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 BDO Life’s insurance agents act like missionaries - Mission

“the gospel of life insurance” - “trying to sell a

To be the preferred insurance company in every market
product that nobody wants to buy, that everybody
we serve.
o “When premature death strikes and Vision
disrupts Plan A, Plan B springs to action to
To be the leading insurance company that empowers
inject the needed cash into Plan A that helps
customers to achieve their goals and aspirations,
empower our loved ones to move on. Life
combining our entrepreneurial spirit and intense
insurance is your Plan B,” Vergel de Dios
customer focus to deliver personalized insurance
solutions that are practical, straightforward, and
convenient, while taking pride in building long-term
 Insurance Commission - BDO Life ranks fourth in
relationships and finding better ways to deliver
terms of new business annual premium equivalent
insurance protection products of the highest standards.
or NBAPE – the most common performance metric
for new sales used by insurance companies. – 4.1 Corporate Profile
Billion pesos, 2023
BDO Life Assurance Company, Inc. is a wholly-owned
 BDO Life may not be at the top, but it’s a marked subsidiary of BDO Unibank, Inc., the country’s largest
improvement from the seventh spot where it bank to date. BDO Life offers a diverse pool of life
lingered in 2017, 2018, and 2020. insurance products suitable to the needs of its clients.

Core Values
 BDO Life - as a bancassurance firm. Bancassurance
refers to life insurance companies that sell products Commitment to Customers
through a bank’s branches. Because the General BDO Life Assurance are committed to deliver
Banking Law prohibits banks from directly offering products and services that surpass customer
insurance products, financial institutions usually get expectations in value and every aspect of customer
around this by partnering with or setting up services, while remaining to be prudent and trustworthy
separate insurance businesses. stewards of their wealth.

 Sy-owned BDO is by far the biggest bank in the Commitment to a Dynamic and Efficient Organization
Philippines, owning more than P4.28 trillion in BDO Life Assurance are committed to creating
assets as of December 31, 2023. That also means an organization that is flexible, responds, to change and
that BDO Life has a massive bank customer base to encourages innovation and creativity. We are committed
sell its life insurance products to. to the process of continuous improvement in everything
we do.
 “From the very beginning, I’m focused on marketing
to BDO clients,” Vergel de Dios said. “You market Commitment to Employees
lang (just) to BDO clients, but that’s a whole
BDO Life Assurance are committed to our
universe in itself.”
employees’ growth and development and we will
nurture them in an environment where excellence,
 “Our provincial branches have done much better
integrity, teamwork, professionalism and performance
than our Metro Manila sales. And that’s because
are valued above all else.
they’ve been able to go down to the middle
income,” Vergel de Dios said. “The people that walk Commitment to Shareholders
into the branch that we sell to, nobody has
BDO Life Assurance are committed to provide
approached them…and this is the first time that
our shareholders with superior returns over the long
somebody has bothered to approach them.”
 Rank 3rd in terms of Net Income, P3.6 Billion
HISTORY Non-Executive Director: The non-executive director
brings outside expertise to the board, offers
independent perspectives on strategic matters, and
1997 - BDO Unibank eventually became involved in helps oversee the bank's performance without being
insurance services (it is a bancassurance firm) by involved in day-to-day operations.
establishing a subsidiary called BDO Insurance Brokers.

1999 - BDO Unibank expanded its insurance services

through partnerships with Zamora Assurance and
Assicurazoni Generali s.p.a. (Generali), one of the PERSONAL INSURANCE
world's largest insurance firms, and Jerneh Asia Berhad,
 Life Secure - Lifelong insurance coverage that
a member of Malaysia's Kuok Group.
provides income continuation for those who
2000 - BDO Unibank partnered with Generali Pilipinas depend on you.
Life Assurance Company and Generali Pilipinas
Ideal for: Income providers, First-time insurance buyers
Insurance Company.
 Term Secure 5 - Affordable 5-year protection
2016 - Originally called Generali Pilipinas Holding Co.
plan for maximum coverage when you need it
Inc., BDO Unibank Inc. acquired the company and is
currently operating as a subsidiary of BDO Unibank, Inc.
Ideal for: Borrowers with outstanding loans, Clients who
need insurance for only a limited period
 AcciGuard - Affordable accidental death &
Teresita T. Sy Chairperson disability plan for one year.
Nestor V. Tan Vice Chairman
Renato Vergel de Dios President and CEO Ideal for: Individuals who are always on-the-go, First-
Herminia S. Jacinto Lead Independent time insurance buyers
Director  Study Secure - Coverage for you and your child
Lucy C. Dy Non-Executive Director
with guaranteed payouts to help cover the cost
Ariel G. Cantos
of education.
Jaime C. Yu
Ideal for: Parents or guardians of young children, Long-
term savers looking to enjoy market-driven returns
Chairperson: The chairperson leads board meetings,
ensures effective governance practices, and represents  Health Secure - Life insurance with critical
the bank's interests to stakeholders. illness coverage to help fund the cost of
treatment for diseases diagnosed in their early,
Vice Chairman: The vice chairman supports the
intermediate and advanced stages.
chairperson in their duties, fills in when needed, and
collaborates with other board members to make Ideal for: Health-conscious individuals, Breadwinners
strategic decisions.
 Money8 Secure Plus - 20-year insurance
President and CEO: The president and CEO oversees the coverage with guaranteed payouts and a lump
bank's overall operations, sets strategic goals, and sum cash benefit for you to spend or save.
ensures the organization's growth and profitability.
Ideal for: People who want to grow their savings,
Lead Independent Director: The lead independent Income providers
director provides guidance to the board, serves as a
liaison between management and independent  SaveFlex Secure - Lifelong insurance coverage
directors, and ensures independent oversight of for income continuation of loved ones with
corporate governance. market-driven investment returns to fund long-
term needs.
Ideal for: Income providers, Customers with medium to  Group Hospital Income Benefit Rider - Daily
long-term goals allowance for hospital confinement due to an
injury or illness.
 BDO Life's Income Secure - 20-year insurance
 Group Dread Disease Rider - Lump sum cash
coverage with guaranteed payouts to help you
benefit upon diagnosis of any covered dread
enjoy a comfortable retirement.
disease such as heart attack, stroke, or cancer.
Ideal for: Repeat insurance customers, Long-term savers  Accidental Hospital Income Rider - Daily
with preference for guarantees allowance for hospital confinements resulting
from an accidental injury.
 Lifestyle Secure - Insurance coverage with
 Accidental Death and Disability Rider - Cash
guaranteed payouts to help you achieve and
benefits for accidental injury or death.
maintain your envisioned retirement lifestyle.
 Group Burial Assistance Benefit Rider - Lump
Ideal for: Individuals preparing for their retirement, sum amount to beneficiaries if employee passes
Long-term savers looking to enjoy market-driven returns away, regardless of cause.

 BDO Life's Wealth Secure - Single pay, lifelong This offer is available to groups of at least 10 employees
insurance coverage with market-driven between 18 to 65 years old, actively at work, and in
investment returns to help you transfer wealth good health.
efficiently to the next generation.
Ideal for: Individuals with significant assets, Family
 After COVID-19 pandemic, Sales increased by 49%
matriarch or patriarch
and consistently growing by 15% every year
 MRI (Mortgage Redemption Insurance) - is a  The net profit margin of 17% means that for every
form of insurance, the benefits of which, when peso in revenue generated by a company, it retains
payable, is used to pay the outstanding home 17 cents as profit after deducting all expenses,
loan of the insured. Having a mortgage loan including taxes, operating costs, and interest.
insurance is typically required by banks when  In the insurance industry, a 17% net profit margin
granting home loans. In case of death of the would generally be considered quite favorable.
borrower, having an MRI avoids foreclosure of Insurance companies typically operate with
the mortgaged property at a time when relatively high overhead costs, including
financial support is needed most. Any life administrative expenses, underwriting costs, and
insurance benefits in excess of the outstanding claims payouts. Therefore, achieving a double-digit
loan will be payable to the borrower’s net profit margin indicates efficient operations and
beneficiaries. effective risk management
 An asset turnover ratio of 0.22 means that for every
peso of assets, the company generates P0.22 of
CORPORATE INSURANCE revenue. It indicates that the company may not be
efficiently utilizing its assets to generate sales
 Group Yearly Renewable Term Insurance Plan - compared to companies with higher asset turnover
Cash benefit for employees’ beneficiaries in the ratios. It could imply issues with inventory
event of death, regardless of cause. management, sales volume, or asset utilization.
 Group Personal Accident Insurance Plan - Cash  A debt ratio of 0.80 indicates that 80% of a
benefit for your employees or their beneficiaries company's assets are financed by debt, while the
for injuries or death resulting from accidents. remaining 20% are financed by equity. This means
the company has a relatively high level of debt
compared to its equity. High debt ratios can signal
Add-ons for additional coverage and cash benefits financial risk, as the company may have trouble
meeting its debt obligations, especially if earnings
decline or interest rates rise. It's essential to assess
this ratio in the context of the industry, company's
financial health, and future prospects.


Why should I buy, what is its difference from other

What is the process of applying for Insurance Policy?
insurance companies?
- On their website, pwedeng online account
- I think, there is only little to no difference when
through BDO Life Customer portal
it comes to insurance policies offered by BDO
- On their website, BDO Life Connect with a
Life’s competitor. They all offer insurance
Financial Advisor Form. Just fill out the form so
policies according to your wants and needs and
they can connect you to the nearest BDO Life
to your budget. So, I think it all boils down with
Financial Advisor.
Conveniency. BDO Life, as a subsidiary of the
- Just visit the nearest BDO branch.
largest bank in the Philippines, BDO Unibank, it
makes insurance policy near to people. So, we
can visit them physically at their banks or access
their portal online. Theodore Roosevelt: Comparison is the thief of joy
- Aside from that is also their performance, they - 26th president of US (1901-1909)
were rank 7 last year 2017, rank 5 last year
2022, and rank 4 during 2023. So they are
constantly improving. One of the factors is due “WE PROTECT WHAT YOU VALUE MOST”
to the large market pool and they were also able
to touch people with different income
classification and those who are in provinces.

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