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Assalamualaikum wr wb, hello everyone my name is Brilian Nabila, and my three last digits of student

number is zero seven eight from biology A 2023. So today we will talk about “save the biodiversity, keep
our health? Hm interesting….

pengertian biodiversity

what is biodiversity?

Biodiversity or Biological diversity is variety of life on Earth at all its levels, from genes to ecosystems. So
biodiversity the variety of animals, plants, fungi, and even microorganism like bacteria and virus. In
biodiversity, each species, no matter how big or small, has an important role to play in the ecosystem.
Various plant and animal species depend on each other for what each offer, and these diverse species
ensure natural sustainability for all life forms

The key factors affecting biodiversity are as follows like Pollution, climate change, Habitat loss and
Natural disasters

Save the biodiversity, keep our health?

Because They provide clean air, fresh water, medicines and food security. biodiversity provides food for
humans such as milk produced by cows and a bunch of rice plants or vegetable to be processed into
food. biodiversity such as plants provide medicines for medical purposes and trees turn CO2 into
oxygen. Plants use solar energy to grow. Shellfish purify the water. Bacteria break down organic material
into nutrients. Bees pollinate flowers and crops, enabling them to reproduce. Without all these living
organisms, we would not be able to survive.

how to save biodiversity

there are several ways to maintain biodiversity such as disposing of garbage in its place, minimizing the
use of plastic waste and doing reduce, reuce and recycle.

the advantages of save biodiversity

a. Disease Resistance
Genetically diverse populations have better chances of surviving a catastrophe like a pandemic.
b. Carbon Sequestration
Carbon sequestration is the process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere. It reduces atmospheric carbon dioxide and its ultimate goal is to reduce climate
c. Our food system and agriculture are strongly linked to biodiversity. Millions of species work
together to supply us with a variety of grains, vegetables, fruits, and animal products.

maybe that's all from me, thank you

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