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Intervention Strategies for Students at Risk in Distance Learning

The lesson gave me an additional idea and how to implement an effective Intervention

Strategies for Learners at Risk in Distance Learning specifically about the following:

 Teacher-Parents-Learner’s Relationship

 Teaching Strategies and Learning Instruction

 Diversity of Learners and Assessment.

Teacher-Parent-Learners Relationship

 Create a Support Group

- allowing the learners to have/create a classroom community or the can create

a platform on social media where they can simply provide a way for students

and educators to touch base on how everyone is doing and share their


Parent-Teacher Partnership for Distance Learning

- having a two way of communication to regularly provide updates and share

concerns on how to improve the academic performances of the learners, for

their well-being and future success.

Communicate with Learners Frequently

- If student feel comfortable at expressing their thoughts, concern and question.

It can create an environment of trust and mutual respect.

Teaching Strategies and Learning Instruction

 Use Instructional materials and modify learning activity according to student’s

learning style

 Use available resources at home for performance tasks

 Providing Instructional Learning Materials.

Diversity of Learners and Assessment

 Providing feedback appreciation on learner’s outputs

 Identifying learners’ interest to properly know the appropriate teaching

 Approach suited for every learner.

An Approach to Spiritual Development in Schools

The goal of spiritual development in schools is to improve students' comprehension of

and ability to relate to other students and society at large. Furthermore, educating

children for the sake of their moral and spiritual growth should impact all facets of

school and life and should take a holistic approach to each individual.

Spiritual development is not reliant on one's religious connection; rather, it is more about

the meaning and purpose of life, which impact everyone. It motivates students to look

for their life's meaning and purpose and incorporate it into their academic studies. Since

spiritual and moral development focuses on our relationships with God, all of creation,

our family, friends, and ourselves, it is a holistic approach.

Applying Subject Integration in Lesson Planning 2

Maximizing Productivity in the Digital Age

Lesson plans, as we all know, are crucial tools for teachers since they direct the delivery

of content, facilitate communication, and aid in assessment. Teachers can effectively

engage students in objectives-aligned, relevant, and accessible material activities only

when they have carefully planned beforehand. Applying subject integration to lesson

planning would be advantageous because it's a very effective educational strategy. By

doing this, educators can develop a more integrated, multidisciplinary learning

environment that encourages critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.

When it comes to maximizing productivity nowadays whish is technologically advance,

its id very important t uses our time wisely considering that an educator is expected to

have a lot of tasks. If an individual is well verse in time management, it most likely that

person can manage task Productively. On the contrary, if a task was not meet on the

said due date, it is said that the person was not able to handle time management

effectively. So, in order to maximize productively in the digital age, the following are

some of the examples:

 Work Smart, not Harder

 Use applications to set goals and stay focused

 Set Boundaries.
Research Important Tool in Education

Research is widely acknowledged as an essential instrument for advancing knowledge

in various academic disciplines. For instance, research is conducted when an individual

or group of individuals seeks to learn more and gather data while also developing a

deeper grasp of a phenomenon or subject. It might also be used to create instruments

for confirming the efficacy of any given procedure.

A good study should have a sound theoretical foundation and be supported by a

methodical, suitable research approach. However, there are significant challenges

associated with conducting research. Inaccurate observation, overgeneralization,

selective observation, and nonsensical reasoning are a few common study mistakes.

Research ethics are significant because they uphold moral principles that are necessary

for teamwork, including accountability, respect, and trustworthiness. Moreover, ethical

standards must be followed in study.

School Disaster Preparedness

“Preparation through education is less costly than learning it through tragedy” – Britt

Max Mayfield.

In the event of an emergency, education about disaster preparedness can offer children

and young people knowledge and skills that can save and preserve their lives.

Education will be essential in helping to prepare communities, create societies that are

resilient to disasters, and save lives.

Children and their community can learn life-saving skills through emergency education,

including how to prepare for man-made, natural, or school-related disasters. Give your

students the information and abilities they need to handle it.

Important Qualities that Every STEM Teacher should Have

Being adaptable to different learning styles is one of the qualities that a STEM teacher

should possess because STEM subjects are technical and may present challenges for

students to understand. As a result, it is advised to use a variety of teaching strategies

to accommodate the varying learning styles of the students. Second, STEM teachers

must create cutting-edge teaching strategies that will enable them to quickly grab and

hold students' attention.

Next is to facilitate the students ‘learning process because STEM Teacher ought to

guide their students on a step-by-step basis by helping them understand the lesson until

they become independent learners. The following are also important qualities that every

STEM Teacher should poses:

 Provide a direct Strategies

 Guiding as a mentor towards their learners.

A STEM teacher ought to be able to manage their time well. A teacher should be flexible

enough to work in a variety of learning environments, including ones where new

technologies are used to enhance student learning. A teacher should, last but not least,

foster a lifelong love of learning.

How to become STEM or STEM Teacher

In becoming a STEM or STEM Teacher, one should have degree in the subject which is

aligned with Science and Mathematics subjects. A teacher in this educational track must

poses strong communication skills where a teacher expresses his/her ideas towards

his/her colleagues and learners. He/She also should pose organizational skills to keep

up with the classroom demands such as creating the lesson plans, tracking the

progress etc.

It is said that this Educational track is a promising strategy for improving student

achievement and teacher effectiveness. Problem Solving, Collaboration, and Critical

Thinking are some examples of skills that is being cultivate within the STEAM

Education. In addition to that, it also encourages the learners to think innovatively and

practice interdisciplinary approaches. Most importantly, it empowers students and

educators through experimental learning.

STEAM’s foundation starts with curiosity, follows with critical thinking and process-

based learning. This educational approach is that it is based around deep questions

where it highlights the interest of the learners and afterwards creates reasoning by

seeking solution.
Basic Accounting

Having knowledge in Basic Accounting can be very useful for business owners and

aspiring entrepreneurs because using accounting keeps a systematic record of financial

information, records, statements that can facilitate and guide decision making


Accounting includes expenses, incomes, liabilities and other financial resources a

business mostly uses for its daily operations. Therefore, having such knowledge can

help a business track and manage all its transactions, including incomes and expenses.

Accounting is the practice of recording, summarizing and reporting a company’s

financial transactions and resources. By tracking and monitoring the financial health of

the company, it can help and can be the basis for making crucial business decisions.
Understanding the Basis of Photojournalism

According to the name itself, photojournalism tells stories through pictures. Adding

visuals makes the material easier to understand. It might be a way to record the

happenings. A newspaper that publishes articles on local events and includes a photo

so that readers can see what is being reported in the news is one example.

Every photo has a story to tell. With the help of a photo, readers can better understand

the situation, story behind that scenario on specific image. A single photo/image can

portray/convey emotions, actions, reaction, setting, details, show energy, relationship


The ability of photojournalism to depict the truth and impact of the situations aids in

giving the audience a more realistic and unforgettable story. Photojournalism, as

previously said, is a method of recording occurrences. As a result, it is employed to

objectively and honestly record events and individuals.

Duties and Responsibilities of Parents in School and Community

Teacher Parent Relationship

Since the house has a significant impact on a child's development, it is the primary

educator of the child and should be made healthy and harmonious by all family

members. The state and the family should work together with other institutions, such as

the church, the school, the guild, and the community at large, to help the kid get ready

for adult responsibilities.

In a strong learning community, parents, guardians, and students are all equally

involved. Parents must provide the school their whole support as it implements lessons

for the child's intellectual, moral, social, and physical growth. Increased assistance for

all teachers can enhance retention and lessen burnout, and motivated kids might do


Providing affection, companionship and understanding, extending benefits of moral

guidance, self-discipline and religious instruction. Supervising the activities and

recreation of the child are some of the Duties and Responsibilities of parents with

regards to the well-being of the child.

21st Century Skills and ICT Integration in Instruction and Assessment

Applications that can make Virtual Lesson Interactive are the following:

 Woo clap – it can help the teacher or an educator to create and deliver

interactive presentations. It is also a tool to interact with students by learning

effectively in an awesome way. It was developed for the purpose of collaboration

to different courses which can also be access online and remotely.

 PowerPoint Game – an application that provide an opportunity to model an

activity or a game which is fun to play, easy to modify. Best thing about this, it

doesn’t require internet that is very limited to some isolated locations.

 Whiteboard Chat – an application for Teachers and Students to Collaborate in

Digital Classroom. Teachers can use this application if they want to address the

challenges of online teaching, they can observe students online interactive

whiteboards in real-time, and engage with them for personalized feedback.

Effective Learning Experiences for Students in the New Normal

The learning environment has an impact on the students in several ways. The capacity

to teach pupils what to learn, when to learn, and how to learn is a prerequisite for

teachers. In addition to providing students with a choice of learning environments, a

teacher should also provide them the freedom to select a method of learning that fits

their interest.

The society has specific expectation on teachers. They anticipate that we will create

educational resources, enforce behavioral standards, and employ cutting-edge

technological principles. Along with encouraging parent involvement in classroom and

at-home learning activities, we are also expected to be involved in the community’s


Two categories of interactions exist in online learning. Asynchronous and Synchronous.

Synchronous online learning involves direct interaction between teacher and students

with the necessity that the student’s check-in and engage in class at a set time given.

On the other hand, asynchronous online learning does not require live video lectures

and it lets the students browse the course material at their own pace.
How to become Effective Educator Series 1

Students can learn and comprehend what they are learning in school with the

assistance of a good teacher. It is within their power to guarantee that their pupils are

driven to excel and are actively involved in their education. A teacher needs to be

extremely knowledgeable and able to impart that knowledge in an appealing way. Then,

a teacher should be nice and patient, and they should be able to modify their approach

to suit the needs of their students.

A teacher needs to be responsible. Because teachers are so vital to the entire growth of

their learners, their accountability is extremely important. In addition, teachers should

cultivate students' curiosity by using effective questioning strategies. By doing so, they

can pique students' interest in learning and in-depth comprehension. Some people also

think that teachers who are interested are more likely to be exploratory and open-

minded, which is a valuable lesson for pupils to learn throughout their education.

Transparency in education is a powerful tool for bringing out the best in pupils and

making sure that each student's development is tracked, thus teachers should embrace

it. It's also critical to keep in mind that a teacher should uphold empathy, which is the

extent to which educators strive to comprehend their students' social and personal

circumstances on a deep level, to feel care and concern for their students' feelings, and

to respond in a compassionate manner without losing sight of the students' learning

Developing Assessment Tools for Decoding Skills of Young Learners

Being literate is crucial. It's challenging to lead the life you desire without literacy.

Literacy abilities aid in communication and development from an early age. But it's

simple to slip behind when you have a difficult life beginning. Proficiency in reading,

writing, speaking, and listening is essential for academic success.

It's important to remember that students of all skill levels must master a wide range of

abilities to learn a new language. For both teachers and students, comprehension is

one of the most important aspects of reading. Teaching kids reading strategies like

skimming, scanning, and so on makes it easier for teachers and students to meet their

learning goals. Not only do students comprehend the materials, but they also expand

and improve a range of linguistic skills and cultural aspects.

Another way to explain motivation is that it's critical for pupils to develop on a personal

level in order to increase their self-worth and acquire the skills necessary for original

thought. They are able to express themselves freely in the language they are learning.

You must be knowledgeable in order to support pupils in the best way as a teacher.

Teachers should place a strong emphasis on reading in all its forms, but especially on

critical reading, which goes beyond just reading textbooks and involves thinking beyond

the lines. Help them develop their comprehension and reading skills.

Some pupils are more prone to boredom than others, particularly while they are reading.

The teacher needs to be very patient with the students and come up with creative

methods in order to catch their interest and motivate them to read more. The reader's

mind must be free of all internal and external distractions in order for them to completely
engage in the reading process. Real reading takes place. when the reader is able to

comprehend the text by reading the contents, interpreting the symbolic and interpretive

meanings, responding to them, and integrating them.

Coaching on Teacher Reflection Form

Reflective practice allows educators to have a better understanding of their own

teaching, evaluate their own professional development, make well-informed decisions,

and become more proactive and self-assured in their instruction. Teachers engage in

reflective practice when they consciously adopt the role of the reflective practitioner,

critically examine their own views about teaching and learning, accept full responsibility

for their activities in the classroom, and never stop refining their methods.

Becoming a better teacher who engages students more and continuously enhances

lesson plans is one of the key advantages of reflective teaching. You can assess your

progress by looking at many elements of the class, such as student participation or

teacher talking time.

To find the best one for you, try a variety of techniques. A teacher who is more outgoing

may find it easier to engage with a teacher development group or a critical friend while

starting a journal. Learning and teaching are both journeys. Be gentle with yourself

when a lesson doesn't go as planned; nobody becomes an excellent teacher overnight.

Rather, consider your methods critically in order to enhance the educational experience

of your pupils and advance your career.

Communication Skills

Teachers who possess strong communication skills can establish excellent relationships

with their pupils and have a deeper understanding of them. Additionally, instructors with

strong communication skills may effectively manage their classrooms and settle

disagreements. Good communication skills can help to resolve conflicts, build

relationships, and increase productivity.

First impressions do matter! First impressions have a lasting impact on interactions

between teachers and students, both within and outside of the classroom. As a result, a

teacher must convey positive concepts through both spoken and nonverbal indicators,

including body language, eye contact, tone of voice, and facial expressions.

People take standardized exams called English proficiency tests to gauge their level of

understanding, speaking, and writing coherent and understandable sentences in the

language. Many aspects of the English language, including as grammar, speaking,

comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, and more, are typically included in these language

Demonstration Teaching

It's fundamental to deliver teaching to all types of learners in a learning environment.

Learners can be kinesthetic, auditory, or visual. Since every person learns differently,

there are educational resources that can be utilized to engage different kinds of

learners. Teachers try to reach every student by using a variety of educational methods

and useful resources. Tools are extras that are added to instruction to help deliver a

more thorough lesson. Using demonstrations is one of these strategies. A method that

shows students how to complete a task with real materials is called a teaching

demonstration. The number and level of the audience may affect how effective the

demonstration is.

There are a few things the instructor needs to keep in mind when leading a

demonstration. The first and most crucial things to mention are safety measures,

appropriate instrument identification, and technique. Prioritizing safety above everything

else is essential when using demonstration as a teaching tool. Ensuring that every

student has an equal opportunity to learn is vital, as is explaining the demonstration's

goal to them and assessing their level of comprehension. In order to ensure that every

student benefits from classroom instruction, it is also necessary to modify the

demonstration to make it universally accessible.

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