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Building a local multiplayer web-based game involves creating a web application that multiple

players can access on the same network and interact with each other in real-time. Here's a
breakdown of the steps involved:

1. Setting Up the Basics:

● HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: You'll need a foundation in these web development
fundamentals. HTML structures the content, CSS styles the visuals, and JavaScript adds
● Local Web Server: A local web server like Python's SimpleHTTPServer or Live Server
extension for Visual Studio Code will allow you to run your game files locally on a browser
without needing internet access.

2. Building the Game Environment:

● Game Engine (Optional): While not strictly necessary, consider using a game engine like
Phaser ( or Babylon.js ( to simplify game
development tasks like physics, animation, and collision detection.
● Game Canvas or DOM manipulation: You can use the HTML canvas element to create a
2D game world or manipulate the DOM (Document Object Model) to build a turn-based or
board-style game using HTML elements.

3. Enabling Multiplayer Functionality:

● WebSockets: This technology allows for real-time, two-way communication between the
browser and the server. It's ideal for keeping all players' game states synchronized.
● Server-Side Script (Optional): A basic Node.js script can be used as a simple server to
handle communication between players and potentially manage game logic or rules.

4. Game Loop and User Input:

● requestAnimationFrame: This JavaScript function creates a smooth animation loop for

updating the game state and rendering graphics based on user input.
● Event Listeners: Capture player input from keyboard, mouse, or touch events and translate
them into actions within your game.

5. Game Logic and Synchronization:

● Shared Game State: Maintain a central representation of the game world (positions, scores,
etc.) that all players can access and update.
● Data Transmission: Use WebSockets to send and receive updates to the shared game state
whenever a player makes an action.

Here are some additional resources to help you get started:

● Tutorials:
○ Building a realtime multiplayer browser game in less than a day
4-14pm) - This series provides a step-by-step guide using Phaser.
○ How To Build A Multiplayer Browser Game (Part 1 & 2)
c421d1) - This guide dives into the concepts and code structure for a basic multiplayer
● Online Courses: Many online platforms like Udemy or Coursera offer courses on building
multiplayer web games.

Remember, this is a simplified overview. Building a full-fledged game takes time and practice.
Start with a basic concept, like a turn-based strategy game or a simple racing game, and
gradually add complexity as you learn. There's a supportive online game development
community, so don't hesitate to seek help and share your work!

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