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Bukidnon Mathematics for Inclusive Excellence

Mathematics 4 Lesson No. 2

Counting Numbers
1. Count 1- to 5-digit number and objects from 1 up to 100 000 with emphasis
on 500 to 100 000.
2. Solve word problem involving counting numbers up to 100,000.


 6 pcs. Manila Paper
 6 pcs. Pentel Pen
 5 set of Puzzled Picture

Teaching Mathematics Through Problem-Solving
Activity 1: Review/Drill (5 mins)
What to do/ask (Teacher):

 Divide the class into 5 groups.

 Distribute to each groups Picture Puzzles.
 Let the group arrange the puzzle and count and list the number of each
with a question mark in the picture.

What to do (Learner):
- Go to their group and arrange the puzzle picture.
- Count and list the number of each with a question mark in the picture.

What to ask (Teacher):

 How many birds are there in the picture? Rabbit? Mouse?
 How many flowers are there in the picture? Apples? Calla lily?

Activity 2: Mathematical Language/Vocabulary Development (5 mins)

what to do (Teacher)
 Show some numbers in words in strips or using power point presentation.
 Let the learners read the words using flashcards or PowerPoint presentation.
- Five hundred
- Seven hundred
- One thousand
- Five thousand five hundred

Bukidnon Mathematics for Inclusive Excellence

Mathematics 4 Lesson No. 2

- Seventy-eight thousand six hundred
- One hundred thousand
 Call random learner to write it in figure.

What to do (Learner):
 Read the words orally.
 Write the number words in figure.

Activity 3: Presentation & Discussion of Skill #1 (20 mins)

A. Presentation of the Problem (An open-ended problem)

What to do/ask (Teacher):

 Present the picture and word problem on the board or using power point

Manuel and Alice bought some apples and oranges in the market for their school
festival. If they bought 500 baskets of apples and 700 baskets of oranges. How
many pieces of apples and oranges they bought in all?

 Read the problem to the class first.

 Let the learners read the problem.
 Ask the following questions:
- What did Alice and Manuel buy?
- Where did the bought some apples and oranges?
- How many baskets of oranges they bought?
- How many baskets of apples they bought?

What to do (Learners):
 Answer the questions orally.

What to do (Teacher):
 Divide the class into 5 groups.
 Let them go to their respective group and solve the word problem

B. Collaborative Problem-Solving

What to do/say (Teacher):

 Guide learners how to accomplish the task.
 Provide the material needed.
Bukidnon Mathematics for Inclusive Excellence

Mathematics 4 Lesson No. 2

 Roam around, observe each group and listen carefully to learner’s new
and brilliant ideas.
 Record your relevant observations

What to do (Learners):
 Share ideas in the group.
 Answer collaboratively the word problem.
 Come up with at least one solution.

C. Comparison and Discussion

What to ask (Teacher):

 Continue roaming around to check progress.
 Observe learners/groups and listen carefully.
 Manage the time and groups.
 Provide support to learners/groups.
 Assign a learner to present their work.
 Record new and correct solution from the learners, if any.
 Encourage rethinking/redoing to solve the problem.
 Detect learners’ difficulty in accomplishing the task.

What to do (Learners):
 Discuss the solution (s) within the group.
 Identify the best or correct solutions.
 Group output be presented in the class.

D. Presentation of Possible Solutions

What to do/say (Teacher):

Present and discuss ALL solutions, tools, and strategies to come up with an answer
one at a time.
Possible Answer:
Oranges 9 x 700 = 6,300 pieces of oranges
Apples 10 x 500 = 5,000 pieces of apples
6300 + 5000 = 11,300 pieces of oranges and apples in all


-700 + 700 + 700 + 700 + 700 + 700 + 700 + 700 + 700 = 6,300 pieces of oranges
-500 + 500 +500 + 500 + 500 + 500 + 500 + 500 + 500 + 500 = 5000 pieces of apples
6300 + 5000 = 11,300 pieces of oranges and apples in all


Bukidnon Mathematics for Inclusive Excellence

Mathematics 4 Lesson No. 2

700, 1400, 2100, 28000, 3500, 4200, 4900, 5600, 6300
500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000
6300 + 5000 = 11,300 pieces of oranges and apples in all

E. Whole Class Discussion/Summary

What to do/say (Teacher):

 Ask the following questions:
 How do you come up with your group answer?
 What operation did you use to solve the problem?
 Explain and discuss how they solve the problem to come up in 1 solution.

 Follow up questions
 Why is it important for us to know how to count?
 How about if you are going to buy?

What to do (Learners):
 Listen and answer the questions orally.

IV. ASSESSMENT (10 mins)

1.How many Animals are all in the picture


2. If your friend caught 2 birds. How many birds


3. If you harvested all the apples and he sold it at

10/each apple. How much is his total sales?


VI. Remarks
No. of learners who needs additional support :
No. of learners who improved their performance :
Decision (Check : ___Re-teach; ___Review/Re-assess; ___Continue
which applies)

Bukidnon Mathematics for Inclusive Excellence

Mathematics 4 Lesson No. 2

VII. Reflection
What impact did my teaching have on student learning?"

How well did I differentiate my instruction to meet individual student


What changes can I make to enhance my teaching and better support my


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