premium accounts have limited credits per month
(typically 5), requiring careful use.
3. Open Profile:

• Benefits:
o Allow anyone on LinkedIn to message you directly,
potentially expanding your network reach.
o Facilitate connection requests from individuals who
might not have access to InMails.
o Showcase your openness to professional
conversations and collaborations.
• Limitations:
o May lead to unwanted messages or spam, requiring
careful evaluation before responding.
o Consider using filters or settings to manage
unsolicited messages effectively.

4. Job and Applicant Insights:

• Benefits:
o Gain insights into the number of applicants for
specific jobs.
o Understand how your profile stacks up against other
candidates based on skills and experience.
o Identify areas for improvement to strengthen your
job applications.
• Limitations:
o Insights may not be entirely accurate or
o Focus on using this information as a general gauge,
not a definitive guarantee.

5. Company Insights:

• Benefits:
o Access detailed information about companies,
including employee growth trends and leadership
o Gain insights into a company's culture and stability
before applying for a job.
o Research potential employers more thoroughly to
make informed career decisions.
• Limitations:
o Information might not be completely up-to-date or
reflect the company's entire picture.
o Use this information as a starting point for further
research and due diligence.

6. Top Applicant Job Recommendations:

• Benefits:
o Discover jobs where LinkedIn believes you would be
a strong candidate based on your profile and skills.
o Save time and effort by focusing on positions with a
higher chance of success.
o Identify new opportunities you might have
overlooked in your job search.
• Limitations:
o Recommendations are based on algorithms and
might not always be perfectly aligned with your
career goals.
o Conduct your own research and analysis to ensure
the job aligns with your aspirations.

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