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NETWORK COMPUTING Modes Course Tals] Network Computing Course Code | ERS CouneLevel [200] Craditvalne —]Z Semester z Prerequisite Course Delivery | Faceto | Practical] Work Based] Seminars] independent] Teaming Practicum face gy [Activity mm |Leaming ]] Cj — fsway ( — Jopportunites mmm) Course Description for significant Teaming (indicate NIS, NTECE BSC GLE tbe addeessed) Ths ca > nroduces sents Yo the Basie principles of data communicalvons and computer networks, The Topics include data transmission, multiplexing ror detection and contro, data link protocols, circuit and packet switching, ‘low contol, and routing algorithms. The ISO-OSI network layer mode! loca area networks, public telephone and data networks, ISDN, ATM networks and the Internet ate also introduced, Multimedia communication principles * the delivery of this course would prepare trainees to be mindful of gender roles and issues about equity and inclusivity by paying atention tothe learning progress ofall students, issues are finally discussed. The appreaches that would be used in (NTS 2h, 2c, 3a, 3e,3e-3m, 3p; NTECF Pilar 1) for Each learning Coarse Taming | Oxteomes Triators ‘Outeomes including ‘On successful completion ofthis course, stadent | The following will be ues to measure the achievement of TuDICreros | acher will beable to: the corresponding learning outcomes: T. Describe the impact of computer networking on | 1-1 Explain bow networks fapact dally today's society 1.2 Deseribe the role of dla networking inthe human network 1.3 List the opportunities and challenges posed by converged networks [NTECF, NTS 2c, 31, 83K Demonstrate lnowledge in We Tndamentl concepts of data communication NIECE, NTS 2e, 34, & 22 TT List the ey componenis ofa data network 22 List the components ofa network 2.3 Explain the addressing and naming sehemes used in network communications 3. Demonstate a good understanding in Nework Models and protocols [NTS 2, 2e, 34,36, 363m, 3p; NTECF Pilar | 31 Define the ole of protocols tw 3.2 Liste advantages of using a layered network model 53.3 Desctbe the role ofeach layer in the OST and TCP/IP models “E_Demonstrate knowledge and understanding i LAN and WAN technologies and topology. NTS 23,2, 26,2¢. 26 36-30. “FT Tine the main characterises of common neRwork architectures 42 Analyse the structure ofa network 443 Identify and differentiate between a straight-through anda crossover cable 3. Constracta ample Eivemet TAN NIS 2a, 2b, 26, 2e.2F, 3630 $11 Design an addressing scheme fora network 5.2 Create & logical Design of simple Ethernet LAN 5.3 Create a physicel design of a simple Ethemet LAN Course Content SubTopics Tangy Teaching and Teaming aves fo achieve Tats | Topics leaming outcomes Tat [Daw TT Neiworis and open stem = Disease computer networks and he Communication | standards: the OSI reference model (081 model Conceprs ‘+ Brainstorm the differences between 1.2 Network topologies and the TCDIIP andthe OSt mode, physical layer ‘+ Demonstrate network topologies by 1a Baise, ng «Discusion om en sener ‘topology, star topology communietion, 1.4 Client-server communications 1 Group debate on future of data communications, Encourage TS The fine oF Gate Temales to Toad groups to dead gender stereotypes. Unit2 [2 Transmission [2.1 The electrical inverace “Give a lecture on the various Media and ; ‘transmission media Transmission |» Metallic media Group students to discuss the Technologies | 2.3 Optical ber media advantages and disadvantages of the Various transmission media 24 Wireless media (line-of-sight Encourage females to lead groups ‘media to deal gender stereotypes. Discussion on communication 2.5 Baseband and broadband signals and modems. 2.6 Transmission bandwidth (Channel eapacity) 2.7 Analog and digital signals 2.8 Modulation and demodulation ‘modems and modem standards Tats [x Dae 1 Simplex, hall-Guplex, Fall= ‘Use presentation to dat Transmission | duplex communications ‘wansmission 3.2 Serial and parallel transmission 2.3 Synchronous transmission 434 Asynchronous transmission 4.5 Interface standards Group students to outline the advantages and disadvantages of the various transmission modes, Encourage femles to lead groups to deal gender stereotypes. Ts Maliplening of signals alta | Laval Area Networks TITAN sanded 42 Intercomnecting LANs (Server platforms, backup devices, LAN adapters, printers, te) 4.2.LAN system software, LAN application software 4A LAN selection eiteria 4.5 Wireless LAN, Design simple LAN fore Iaboratory Group student to outline the advantages and disedvantages of ‘wired and wireless LAN. Tas] 5 MetopoTian ‘Area Networks (MANS) and Wide ‘Area Networks (WANS) So Newark routing 5.2 Public data networks 5.3 Circuitawitehed data 54 Packetswitched data nebwork 55 Internet protoeo 5.6 Blectonie ma Discuss the design of a simple MAN for a campus Give a presentation on Packet and circuit data networks, Group students to discuss public and private networks. Encourage females to lead groups to deal gender steootypes. Discuss Internet protocols, Course Components: (Bducative 7 combination of Formative and summative assevamenttncding Group aks, quizes, dividual and take home assignment and examination willbe used ‘Component 1: Formative ‘Quizzes, and individual assignments= 20%, Group assignments and seminar presentations= 21 ssment (Weighting40% Torandas Teaming) “Core sls Yo be developed: Interpersonal and presonaton sls, ivellccual Sls, Fesearch ad organisation and creative skills, Assessing leaming outcomes: CLO 1-3 ‘Component 2: Summative assessment: End of semester examination (Weightng-60% Par A: Practical Examination -30%, Part B: Theoretical Examination-30% Core skills to be developed: Interpersonal an presentation sil, intellectual skill, research and organisati and cteative sills, Assessing leaming outcomes: CLO 1-5 Thatta Resources “Astviy aids, computer with MS-OFiee suite Computer assisted instruction, Interactive simulations, Smart phones, Google, YouTube, MS-PowerPoint projections Requred Text core) Forouzan, A,B (B006), Data communications & networking fie), Tata McGraw Til Education, india, Stallings, W. (2007), Data and computer communications, Pearson Eucal ‘Adaiional Reading List, Peterson, LT, & Davie, BS, (OUT) Conapater networks a stems approach, FISEVeh

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