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Chapter - 2

The Harappan Culture

The year 1922 A.D. revealed an illustrious chapter in the
history of our country. That yeara wonderful city was excaved by
the renowned archaeologist Dayaram Sahani. That city was the
fountain head of a glorious culture and with its discovery a
revolutionary change took place in the conception of the history of
our land. Till 1922 it was believed that the history of India started
from the coming of the Aryans in about 2000 B.C. But the discovery
of such a city proved that Indian culture flourished at a time when
the cultures of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia also flourished.Thus
our culture becam as old as 5000 years, and our history could be
traced back to rohiy 3000 B.C. That blessed city was Harappa
and the culture that florished there is known as the Harappan

Site of the Harappan Culture:

The site of the Harappan Culture was the bank of the river
Ravi, a tributary of the river Indus, situated in the Montegomery
district of Western Punjab, now in Pakistan. This site was ideal for
the growth of a culture. The fertile soil of the river valley and the
availability of abundant water throughout the year allowed the
people to reap rich harvests. So they grew rich and prosperous. The
extensive forest in the valley provided wood to burn the bricks for
building the houses. Thus the fertility of the soil of the river valleys,
the constant supply of water and the availabilityof house-building
materials enabled the Harappans to build a culture of outstanding
The Harappan Culture
History ofAncient India
several It was highly developed. Comforts and luxury constituted the hall
the city was divided into
other at right angles. As such width of the streets varied from mark of their life. Wheat was the staple food of the Harappan
square or rectangular blocks.
The 7people. They also made-use of barley and
nine feet to thirty-four feet. Furthermore the lay out of the streets Food J palmadate. Their favourite fruits were
kept clean by the winds. Lamp
and lanes was such that those were provided to keep the streets pomegranates barley and bananas. Milk was also part of their dietry.
posts at regular intervals were also But by and large they were nonvegetarians. Pork, beef, mutton,
lighted. fowl, fish and egg were very much relished.
BRAINAGESYSTEM : The people wore clothes generally made of cotton. The use
Another remarkable of the city life of the Harappan of woollen clothes was also known to them. They had also
were provided on either sides knowledge in dyeing the fabrics to make their clothes attractive.
was the drainage system. The drains the individual houses Both men and women wore one type of dress. Of
of the streets. And there were drains from
connecting to the main drains. Futher all the drains converged
oress course the women used to cover the upper portion
a pit which was located at a far-off place from the city. And of their heads by a fan-shaped dress. Men usually kept long hair
were made of lime and mortar. This elaborate drainage system and beards. The women dressed their hairs with combs.
admittedly proves that the people laid emphasis on sanitation and Both nen and women of all classes wore ornaments.
Ornaments like necklaces, finger-rings, armlets, bangles were used
Further, the city was carefully protected by police patrol by both men and women. Girdles, nose-studs, ear-rings and anklets
and one important officer was held responsible for maintaining law were used by women only. And all those were made of gold, silver
and order. 1 and copper. Those were also often embroidered
J with ivory, stone, bone and shells. Bestowing
On the whole, the remains of the city prove that the art of L

building reached its perfection and the Harappans led a high lavish praise on the finesse of the ornaments, John Marshall wrote
that it
standard of life. This type of life was unknow elsewhere in the world in 1932, "The golden ornaments were so fine and attractive
a home five thousand
then. Furthermore it is most delighting to note that while the appears as if all those are not recovered from
contemporary Egyptians and Mesopotaminas were building years before but brought from any jewellery shop located now in
imposing monuments for their kings and Gods, the Harappan the Bond Street of London".
people built houses and streets, and drains to make the life of the
common man pleasant. They prized the comfort of the common Furthermore, people used, many kinds of household
comfort. The art of
man_more than that of the kings and Gods. Standing on the ruins articles to make their life one of luxury and
of Harappa, an Englishman thus remarked, "I feel myself pottery reached its perfection. They painted and
were the
surrounded by the ruins of some present-day working in
Household and
Luxury Articles
|glazed their pots. It seems that theyvessels. Besides
Lancashire". L
first in the world to use earthen
and porcelain. And
those they also used vessels of copper, bronze, saucers, vases and
THESOCIO-ECONOMIC LIFE OF THE PEOPLE : all such vessels included bowls, dishes, cups,
Different materials and seals excavated fronm the ruins of
the city speak volumes of the socio-economic life of the Harappans.
16 History ofAncient India 17
The Harappan Culture
basins. The people used needles, razors, knives, ivory combs of
different shapes and oval mirrors of bronze with wooden handles,
The Harappan people used several kinds of weapons for
different purpose of these, spears, axes, daggers, bows, arrows and
lamps made of copper, shell and clay. The women used combs and
hairpins. They reached perfection in the use of cosmetics. Collyrium, - strings were used as weapons of war and hunting.
AWeapons |The sickle, the razor and the knife were used for
tace-paints, perfumes, lipstick were a few of such cosmetics that
the women are also known to have used vanity bags. Thus in the
L Jother purposes. However the use of swords,
culture of beauty the women of Harappa were not at all inferior in armour or shields and helmets was probably unknown to them.
any way to present day women. The wealthy people were found That was possibly because they did not know the use of iron. As
to have used chairs, bed steads all made of wood. Even various such all their weapons were made of copper and bronze.
kinds, of tryes whistles and ratlles were used by the children. The Agriculture was the chiefsource of the livelihood of the
toys were mostly clay models of animals and birds, men women Harappans. That was because of the ideal conditions such as a fertile
and the carts. There were also dolls which small girls used.
soil and the annual Aood which came as a boon to them. Barley,
The Harappan people were the first in the world to cotton and wheat were their chief agricultural products. Experts
introduce a regular transport system. Wheeled-carts for the land have opined that the Harappans were the first in
and boats for water used as means of transport. This is known from Agriculture the world to cultivate wheat. However they
the remains of a roofless two wheeled cart with its rider sitting on produced more grain than they actually required.
the front. According to John Marshall it was the first
wheeled The surplus grains were stored in the granaries. The maintenance
transport of the world. of such granaries indicates that agriculture was quite probably
under the direct control of the State government.
Amusements and pastifne playd a conspicuous role in the
life of the Harappans. They used to spend their leisure
hours in Industry like agriculture was well-developed. Spinning of
various kinds of amusements such as hunting, fishing and wool and cotton was very popular bath among the poor and the
,Amusements 1witnessing cock-fight. Elderly persons played dice rich. It appears that the Harappans were the first in the world to
Vand Pastime |and this shows that they were fond of 1 weave cotton cloths. There were also potters,
JThe excavation of the image of a gambling. Jndustry and |carpenters, blacksmiths, goldsmiths, and,ivory
dancing girl made Crafts
of bronze speaks of their love for
dancing and music. J and stone makers. They had attained proficiency
The people also made domestic use of in their respective crafts. Of those weaving, pottery and jewellery
bull, the ox, the buffalo, and the camel were some animals. The in particular reached perfection. They produced varieties of tools
service in the cultivation of the fields and domesticated for their
the transportation of and implements by smelting metals like copper and bronze. Besides
Bomestication g0ods. Similarly goat, deer, and pig were these, they used metals like tin, lead, gold and silver.
Aof Animals domensticated for food. But it appears that they
Jdid 'not know the use The society of the Harappans was not based upon an
of the horse and the constituted a part of
However, they were familiar with other animals dog. agrarian economy only. Trade and commerce
the tiger, the bear and the like the monkey, representation of a ship on a seal is a clear
rhinocers as is known from their figures their economic life. The
Indus and Ravi were
depicted on the seals. proof of their maritime activities. The rivers
merchants traded inside
navigable. And through these rivers the
a whichTrimukha Pashupati rhinocerosVidesses
the identified And fromenergy
worshipped agricultural practices.
dependance ofthe tombs wrernor role THE of cottonCommerceTradeand with and
th e various 18
findings Gods
ant seals in
can around th e RELIGIOUS Kashmir, outside
as same. the As They
of ruins the of to
of be (three(Lord this and However elsewhere life shapes alsostonesthose
stoneidentified of the copper
or faced). a figure aHimdress,figure J | speaks 1sourceproduction. on Their of South
of deer throne mnother found the knew foreign seals
Mesopotamia. I 7
from they
representations.female large agriculture and PRACTICES and Inside
animals), with were of of Gods Harappan
the in India,
number The
safely robes had creation.
sitting cross-legged goddess terra-cottastone at the sizes. thethem. traded
symbol their and Harappa countries
God found Rajputana India
cult three That hoary
with MahayoginShiva,under in worship Goddesses
Presumably of Harappa with
images people. of
was of of animal
faces One onfor was past, OFweights They they
Anci ent
Likewise phallic conicalShiva body account their found to THE Mesopotamia
prevalent because his in
interesting of and give religion used have and had
is with the because To and import India
figures and a
livelihood. the be PEOPLE they established
Kathiawar. contact
symbols and fashion male werefigurines a
ruins idea sure, measures. tobeen
great HeThe bangles
horned God. their played used export
representation cylindrical
as figure chiefly
of of
tin, found and
is or is tiger,
Scholars of female beliefin their give their seals
copper Beyond
knownlingas. ascetic) described in Seated
engraved a Those Egypt.
proved head excavateda They related religious a sigrnificant wheat at
buffalo, the Yogi, utmost fair temples as Elan
stones hand. dead this on were their India
from The
by and ashave also
and and
of a

they aretiger, places Besides
Furthermore cult. on
that Naga those the

scripts and form aSCRIPT: Marshall
influenced the burning casebeasts, Disposalofcustom uDead PracticesYoga of
The animals jackal, is,
its Swastik
ofthe head are
religious the
offew A the the
copper Highly Thus and worship leads and
were of the ashes theirs practice spirits.
they symbols
writing writes mnost dead the findings wheel
by practice and Jone that us
clear, the third in
| respect practice.
thethree thisbearsimage
meditation worshipped worshipping
Trees of to
that of was bones of they animals. of
which religion the dead Yoga rhinoceros and believeindicates
straightTheir one was methods from the Harapan
the of mostly sitting worshipped. like
characteristies the were
was the with of Sun-god.
is as Hinduism the appears
writingfound they of
Harappan the wild Pipal They images, that the
and the preserved
followed. exposure
the disposal
for ruins in
testimonyyogic toa they
were Indus burning the crocodile, animals and took A
rectlinear. wamostly
s to The they deity
in of purpose. speak of have Neem all
mostly on the Valley people.
the this In in ofand posture dove
Hinduism an ofthe the to those had with
Harappans later urm. tofferings; dead. of prevailed to were belief of
There the he body prevalence th eof was nameplease a
pictographic seals, people. One a as sunworship
time Out body, semi-religious They sunk tworshipped.
he the in
were were to was onlythem.dwelling practice
no context
was John of the thern. lone animism,
earthem the in birds adopted
burying in
as doubt found in
which second deep bird a cobra 19
many greatly three, An few, The of as
and and
pots used
hone flouaiched
Inone Ahan he norrdh. wpctenn
1rndian knoun
mcu n
ruve r
ciyilgaion. 14 s alo
Tequc v l i o n . 1hit tivdlis aton
tHetappon chal cho l:thiepharr

pnote hibaalogical fedut

civclizathion -
(o ciol lite uni Heppor
42hapeeepte eviclencet f H}eroppa
nd Vari ou raveal
alog ultural -fe
and Hohenju oco about
So io-
tudur valley. An ornalgsi
Setfiient thfermaon
4he gives ife.
theirc <eveloped
unon ivtli aion

Scien4+ifdc .
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- first phase
) Town plonnin have
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