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AMISTAD (PART TWO) chapter 8 to 14 (0:48 to 1:36)

A) Put the events back into the order of the film

1) 4 Joadson and Baldwin go aboard La Amistad

2) 8 Joadson finds an animal fang
3) 2 Baldwin finds papers listing the cargo of the Tecora
4) 9 Isabella II writes a letter to the American president
5) 12 Van Buren decides to dismiss the jury and force the judge to recuse himself
6) 14 Van Buren chooses Mr Coglin to judge the case
7) 17 Joadson meets John Quincy Adams again
8) 1 John Quincy Adams advises Joadson to find out who the slaves are
9) 5 Baldwin and Joadson learn how to speak Mende
10) 10 Baldwin and Joadson meet James Covey who can speak both Mende and English
11) 18 Balwin wants Cinque to speak in court because he is the big man according to the other slaves
12) 16 Cinque describes their journey
13) 11 Mr Holabird refuses to believe they have been slaughtered
14) 6 Captain Fitzgerald believes Cinque’s description and explains what slavers did not to be arrested
15) 13 Cinque starts shouting “Give us us free”
16) 15 Yamba and Cinque talk about the Bible
17) 3 Judge Coglin is seen praying in a church
18) 7 Cinque asks his friends to hold their head up

B) Complete the sentences:

- If the Africans are executed, the abolitionists will use it and make converts
If the Africans are freed, the Southern states will ally themselves against Van Buren and he won’t be re-elected
This could lead to a civil war
- If Cinque misses the lion, he (die) will die
If Cinque missed the lion, he (die) would die
If Cinque had missed the lion, he (die) would have died
- Killing your own slaves is like burning up your own hut (Mr Holabird)

C) Answer the following questions:

1) What is the Tecora? A transatlantic slave ship which trades off West Africa (the Ivory Coast, Sierra
2) Why is slavery outlawed in Sierra Leone? It’s a protectorate of the British Cown and slavery is
outlawed there
3) What does Isabella II ask the American president? She wants the slaves back to Spain and writes that as
slave-owning nations, the USA and Spain must stand firm
4) How much do you know about Judge Coglin? He’s young (career before him, not behind) and insecure
(his grandfather was Catholic)
5) How much do you know about James Covey? He was rescued off a slave ship by the British navy and
never went back
6) Why is Cinque considered a big man by the other slaves? He killed a lion (actually, he killed it with a
simple rock, it was the lion or himself, he doesn’t think he deserves anything although he accepted what
was given to him). His second “lion” aboard La Amistad: the rebellion was no bravery to him because
any man would do the same to get back to his family.
7) Describe Cinque’s journey. He was kidnapped by black men who exchanged him and others against money,
was taken to Lomboko slave fortress then taken aboard the Tecora, chained, beaten, starved, (women were raped
and men were whipped by sailors, some slaves committed suicide, food was not given to all of them and they had
to eat in their hands, some were drowned in the sea), then they were sold by auction, that’s when Jose Ruiz and
Pedro Montez bought them. They were taken aboard La Amistad and given Spanish names. Then they managed to
free themselves and took control of the boat. Ruiz and Montes convinced some they’d take them back home. They
were arrested and jailed in the USA.

A) Put the events back into the order of the film

1) John Quincy Adams advises Joadson to find out who the slaves are
2) Baldwin finds papers listing the cargo of the Tecora
3) Judge Coglin is seen praying in a church
4) Joadson and Baldwin go aboard La Amistad
5) Baldwin and Joadson learn how to speak Mende
6) Captain Fitzgerald believes Cinque’s description and explains what slavers did not to be arrested
7) Cinque asks his friends to hold their head up
8) Joadson finds an animal fang
9) Isabella II writes a letter to the American president
10) Baldwin and Joadson meet James Covey who can speak both Mende and English
11) Mr Holabird refuses to believe they have been slaughtered
12) Van Buren decides to dismiss the jury and force the judge to recuse himself
13) Cinque starts shouting “Give us us free”
14) Van Buren chooses Mr Coglin to judge the case
15) Yamba and Cinque talk about the Bible
16) Cinque describes their journey
17) Joadson meets John Quincy Adams again
18) Balwin wants Cinque to speak in court because he is the big man according to the other slaves

B) Complete the sentences

- If the Africans are executed, the abolitionists ____________________________________

If the Africans are freed, the Southern states ______________________________________
This could lead to ________________________________________
- If Cinque misses the lion, he (die) ____________________________________
If Cinque missed the lion, he (die) ____________________________________
If Cinque had missed the lion, he (die) ____________________________________
- Killing your own slaves is like ___________________________ your own hut (Mr Holabird)

C) Answer the following questions:

1) What is the Tecora?

2) Why is slavery outlawed in Sierra Leone?

3) What does Isabella II ask the American president?

4) How much do you know about Judge Coglin?

5) How much do you know about James Covey?

6) Why is Cinque considered a big man by the other slaves?

7) Describe Cinque’s journey.

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