Pak Study Final Paper Name: Asad Mumtaz Roll No.: 1504 Class: BA (Hons) Urdu Evening Semester: 01 Course Code: PST-1101

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Pak Study Final Paper

Name : Asad Mumtaz

Roll No. : 1504
Class : BA(Hons) Urdu Evening
Semester : 01
Course Code: PST-1101
Question # 01:
Identify strengths and weaknesses of Pakistan and propose suggestions to
the weaknesses?

Strengths of Pakistan
Geographical Importance:
Pakistan is located at the confluence of three vital regions of South Asia, Central
Asia and West Asia and provides the shortest access to the sea for all landlocked countries of
Central Asia besides Western China.
Afghanistan has no sea and it always depends on Pakistan for international trades.
Central Asian states and Iran also feel the geographical importance of Pakistan and therefore,
the project of the gas pipeline has been started between Pakistan and Central Asian states.
There is also a project of gas pipeline origination from Iran which links Pakistan and India.

Pakistan Army:
The Pakistan Army, a major component of the Pakistani military alongside the
Pakistan Navy and Pakistan Air Force, is a volunteer force that has seen extensive combat
during three major wars with neighboring India, several border skirmishes on its porous border
with Afghanistan as well as a long-running insurgency in Balochistan which it has been
combatting alongside Iranian security forces since 1948. Pakistan Army has been ranked the
10th most powerful in the world out of 133 countries on the Global Firepower index 2021,
according to data released by the group on its official website. ... In the annual GFP review of
2021, Pakistan Armed Forces scored 0.2083 with 0.000 being the perfect score in the list.

Tourist attracted Country:

Whenever we think of Pakistan, all that comes to our mind is terrorism,
extremism, sectarianism, corruption, load shedding and inflation but despite all these issues,
we immensely love our country.
Amidst all the chaos we have forgotten the beauty of our landscape.
Pakistan is full of breathtaking locations which will make you fall in love with this
country all over again. Swat Valley. The Swat Valley – one of the most beautiful places in
Pakistan. Hunza Valley. The exquisite Hunza Valley – a must-visit place in Pakistan. Yarkhun
Valley. Yarkhun Valley. Phander Lake. Phander Lake. Broghil Valley. Lahore. Hingol National
Park. Kalakh Valleys.

Only Islamic Atomic Power Country:

Pakistan is the first Muslim majority country in the world to construct and operate civil
nuclear power plants. The Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC), the scientific and
nuclear governmental agency, is solely responsible for operating these power plants. There are
five operating nuclear power plants and two under construction in Pakistan.
." A nuclear-armed country since 1998, Pakistan improved its overall score by 7 points,
moving to the overall rank of 19. Pakistan have more nuclear warheads as compared to India,
according to the SIPRI Yearbook 2020. India has 150 nuclear warheads, while China and
Pakistan have 320 and 160. The figures are until January. Last year, India had 130-140
warheads, while China had 290 and Pakistan 150-160.

Exports of Pakistan:
It might have taken a long time coming, but Pakistan has steadily and prominently
matured as one of the fastest developing countries in the world, an undeniable example of
which is Pakistan’s Credit Rating Outlook. Pakistan has always been a formidable exporter of a
wide variety of commodities. The country is expected to see further growth and is well on its
way to becoming the leading economies in the near future, amongst eleven other countries
The major exports of Pakistan include textiles, leather and sports goods, chemicals, carpets, and
rugs. Meanwhile, Pakistan also exports significant quantities of rice, sugar, cotton, fish, fruits,
and vegetables.
The major exports of Pakistan include textiles, leather and sports goods, chemicals, carpets, and
rugs. Meanwhile, Pakistan also exports significant quantities of rice, sugar, cotton, fish, fruits,
and vegetables. The country ranks among Asia’s largest camel market, second-largest apricot
and ghee (oil), and third-largest cotton, onion, and milk market.

Weakness of Pakistan
Good governance stands for poverty alleviation through long term. Social Action Programme
(SAP). In Pakistan, Poverty Reduction Strategy was launched by the government in 2001 in response to
the rising trend in poverty during 1990s. It consisted of the following five elements:

(a) accelerating economic growth and maintaining macroeconomic stability

(b) investing in human capital,

(c) augmenting targeted interventions,

(d) expanding social safety nets and

(e)improving governance

Inflation seemed to be a chronic problem in many parts of the world. There is a wide spread
recognition that inflation results in inefficient resource allocation and hence reduces potential economic
growth. Inflation imposes high cost on economies and societies; disproportionately hurts the poor and
fixed income groups and creates uncertainty throughout the economy and undermines macro-economic
stability. High inflation has always penalized the poor more than the rich because the poor are less able
to protect themselves against the consequences, and less able to hedge against the risks that high
inflation poses. Lowering inflation therefore, directly benefits the low and fixed income groups. Pakistan
has witnessed a low inflation environment for the last several years but experienced a sharp picked up
last year at 9.3 percent.
Economic Growth:
Economic growth is the engine of employment generation and poverty alleviation. In order to
sustain this strong pace of growth and maintain healthy and vigorous macroeconomic indicators would
require a prolonged period of macroeconomic stability, financial discipline and consistent and
transparent policies. These, along with improved governance and better quality infrastructure would ki
private sector to play a leading role in promoting investment and growth. The government on its part
must identify and promote sectors, which are considered not only to be the major drivers of growth but
also have the greatest potential of creating more employment opportunities.


is true that at the time of its birth, Pakistan had no socio-economic infrastructure for a
nation's survival. Despite political instability corrupt leadership and self-centered opportunists
has weather everything to stand firm like a rock it was due to the dexterity of laborers, the
romantic idealism of its youth, the diversity of its agro-climate conditions and kind of resolve of
its people to defeat all odds
In Pakistan, corruption has eaten up the inner of people belonging to all walks,
sections, areas and classes in the country. The poorest is least corrupt only because there is
nothing handy to steal from the laborer who puts in half a day's work and charges for the full
day, is as corrupt as the executive engineer in a government department who puts half the
project funds in his pocket. The problem, therefore, is somewhat larger than it appears.
Corruption has become part of our system.

Suggestions to overcome the Weakness

Inflation can be controlled by demand management policies, minimizing the

borrowing and deficit budget, pacing the growth of money supply with the growth of

nominal GDP and by maint.

We can solve the weakness of poverty to get us to 2030:

1. Equality and representation for all.

2. Building resilience — climate and otherwise…

3. … But especially focusing on climate change.

4. Increase access to education.

5. Improve food security and access to clean water.

6. End war and conflict.

7. Embrace cash and microfinance.

We can eradicate Corruption by taking following steps:

1. Increasing the salary of government employees.

2. We, the common people, should not pay bribe and report complaint against the

officer/person who asks for bribe.

3. Not giving preference to rich and political people over poor and common people. I've

seen government employees talk to those with politeness who are wearing good clothes

and have some political source but they treat poor or middle class people as if they're

ridiculous and not a part of society.

4. Laws of Anti-Corruption department should be made strictly and enforced.

5. NAB (National Accountability Bureau) should take action against all corrupt officers

and specially politicians.

6. Governmental authorities should keep record of how much funds are given for a

project? how much has been spent on the project? where went the rest amount?
Severe punishment should be given to corrupt people and high rank officers and they

should be dismissed from their jobs.

7. Honest officials should be appointed. If officials will be looting the country then why

would their subordinates spare. So transparency should begin from top.

We should not put all the responsibility over government but we should

also do our duty to finish this evil.

The first thing to do to reduce unemployment in Pakistan is the proper planning by

the government of Pakistan. The education system of Pakistan should be equal and well
managed. Well recognized training and technical institutions are need to be established where
skills programs are offered.


Question # 02: Identify factors that have contributed towards Pakistan’s weak economy also
suggest measures that should be adopted to improve economic output of Pakistan?
Economy is the large set of inter-related production and consumption activities that
aid in determining how scarce resources are allocated. In an economy, the production and
consumption of goods and services are used to fulfill the needs of those living and operating
within it. Pakistan has a population of over 220 million (the world's 5th-largest), giving it a
nominal GDP per capita of $1,186 in 2020-21, which ranks 154th in the world and giving it a PPP
GDP per capita of $5,839 in 2019, which ranks 132nd in the world for 2019. ... Pakistan is a
developing country. GDP by sector: Agriculture: 18.74%; Industry: 19.74%; Services: 61.52%;
(2019 est);Country group: Developing.
Four kinds of Economic Problems of Pakistan and their solutions:
 Agricultural problems And their solution
 Industrial problems and their solution
 Foreign trade problems and their solution
 Foreign Air problem in Pakistan
Problems of Agricultural Sector of Pakistan
Agriculture is the second largest sector of Pakistan economy. It accounts for 26% of
GDP and employs 52% of labour force. Its importance has reduced due to the following

1.Under Utilization Of Land:

The resources in the agricultural sector are not properly utilized. There is a huge
wastage of land which is evident from the fact that out of about 90 million acres of
cultivable land, only 54 million acres have so far been brought under plough. This
wastage comes to 60% of the area. The area used to provide passage in form of strips
summed up runs into hundreds of acres that are wasted.

2.Inadequate Use Of Inputs:

To increase agricultural output, it is essential to expand the use of agriculture input,
which includes chemical fertilizers, improved seeds, plant protection and mechanization.
Similarly, lack of use of fertilizers like urea and pesticides result in less production.

3.Inadequate Rural Infrastructure:

Infrastructure is another basic problem of agriculture in Pakistan. Due to lack of transport
and communication facilities, the rural population has restricted mobility. There are no
organized facilities so the poor farmers are exploited by the traders.

4.Inadequate Agricultural Research:

Research and education is a continuing requirement for agricultural development not
only in developing better seeds, improving cultivation methods and better use of other
inputs, but also for finding out their best combination for our conditions.

5. Defective Land Tenure System:

The phrase “ Tenure System” signifies the rights and obligations associated with the
arrangement of ownership and the use of land. The land is cultivated by tenants who
suffer not only from social subordination but also from different types of exploitation. All
this leads to low production.

6. Lack of Extension Services:

In Pakistan, the agricultural extension service has not been active. An agricultural extension
service aims at providing the farmers with systematic access to knowledge about farming
practices, multiple cropping and use of physical inputs and ensuring that the knowledge
provided is appropriate to the farming being practiced.

Solution To problems
1.Increase In Irrigation Facilities:
The availability of water has to be increased by construction of small dams, installation
of tube-wells, etc. For bringing in more land under cultivation and increasing the output.
There will, thus, be less dependence on rain for the supply of timely water. The
Government of Pakistan established Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) in
1959 to build dams for storage and supply of irrigation water.

2.Farm Mechanization:
There is unanimity of opinion that farm Mechanization increases agricultural productivity
and income of the farmers. Spray machines are applied harvesting. Tractors, bulldozers
and attached implement are being increasingly used. In Pakistan, there are at present 5
tractor manufacturing plants producing its various parts. Until 1990, the total numbers of
tractors used were about three lakh. ADBP providing loans to farmers for the purchase of
tractors and installation of tube-wells in the different areas of the country.

3.Agricultural Research:
In order to raise the potential of Agriculture production, there should be continuous
improvement in the research for agricultural growth. The specific areas of research
include the development of high yielding, short duration, disease and drought resistant
varieties of major food and cash crops of Pakistan according to the situation prevailing
in different areas of the country.

4.Agricultural Price Policy:

An agricultural price policy refers to the government’s role in determining or influencing
the prices of agricultural outputs and inputs. The price mechanism can, if used judiciously
and systematically, prove to be an effective supplement effort towards the revitalization
of agriculture and increased agricultural productivity. The policy regarding output is also
called Price Support Policy.

5. Reclamation Programme:
Vigorous efforts should be made to protect and reclaim the areas affected by
Waterlogging, Salinity and Soil erosion in the country. The Government of Pakistan started
Salinity Control and Reclamation Project (SCARP) in 1959. Under this scheme, about 12500
tube-wells were installed and other drainage schemes were introduced. The result is that
about 3 million acres have been reclaimed.

Problems Of Industrial Sector In Pakistan

The causes of industrial backwardness are as follows.

1.Controversial Industrial Strategy:

The slow growth in Industrial sector is mainly due to rapid changes in the industrial
development strategies. The planners have not yet been able to solve the central issues such
(a) Sectorial balance between agricultural and industrial sectors
(b) Balanced regional development.
(c) Growth versus distribution strategy.
(d) Small scale versus large scale.
(e) Capital intensive versus labour intensive.
(f) Public sector versus private sector.
(g) Rural versus urban.
(h) Nationalization of industries.
(f) Import substitution versus export promotion.
Unless we have a clear-cut policy, we cannot create a climate for industrial development.

2. Lack Of Capital:
In Pakistan, the rate of saving and investment is very low. Private foreign investment and
foreign aid has other adverse effects. There is inadequate facility of industrial credit in the
country and the expansion of industries are handicapped.
3.Limited Markets:
Limited domestic market and increasing foreign competition is another obstacle in the way of
industrial development. The purchasing power of Common man in the country is low due to
low wages and unemployment. Therefore, the demand for industrial goods in the country is not
conducive to industrial growth. Market is also limited due to low quality and lack
of .standardization

4.Lack Of Technical Know-How:

Another problem in the way of rapid industrialization is the lack of skilled labour. Modern
machinery needs trained technical men and labourers. Our labour is uneducated and untrained
and does not work hard.


The following are a few steps which may be taken to solve various problems of the industrial

1.Clear Strategy For Industrial Sectors:

For revival and growth of industrial sector, the controversial issues have to be solved once for
all. Unless the danger of nationalization of industries is removed and the lost confidence is
restored, the progress in the industrial field will remain slow.

2.Provision Of Industrial Finance:

Establishing a well-organized capital and money market in the country can solve the problem of
lack of capital for the industrial sector. The Government of Pakistan established Pakistan
Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation (PICIC) in 1957 to provide loans to the private
sector. Moreover, an Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan (IDBP) was established in 1961.
Recently, Investment Corporation of Pakistan (ICP), National Development Finance Corporation
(NDFC), Equity Participation Fund (EPF) and Bankers Equity Limited (BEL) are also helping in the
industrial development.

3.Fiscal Incentives:
Taxes of various types increases the production cost and in many cases discourages production.
Tax holidays may be given to infant industries and those established in undeveloped areas.

4. Technical Education And Training:

To improve the productivity in the industrial sector. It is essential to establish technical training
institutions to give training to the laborers’. The Government made necessary arrangements
and helped in the establishment of Pakistan Industrial Technical Assistant Centre (PITAC), other
vocational and commercial institutions including Pak-German and Pak-Swedish institutes of
Technology. This is going to provide technical assistance to industrialists, to help the
dissemination of modern knowledge and improved techniques among ns and craftsmen.


Question # 04:
Write down features of the 1973 constitution and also suggest measures and
Amendments to the constitution through which we can achieve constitutional
Supremacy in Pakistan.
The constitution of 1973 of Pakistan was adopted on April 12,1973. This constitution
fully represent the ideology and democratic aspiration of the people of Pakistan and
constitution is the supreme law of the land and it is considered as an instrument by which a
gov't can be run.
It replaces the basic laws of the state . It determines the traits of the federal and
provincial Govt. This constitution is federal cum parliamentary in its characteristics.

 Salient Features of the Constitution of 1973

Following are the salient features of the constitution of 1973:

Preamble means an introductory part of statute and it is not the part of the constitution
It s stated in it that sovereignty over entire universe belongs to Almighty Allah.

Federal Constitution:
Like the previous constitutions, the 1973 constitution also declared Pakistan a federal state. Under the
Constitution, the Federation of Pakistan consists of four provinces, the Federal Capital Territory and it’s
adjoining Federally Administered Tribal Areas and the adjoining Tribal Areas. The powers between the
Federal and Provincial Governments are divided into two lists. List of common affairs. The remaining
powers have been transferred to the provinces. Parliament makes legislation on federal matters while
the two governments have the power to make laws on joint matters. All federal units have been given
equal status. All the provinces also have equal representation in the Senate

Bi-Cameral Legislature:
The Federal Legislature is bi-cameral consisting two houses. Senate the upper house
and National Assembly the lower house.

Parliamentary Constitution:
Under the 1973 constitution, the country has a parliamentary system. The head of state is the
president and the head of government is the prime minister. The president is elected by
parliament and the four provincial assemblies, while the prime minister is elected by a majority
of the National Assembly. The term of office has been fixed at five years. The 17th amendment
to the constitution has balanced the powers of the president and the prime minister. However,
the president has the upper hand. The prime minister can also advise the president to dissolve
the National Assembly.

Fundamental Rights:
The constitution guarantees fundamental rights. The fundamental right cannot be
suspended without applying constitutional methods such rights can be enforced by the courts.

Direct Election:
Method of Direct election has been adopted in the constitution of 1973. The Election of
National Assembly and provincial Assemblies shall be held directly.

Independent Judiciary:
The Constitution of 1973 guarantees an independent judiciary. The appointment of judges is in
the hands of the President of Pakistan while their removal is done by the President on the
recommendation of the Supreme Judicial Council. Judges enjoy reasonable remuneration and
job security. The judiciary is separated from the administration. Judges perform their duties
without any fear or pressure.

Fundamental Rights:
Citizens have all the basic rights in the constitution. Parliament and provincial assemblies will
not be allowed to make any law that violates fundamental rights. The Supreme Court will be
empowered to annul such a law. Provide equal opportunities to all people without religious,
ethnic, linguistic and racial discrimination so that people can use their abilities.

National Language:
Urdu will be the national language of Pakistan. However, the provincial
governments have the power to make arrangements for the development and
education of their regional languages. English was supposed to be the official
language, but to this day it has not.
Principles of Policy:
Another democratic feature of 1973 constitution , is embodiment of directive principles
of policy of the state. The principles of policy provide guidance to the state.

End of Exploitation:
In order to eliminate concentration of wealth and other economic evils, the
Constitution commits to establishing a balanced economic system. Providing basic
necessities of life is the first duty of the government. For this purpose, both the
private sector and the public sector have been protected. The Majlis-e-Shura has
the power to determine the limits of private property through legislation.
Property acquired through illicit means can be confiscated by the government.
Everyone will be treated according to the law. Every person will be paid according
to his work. The state should end all forms of exploitation.
Single Citizenship:
The Constitution if 1973 provides single Citizenship.

System of Check and Balance:

The Constitution of 1973 provides system of check and Balance in the country.

Written Constitution:
Like previous constitutions, this one is of a written nature. It is more
comprehensive and comprehensive, consisting of 280 sections, twelve sections
and six statements. These statements also protect the orders of various military
Rights of Minorities:
Rights of Minorities have been protected in the constitution of 1973.

State Religion:
The constitution of 1973 declares that Islam would be state religion.

Islamic Constitution:
The Constitution of Pakistan is called the Islamic Constitution in the sense that it declares Islam
to be the official religion of the country. In which the sovereignty of Allah Almighty is
acknowledged. The full name of Pakistan is "Islamic Republic of Pakistan". The purpose of this
constitution is to promote and develop the Islamic way of life among the citizens. The state will
try to regulate zakat and charity, and steps will be taken to eliminate usury. It has been
declared necessary for the President and the Prime Minister to be Muslims. They must believe
in the end of prophecy.

High Treason:
The abrogation of the constitution through unconstitutional means is a high treason. It
cannot be abrogated by the use of force.

Equal Rights of Women:

The constitution of 1973 has been equal rights to women.

Constitutional Institutions:
For the development of central and provincial interests and matters, the Constitution
has also set up a number of bodies such as the Council of Common Interests, the National
Economic Council, the National Finance Commission, the Election Commission and the Federal
Ombudsman. They strive to carry out their duties and put national interests first.

Supremacy of Constitution:
Twice enacted constitutions have been repealed in our country. Therefore, an attempt
has been made to make the present constitution a permanent constitution. Anyone who
violates or attempts to violate the existing constitution in an unconstitutional manner will be
prosecuted for serious treason. And Parliament will propose punishment for it.

Suggest Measures and Amendments in 1973 Constitution:

There are 26 amendments in the 1973 constitution of Pakistan from May 4, 1974 to May 13, 2019.
These include the retirement age of judges, the Prime Minister's vote of confidence, the definition of a
Muslim, declaring Mirzais as infidels, etc., or increasing the number of seats in the District National

Since Urdu was given the status of official language in the Constitution of 1937. But now it has
been kept within the limits of the constitution. This could not be implemented. English is being
taught in educational institutions, but in addition to this subject, the study of Pakistan, Islamic
studies and mathematics are also being taught in English. In other words, the value of Urdu as
stated in N is not being shown in practice.
One of my suggestions regarding the amendment of the constitution is that Urdu was declared as
the national language and was recognized as the official language. It should be put into practice
and English language should be got rid of and it should be taught only to students up to
If we talk about the 1973 constitution so far, every law is as strict as it should be. But not all of
these rules and regulations seem to be followed. In my opinion, all these laws should be strictly
followed. Anyone who insults the Holy Prophet (S.W) should not only be sentenced to death
but should be hanged in public and should not be delayed in the slightest.
And a law should be enacted to pardon the killer of the arrogant Prophet if he has indeed sent the
arrogant Prophet to hell. Besides, the Hindi singer should be sentenced to death if he dreams of being a
Prime Minister or a President, an MNA or an MPA.

If these laws are made in our country Pakistan and they are fully implemented then there will be no
country like our country. And Pakistan will also be in the list of developed countries.

These are the measures and amendments according to me through which we can achieve constitutional
supremacy in Pakistan.


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